6 Times a Day Chapter 1097 Glory, how are you taking this?

Chapter 1097 Glory, how are you taking this?

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Everyone seemed a lot more relaxed by now, except for Heather.

Heather was shaking with what looked like barely-controlled?fury, but in fact she was shaking mostly from extreme arousal. She was?still bending over, and felt completely humiliated. This is fucking?bullshit! Ms. Rhymer and Simone are having a nice little chat while they?stare at me and laugh. Some fucking best friend Simone is! I’m gonna?rip her throat out! And what the fuck is up with Alan? Is he gonna let?me stand up already, or what? Why doesn’t he just fuckin’ slide his fat?cock into my asshole and make my humiliation complete?!

That idea was so arousing to her that she very nearly toppled?over. She was forced to stand up, mostly because she was simply too?aroused to remain bent over like that.

As she straightened up, she looked around like she wanted to?tear someone a new asshole and didn’t know who to attack first. But both?her tits were still hanging out of her top and bouncing around. She?looked down and her blush deepened as she realized what she was showing.?The sting of her fury faded into shame as she tried to stuff her boobs?back into her tight top.

Alan was loving her show, and making no serious effort to?hide the big bulge in his crotch. He could scarcely believe that Heather?actually bent over like that and stayed that way.

Simone was smirking, and continued to stare at Heather as she?talked. "Well, like I was saying, Heather was in her spaced out mode?when she got back to school. Except something seemed weird about it. It?was almost like she was trying too hard. It just didn’t feel right. And?then there was this one moment as we were eating lunch only a few?minutes ago when she said something to me and I could tell. I’ve known?her practically all my life and ... I could just tell. I can’t explain?it, but I know she’s faking. She had that scheming look, I mean, even?more than she normally does. I think she’s taken her bitch trainer out?but she doesn’t want us to know. Which means that, first of all, she’s?deliberately broken the rules of her training, but worse yet, she’s up?to something. And have you noticed her acting spacey just now? No. It’s?like she’s not even trying since I caught her."

"Wait a minute!" Heather exploded. "You said this was?something to do with the football players! You said he was in trouble!?Liar!" Both her arms were covering her breasts now, as if that could?make up for the fact they were exposed a few moments earlier.

Simone replied, now showing considerable resolve, "He is in?trouble. But from you. Are you in cahoots with the football players? I?hope not. As your friend, I pray not. But as Alan’s friend and Assistant?Bitch Trainer, I owe it to him to voice my suspicions. He’s the one?who’s going to get hurt if you do something over the top, which you HAVE?been known to do."

Now the dark-skinned babe looked to Alan. "And I hate doing?it here and upsetting Ms. Rhymer and everything, but this is probably?the only chance to catch Heather red-handed before she does whatever it?is that she’s planning to do."

Glory was completely amazed. Simone? "Assistant Bitch?Trainer"? I have no idea what the hell all that "Bitch Trainer" talk?means, but all of this clearly shows I was right in guessing Alan is?fucking her, too. And it looks like she’s also fallen under his sexual?spell too, big time. Not that I can really blame her, but still. Dammit,?why doesn’t he have better taste?

And Heather! I just can’t believe the way he has her?acting! Is that going to be my fate? Am I going to lose all free will?and become some kind of submissive sex toy for him? If he can do it to?her, he can do it to anyone! Jesus! No wonder I have to avoid him like?the plague, while I still have any sanity or willpower left! Sure, I’m?pissed as all get out, and yet it’s so arousing! So damn arousing! To?get even Heather - Heather! - to act like that! If nothing else, I have?to admit it’s damn impressive! She was bending over with her ass?completely exposed and her tits bouncing out of her top, AND steam?pouring out of her ears. It was pretty hot, to be honest. DAMN that boy?and his fucking amazing cock!

Glory was so overcome by her swirling emotions that she started to visibly pant. Oh shit! I must be leaking like a faucet, and without panties on, they’re going to see!

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The sexy teacher retreated to her desk so she could sit down?and surreptitiously wipe her inner thighs dry. She wasn’t that big of a?leaker, but it was the only way to check and avoid a huge embarrassment.?As she sat there, she thought, Look at me! I’m not wearing any?panties, and why? I don’t know! At least Heather is wearing a thong. Am I?actually WORSE than her?! Does Alan already have me completely under?his thumb too and I just don’t realize it?

Heather had been looking to get away from Glory, who had been?continually staring at her in open amazement and disbelief more or less?since Heather had bent over and said "Sir." Her pussy was incredibly?wet, and like Glory, she wanted to wipe her inner thighs dry. She also?knew that her pungent wet pussy smell was filling up the room, and that?could only cause more embarrassment.

But she had another, more important motive. Now that Glory?had moved behind her desk and had a more limited field of vision, it?gave Heather the opportunity she was looking for. While Simone had been?talking to Alan about how Heather was "up to something," Heather had?managed to take a small object out of a pocket and palm it in her hand.

