6 Times a Day Chapter 465 Alan, Suzanne And Brenda.....[DD SPONSORED]

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Brenda dropped her arms and slumped in her position. She was beyond relieved, because she’d been seconds from dropping her arms, no matter what. She gratefully rubbed her upper arms, trying to massage the pain from her sore muscles.

Suzanne continued, "We don’t know how deep your submissiveness goes. It could go very deep indeed. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s just another natural variation, like height or hair color. We need to find out under relatively safe conditions like these. Could you get hurt emotionally? Yes. You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. But keep in mind that most sexually dominant men are real assholes with little or no check on their tendency to abuse their position, whereas collectively we provide some check on Alan. Besides, he’s a genuinely kind person to begin with."

Brenda finally expressed one of her greatest fears. "But that could be a problem too. What if he’s so kind yet masterful that I fall deeper and deeper under his spell, until I can’t get out? I could even fall in love with him if we don’t watch out!"

That was the kind of result that Suzanne was actually hoping for. Now that Brenda knew the Plummer incest secrets, Suzanne figured the safest course was to permanently attach her to their extended family in one way or another. Besides, Brenda was so remarkably sexual, submissive, busty, and outright beautiful that Suzanne was looking forward to having a lot of fun with her too, and for a long time to come. On top of that, she figured Alan really would be about the best possible man for Brenda, so it was win-win for everybody.

However, she knew that it wasn’t wise to say all that to Brenda at this time, so she merely said, "Don’t worry. I’m ready for any possible situation. And besides, if you end up sticking with him for a longer time, that wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing for you, and I’m sure he won’t mind. Remember, if you’re not careful about who you choose, you could end up chained in some dungeon, beaten, whipped, raped, starved, and utterly miserable. Maybe even dead. It happens!"

Brenda knew that Suzanne’s words made sense; it started to worry her a lot. She whimpered, "Why am I so submissive? I hate it! That’s another thing I’ve been wanting to ask you about. What makes me this way?!"

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Suzanne responded in a different, more soothing tone. "Don’t ask why. Why is it even a bad thing?"

"Why?! Because I’m not in control!"

"Ah, but you are, in a way. A dominant-submissive relationship is a two-way street, despite appearances to the contrary. If you have a master and you don’t like how he’s treating you, you can just go find another one. Frankly, that’s not my scene, but I understand that submissives can and do change masters quite a lot until they find one that works for them. That’s one reason you shouldn’t worry too much about how things go with Alan, by the way. Each party has to act in a certain manner to fulfill the expectations of the other, or they both lose out in the end. You need to look at these things in a new way, just like how I mentioned you need to look at ’fairness’ and ’equality’ in a new way."

"I suppose." Brenda was glad that at least the pain in her arms was going away quickly. However, despite the seriousness of the conversation and the fact she’d just had a climax, the throbbing in her pussy was only increasing. She was embarrassed at how pungent the smell of her arousal had to be.

"Brenda, you have a gift. Your submissiveness is a wonderful gift. I think you’re a very sexual and sensual woman. So far, you haven’t experienced even a fraction of the sexual pleasure you’re capable of, because you deliberately avoided the things that arouse you the most. Actually, you have two great gifts, because your outstanding body is another gift. You have a great capacity for joy, for love, for total erotic ecstasy. Don’t miss the boat, or be afraid of your submissive side. You have a golden opportunity here to learn who you really are. Alan is as safe and as good a potential master as you’ll ever find. Go for it! Fully submit to him!"

Brenda thought about that. Suzanne is completely right. I have to give myself to Alan! Serve him! My master! Oh God! That’s so exciting that I’m about to pass out! But I have to keep my cool. That’s it: just keep my cool.

She nodded, then promised, "I’ll try. But it’s so scary! He hasn’t committed to me yet. I don’t even know if he WANTS me as one of his many sluts!"

