6 Times a Day Chapter 432 Heather’s In Love With A Nerd! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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"Man, you’re in a weird mood," Simone said to Heather.

"What? No I’m not," Heather replied testily.

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Heather and Simone were lying side by side, naked, on Heather’s bed. They’d just had sex, and in fact they had sex with each other on Heather’s bed nearly every Saturday morning.

Both of them were highly sexed. Even though they both preferred sex with men, they loved having sex with each other too, and did it about three to four times a week. Saturday mornings at Heather’s were always an especially good opportunity for sex, since Heather’s parents were usually gone, or else stayed downstairs while leaving the two girls alone to "work out" or "study" in Heather’s room. After satisfying their lustful urges on each other, Heather and Simone would often spend the rest of the day at the beach, wearing a "just fucked" glow that few other girls could match.

Simone’s dark body was cuddled up against Heather’s own deeply tanned one. "You ARE in a weird mood. It’s like you’re all... moody, like you’re on some other planet."

"No, I’m not," Heather said defiantly. However, she kept staring into space instead of looking over at Simone’s gorgeous, dark chocolate figure.

Simone persisted, "Hey, it’s me, your best friend. You can’t lie to me. I know you better than you know yourself. What is it? Are we in a rut?" She didn’t want to say it point blank, but the sex they’d just had had been unusually lackluster. It had seemed like Heather was somewhere else, and even now, she seemed to be spacing out, just staring at the ceiling.

"Yes," Heather quickly agreed. "That must be it. A rut. After all, we’ve been doing the same thing every week for ages. It’s getting boring."

"Liar!" Simone protested strongly. "You’re STILL lying to me."

Heather finally seemed to snap to the here and now, and turned on her side to face Simone. "What? No, I’m not."

Simone’s eyes narrowed skeptically. "Yes, you are. Heather, I KNOW you. Sure, we’re in kind of a rut, but if that was what was mainly on your mind, you wouldn’t have agreed to my suggestion so quickly. Even you, Miss Blunt, would have tried a semblance of being diplomatic and breaking the news to me gently. No, you seized on that so you wouldn’t have to tell me what you’re REALLY thinking about."

Heather was flustered. Dammit, she’s on to me! This is the downside of having such a close best friend: she knows me too well. But what can I tell her? The truth? That I’m totally into Alan Plummer, some loser nerd? She’d laugh. Hell, I’d laugh, if I was in her shoes.

How can I explain it? He rocks my world. She’d get the mind-blowing sex part of it, but there’s so much more. He’s not just some guy who gives me great orgasms. I’ve known guys like that before, and they’re ’easy come, easy go’. But Alan... I can’t stop thinking about him. Shit. Just thinking about him right now makes me wet! I mean, it’s not like he’s that handsome, or well hung compared to some guys I’ve had, but he’s just... I don’t know. There’s just something about him, dammit! I don’t know what it is though, and that intrigues me, and frustrates the hell out of me.

I can’t stop thinking about how he just took and fucked me on the hood of that car! Fucking great God Almighty, that was incredible!

She realized that she was taking too long to reply, and that her lack of a reply was telling in and of itself. So she said, "Okay. I am in a rut, but it’s not about you. I mean, all this mindless sex with all these partners we’ve been having... where is it leading? I can have any guy I want, or girl, but nobody truly satisfies me. I mean, you and I fit together nicely, but that’s like a special thing. I’m talking in general."

Simone replied, "Come on. You’ve been totally sexually satiated, lots of times. I’ve seen you. Hell, I’ve DONE you until you were a sweaty lifeless blob, begging for mercy. Why, remember, what was it, a couple of weeks ago, when-"

Heather testily cut her off. "I’m not talking about that. Yes, tab A fits into slot B, and it feels good. Big fucking deal. I’m talking... I dunno... about a deeper satisfaction. I mean... look at you and me. We’re good, right? We have sex with each other, lots of sex, and that’s great. But we’re really good friends too, so when we have sex, it has more meaning, you know what I mean? I mean... why can’t I have regular sex with someone like you, someone I actually LIKE, but who is some studly guy? No offense, but you know what I mean, don’t you?"

Simone chuckled. "I do. God, Heather, you’re freaking me out here. If I didn’t know you so well, I’d almost think that you were talking about love."

That set Heather off. Her eyes seemed to flicker with an angry fire. "I am NOT! Fuckin’ SHUT UP! Not even CLOSE! Love is for suckers and fools. The only person I care about is ME!" She poked herself repeatedly, right between her boobs. But then, realizing that comment could offend Simone, she added, "Well, okay, me, you, my parents, and a couple other people, like my grandma. But mostly me. People basically look out for themselves, and anyone who doesn’t is an idiot."

Simone chuckled some more. "My goodness! Heather? Caring about other people? Even your grandmother? I take it back: you’re not in love; you’re ill! We need to take you to a doctor, and fast! I think maybe you got hit on the head and you’ve experienced serious brain damage!"

Heather rolled her eyes. "Ha ha. You know what I mean. I trust you, because we’ve been together so long. I’ve hurt you and you’ve hurt me and we’ve gotten over it."