Now, Heather bent back over at a ninety-degree angle and said?to Alan, "Alan, Sir, Simone is completely full of it. Some friend!?She’s a backstabbing traitor, AGAIN, filled with nothing but false?accusations! Do you remember how well you fucked me today before school??Sir? You left me literally unable to walk, and that was just from?letting me suck your cock and then lick Simone’s juices off of it! Do?you think I’d really do ANYTHING to jeopardize being cut off from your?magnificent rod? I’d have to be crazy! Sir!"

The other two turned to Alan for a reaction while Alan looked?at Glory with a sheepish expression. He had no plans to expose Glory to?this aspect of his life. She could get quite jealous to begin with and?might even start thinking of him as some sort of S&M-crazy control?freak. Clearly, Heather was so aroused that she wasn’t censoring her?language in the slightest, nor did she seem to care that her nipples and?ass cheeks were exposed again.

But events seemed to have a momentum of their own, and Alan?couldn’t help but watch to see what would happen. He might have stepped?in, but at least so far, Glory seemed to be taking things much better?than he ever could have imagined. Besides, he was so aroused by seeing?Heather bent over that he was in no hurry to have her stand back up.

Heather had anticipated that Simone and Alan would look away?to check Glory’s reaction. Taking advantage of the momentary shift of?attention, she reached out from where she was bent over and stuck the?item she’d been palming in her hand in a spot far down the underside of?the nearest student desk. She planted it between two metal bars where?she was almost positive no stray hand was likely to ever reach. Then she?stood back up. She was satisfied by the looks on everyone’s faces that?no one had noticed her movements.

She mentally patted herself on the back, particularly proud?that she’d managed to attach the item shortly after Simone had mentioned?the importance of catching Heather "before she does whatever it is that?she’s planning to do."

She thought, Ah, the irony! Delicious! Simone, my?backstabbing "friend," if you only knew that I gave you that look?precisely so you’d bring me up here! You’re such a predictable Alan?lover wanna-be that it’s pathetic. To him, you’re just another cunt, but?I’m his one and only bitchslut. She said this last word in her mind with pride, as if it was a high and mighty honorific. If?he wants the best fuck he’s ever going to get, he spreads MY legs! All?of this embarrassment in front of Ms. Rhymer will soon be paid back and?in spades. Ms. Rhymer, it’s payback time! Who’s your daddy? Who’s the?so-called bitch now? Ha!

Meanwhile, Alan was saying to the others with concern,?"Unfortunately, I can believe all too well that Heather is up to?something. As to whether she’s in league with the football players, I?doubt that. I hope all the bitch training I’ve done so far has had at?least SOME effect."

He’d been acting as if Heather wasn’t there, but now he?turned to her and addressed her. "But if you’re so innocent, prove it.?Bend over and let Simone find out just what you may or may not have up?your ass right now."

Heather was so busy gloating that she almost missed what Alan?said, but she managed to respond quickly enough to avoid suspicion. She?covered her delay in reacting by pretending that she was shocked at his?suggestion. She stammered, "What? Now? Here? In front of Ms. Rhymer of?all people?! You’ve got to be kidding me! Why do I always have to fuc-?have to bend over for you? Sir?" Despite her surly attitude, she?remembered as she was almost finished talking the position she had to be?in when addressing Alan, so she bent over and stuck her ass up high?again. Having to do that aroused her greatly, just like before, but it?also greatly annoyed her, and she let out an irritated groan as she did?so.

Alan was amazed that Heather kept bending over like that, but?he tried to act like it was no big deal. He turned back to his teacher.?"That is a good point. Glory, how are you taking this? I apologize for?shocking you like this, and I guess we’re getting a little carried away,?but you did basically say ’bring it on’ and told us to say it all in?front of you. You’ve heard a bit about my sex life; now you’re seeing it?face to face, warts and all."

Glory pretended distress, though her true feelings were more a?stunned fascination, like watching a car wreck. Gossip hound that she?was, she wasn’t about to miss anything the others might do for the?world. Standing back up, she walked around her desk and said, "I am?disturbed. Very disturbed. I cannot even begin to fathom your taste in?women, Alan. No offense, Simone, I don’t mean you." She was happy to get?in another not-so-subtle jab at Heather. "But we all know Heather too?well. If you can prevent yet more trouble from her, then go ahead and do?whatever you have to do. As I said, I won’t say a word about what?happens here. But please. Make it quick and clinical."

Heather, standing again, flipped her middle finger at Glory.

Glory’s eyes narrowed as she pointed at Heather. "Don’t push?it, young lady! And I do use the word ’lady’ extremely loosely in your?case. I don’t care what I said earlier; one more nasty word out of you?and you WILL be in trouble." She snickered, "’Extremely loose.’ How?appropriate."

Heather shot back, "Hey! Just because you’re a teacher that doesn’t give you the right to make those kinds of insults!"

Normally she would have said more, much more, but the fact?that she’d managed to set her trap like she wanted more than made up for?the insults she was being forced to endure.

"All right," Glory agreed wearily, taking a seat next to Alan?in the front row of desks as if she was a student. "Let’s just get this?over with and then you can get out of here. Simone, do whatever it is?you have to do."

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