"I know. But if you want to really impress him, you have to fully commit first. Show him what a perfect cock-loving slut you can be! Prove it with every move you make, every look you give him. If you’re sincere, he’ll realize it and respond to you. Then how can he turn you down?"

Brenda nodded. She became more determined to do just that.

"I’ve just seen Susan go through a similar transition. Just look how happy she is now: she pretty much walks on air all the time. You can have that too, in the not too distant future, if you let us guide you."

That had given Brenda a lot to think about. She nodded again.

Suzanne grinned impishly. "Besides, you have to admit that the act of submitting is pretty arousing in and of itself, don’t you think?"

Brenda nodded shyly. But she couldn’t stop smiling. She couldn’t agree more. Even thinking about submitting made her nearly dizzy with lusty desire.

"I understand that for a woman like you, the act of submission is one of the most satisfying and arousing feelings you can have. The good news is that it doesn’t happen just once. Susan has told me that, every day, she’s struck with a powerful realization that she belongs to Alan. And not just once a day, but time and time again. And each time, she feels an incredible rush!"

Susan actually had recently told Suzanne something to that effect. It was precisely that sort of thing that made Suzanne feel that she was actually doing Brenda a service in helping her to fall hard for Alan.

Brenda was deeply impressed. Woooow! That’s what I want, what I need. To know every day, every hour, that I belong to someone. That’s not what I felt as a wife. No, I want... I need... something much deeper, more profound. To be OWNED! By Alan!

Suzanne wanted to give Brenda some time to think through all that. As a result, the two of them went back into the pool and began swimming in the warm water.

Brenda was relieved. If nothing else, she was glad when the water washed away the cummy rivulets running down her thighs. Hopefully it masked the smell of her arousal as well. But even going deep into the water couldn’t suppress the electric, erotic tingling she felt from head to toe.

Suzanne asked, "Have you ever gone skinny-dipping before?"

"Actually, no. Dumb, huh? Especially given how long I’ve had a house with privacy and a big pool."

"You were probably trying to suppress your true self. That’s a part of it. But never fear; I foresee you’ll have a lot of first-time experiences in the near future. And many of them won’t involve any clothes!"

They had a lot of fun simply swimming around for a while, reveling in their nudity. However, both were careful not to get their hair wet. Because her hair was longer, particularly her telltale zig-zag strand, Suzanne was extra careful, so she limited herself to dog-paddling, while Brenda with her short hair actually did a few laps with her head held high.

Suzanne was also wanting to look her best for Alan, since she knew he was nearby. In fact, she was wondering when he would announce himself, since he was already overdue.

As Brenda swam, she kept thinking, Suzanne is so right! Susan keeps telling me that she trusts Suzanne’s wisdom even over her own, and I can see why. I’m so lucky that I have these wonderful new friends looking out for me. I need to stop worrying and just run with my feelings, at least until I see where they take me!

I’m going to submit fully to Alan, starting today, and let the chips fall where they may. I feel deep in my heart that I belong on my knees between his legs, pleasuring his thick cock with my mouth! Maybe soon that could become my frequent reality! Unfortunately, Suzanne’s been implying that I might not be able to see him all that often. But if I prove that I’m devoted to serving him, surely I’ll be allowed to see him and serve his cock more than a couple of times a week, right? God, I hope so!

I’m so glad Suzanne has put my fears to rest. If she had ordered me to stay away from him, I think I would have just died of frustration!

Alan was still spying on the two busty, nude MILFs from behind some bushes. He remained too far away to hear what they were saying, but he could tell they were discussing something serious and important, so he decided to let the conversation play itself out. However, he certainly enjoyed the sight of their incredible bare bodies. He considered masturbating from his hiding place, but decided not to, figuring his erection would get a lot more interesting stimulation when he finally joined them.

He decided to wait until after they finished their swim. He wanted them to be out of the pool where Brenda couldn’t hide her nudity by staying in the deep end of the pool. He watched them get out, towel off, and refill their drinks from the pitcher before they started relaxing on adjacent lounge chairs. Man, this is nuts. I have no right to ever have one woman who looks like this, much less three! Mom, Aunt Suzy, and Brenda are truly in a league of their own. And Sis and Amy aren’t that far behind. Give them a couple more years to fully fill out and... good God!

