6 Times a Day Chapter 444 Heather And Alan, Sitting In A Tree, K I S S I N G ![Douglas Sponsored]

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At the same time the Plummers were having fun around the pool, Heather was lording over her "subjects" at White Sands Beach. As usual, her best friend Simone was with her.

Heather should have been in her element and enjoying herself, since this was "her" beach. She and Simone wore even more revealing bikinis than they usually did, so Heather could bask in more attention than usual.

However, there was an issue nagging at her: Alan. Heather had many friends, but she knew they were only fair-weather friends attracted to her power, persona, and sex appeal. If not that, they were simply afraid of her.

She also knew that she had only one real friend, Simone. She sincerely valued this friendship and tried her best to tone down her usual bitchy self when she was around Simone, though she didn’t always succeed. The two of them talked about everything and anything as they hung out together virtually every single day, so they didn’t have many secrets from each other.

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Furthermore, Heather greatly enjoyed sex with Alan. She wanted a lot more of it, to the point that she’d even promised him that she would acknowledge some level of friendliness with him in public, despite his "nerd" status. Therefore, Heather knew that it was just a matter of time before Simone would learn of her having sex with him.

She knew that the longer she put off telling Simone about it, the worse it would be. But on the other hand, Heather had mocked Alan in front of Simone, even deriding him as a "pathetic virgin" in her presence. Heather absolutely loathed ever admitting that she was wrong about anything.

As she walked down the beach, she came to the spot where she’d first spoken to Alan and his friends exactly two weeks earlier. She decided it was finally time to come clean about her secret "nerd lust" with her best friend. She said to Simone, "Hey, I’m getting hot. Let’s take a dip."

It was a nice day and the water was unusually warm for Southern California at this time of year. So they just strolled into the shallow water. Heather wanted to be in water above her knees so she would be far enough from everyone at the beach to talk to Simone freely without worrying about being overheard, yet not so deep in the water that they’d spend most of their time fighting the waves and be shivering with cold afterward.

Their relocation accomplished, she broke the ice by saying, "Hey, you remember right over there, what was it, two weekends ago, when we had a ’nerd invasion’ by those three geeks?"

"Yeah?" Simone listened closely because she could tell from Heather’s demeanor and the way she’d dragged her into shallow water that she had something confidential to say.

"You know, what’s kind of funny is that not all of them were total losers. That guy Alan, the tall one, was kind of surprisingly handsome for a dweeb..."

"Oh yeah, Alan? What about him?"

"Well, it’s just kind of funny..." Heather was struggling to figure out how to casually drop in the fact that she’d had sex with him. So far, she was only digging herself a deeper hole by calling him more names. She decided to start from the beginning. "An interesting thing happened last Tuesday. You know how I like to keep an eye on my girls?"

Simone nodded. "My girls" was a reference to the other cheerleaders on Heather’s squad. Heather did more than just keep an eye on them; she liked to spy on them or have her spy network spy on them whenever possible, because she believed that knowledge was a key to power.

"Well, I saw Kim chatting excitedly with Amy between classes and I sneaked up behind them to see what got their panties all in a bunch. Kim was talking about how she’d been royally fucked by some guy the day before."

"But Kim’s a lesbian," Simone pointed out. While that was generally a secret at school, Simone pretty much knew everything Heather knew, and Heather knew a lot about "her" cheerleaders.

"That’s what I thought. Total dyke. But it turns out that she’d just had her first taste of cock the day before. And she liked it! But that’s not all. You’ll never guess who took her cherry."

"Alan?" The only reason why Simone tentatively guessed that was because Heather had started the discussion by mentioning him.

"Yeah. Crazy, huh? I mean, a clear-cut nerd, doing it with a cheerleader. He’d even managed to get a dyke to bat for the other team, at least for the day. But that’s not all. I overheard Kim talking to Amy, going on like he was the best fucker in the whole world. That was when I couldn’t help myself and joined in the conversation. Between Kim and Amy, the brain-dead virgin, I figured the two of them wouldn’t know a good fucker if someone slapped them on the face with a big cum-soaked cock, if you know what I mean. So I wanted to set them straight. But Kim was insistent. She described Alan’s eight-incher in mouthwateringly loving detail. She went on and on about how he’d fucked her in this position, in that position, hell, he even fucked her doggy-style on top of a coffee table. It seems like he did just about everything but fuck her up her nostrils."

Simone’s eyes grew large as she mentally skipped ahead to where Heather was going with this. Suddenly the weird conversation they’d had earlier in the day where Heather tentatively hinted about wanting more out of her lovers made sense. "You didn’t!" she breathed disbelievingly.

