6 Times a Day Chapter 1089 Glory’s Imagination!!!

Chapter 1089 Glory’s Imagination!!!

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Alan went to Glory’s fourth-period class feeling extremely frazzled. He felt that there had been too many exciting events for him during the day and too much excitement in recent days as well. He also knew that as much as had happened to him already, he still had most of the day ahead of him. The possibility that the football players could attack him at any moment and might well attack him before the school day was over was particularly stressful for him.

Sexually, he was exhausted and wanted a break, yet his Christine fantasies had been keeping him in a near-constant state of arousal for over an hour. What he really wanted to do was to empty his balls, at the first opportunity, in a warm and receptive female.

With all this going on in his head, he had little to no thought of Glory. But as soon as he entered her classroom and took one look at her, all that changed. It was a sunny day, and radiant beams of light were falling through the windows onto her face, making her look breathtakingly gorgeous, even angelic.

Then she turned to him and gave him a heartwarming smile. It would be more accurate to call it a heart-melting smile.

He felt so overwhelmed by her love, kindness, and attention that he felt like she’d turned him into a puddle of goo. He felt a surge of emotion and mentally cried in frustration, Ohhhh Gaawwwd! No!

Suddenly, all of his other problems didn’t matter one bit. He even temporarily set aside any thoughts of the other women in his life. Now, all of his focus was on Glory.

Class started and Glory began to teach, but Alan barely heard a word she said. His erection had gone down and he was very thankful for that. He wasn’t actually aroused by Glory at the moment despite her stunning looks; he was more emotionally moved by her presence. Looking at her brought a peace and calm to his mind and body that he badly needed.

Despite the fact that the state of their relationship was up in the air, he strongly believed that no matter what happened she would be there for him if he needed her, and he would be there for her. Regardless of how their romantic future turned out, he was determined to do whatever it took to at least keep her as a friend and mentor. She was a rock of sanity for him in the increasingly stormy sea that was his high school life.

But Glory would have found the idea of anyone calling her a "rock of sanity" bitterly ironic, because she felt as if she was about to completely lose her mind. When she saw Alan enter her classroom, she also felt a surge of strong emotion. She could tell that he was stressed and troubled, and she gave him the most encouraging smile she could muster under the circumstances. She wanted to hold him for a long time until he was okay. But she wanted to do more than just hold him - much more.

As Glory’s students settled into their seats, she thought, God, how I want to hug him! But a supportive hug like that would lead to a kiss. And a kiss would lead to some heavy necking with lots of tongue. That would lead to some serious petting. I can just imagine him quickly making short work of whatever clothes I might be wearing while I wrap a leg around him. He isn’t much for women wearing clothes, I’ve gathered. However, he’s a bit crazy when it comes to breasts. His hands would be all over my chest before I’d know what was happening and there would be no way of stopping him.

But then again, who would WANT to stop him?! He’s so good! The way he can make love to a woman’s breasts with his fingers ... and tongue! Good Lord, that tongue! That feels so good that there’s just no way I’m going to keep my hands out of his pants. What kind of woman has that kind of control? His fingers would be slipping inside of my- Oh! I can’t even think about it! To think that I could be holding his hot, cum-filled cock in my dainty fingers, that throbbing, talented, tasty...! Arrgh! Stop it! Glory, stop it right now!

She snapped out of her sexual thoughts as the last student came inside and found his seat. You see? This is why I have to take a 100% firm no-touching policy. Alan is like sexual crack and I’m going through some serious withdrawal. It’s been a couple of days since we broke up and each day gets worse as my body craves another Alan fix more and more. Right now I’m at my most vulnerable.

Just a couple more days and these feelings should pass and I’ll be able to get over him. With the four-day Thanksgiving vacation starting tomorrow, I’ll get over this hump and be back on track, just so long as I can make it through the rest of the school day without touching him. I really should just skip our lunch hour together, but just look at him. He needs to talk. He seriously needs to talk. Something’s wrong. I can’t abandon him in his time of need.

Feeling empowered with that resolution, Glory began to teach. At first, she did okay. But after a while the lesson necessitated she go up to the chalkboard and start writing on it. This was troublesome and dangerous for her, because once again she’d failed to wear any underwear. Alan had offhandedly told her some days before not to wear underwear anymore. She didn’t understand why, but she continued to follow this order even though she was fairly certain that he had forgotten all about it.

Furthermore, she had dressed about as provocatively as she thought she could get away with without causing tongues to wag. She let a lot of cleavage show, but it was at the outer bounds of what she’d worn in the past. Since she wasn’t wearing a bra, the fabric rubbed her nipples delightfully every which way whenever she moved. And because Alan was in the room, her nipples were hard and had been protruding ever since her fourth-period class began. Fortunately, she wore a dark maroon satin blouse; otherwise, her nipples would have been obvious to everyone.

