6 Times a Day Chapter 1112 Enter Xania!

Chapter 1112 Enter Xania!

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Sean lived in the same general direction as the Plummers’ while Christine lived in the opposite direction. So after the ice cream, Christine went one way and everyone else went the other, with Sean on one bicycle and Amy and Alan sharing her bicycle.

As Amy and Alan got to the front of the Plummer house, Sean took a look around, saw no signs of a football player ambush, and began to peel off towards his own house.

Alan yelled as he waved goodbye to his friend, "Sean, very important: you must go straight home. I need to call you on the phone and talk about some important stuff right away, just one to one, so please be there!"

Sean nodded in understanding and headed home. He figured it must be something that Alan didn’t want Amy to hear or they could have discussed it as they bicycled. That puzzled and intrigued him because Alan and Amy seemed to be very close to each other. He’d noticed these days that when they were in the same room it was like one could actually see and feel the bond between them.

After Sean got home he lingered in his kitchen, eating a snack and reading a Newsweek magazine while waiting for Alan’s call to come. Five minutes, then ten minutes, then twenty minutes passed and still no call. He decided Alan might be a long time explaining all the troubles of the day to his mother and sister and there was no telling how much longer he’d have to wait, so he finally went upstairs and began working on his homework.

He’d hardly sat down when there was a knock at the front door. He didn’t hear it as he’d started to blast the latest White Stripes album. As the song "Fell in Love with a Girl" began to play, his eight-year-old sister Gina came breathlessly rushing up into his room.

"Sean, there’s a really pretty lady at the door and she says she wants to speak to you." Gina said this excitedly as if she could hardly believe it herself.

Sean got up, figuring it must be some kind of salesperson asking for the "man of the house" or something like that. Since his mother was always glued to one of her favorite TV shows at this hour, he figured he’d have to be the one to deal with it. "A woman, you said? Not a girl?"

"Definitely a woman. And I do mean she’s really, really pretty." 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝘦𝘸𝑒𝑏𝓃𝑜𝓿𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝓶

Sean got up and sullenly dragged himself down the stairs. But when he opened the front door his jaw nearly hit the floor.

There stood Xania, dressed to the nines and looking about as sexy as any woman possibly could be. She winked suggestively at Sean and then said in a low, breathy, sensual voice, "Can Sean come out and play?"/n/o/vel/b/in witnessed the first publication of this chapter on N0vel--Bjjn.

Sean’s penis went from zero to sixty in about two seconds flat. The blood drained from the head on his neck so fast he felt momentarily dizzy. He looked back at Gina (who stood halfway back up the stairs), wondering at the situation. He needed to make sure that this was really happening and that he wasn’t passed out upstairs and dreaming in his room. He looked back at Xania, standing there on his doorstep, in broad daylight, and couldn’t think of a single thing to say. He was completely dumbstruck by the fact that she was even there, let alone the fact that she was asking him out.

Xania casually reached out and closed Sean’s gaping jaw with her fingertips. The corners of her lips twitched as she tried hard not to laugh at the priceless expression on his face.

He still stood there, apparently unable to fully recover from the shock she’d given him. His head was filled with memories of the first (and so far, only) time he’d been with Xania. That was a weekend he knew he’d never forget. While he had greatly enjoyed the sexual attentions of Kim, Janice, and Joy, Xania was in another league altogether.

She glanced down at his groin and quickly confirmed that she’d had exactly the effect she’d wanted to achieve. No doubt the poor boy is having a hard time thinking in words right now, let alone in coherent sentences. She chuckled to herself at his discomfiture. He was ripe for the plucking and hadn’t realized yet that she already held him in the palm of her hand.

The sound and feel of his teeth clicking together brought Sean at least partway out of his shell-shocked reverie. He blinked a couple of times and then seemed to focus on her slightly better than he had been.

"I, um..." He blinked again, "I’m uh, waiting for a call. From, uh, Alan."

"Oh?" Xania inquired with pretended innocence.

It suddenly dawned on Sean, If I stay here waiting for Alan to call, Xania’s just gonna up and go! Right now. Without me! But on the other hand, I owe Alan so much. He’s transformed my whole life. Maybe he really needs my help and right away?!

Xania watched the thoughts tumbling through Sean’s mind as they played out on his unguarded face. She hadn’t had this much fun teasing and tempting a lover in a long time. She glanced over at his little sister who was still halfway up the stairs, peeking at the two of them with rapt attention. She decided to hurry things along a little. "Well, if you have something more important to do than me, I quite understand. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by and see if you were free for the afternoon." She casually shrugged, turned, and then started walking slowly away.

Even as he thought, I can’t believe I’m doing this! he said, "Uh, I um, I can’t. Not until Alan calls. It’s really important!"

Xania turned around and looked at him as if for the first time. She cocked a curious eyebrow. "Oh, really? I must be losing my touch."

Sean blurted out all at once, "No WAY! It’s just that Alan really needs my help; he’s in trouble and I’m his best friend and if friends don’t stick together then what are they good for and I made a vow and he’s done so much to help me and-"

Xania was smiling broadly now. She walked back to him like a movie star strutting down a red carpet, her hips and breasts swaying with each step. Black leather shone in the sun. She put a finger over his lips. "Sssh." She let that single finger linger there, slightly rolling back and forth across his lips.

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Sean was still playing mental catch-up. This Goddess of Lust has appeared on my lawn like a UFO descending from the sky and I’m turning her down?! And for what?! So I can wait for a phone call? From another guy?! Not many women would forgive that kind of a rejection. I must be the world’s biggest idiot!

Xania continued, in a deeply alluring voice, "Who do you think asked me to come here? He only said that he’d call you to make sure you’d be here in time for my arrival. Now, are you coming or not?"