"Didn’t what?" Heather replied, playing innocent.

"Tell me you didn’t have sex with him. He’s a total loser nerd; you said so yourself!" Simone was a lot more tolerant of others than Heather, but she still had internalized some of the idea that nerds were an untouchable social class for the elites of the school such as Heather and herself.

Heather tested the metaphorical waters a bit nervously. "What makes you think I’d do it with the likes of him?"

"Ha! That proves it! Heather, I know you. First of all, I know you’ve been complaining about your male lovers for a long time now, Rockwell in particular. I can almost see your eyes light up as you hear there’s someone in school who might know how to really pleasure a girl right, the way she ought to be, instead of just pleasing themselves. And that’s before we even include the fact that he’s pretty well hung. I saw the way you were staring at his crotch when we ran into them here at the beach. In fact, I made a note of how he was hangin’ myself. Secondly, I can read your face like a book. You’re obviously building up to something." Then she teased, "The question is, was it worth getting nerd cooties?"

Heather’s first reaction was to downplay the whole thing. "Simone, you have to understand, this was just a lark. ... A joke! ... I happened to see him at a store later on that same day. I thought it would be fun to cuckold Rock with a nerd, right under his very nose. I knew from Alan’s whole panty-painting thing that he was discreet, so I could toy around with him without worrying about him boasting, as just about every other guy at school would do. The situation dropped into my lap and I just HAD to run with it! It’s not like I’d want Alan for my boyfriend or something. Get real!" She laughed derisively. Then she looked around the beach to double-check that the coast was clear.

"Well, at least I see you haven’t been totally brain-damaged. And I can’t say I’m shedding tears for the way you treat ’dumb as a rock’ Rockwell. But was he good already?" She grinned maliciously. "Tell me all about making mad nerd love."

Heather smiled and stared away in fond remembrance. "I have to admit, he had a certain... appeal." Then, realizing she probably had a tell-tale moony and way-too-dreamy look on her face, she caught herself and put on an indifferent expression.

Simone was starting to see the teasing possibilities. "Did you find yourself getting smarter after he pumped you full of his nerdy goodness? You’re gonna get pimple cooties from him for sure. Oops, I think I see one on your left cheek already."

Heather looked at her best friend sharply and then bent over and splashed her with water. "Simone, shut your fuckin’ trap! I cut you a lot of slack; sometimes I don’t even know why. But if you keep up with wisecracks like that you’re gonna find yourself at the top of my shit list. And you know what that means. You know how much I like to do wild, unexpected things, like when I went down on you in the middle of that restaurant a couple of weeks ago? This is just another crazy prank. In fact, let me tell you..."

Heather slipped into deeper water for even more privacy, and then went on to describe her first time with Alan in great detail. She tried to make it seem as much like a crazy prank as possible. She also made it seem as if she had been in complete charge the whole time, with her using Alan as little more than a human dildo who was completely awed into incoherent stammering by "the mighty Heather," as Heather called herself. She very deliberately avoided any mention of how Alan called her insulting names like "cunt hole". While it was true that she was calling the shots with him at first, she failed to mention how he had her literally begging for him to fuck her again before they were done.

Then she went on to describe her second time with him. She emphasized all of the sexual innuendo that passed over the head of Alan’s mother. Again, she painted him as being hapless and putty in her hands. To justify why she would bother with him at all, she repeatedly highlighted the above-average size of his penis and his remarkable powers of endurance and recuperation.

Feeling very relieved to finally tell someone about these events, Heather just couldn’t stop talking. She went on to tell an increasingly incredulous Simone about her third time with Alan, when the two of them had sex in the school parking lot after Simone had passed him her note. The way she painted it, she’d practically raped him in public just for her own twisted amusement. There was no mention of the promises that he’d extracted from her as she begged him to fuck her.

By the time Heather was done, Simone was in stitches. As a big joker herself, she particularly appreciated all of the blatant innuendo Heather had slipped past Alan’s mother, Susan.

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But as Simone’s laughter died down, she considered Heather more closely. There was something about her blonde friend’s demeanor that was extremely odd. Not only was she uncharacteristically uncomfortable, but she seemed wistful and even moved as she described her sexual encounters with Alan. Simone couldn’t understand what he could have done to her to elicit such a response from the notoriously hard-hearted girl. She thought about their earlier conversation, and realized that Heather had to be in uncharted emotional waters with her feelings about him. But Simone had to be careful about what she said or asked. She knew that she’d have to keep things light and jokey or else Heather would clam up.

