6 Times a Day Chapter 456 Susan And Brenda Exchange Thoughts.[Iveyflame Sponsored]

Another set for the Iveyflame collection.

Iveyflame Special [ 11 / 15 ] Ultimate 4K Chapter..!!


The cold shower made Susan feel much better. The sheer coldness of the water prevented her from masturbating. When she got out, she felt nearly normal.

But just as she was toweling off and thinking about what she should wear, the phone rang. She went to pick it up and heard Brenda say hello.

She sat down on her bed, mostly dry but with a towel wrapped around her waist and another wrapped over her hair. She engaged in the usual greeting pleasantries. Then she said, "Sorry, Brenda, I don’t mean to be rude, but whatever you’re calling about, could you cut to the chase? I’m in my bedroom, I’ve just stepped out of the shower, and I’ve got kind of a situation to deal with downstairs."

"What do you mean?" Brenda asked.

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"Well, we finished dinner and my kids are cleaning up and doing the dishes. So that’s good. But you know how Alan is, with his special problem. I have a feeling that problem is going to come up soon, if you know what I mean, and I may need to deal with it."

Brenda was tickled pink to hear that. She said in a playful, knowing tone, "Oh, so you’re saying his problem may RISE soon?"

Susan chuckled. "Indeed."

Brenda gleefully ran with the wordplay. "Sounds like it could be a HARD problem, not to mention a very BIG one. You’ll have to get down and dirty, and really hands-on to deal with it, until the problem is thoroughly licked!"

Susan laughed at that. "Yep! You got it!" However, she didn’t try to banter back, because she wasn’t very good at it. She went off on a tangent instead. "The only snag is, as soon as his ’problem’ is licked, it tends to come up again before long. Brenda, you won’t believe what happened today. It seems I spent the whole day dealing with his ever-rising dick in one way or another. I wish I had time to talk and tell you all about it, because it was WILD! There was spanking, and of course lots of sucking, and outdoor nudity, and ass licking, and delicious humiliation, and so much more!"

Brenda was thrilled, especially by one thing she’d heard. "Wait! You said there was spanking?"

"Yes. Suzanne spanked Katherine, and Alan very nearly spanked me. But unfortunately I don’t have time for this. I’m keen to get back downstairs."

Brenda thought, Wow! Suzanne is a spanker too! That means I could get spanked by Alan AND Suzanne! Maybe even together, where they take turns on my naughty ass! But I can’t let my thoughts run wild. Susan is in a hurry.

She said, "Okay, I’ll try to keep it short. And I’m sorry for calling you in the first place. I must seem like a pest. But it’s just that..."

There was a long pause as Brenda tried to figure out how to phrase what she wanted to say. She’d been determined before the phone call began, but now that she was actually talking to Susan, she was getting cold feet.

During that pause, a thought occurred to Susan that she couldn’t resist sharing. "Sorry for interrupting, but there’s one more detail I simply MUST tell you. I’m not 100 percent sure, but I do believe that Alan has climaxed EIGHT times today already! EIGHT! And I don’t think he’s even done yet!"

Brenda gasped loudly, unsurprisingly. "NO!"


"NO! It can’t be! That’s impossible!"

Susan boasted, "For other men, yes, but not for my special son! I’ll admit that’s unusual even for him, but it shows what he’s capable of."

Brenda sighed with longing. "I wonder what that’s like. I can’t even imagine... Which do you think is better: having a loving, romantic relationship with a man who can only cum twice or three times a day, or living in the middle of a sex tornado like you do with your son?"

"That’s easy, because I don’t have to choose. BOTH! My unstoppable sex stud is the man I can love all up too! It really is the best of both worlds. But anyway, I just remembered that I don’t have much time. What did you want to ask me?"

"Oh, yes. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in the past day or two. And I do mean a LOT of thinking! What do I really want to DO with my life?! I feel like I’m standing at a crossroads and I don’t know which way to go. Or maybe a more fitting metaphor is that I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, and all I can see is darkness below, which is the great unknown of trying to become one of Alan’s helpers, one of his..." - she took a few breaths before suddenly gasping out - "one of his sluts! Should I jump? Or is it even crazy to think about jumping? I could really use your advice."

Susan heard the growing anxiety in Brenda’s voice. Although she remained jealous of Brenda’s body and especially her larger breasts, her altruistic nature came to the fore, allowing her to put her petty issues aside for the moment. "Sure. I don’t have to leave right away. I can spare a few minutes. What do you want to ask me?"

