6 Times a Day Chapter 418 Scary Suzanne [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon Special ?? [ 10 / 10 ]


Alan didn’t do anything special that Friday night. It was a near miracle he could summon the energy to eat dinner. He had big plans to go on his second "non-romantic date" with Christine, but he felt so out of sorts that he had to call her up before dinner and reschedule. Christine had something else planned for Saturday night, so they agreed to go out the evening after that, on Sunday.

Suzanne came over right after the meal, eager to do something with Alan. She actually wanted to take him out on the town (and while out of the house, continue where she’d left off with her "Elle" seduction the weekend before, with sex acts forbidden at home). But she quickly realized that the best he might do was fight to stay awake so he wouldn’t fall asleep at an absurdly early hour.

It was Suzanne’s turn for cocksucking, but she could see he wasn’t up to it, so instead they just watched some television together. They watched two episodes of "M*A*S*H" on TV Land.

Suzanne knew Alan needed some times when he could simply vege out and relax, and this was one of those times. But she also had a lot to discuss with him in private. So after the second episode ended, she switched off the TV, turned to him, and said, "That was fun, but now it’s time to talk."


"Yes, talk, and just talk. A serious keep-our-clothes-on kind of talk. As your secret guardian angel of sorts, it’s good that I check in on your busy sex life from time to time, and I haven’t done that for a while."

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He readjusted to face her. "Okay, sure. What’s on your mind?"

"Hold on. First we go up to your room for some privacy."

"Uh oh." f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

"Don’t worry," she reassured him with a smiling smirk, "my ulterior motives are purely obvious."

He gave her a dubious grin before chuckling. He stood up and headed for the stairs, with Suzanne following.

Once they had relocated to his room, with both of them sitting in chairs near his computer desk, she started by asking, "Remember when Brenda came over for dinner a few nights ago?"

"Sure. How could I not?"

"After she left, I said we should talk about her and what happened, but to give that experience a day to sink in first. Well, the next day I decided against that, because I wanted to show you that we could let you lead the events at the next poker party without my usual scheming and meddling."

He said, "And you did, and I appreciate that. How do you think I fared?"

"Excellent! Great job. But that was Wednesday night and now it’s Friday, and we still haven’t really talked much about her."

"Um, okay, let’s talk. What do you think we should talk about specifically?"

"Well, I’m trying not to meddle and let you take the lead with her. But we do need to check in with each other from time to time to see if our strategy is working or if it needs adjusting. Since she came to dinner, or should I say came AT dinner?" She snickered. "I’d say things are coming along nicely since the last poker party. And what you don’t know is that yesterday morning she came to visit me and we had a VERY good meeting... naked."


"Naked, in the backyard. Can you just picture her standing there, back arched, tits thrust out, waiting for orders? It’s pretty obvious to me that she gets off on being sexually dominated, so I figured that’s the best way to have her talk about you."

"Oh, man! And you say tonight is talk only?"

She giggled with glee. "Talk only. Amongst other things, Susan is developing excellent ’spermdar,’ honed in to your particular scent. If I have a turn with you, she’s going to want one too. Are you ready for that?"

He looked down at his new erection. "No, but I’m willing to die trying."

She chuckled some more. "We prefer you stay alive. Anyway, that leads to an important question relevant to Brenda: how much do you want to know about things like that? Do you want me to tell you everything that was said in a meeting like that, not to mention the things that happened with her in the last week or so that you still don’t know about, such as how Susan came to take all those nude photos of her? Or would you rather remain clueless so you can be pleasantly surprised later? And furthermore, should we be scheming and meddling with her behind the scenes or not?"

"Hmmm." He put a hand on his chin and pondered. "I’m not keen on the scheming, but then when you spring something like those nude photos on me, how can I not love it? I guess... I guess it depends on our timeframe. Should we rush things with her so we can breathe easy about her knowledge of our incest?"

Suzanne replied, "Actually, I’d say it’s the opposite. I think a better way to go is drag things out longer. Right now, she’s so hot for you that, next time you see her, if you snapped your fingers and told her to drop to her knees and suck you off, she’d do it. Gladly! And she’d love it!"

He furrowed his brow. "Then what’s the problem? Isn’t that what we want? That sure as hell sounds good to me!"

She laughed. "Somehow I thought you’d say that. And yes, that IS what we want. But remember, we need to play a long game with her. We don’t want her to fall for you for a couple of months and then lose interest. The way I see it, I want her to be one of your PERMANENT helpers! For instance, wherever you move in the years to come, she’ll move there too. She’ll want to stay with you or near you, because she won’t want to live somewhere where she can’t serve your cock! That way your secret is forever safe. After all, there’s nothing more dangerous than a lover scorned. Trust me - voice of experience here."

The weary way she said that made him wonder yet again what exactly had happened that destroyed her marriage to Eric.

She continued, "But, at the same time, I still don’t want her to see you all that much, and Susan doesn’t want that either, since that could cut into our time with you. Maybe two or three times a week, say. However, the million-dollar question is, how do we get her so into you that she’ll agree to that kind of an arrangement without complaint?"