But while she’d shown a lot of cleavage before, she’d never worn a skirt as short and tight as the one she wore today. Since she wasn’t wearing any panties, she was taking a great risk. If she had to bend over for any reason, or even casually sit on the front edge of her desk as she sometimes did while lecturing, she’d expose all of her naked privates to the entire class. Her teaching career might come to a sudden halt right there.

But she couldn’t keep herself from dressing like that because she was of two minds. She wanted to both push Alan away and pull him towards her. She’d had mixed feelings about men and boyfriends before, but nothing like this. It was like her brain was splitting in two and heading at full speed in opposite directions.

She’d gone to a sex shop the previous afternoon and bought a variety of sex toys to augment the one dildo she already owned. Then she spent the rest of the afternoon and evening alternating between bouts of frenzied masturbation and periods of relative sanity and resolve. She tried to argue that "overdosing" on fantasies about Alan would help her get over him, but she wasn’t sure anymore if that was true or not. She even had some of her new toys in her purse at the moment, "just in case," and she wasn’t sure about the wisdom of that either.

Because of what she chose to wear (or not wear), walking around in front of the class and writing on the chalkboard were very arousing acts for her. She imagined, and almost hoped, that her skirt had ridden up so much that her pussy was completely exposed. In her fantasy, at any moment someone would notice her lack of panties and publicly expose her. Of course in reality complete disaster would follow, but in her addled state she was just getting off on the danger.

She managed to carry on this way for twenty minutes or more, but she found herself growing more and more aroused as she began to purposely walk more than necessary, just to increase the danger and feel a slight breeze blowing on her moistening pussy lips. If her skirt rode up only a couple more inches, her fantasy would become real.

Finally, there came a point when a voice inside her head began to dare her to drop a piece of chalk and bend down to pick it up. She recognized at that moment that she’d become too horny to teach effectively, so she cut the lesson short and handed out an in-class assignment.

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That allowed her to go to the relative safety of sitting behind her desk where she hoped to cool down, but in fact she didn’t cool down at all. Her imagination was in overdrive.

She thought, That was close! What’s gotten into me?! I mean, the very idea of bending over to pick up the chalk - it’s outrageous! To think what could have happened. There I’d be, bending over so I could touch my toes, my pussy exposed for everyone to see. Not only that, but this skirt is so short that it would ride up and my entire ass would be on display! Of course, knowing Alan would be watching, merely exposing myself like that wouldn’t be enough. I’d have to fumble around for who knows how many minutes, trying and failing to scoop up the chalk, all the while spreading my legs farther and farther apart, for him!

I’m sure the room would go dead quiet at first. Or maybe there would be some gasps. Screams, even. People would begin to shout helpful things like, "Ms. Rhymer, cover up!" Some of the more naughty boys would shout ruder things, like "Hoo-yeah!" I’ll bet Jeremy would yell, "There is a God!" He loves that saying and I know he has a crush on me. Hee-hee.

But that wouldn’t even be the half of it. If I’ve gone that far, why stop there? It’s time for everyone to know Alan has turned me into his personal slut! I’d stand back up but fail to readjust my skirt so it would still tightly cling to my hips and keep my pussy in full view, giving everyone a great frontal shot. Faking a confused look, I’d go sit on the edge of my desk, putting my pussy on even better display! Heck, I’d hike my skirt up a bit more before sitting down, just to make sure they saw everything!

And what would they see? They’d see rivers, and I do mean absolute rivers, of feminine juices flowing down my thighs, because that’s how hot I’d be! "I’d be"? Heck, that’s how hot I am right now! I’m squirming in my seat so bad that it’s a wonder no one has noticed yet! It’s like the chair is burning at 120 degrees or more; there’s no way I can sit still! Maybe I should get my purse and take out one of the... Nah. Keep it cool, Glory. Keep it cool. Relax.

Just imagine, I’d be sitting there on the edge of the desk, cool as a cucumber, pretending like nothing’s wrong. My privates on display for everyone to see. For ALAN to see!

Hee! So naughty! But of course the class would be in a total commotion by then. Complete bedlam! Before too long, someone would be bound to get bolder and say something like, "Ms. Rhymer, your skirt! It’s exposing... well... We can see your pussy and everything!"

That’s when I’d REALLY throw them for a loop. Rather than pull my skirt down, I’d actually pull it up even more! Then I’d say, "My pussy? You must be mistaken. I don’t have a pussy. This isn’t mine. This is Alan’s pussy." I’d wink in his direction, and stud that he is, he’d take it in stride and wink back.

Then, the incredible fuck god that he is, he’d have to come to the front of the class and whip out that eighteen-incher in front of everybody! Hee! ... Did I say eighteen? I think I did, ’cos that’s what it feels like most of the time when it’s inside me! So FULL! So GOOOOD! Anyway, he’d whip out that marvelous eight-incher and take what’s his! He’d show everyone that we’re lovers, and in the most graphic terms imaginable! He’d fuckin’ slip his huge sausage right into my tight cunt, in front of the whole class! My pussy was made to perfectly fit his cock, and that’s just a plain fact! Let everyone know! I don’t care!