"Oh, geez. So many things! I guess mainly I’m wondering how it is to be you. If I were to aspire to become one of Alan’s big-titted sluts, my life would be at least somewhat like yours, right?"

Susan considered the question seriously. "I imagine so."

"I understand I wouldn’t get to see him nearly as much as you would, but the basic rhythms of life would be much the same, I figure. So I’m just trying to get a sense of what it’s really like. Not just during the times you’re with him and serving him, slurping and choking on his cock. You don’t have to tell me how great THAT is!"

Susan chuckled happily. "I could go on for hours!" Her towel "accidentally" fell off her chest, now that she was starting to get aroused.

Brenda replied earnestly, "I know. And I wish you would! But some other time, when his big fat erection isn’t waiting for your tender loving care downstairs. No, what I’m wondering is, what’s it like to be you during the other times. I know all about how you talk about him, stay in great shape for him, practice your technique, and so on. I don’t mean that either. I want to hear about the down times, the lonely times, the doubtful times. Because that’s most of the time, and I’m probably going to have a lot more of that kind of time than you will. In short, does the good outweigh the bad?"

"No question! There’s no question in my mind! I’ve never been so happy in my entire life!" Susan was speaking from the heart. She knew Suzanne wanted her to hype Alan at every turn, but she also figured that it was only fair to give Brenda sincere advice on serious questions like this. Besides, it was pretty clear that Brenda had already crossed a point of no return, and was mostly wanting reassurance that she had made the right decision, so Susan didn’t have to make a "hard sell" anyway.

Brenda said, "I figured you’d say as much. But still, it can’t all be non-stop spermy joy. Let’s put it this way: could you list all the problems you have with your new lifestyle?"

"Certainly. And I won’t hold back either, since you need to go into this with your eyes wide open. So let’s see... Well, the obvious number one problem is that I’m Alan’s mother, which means he can’t go all the way with me. That bothers me every day, practically every hour. I want to belong to him, totally, and serve him with all of my body, but how can I, due to that one crucial restriction?! I’m afraid to even let him touch my pussy, because that danger is always looming if we lose control."

Brenda said, "Okay, but I knew that already. Besides that, what are your other problems?"

"Hmmm. Well, there’s my frustration at his physical limitations. Cumming around six times a day is a large amount for any man, but think how much better it would be for all of us if he could cum a dozen times, or even TWO dozen! Can you just imagine? I’d be soaked in his spermy love nearly all the time! You would too. We all would! Or, better, imagine if he never went flaccid after cumming! Can you just imagine? My mouth waters from even thinking about it!"

Brenda laughed. "Susan, you’re too much! Even discussion of your problems is getting me hot and bothered! What else?"

Susan was essentially naked now that the towel had fallen off her torso, and she was starting to get horny, but she decided she’d better not touch herself. Brenda needed well-considered answers. "Huh. Let me think. Sure, there is a lot of lonely time, and down time. Alan is at school most of the day, from eight until three. Then he’s often somewhere else at other times. It helps to talk to Suzanne, and now you, and to exercise, and masturbate, and so on. But sometimes I do get lonely or glum."

She sighed sadly. "I must admit that a big part of the problem is that I don’t have much to keep me busy these days. I used to have my hands full raising my kids and running the house, given that Ron was effectively out of the picture. But now Alan and Katherine are getting older and more independent, and they don’t need my mothering that much. So it’s easy for me to get obsessed over my new personal-cocksucker role. I’m probably too obsessed about it already. Maybe that’s because everything is still very new and exciting, and things will calm down before long. I don’t know." She stared off into space thoughtfully.

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The she continued, "I recommend that if you do get involved, make sure to keep busy with other things. Such as raising Adrian. He’s a couple of years younger, and you’re essentially a single parent too, so he still very much needs you."

Brenda replied, "Yes, but then again, no. Of course he does to some extent, but just like you, I have way too much free time on my hands. Boredom is the curse of the idle rich, I guess. He’s out of the house as much as Alan, and I’ve got Anika who does practically everything. Sometimes I feel like a useless third wheel in my own house. It’s a problem that I need to address now that my divorce will soon be finalized. I need to make some big changes and big decisions, such as moving out of this ridiculously large mansion."

Then she said, "But please, let’s not talk about me. I want to know more about you. What other problems bother you?"