He whistled in amazement. "Wow! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?" He pulled at his collar as if he was trying to loosen a tie. The lump in his shorts was actually visibly twitching.

She chuckled. "Hey. Talk only, remember? What I’m thinking is that we need to try something so extreme that I’ve never tried it before: make her soooo horny for you and dedicated to you that it’ll be deeply internalized and a part of her psyche. I’m talking about making her so constantly horny that the mere thought of serving your cock and draining your balls will be the first, second AND third reasons she gets up in the morning! She’s on her way towards that point, but she’s definitely not there yet."

He felt his mouth fall open in astonishment. "You’re kidding me!"

She replied, "I’m dead serious. We have a great opportunity with her due to her need for submission, and I sincerely believe that’s what she wants out of life, although so far she’s been too afraid to admit that honestly to herself. I really mean it! Yes, it works great for us, but that would be like a living dream for her. So it’s win-win. That’s my favorite type of scheme."

He groaned. "Oh, man! I’m soooo horny all of the sudden!" He looked down at the lump in his shorts. "How can you talk like that and not expect me to respond?"

"Sorry. I can’t help you this time. I would love to, but you need to keep a cool head so you won’t let lust rule your thinking."

"Fat chance of that happening now!" He sighed heavily. "Okay, fine. I’ll hang in there. I still don’t see your point about going slow."

"We’ve gotta build you up and hype you up even more until she’s totally obsessed with the desire to be your sex pet. That doesn’t mean you can’t play with her fantastic body like you did after the ’tape measuring’ at the last party. In fact, that kind of thing is exactly what the doctor ordered. But take it one step at a time. You could fuck her in a heartbeat already, I’m sure. But that wouldn’t be wise."

He grunted with lusty frustration. He already anticipated that Brenda would be an incredible fuck. It was like her body was specifically purpose-built for it.

Suzanne continued, "One factor I’m considering is that we’ve built you up to such a degree that she practically thinks you can walk on water. And we know you don’t. Heck, you can’t even water ski!" She chuckled at her own joke. "I’ve told you in the past that it’s better to be lucky than good, and you’re both, but you’re still more lucky than good. Your sexual talents are improving by the day, but you’ve got a lot of room to improve. In short, you have huge shoes to fill, in her mind. Better to wait for your feet to grow some more before you get really hot and heavy with her so you can live up to at least half the hype. If you can do that much, then her rosy-eyed view of you will make up the rest."

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"Wow!" He paused to consider all that. "Aunt Suzy, I’m sure I’ve told you this before, but you’re a friggin’ genius! Not only that, you’re kind of a scary genius. That’s almost diabolical. She has no chance to resist, if we see that plan through. Thank God I’m on your side!"

She grinned. "Yeah, well, I may be a bit scary, but not diabolical, because I don’t wish harm on anyone. I love to scheme, and a key to the fun of it for me is my vow to help others and at bare minimum don’t hurt anyone. Like I said, ’win-win’ schemes are my favorite. It’s kind of like playing Santa Claus, enjoying making people happy. I believe that’s what I’m doing here with Brenda. I wouldn’t be taking this approach if I hadn’t found out early on that she’s submissive, and I do mean VERY submissive. Now that genie is out of the bottle, it’s just a matter of time until she’s dominated by SOMEONE. She’ll be hard pressed to find someone better than you."

"You think?" His natural modesty made him doubt that.

"I know. Prepare to own your first sex pet!"

He flopped his arms up and down like he was trying to fly. "You can’t... can’t say that! It’s too... impossible!"

She snickered at his reaction to that. "Nothing’s impossible, if you’re clever. Schemers through history have literally sold the Brooklyn Bridge multiple times, to intelligent people, and much more. You have to dare to dream. Fortune favors the bold."

He shook his head in wonder. "So... what does that mean, to have a ’sex pet?’ What, am I going to be responsible for her care and feeding or something?"

She snickered. "But of course. You’ll have to feed her your cock and make sure she eats all the cum you give her."

He groaned lustily. "Oh, man!" He glanced pleadingly at the tent in his shorts. "Are you sure you can’t, uh, lend a hand or mouth while we talk?!"

"Sorry, not this time; I need your full attention. Now, as far as how to proceed, I’ll refrain from doing anything new to push her along. She’s well past the point of no return, I’m convinced. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and we’ll be fine. If she comes to me or Susan about something, then sure, we’ll hype you up every chance we get while we talk to her. In fact, Susan mentioned to me that she talked to Brenda at length earlier today, although I haven’t gotten the run down on what that was about yet. But we’ll leave it at that and otherwise leave things to you at future poker parties and the like. Sounds good?"

"VERY good. Hot damn! Aunt Suzy, please don’t be offended, but I’m so fuckin’ horny right now! I mean... I mean... you’re basically saying I’m going to have Brenda as my permanent sex pet! Forever! That’s INSANE! BRENDA! She’s so fucking STACKED, and curvy, and wet, and everything else!" He clutched at the air in front of him, as if he was squeezing Brenda’s J-cup breasts.

Then he reached down to unzip his fly.

But Suzanne held up a hand. "Stop right there! Talk only, remember?"