The funny thing is that Heather thinks she’s the hottest thing under the Sun. If she saw these two right now, I think she’d have to cry in despair.

He finally made his entrance, strolling across the back lawn barefoot, wearing just a T-shirt and shorts with nothing on underneath. While he was walking towards them, he noticed they were putting their high heels back on, which he found both curious and arousing. When he got fairly close, he shouted in a friendly voice, "Hey, Aunt Suzy! Hi, Brenda!"

Brenda spotted him and immediately covered her privates as best she could. She’d finally managed to get her racing heartbeat under control, but now it started thumping again, and even harder than before. She urgently hissed in a quiet voice to Suzanne, "Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s Alan and he’s coming this way! What do I do?! I’m NAKED!"

Suzanne whispered back, "NOTHING! Don’t even try to cover yourself like that. Remember, your goal now is to learn how to serve and submit to him sexually. Nothing is more important to you at this moment. That’s the key to unlocking your submissive side, which you need to do to discover your true self. Just roll with it!"

Brenda asked with increasing panic, while squirming and writhing around helplessly in her lounge chair, "’Roll with it?!’ What does that mean?"

Alan was getting closer fast, and she worried he’d overhear or at least see them whispering. She was desperate to put at least some clothes back on, yet she didn’t want to risk Suzanne’s ire by doing so. Besides, she didn’t even know what Suzanne had done with her bikini. Just as Suzanne had intended, that left her feeling even more helpless and exposed, but also extremely aroused.

Suzanne spoke out of the corner of her mouth, because she too saw that Alan was getting near. "Follow my lead! Do what I do, if he lets you. Be cool. Show that you’re worthy of being allowed to serve his cock!"

Oh God! Oh God, oh God, oh God! Brenda was so nervous that she had to struggle to control her breathing. She gawked at Alan’s crotch and saw an obvious bulge. There it is! That cock! That’s MY cock now, the one that’ll rule my life! My master is coming right at me!

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She started to put a hand over her pussy, but then she remembered Suzanne’s command not to cover up. It took great force of will, but she brought her arms to her sides and held them there. Still, she was so embarrassed that she couldn’t help but close her eyes and blush profusely. Her body continued to tremble and wiggle, both with desire and in fear.

Alan walked right up to them. He said in an easy-going voice, "Hey, you guys. What’s up? Aunt Suzy, what’s Brenda doing here?" 𝘧𝘳ℯ𝓮𝘸𝓮𝑏𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝘤ℴ𝘮

Suzanne stood up. "Before I answer that, where’s my kiss?"

Alan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. The two of them necked passionately for a minute or two.

Brenda managed to open her eyes and watch, feeling safe that at least he wasn’t looking at her at that moment. Her pussy gushed just from watching, especially since she imagined that might be her next. But she could feel her juices leak from her pussy, and that caused her to worry that Alan would smell her sudden arousal, not to mention see the traces. She’d long felt that she was cursed with an overly-wet and too-easily-aroused pussy.

Her body trembled while she peeked. Holy shit! Look at what they’re doing! Not only are they kissing, but he’s got his hands all over her naked body, like some kind of greedy octopus! He’s even fingering her pussy, I can tell! I can’t see it directly ’cos they’re pressed so closely together, but look at his arm moving and the way she’s moaning into his mouth. She’s so hot for him! Suzanne, this, this... goddess, is also just one of his many personal sluts! He’s running his hands all over her with such confidence, like he really does own her! And now he’s kneading her ass cheeks and pulling her in even closer, and all she does is hump back!

God, he’s such a fucking STUD! I think I’m gonna pass out! I wish that was me! Alan, play with MY tits and ass like that! Jesus! It hasn’t even been a minute and he’s already got the mighty Suzanne purring and moaning in the most erotic manner. She’s putty in his hands! They’re gonna be fucking before long, right here in front of me, if they keep at it like that!