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Simone quipped, "Yeah, although I seem to recall a lot more of the you hurting me part." It was said as a joke, but she meant it too.

"Whatever. See? The fact that you could even say that to me is cool. I don’t even feel like destroying you when you piss me off, because we have this understanding. But love? That’s just fucked up. I mean, you fall head over heels with some loser dork that you hardly even know, and before long, you’re doing all kinds of stupid shit. I’ve seen it happen to nearly all my friends. It’s like they have lobotomies. I’m not about to fall for that."

When she said "some loser dork," she was thinking about Alan.

Simone carefully said, "But..."

"But what?"

"But you seem to be missing something in your life," Simone pointed out. "Something that you’re yearning for."

"Me? Yearn? That’s a laugh! I couldn’t be happier. I’m not yearning for jack shit. I’m the fucking queen of this school, and everyone else wishes they could lick my feet. So shut the fuck up about this yearning crap." She suddenly sat up and crossed her arms under her sizable boobs. She even pulled her knees up to her chest.

Simone sat up too. She realized from Heather’s defensive posture that she was onto something. She knew she’d have to press carefully or risk an explosion. "Okay, forget the yearning. But still, it would be nice to have a guy who was more than just a ’fuck and run’. Someone you could actually hang out with and want to talk to. Right? That’s what you were just saying."

Heather mentally rewound the conversation and tried to figure out what she’d just admitted to. She conceded, "Okay, yeah. Is that so much to ask? It’s not like I want someone to love. I SPIT on love! But just... you know..."

She thought back to her recent times with Alan. In truth, most of the time, he’d been fucking her while calling her rude names, but to her skewed vision it seemed as if they’d bonded deeply and were soulmates of some kind. She pictured herself walking down the beach, hand in hand with him, laughing and smiling.

But then she said to herself, Shit, what’s with me?! It’s like I’m picturing some kind of stupid Hallmark moment. I like him, yes, but in a purely sexual way. It’s not like I’m INTO him. Just because he actually has a brain and is interesting to talk to, that doesn’t mean I love him. Fuck love! I just want him as my boyfriend, so he can fuck the shit out of me all the time, since he’s so damn good at it. I tested him with that parking lot challenge yesterday, and he passed. He can ride with me. No boy has ever had the guts to truly ride with me. He’s... interesting... that’s all there is to him. It’s like that R.E.M. song lyric: "A simple prop to occupy my time."

Changing gears, Heather asked, "What about you, Simone? Have you ever been in love?" She added hastily, "I mean, not like I’m in love now! We’ve established that. But most people aren’t as jaded as me about this kind of thing, and yet you’ve never gotten all lovey-dovey over anybody. Not that I can remember, at least. Have you?"

Simone considered that carefully. In truth, she was in love, sort of, but with Heather. It was a weird thing, and she didn’t really understand it herself, because Heather was a bitch most of the time, even to her. But she knew that if she didn’t see Heather on a daily basis, she felt sad, and when Heather was gone on longer trips and such she really missed her. In truth, she felt more bonded to her than she’d ever felt for any boy, and she was pretty sure that Heather felt the same way about her, even though they’d never explicitly discussed the depth of their feelings for each other.

She thought, I can’t talk about my feelings for Heather; she’d eat me alive. But aside from that, she’s right - I don’t think I’ve ever truly been in love, at least not in the classic, cheesy Harlequin romance way. And even with her, it’s not really love in the traditional sense.

She replied, "I dunno. It’s weird. I’ve been into a few guys, as you know, and in a big way even, but afterwards I saw that it was just puppy love or infatuation or whatever. Maybe the guys around here just suck, or maybe you’ve made me too jaded, or maybe it’s a racial thing."

Heather’s eyebrow rose with curiosity. "A racial thing?"

Simone just rolled her eyes. "You know. This school is whiter than Wonder Bread. I mostly date black guys, as you know, but there are so few good ones around here, and just so few around, period. White guys are so hung up about my skin color that our relationships only go so far. Sure, they’ll fuck me" - she chuckled at that - "but things get weird after a while. I can’t wait till I get to college, where I’ll have thousands of hunky, smart, mature men to choose from, of every skin color there is."

Heather nodded, but she was mostly focusing on her own situation. Hmmm. Infatuation. Is that what I’m feeling for Alan right now? The truth is, not only have I never been in love, I’ve never even been infatuated. It’s always been guys falling all over themselves to be with me. Is this what infatuation is? Or puppy love? Or some kind of strong lust? I wish I knew!

She looked over at her naked best friend. I wish I could tell Simone everything. But she’s such a joker; she’d just laugh at me. I can almost hear her mock-singing: "Heather’s in love with a nerd, / Heather’s in love with a nerd..." 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

But I really need her advice. I mean, am I crazy here? Why can’t I get this fucking Alan guy out of my head?!

Just then, Heather’s mother Helen shouted from downstairs, "Heeaaaaather! Siiiiimoooone! It’s lunchtime!" (Simone ate so often at Heather’s house that she was practically one of the family.)

Normally, Heather would have been annoyed at being interrupted when having sex with her best friend. But they were done anyway, and she was grateful for any excuse to stop thinking about her strange feelings for her nerdy lover.

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