So Simone gently tried to draw out the information she felt Heather was still holding back. "Damn, Heather, you’ve still got it. That’s the crazy bitch I know and love! Knowing you, though, there’s more to this Alan guy than what you’ve said, or you wouldn’t be coming back to him two more times already. I noticed both times you were the one to seek HIM out. What gives?"

Heather just stared off into space.

Simone briefly took off her sunglasses, unconsciously trying to press Heather to be more honest through better eye contact. "I mean, eight inches isn’t THAT unusual. Remember Ted ’The Big Ten Inch’ Pulaski? Even if he didn’t quite live up to that billing, he was still pretty damn huge. And if you want endurance, why not just get two guys to tag team you again? Remember how much fun that was? There must be something more to this guy to make you bother with a mere nerd. You keep talking about giving him a pity fuck, but you don’t give pity fucks. Ever. So what is it? Spill!"

Heather was in a bind. She couldn’t even admit to herself what she found appealing about Alan. Even if she could, Hell would freeze over before she’d ever tell Simone how she loved being dominated by him and always thrown off balance whenever she was around him. She also thought about how he’d made real love to her when she’d visited his house, and that set off all kinds of powerful feelings that she was afraid to discuss.

So instead, she said in a deliberately flippant tone, "I dunno. Like I said, he does have a certain curious appeal. For instance, he’s not as fawning as most of the guys I play around with. And he’s got some good moves, I must admit. But, you know, what’s that French saying for an indescribable something you can’t quite put your finger on?"

"Je ne sais quoi," Simone replied without thinking. She did a lot better in her studies than Heather did (though she was far from being a top student, since she was devoted to a very active social life, as well as playing sports).


"Hmmm. I might just have to take him out for a test fuck or two then, to see what the fuss is all about." Simone joked, "Maybe the reason nerds pull their polyester pants way up their chests is to hide their monster cocks. Yeah, a test drive sounds pretty good."

Heather blurted out, "NO!" Realizing that she’d said that far too forcefully and quickly, she amended, "I mean, don’t bother. He’s just a nobody."

She saw that line of reasoning wasn’t going to be successful, given everything else she’d just said about him, so she tried a different tack. "What I mean is, I like to think of him as my personal plaything. He’s like a charity project, an amusing trifle. I want to handle him on my own. I’d like to see if nerds are at least partially redeemable. Maybe I can even get him to shape up enough to associate with real people." She was proud of that comment, since it would lay the groundwork for Simone to accept when Heather eventually had to publicly acknowledge her association with Alan at school.

In actual fact, Heather was worried about Simone being with Alan for two big reasons. First, she found herself surprisingly possessive about him. Normally, she couldn’t care less what any of her sex partners did when they weren’t around her, as long as they didn’t catch any diseases, but she wanted Alan to be hers and hers alone, all the time. This was so disturbing and unusual for her that she could barely even admit it to herself. Secondly, she was concerned that if Simone had sex with Alan, Simone would quickly discover Alan’s domineering and name-calling ways. Heather knew that if Simone found out about that, she’d never hear the end of Simone’s jokes and taunts on the subject.

Luckily, Simone didn’t seem to be too serious about pursuing Alan. "Ah well. It’s probably for the best. I’ll just have to go out and get my own little nerd groupies. Hee-hee, I’ll get them to fog up their thick glasses as they excitedly stroke their slide rules while trying to work out my measurements." Simone realized that Heather was distorting her relationship with Alan to hide her true feelings, but she figured that having Heather tell her even this much was a big breakthrough. It was smart just to play dumb and make jokes, for now.

Heather, to her own great surprise, found herself annoyed by such jokes. "Simone, those are such tired stereotypes. You know enough about him to know he’s not like that. Maybe he’s just smarter than most and doesn’t want to play the popularity game." This was highly ironic, since Heather was all about "playing the popularity game."

Directly aping what Alan had said to her the last time they’d fucked, she asked, "Anyway, what’s so shameful about getting good grades and having a certain taste in popular entertainment?"

Simone looked at Heather incredulously. "Okay, the joke’s over. Heather, defender of nerds! Can someone bring out the real Heather? Man! You must really have it bad for your jizz whiz, girlfriend. Showing some sympathy for the lesser mortals? Has the heat of the sun gotten to you, or are you just going into heat? Next you’re going to tell me you’re volunteering at the local soup kitchen!" Now, even Simone didn’t know how much of that was sincere joking or playing dumb. She did find Heather’s behavior with a nerd hard to believe, no matter how sexually accomplished he might be.