When the necking ended, Suzanne looked down at his crotch and smiled knowingly. "Oops! How did that happen?" She was referring to the way that his shorts had "accidentally" been pulled down (by her hands). His dick, which not surprisingly was fully erect, was also completely exposed.

Brenda gasped when she saw that, and sat up in her lounge chair. Oh no! Just look at all that... COCK! So much cock! It looks ten inches long, at least! To think... my lips sliding over that... my jaw stretched to its limits... The pressure of trying to do as well as his personal cocksuckers... I don’t know if I can handle it!

(Of course Alan’s penis was just shy of eight inches when fully erect; that hadn’t changed. But Brenda was now looking at it in awe, particularly since Susan had repeatedly told her that it was really ten inches long.)

Alan shrugged, slightly abashed. "Oops, for real. Sorry, Brenda. I suppose I should pull back up." He started to go through the motions of pulling up his shorts without actually doing so just yet, since he was hoping Suzanne would say or do something to stop him first.

Sure enough, Suzanne quickly jumped in, "Don’t you dare! Brenda and I are sunbathing nude. You should join us. Brenda, come here and pull his shorts all the way off his legs while I give him another kiss." Puckering up, she pulled him in closer for another scorcher.

Brenda clutched her chest with worry. Me? She means me! Fuck! This is going to be tough, getting that close to them and that great cock of his. It’s too intimidating, and the fact that Suzanne’s hand is sliding all over it isn’t exactly helping! But I’m not gonna give up that easily. Suzanne said I have to roll with the punches, so that’s what I’ve gotta do!

Filled with resolve, she stood up and walked a few feet to where the other two stood. I have to remember who I am. I’m smart and rich, with a perfect-ten body and huge breasts! I’m hardly a virgin. So his cock shouldn’t intimidate me. But it does! When I think what his mother Susan does with it... how she loves it with her mouth and her hands... and her boobs... Oh God!

Alan and Suzanne appeared very preoccupied with kissing and fondling each other. Brenda couldn’t help but stare at the way that Suzanne was already busy sliding a hand up and down his stiff pole. She was both shocked and thrilled by how brazenly Suzanne was in doing that openly in the great outdoors; it left her struggling just to breathe. However, in a way she was glad that Suzanne had taken him in hand (literally), because she hoped that he would be so distracted by what Suzanne was doing that he would hardly notice her when she pulled his shorts down past his knees.

She was also glad that she’d had two drinks, because the alcohol gave her some "courage." She moved behind Alan, standing where he wouldn’t be able to look at her. Then she reached down and grabbed his shorts, which were clinging just above his knees, and slowly tugged them down around his ankles.

To her great relief, the process went smoothly and quickly, despite the fact that she was still trembling all over with both fear and arousal. Feeling her heavy tits dangling down made her think about just how engorged and aroused her erect nipples were. When she reached his feet, he helpfully lifted one foot up and then the other. Soon, she found herself standing back up, holding his shorts in her hands. She lifted them to her face and smelled the crotch. She nearly swooned at their manly smell, even though it was nearly entirely in her mind.

Suzanne had been monitoring Brenda’s progress out of the corner of her eye. When she saw that Brenda had completed the task, she broke free of necking with Alan and turned to Brenda. "Good work," she told her. Then she snatched his shorts from Brenda’s hands and tossed them far away onto a nearby lawn. "We won’t be needing those for a while!" she laughed.

Brenda’s heart was already racing a mile a minute and her face was still cherry red. Seeing Alan’s shorts fly away and realizing the implications practically gave her a heart attack. Then she remembered that not only was she not wearing her own bikini, she didn’t even know where it was.