Susan pondered that. "Let’s see... There’s having to share Alan with other women, of course. I actually like sharing him with Suzanne and Katherine, even though it can get embarrassing at times, to say the least. You should have seen what happened today, for instance. He made me do all kinds of naughty things in front of both of them! And out in the sun by the pool, no less. It was soooo humiliating!"

Brenda said confidently, "But you loved it, didn’t you?"

Susan giggled. "Of course! But please don’t get me started on describing it, or I’ll never make it downstairs. The frustrating part is sharing him with all those other women, like the big-titted cheerleaders at school. I hate to say this, but this sharing problem could be a source of friction between you and me, if you get serious about serving his cock. There are only so many hours in the day, and he can only cum so many times. When Ron left, I had high hopes that Alan would be painting my face and chest with his cum three or four times a day, but that hasn’t happened. And who knows how many MORE women who will end up serving him? We’re in uncharted waters. That’s why we’ve been reluctant to have you get involved, even though it certainly seems you’d be a good fit."

Brenda didn’t want to make her case for joining in, since she’d done that before and she didn’t want to keep Susan on the phone too long. So instead she asked, "By the way, that reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to ask you: what exactly is the situation with Amy? I keep hearing bits and pieces about her, but I haven’t actually met her yet. And whenever her name comes up, Suzanne changes the subject. It’s very strange. I’ve gathered she’s busty and beautiful too, as well as a lovely, friendly person. She gets on great with Katherine and Alan, it would seem. So is she one of his sluts too?"

Susan responded, "Ah. Yes, that is a very tricky issue. You see, Amy is maturing into a very beautiful woman, but Suzanne still sees her as her little girl. And Amy is, well, I wouldn’t say dumb, but... spacey. She can be kind of an oblivious airhead at times. So Suzanne is extremely protective of her. Normally, she’d be glad to talk your ear off about her daughter, but probably when Amy’s name came up we were horny and talking about sexual things, so that’s why Suzanne changed the subject."

"Ah, I see," Brenda replied. "That explains it. But still, is she helping Alan or not?"

"That’s tricky too. The short answer is yes. On Sunday, I caught Alan titfucking Amy while Katherine licked his cockhead from above, so clearly, Amy is well on her way to becoming one of his personal cocksuckers. I’m sure she’ll make a very good one. She’s got an eager attitude, a fabulous, fit body, and a powerful love for him - all key ingredients for being one of his ideal big-titted sluts. Personally, I wouldn’t mind that, because she’s such a lovable sweetheart. She and Alan would be great for each other."

She continued, "But the longer answer is: it’s complicated. Since Suzanne is in such denial about Amy’s sexuality, I think Alan has been taking things slowly with her. It’s all rather hush-hush, again out of concern for Suzanne. That’s why I’m not even sure what the latest developments there are."

"Hmmm," Brenda muttered, as she thought that over. "Thanks for sharing that. I’m glad for her, and I’m keen to meet her, but what you said is troublesome for me. If Alan is going to have Amy helping too, that’s four helpers, all within shouting distance. That doesn’t leave much room for me, does it?"

"No. And that’s been the problem with you joining all along. Helping Alan cum is so much fun that all the women who know about it want to be a part of it. He’s a remarkably virile, well-hung young man, and that naturally draws sexy women like us to him. If more and more busty beauties throw themselves at him, will he turn them down? I honestly doubt it, unless he reaches some point of total exhaustion. As I keep telling you, these are very early days. Where will it all lead? How many serious helpers will he end up having? It’s very hard to say at this point."

Brenda let out a sad moan. "That’s not very reassuring. It sounds like the whole thing could fall apart!"

"No, it’s not. But I’m being honest with you because you deserve to hear the truth. If it helps at all, I worry about some other things, which I’ve been mentioning to you, but I don’t worry about the whole thing falling apart."

"You don’t?"

"No! No way! I know Alan and everyone involved very well. We make things work out. We always have and we always will. Sure, there will be some bumps in the road, but we all love what’s happening way, way, WAY too much to ever let it come to ruin."

Brenda said glumly, "That sounds very good for you. But what if it turns out I’m just one of those bumps in the road? He could decide there’s simply no room for me."