Heather scowled. "Very cute, Simone. Cute. Look, maybe I’m just a little touchy about ’doing it’ with a nerd, okay? It is a bit out of character, granted, but I’m all about being unpredictable. It’s not like I have any feelings for him or anything. Jesus Christ, no! Ha! Don’t make me laugh. I can’t help it if God has a twisted sense of humor and endows the least deserving. I mean, what if it turns out that the school janitor has a twelve-inch cock? Wouldn’t you be curious to try it out just once, and who cares what his job is?"

"No. That sounds painful, actually. With you, it’s always about getting the biggest and best toys. I’m not like that."

"Well, why not have the best? Look. Look out there." Heather nodded towards the shore, and stared out to where hundreds of teens lay sunning themselves on the sand.

Since Heather had steadily drifted deeper into the ocean as she’d talked, Simone had to turn around to see what Heather was referring to.

Heather proudly explained, "I can have sex with anyone here that I want. Male or female, if they’re going steady or not. I don’t even care if it’s a completely straight girl. No one dares oppose my wishes, or can resist my charms. I can even do it with a nerd if it amuses me. In fact, maybe that’s part of Alan’s limited appeal. He’s so socially out of it, so completely clueless, that he doesn’t even realize the extent of my power. Like I said, he’s not at all fawning."

But Simone wasn’t so easily fooled by Heather’s verbal protests. She knew her so well that she could pick up on the most subtle verbal and visual cues. She could tell that there was something different about this Alan that was strongly affecting her best friend. She decided to prod her to gauge her reaction. Grinning, she teased, "I think you actually like the guy." She sang a variation on a familiar children’s taunt: "Heather and Alan, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G !"

Heather’s face turned red underneath her deep tan. "Shut UP!" She splashed Simone furiously with both hands.

But Simone just playfully splashed back, which upset Heather even more.

The intensity of Heather’s reaction further confirmed to Simone that Heather was hiding something important about her relationship with Alan. However, Simone realized that she’d have to be patient and not pry too hard.

Heather calmed herself a bit and considered various ways to get Simone to keep quiet. She decided on the "heartstrings" approach. "Simone, I’m upset at you. I consider you a friend and I tell you my innermost secrets, but all you do in return is joke at my expense. Frankly, I have no idea why I put up with all your shit."

She decided some implied blackmail wouldn’t hurt as well. "Think about all of YOUR secrets that I keep in strict confidence. Are you going to act like a baby singing your stupid kissing song to everyone, or are you going to be a true friend and shut the hell up about this whole Alan thing?"

Simone was genuinely chastened. "Sorry. Don’t worry; I won’t breathe a word to anyone. And sorry about the jokes too. It’s just that sometimes I can’t resist. You know how I am with teasing."

Heather acknowledged her friend’s apology nonverbally with a slight nod. "Come on. Let’s go in; I’m getting cold."

As they started to head back to shore, the tanned blonde thought, I have no idea why I bother with this Alan guy. He’s not worth the grief. It’s not like I CARE for him or anything. Really, it’s not. It’s like I was telling Simone: he’s just a lark. A project. A change of pace. Maybe he’ll amuse me for a few more weeks, if he’s lucky. Then I’ll chew him up and spit him out like all the rest. And when I’m done with him I’m going to make him pay for all of his insults and his sheer gall at forcing ME to do what HE wants. God, is he going to be sorry for not knowing who he’s been messing with!

She felt a lot better as she plotted a variety of ways to get revenge on Alan. As she waded in to shore, she envisioned him facing a variety of cruel Medieval torture devices. While she wouldn’t do that in real life, fantasies of hurting him helped her convince herself that she had no real feelings for him after all.

Simone, however, was intrigued by Heather’s unusually strong reactions to her teasing. Those convinced her even more that there was something very unprecedented and important about Heather’s relationship with Alan. Simone knew she was hot, so she figured she’d have no trouble seducing a "mere nerd" such as Alan unless he had some kind of racist phobia, and she strongly doubted that from what little she knew of him.

But since Heather seemed adamant about keeping Alan as her personal "project", Simone decided she’d better keep her distance from him - for the time being. Amongst other things, she had a very healthy respect for the consequences of being on Heather’s shit list.

Given how rarely Heather opened up about her feelings, the fact that Heather had told her anything at all about her unusual feelings for Alan was a huge breakthrough. Simone saw this as possibly an exciting new development in her relationship with Heather. She would have to be extra careful not to fuck up the trust Heather was placing in her.

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