Oh God! Glory bit her lip so hard it nearly bled. She was fidgeting wildly in her chair now, as if she really was sizzling on a burning chair. Not only could she vividly imagine Alan fucking her, her body could almost feel it.

Or, more properly, it’s not so much that we’re lovers as it is that I belong to him! Gloria Rhymer, one of your students, a mere eighteen year old boy, owns your pussy! And the rest of your body, for that matter. Hell, he owns your heart, your mind, and even your SOUL! Dear Lord God, this devilish boy owns my very soul! It’s like I made a deal with the devil and I LOVE IT! Young man, what I wouldn’t give to share another role-play fantasy with you, right now! Alan, get your glorious ass up here and fuck your teacher like you mean it! Show everyone our forbidden love, you demon of lust! Do me now! Do me hard! YES!

Glory abruptly stopped and stood up. She looked at the class to see if anyone had noticed her strange behavior, especially the way she was rocking and shaking in her chair. Luckily, she’d given the students such a difficult assignment that they were completely consumed with their task. Not even Alan had given her a second glance.

She slumped down a bit and sighed with relief. Phew! I have to be thankful my luck has held out once again. What am I doing taking these kinds of risks? And saying Alan owns my body? What’s gotten into me? Not Alan lately, ha ha! She had to stifle the urge to laugh like a maniac at that joke.

She stood there for a few moments until her body stopped trembling, then she made her way to the door, making sure to take her purse with her. Luckily, her students were still so hard at work that there were no more than a few brief glances up. Most of the people who paid her any mind were habitual cheaters who were happy to see she’d be gone for a few minutes so they could look at the papers on nearby desks.

Glory hobbled her way down to the ladies’ room, eager to achieve the "big O." The fact that she was hobbling was interesting as well, because she was wearing four-inch heels for the first time in her life, and didn’t really know why. Or at least she wouldn’t normally admit why.

But as she headed to the restroom, she thought, Fuck these shoes. I hate these shoes! But I’m wearing these cruel shoes for him! HIM! I want him to notice me, to look at me! How can I compete with the likes of Suzanne or Heather? It’s impossible! I have to do more! I have to please him MORE somehow!

The thought of Alan’s other lovers suddenly made her very depressed. It made her feel as if all her words and fantasies were desperate and pathetic. But she was so close to a climax she couldn’t stop now.

As she sat in a bathroom stall shoving a vibrator in and out of her pussy, she couldn’t get the thought of Alan’s other women out of her head. She knew that she was not his most loved woman. In fact, she instinctually felt that she might rank no better than somewhere in the middle of his long list of women. On the other hand, she knew that her "list" of the men she lusted after and adored had just one name on it: "Alan Plummer."

These thoughts were so depressing that she began to cry even as she climbed up to a great climax. The fact that she knew he was having sex with at least three women gorgeous enough to be movie stars, Amy, Suzanne, and Susan, aroused her terribly, while at the same time the very same thought depressed her profoundly. She cried both tears of joy and sorrow as a powerful climax hit her and nearly overwhelmed her into unconsciousness.

She took a while after that to recover and clean herself up. As she reapplied her makeup in the bathroom mirror, she found herself in a different mood. Well. That was something. Completely irresponsible of course, that I’m here pleasuring myself instead of teaching my class. But all in all, it was probably a good thing, a necessary thing. I’ve been feeling something like that coming on all day. It was good that I got it out of my system BEFORE lunch or I wouldn’t have had the self-control to resist Alan when I was with him one on one. Now, I feel like I can make it.

Not only that, but I’m reminded so powerfully why I have to get away from him. I will NOT settle for third place or fifth place or whatever he thinks I am. No way. No. Damn. Way. Period! If I can just make it through lunch, I’ll be home free!

She was in a much better mood after that. She came back to her class mentally alert and in control of herself once more.

Alan was in a fairly good mood by then as well. He was actually grateful for the in-class assignment because it made him forget everything else for a little while.

Thus, when class ended and everyone filed out until just Alan was there, Alan and Glory were able to meet each other on levelheaded terms, with neither one of them particularly aroused.

Alan had a lot to discuss with her, particularly about his recent football player woes. However, he still felt distraught and overwhelmed. He stood up and said, "Glory, could I have a hug? I really need it."

Glory thought back to her very recent fantasies and her "100% firm no touching" policy, and said, "I know you do, and believe me I’d love to give it to you ... but we can’t. Remember what we agreed to on Monday? Things are going to be completely platonic between us. That’s how it has to be. Until things kind of settle down, I’d rather not even hug you because I’m afraid of a slippery slope. But please. Tell me what’s bothering you. From the moment you came into class I could see that something is very wrong."

Disappointed, but understanding why he couldn’t get a hug, he sat back down and began to tell her about his day.

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