Sean felt as if he’s been granted a pardon just before a guillotine was going to slice his head off. He was so delirious with joy that he nearly looked like a crazy man.

"Well?" The tip of Xania’s finger that had been pressing on his lips now started to wander over his face, sensuously brushing his cheeks and chin. Then she licked her extremely long tongue all around her red lips.

Sean looked at that tongue, recalled some of the incredible things it could do, and thought he was going to faint. Somehow he managed to say in a badly cracking voice, "I- I’ll- um, I’ll need... I’ll need to tell my uh, mom, that I’ll uh... I’ll be ... out."

Xania walked a couple of steps away, stopped, looked back over her shoulder, and gave him one of her femme fatale groin-melting "come hither" smiles. "I’ll be waiting for you in the car." A strap on her skin-tight top slid down her shoulder. She looked down at it, then shrugged her shoulders to make it slip down a bit further. Only an already hard and prominent nipple stopped it from sliding entirely off her breast. She looked back at him and flicked her long tongue at him again.

He watched her saunter across the lawn to a red Corvette parked on the curb in front of his house. As he watched her leather-clad ass shudder and bounce each time her heels hit the ground, he could almost imagine a "ba-BOOM!" sound and a minor earthquake shaking the front yard with each sexy step.

She opened the driver’s side door and practically flowed into the car. She winked at him, then dropped her dark sunglasses over her eyes. Inwardly, she crowed, Suzanne, eat your heart out! You’re not the only one well versed in the art of seduction!

"MOM!" Sean yelled from the still open front door.

"Yeah?" came the bored reply from deep within the house.

"I’m going out with a friend this afternoon!" he shouted.

"Be back in time for dinner!"

Sean walked out through the front door of his house, closed it behind himself, and then felt like he was sleepwalking across the lawn to Xania’s car. He was having a hard time concentrating on anything. He barely even noticed his little sister’s wide-eyed stare as he shut the door.

Xania watched him stagger, on very stiff legs, over to her car. No doubt his erection was giving him some serious trouble with walking normally. She could even see the bulge in his pants from here. He seemed to be in a deep sexual fog. She was slightly surprised that he managed to open the passenger door and ease himself into the seat beside her without hurting himself.

She squirmed slightly in her seat, just to hear the creaking sound of leather on leather. She was also getting a lot more turned on by this seduction than she’d thought she would, and once she started squirming, she found it difficult to stop.

"Sean, lover," she moaned sexily, as she continued slowly squirming in her seat, causing her black miniskirt to slowly ride up her thighs, "there’s something I need you to do for me. Something very, very special."

His eyes got as big as saucers. He seemed desperate for a second pair of eyes because he kept flipping back and forth between looking at her face, the rise and fall of her breasts, and looking at her thighs slowly writhing in heat as if she was about to climax right there beside him in the car. He could even see a little bit of her burgundy panties covering her pussy.

"Sean," she panted, the lust of her arousal dripping from her lips, "my ass is ready for you. Are you ready for me?"

His lips opened and his mouth worked, but no sounds came out. He was simply too shocked to respond coherently. Inside, a voice screamed, "ASS"?! Did she say "ass"?!

After a few moments of continued silence, he slumped back in his seat and murmured, "Whoa, this is really heavy..." in just the same tone that Marty McFly played by Michael J. Fox had said those words in the movie "Back to the Future." The scene continued to play for him as if there was a movie projector running in his mind. He could hear "Doc" Emmett Brown saying, "There’s that word again, ’heavy.’ Why is everything so heavy in the future? Is there something wrong with the Earth’s gravitational pull?" But he slowly snapped out of it and his eyes turned back to the goddess sitting beside him.

Xania chuckled, recognizing the movie reference. Feeling a little triumphant at seeing the look of profound awe on his face, she pulled her sunglasses down on her nose. Looking over the rims with profound satisfaction, she said, "I’ll take that as a yes, Marty." To herself, she thought, If Heather is half the man eater everyone says she is, I’ve got my work cut out for me with nerd boy today. Looks like he had a full-on "nerd moment" there. He’s a bit weird, but he’s still a cutie, in his own way. All in all, this afternoon might be a lot of fun!

She pushed her sunglasses back up over her eyes like an actress in the movies and turned the key in the ignition. A throbbing purr of raw muscular power, tightly leashed, rumbled the seats. She rubbed her thighs together, enjoying the vibrations, not to mention all the attention.

He looked like he was struggling not to cum, just from looking at her.

Still squirming slightly with anticipation for what she was going to teach the young boy beside her today, she said, "By the way, I was touched by your loyalty to your friend just now. I know that wasn’t easy for you. Such friendship will be rewarded. By me. Today."

She flashed him such a sexy smile that all he could do was gulp. She touched the accelerator and eased out onto the street, then headed for a nearby pre-booked hotel room.

Sean’s sister Gina meanwhile was trying to convince her mother to pay attention to her and not the television.

"Mom, a really pretty lady came to the door to see Sean."

"That’s nice dear."

"But mom, the lady was really, really pretty! Like, really, really, REALLY! "

"Uh huh..." came the disinterested reply.

Gina was frustrated by her mother’s seeming lack of interest in the "really pretty" lady that had come for her brother. At only eight years old, it was hard for the young girl to know (let alone verbalize) what it was about the really pretty lady that seemed out of place. She just knew that really pretty ladies like that didn’t come to the front door, let alone ask for her brother Sean. So she was girlishly suspicious of what she’d just seen happen, but she just couldn’t figure out exactly what it was all about. Seeing her mother zoned out on her program, she stomped her way back up to her room in frustration.

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