"THAT, I can assure you, isn’t going to happen. If he decides to accept you as one of his sluts - and that’s still a big ’if,’ mind you - but if he does, that means a commitment from him to you as well. One big reason why we all love helping him so much is because he’s so kind and loving. You seem like a very nice person too, so I’m sure he’ll develop feelings for you before too long. On top of that, your timing is lucky: he’s just getting started on his sexual road of discovery, so he’s not totally overwhelmed with help yet. Besides, let’s address this directly, with no beating around the bush: Brenda, you’re a remarkable woman with a remarkable body, and a great, submissive attitude! I get jealous because I worry you’ll be TOO perfect a big-titted slut for him! I selfishly want to be his favorite, the one he comes to first whenever he needs to have his balls drained dry."

Brenda groaned in frustration. "You can’t possibly get jealous of me, because I’m way more jealous of you! You’re living the dream! I’m on the outside, with my nose up against the window, wishing I could be right where you are! So what if my breasts are a little larger? That means nothing compared to the loving, lusty look in his eyes whenever he looks at you."

"You think?" Susan brightened up.

"I know it. I can easily see that he loves you way more than most sons ever love their mothers, even without the sexual aspect added to it. Whatever he does in life, it’s going to be because he wants to meet your expectations and please you. I could never, ever compete with that, nor with the fiery sexual spark between you two."

Susan responded, "That might be so, but then you can’t be jealous of me either. You asked me earlier which is better, love or sex, and I said I didn’t have to choose because I had both. Well, that could very well happen to you too. I told you he’s a big-hearted man who will probably develop feelings for you before too long. You’ll develop feelings for him too. I’ve discovered that really great sex is a powerful bonding experience that works both ways: each time we cum together, I desire him a little bit more, and he desires me a little more too. So, yes, you’ll never be his mother, but you could end up having a ’best of both worlds’ thing with him too."

Brenda thought, That sounds so incredible! Suzanne wants me to use Alan to explore my submissive side, then move on to some other man. But why would I want to move on, ever?! I don’t even need to have sex with him once to know it’ll be great. Hell, the physical mechanics of it could be terrible, objectively speaking, and I’d love it to death just the same because it’s Alan totally dominating me!

Feeling turned-on and excited about the future possibilities, Brenda said, "What you have with your son is inspirational. In fact, why are you still talking to me? You should go downstairs right now and celebrate everything that’s wonderful about your relationship with your son by giving him a really long, fantastic cocksucking!"

Susan brightened even more. "Really? Should I?"

"Sure! Of course you should! Life can be tough. It can hit you hard. You never know what tomorrow will bring, even if you’re on top of the world, like you and I are right now. Enjoy today to the fullest!"

Susan stood up with renewed purpose. "That sounds like a great idea!" But then she frowned. "The only problem is, well... I’m kind of supposed to be punishing him. I already told him that I’d only help him with handjobs for a while." She lamely added. "It’s a long story."

Brenda groaned in frustration. "I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. I don’t have that right. But I know what I’d do if I was in your shoes! I’d put on my high heels and some see-through lingerie, go downstairs, and choke and gag on his cock so long and so deep that I’d damn near break my jaw! And I wouldn’t stop until my face was thoroughly painted white with his hot cum-cream!"

"Mmmm!" Susan obviously liked the sound of that. However, she protested, "I wish! But I can’t. I have to stick to my punishment."

"Punish him some other way then. Because what you’re really doing is punishing yourself."

"Maybe. But anyway, Katherine is downstairs too, and I can’t have sexy fun with her watching. But that reminds me that I really should get going. Have I answered all your questions?"

"I suppose so. Most of them, at any rate. And I must say that I can only wish I had your problems. Your lifestyle sounds pretty great to me. It’s funny: I asked you to tell me your problems as a sort of ’playing devil’s advocate’ approach to give me some second thoughts. But I find myself wanting to join more than before!"

Susan replied, "And talking to you makes me better appreciate how good my life is. I suppose most of my problems are of the ’couldn’t things be even better still’ variety. I know most people would scoff if they knew how I’ve started living my life, but they just don’t know what it’s really like! It’s soooo good! If I could make changes, I don’t think I’d change a thing!"

Brenda teased, "Except make Alan able to cum even more often."

Susan laughed. "Oh yeah! Except for that! Anyway, I’ve gotta go. It was nice talking to you. Let’s talk again soon."

"I’d like that a lot. And thanks so much for taking the time to put my mind at ease."

The call wound down with some more pleasantries. But just before she said goodbye, Brenda said, "Promise me you’ll at least consider giving Alan a nice long suck tonight. Do it for me! I haven’t even done it once! You get to do it whenever you like."

Susan promised that she’d think about it. Then, once she was off the phone, she could think of little else.

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