"Can’t I at least give the poor guy some air? Why do you keep using terms like ’sex pet’ when you talk about her? You don’t like that kind of language. It’s like you’re trying to make me suffer!"

"Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it. With the women in the family, we’re bound together by love, with sex strengthening that. But with her, it’s pure sex all the way! So wild sex talk seems fitting."

"Yikes! Down boy!" He playfully swatted towards his crotch, and if it was a wild beast. Then he asked more seriously, "Do you think that could REALLY happen? I can’t tell when you’re serious and when you’re just trying to get a rise out of me."

"You’ve already risen, that’s for sure." Suzanne mock-fanned herself. Then she cautioned, "It should really happen if everything goes as well. And I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Remember how I said I’d put my private investigator on her?"


"Well, I got the preliminary results a while back, and the final results just a few days ago. It’s kind of a moot point now since we’ve committed to a course of action with her due to the incest secret problem anyway, but still, it’s good to know that there aren’t any red flags or skeletons in her closet. She’s a well adjusted, kind, smart person. She’ll be a delight for all of us to get to know better, especially you, you lucky devil!"

He shook his head in disbelief. "I’m so friggin’ lucky! I actually feel bad about it sometimes. I must be upsetting some kind of karmic balance."

"Nah. Life is what you make it. Anyway, the only snag is her son Adrian. Apparently, he has a lot of problems in his life. But don’t worry. As part of being a ’good schemer,’ if we’re basically going to completely redirect Brenda’s life, we’ll have to take responsibility of the Adrian problem and make sure he’s put on a better path. And kindness reaps rewards, because a happy and well-adjusted Adrian will mean a happy Brenda, which will be good for us."

Alan nodded. "Okay. That’s good to hear. By the way, what exactly does your private investigator do to learn so much, anyway?"

She replied rather brusquely, "You don’t need to know that. But trust me that it’s all perfectly legal. You’d be amazed what you can learn from what’s legally floating around. And by the way, speaking of said investigator, note that I decided to investigate the rest of the cheerleaders at your school after all, after you told me you fucked Heather. But these things take time, so I still haven’t gotten any response yet. I’m conducting that one a bit differently. The investigator is just looking up public records and that sort of thing, and I’m doing all of the hands-on aspect myself. It’s safer that way."


"For instance, getting to know people who know them and then using my wiles to find out surprisingly personal details."

"Ah. Damn, you are kinda scary."

"I’m focusing especially on Heather, since she’s the main threat. By the way, there’s one thing about her that’s really puzzling me."

"What’s that?"

"How did you end up fucking her in the first place? Please don’t be offended, but that seems extremely unlikely to me. I’m surprised she even knew your name! You never tried to befriend her in the slightest, right?"

"Right. And therein lies a tangled tale." He grinned impishly.

"I’m all ears. For once, we’ve got time."

He was relieved that at least his penis was calming down, finally. "I’ve been thinking about something you told me regarding Brenda. You pointed out how acting aloof and playing hard to get is highly effective, because people most desire the things that are hard to get. And that nice guys never get the really desirable women because nice guys aren’t a challenge; they’re too safe and boring."

Suzanne nodded. "Sure, I remember saying that. What about it?"

"I think it’s spot on. But there’s a problem: if you’re a nice guy stuck in the ’friend zone,’ how can you get out? If you act aloof and hard to get, then you’ll just be ignored! And if you toot your own horn, then you seem like a jerk and nobody will believe you anyway. So what’s the solution there? There may be more than one, I don’t know. But with Brenda, what happened there to great effect was that you and Susan hyped me to the heavens. That allowed me to be in a position where I could play hard to get and have it actually work."

"Right. All true. And?"

"And... that’s exactly what happened with Heather. I swear, I didn’t say anything to her to interest her in me. Someone else did all the work for me!"

"Aaaah! Now, we’re getting somewhere!" Suzanne leaned forward in her seat. "And who is that?"

He frowned. "Before I address that, I have a question about this whole ’playing hard to get’ thing. It works great, sure. But what happens once I’m ’gotten?’ If people are always striving for something better, won’t someone like Brenda get bored and move on?"

"That’s the danger," Suzanne replied. "That’s why I want to make sure she doesn’t lose interest after a while. Seduction is one set of skills, and then you need a whole other set once you’re ’gotten.’ Luckily, that’s where you excel. You’re a great guy, kid! You’re genuinely kind, smart, and fun to be around. You’re a steady rollin’ man who hardly ever gets angry or down about anything. That’s especially remarkable at your age. But the clincher is your rapidly growing sexual talent. That’ll keep you from falling back into the dreaded ’friend zone’ with any of your lovers. With Brenda, if you keep drowning her in orgasms and general sexual ecstasy like you do Susan, Angel, or me, you should have no problem. If she’s smiling all day long with thoughts of you, then why would she even think of looking for someone else? Why look for ’better’ when you already have something great?"

"Thanks. That’s really flattering. I’m not all that. But it makes me feel a lot better to hear it anyway."


Much Thanks to Drunk Dargon for his Generous donation. You were a huge help.

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