She had to fight the urge not to cover her pussy and nipples with her hands. No! I have to be strong! Remember what Suzanne said: embarrassment is part and parcel of serving a powerful boy like Alan. Wait a minute. "Powerful boy?" Isn’t that a contradiction? But look at the way he’s manhandling her! Good GOD! He’s a MAN! Look at the way she strokes his cock! Too much! Too hot! I think I really AM gonna pass out!

Suzanne stood behind Alan and gave him a not-so-subtle push in Brenda’s direction. "Sweetie, don’t be rude. Give our nice guest a friendly kiss too."

Brenda was so shocked that she took a step backward. She seriously contemplated running away, and had it not been for the fact that she’d just put her high heels back on, which made it very difficult to run, and had no bikini or place to go, she might well have done so.

Alan stepped forward. Brenda looked so nervous and bug-eyed that he had some sympathy for her. He wrapped his arms around her, but held her loosely in a comforting hug instead of trying something highly sexual right off the bat.

Brenda was relieved, to say the least, and melted in his arms. But then she remembered just who she was holding, and that both her privates and his were exposed, and that caused her to tense up and freak out all over again. In her heart, she was beginning to long for Alan to be her true master, but it was such a new and embarrassing idea that she was too embarrassed to tell Susan or Suzanne about, much less Alan himself. Just touching her potential master in any way was extremely exciting. Doing it while she was buck naked was almost more than she could handle.

However, Alan just kept on holding her close, without taking it any further, so after nearly a minute she gave in and truly relaxed, to the point that she rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes.

She thought, This is... nice! Sure, it’s scary as Hell! I’ve built him up so much in my mind since the last poker party that I’m acting like a nervous wreck, even compared to then. But it’s just a hug. Besides, in a way he’s just a boy. True, he’s a naturally superior, well-hung, dominant kind of boy, but he hugs just like my Aidy does. I can handle it!

It helped that Alan was extra careful about his erection. Mindful of Susan’s request not to allow Brenda to touch it, he’d tucked it away directly down between his legs and kept his legs closed so it stayed trapped between his thighs. As a result, it hadn’t even lightly brushed against Brenda, despite their intimate embrace.

While Alan and Brenda continued their comforting hug, Suzanne spoke up. "Oh, Sweetie, to answer your question why Brenda is here, she just decided to come over for a visit and to talk about some stuff. Girl stuff. But what are you doing here? I thought you were at church?"

Since he merely had his arms around Brenda’s back and hadn’t attempted to kiss her yet, he was able to answer. "I was gonna go, but I bagged it at the last minute. And I’m glad I did, because you two sure are a sight for sore eyes."

Suzanne laughed. "Do you mean a sight for sore eyes, or a sight for sore cock?"

To Brenda’s shock and horror, Suzanne reached in between them, found his boner where it was trapped pointing down between his thighs, and wrapped her hand around it. She said, "Excuse me, Brenda, but I have to see what’s going on here." Then she pulled his cock into view and began jacking him off. She kept his pole pointed upward and away from Brenda for the most part. But Brenda felt Suzanne’s hand sliding up and down over her lower tummy.

Oh God! Sweet Jesus! I can’t believe she’s doing that! Brenda’s breathing grew extremely labored, causing her fat tits and especially her unusually long nipples to slide up and down Alan’s chest. She was grateful at least that he was still wearing a T-shirt, but she was sure there was no way he could fail to notice how she couldn’t stop rubbing against him due to her heaving chest, or the very aroused state of her nipples.

Suzanne didn’t relent from continually pushing Brenda’s limits. Seeing that the tomato-faced Brenda had calmed down enough to at least not hyperventilate, she said, "Come on, Sweetie. Are you gonna kiss her or not?"

Alan lowered his head a bit and kissed Brenda on the lips. It occurred to him that this was the very first time he’d done so, even though he’d already explored nearly every other inch of her body at the previous poker party. He appreciated that he didn’t need to bend that much, since she was wearing high heels.

Immediately and without thinking, Brenda opened her mouth wide, giving him access. When they began kissing intently, complete with tongue dueling, she felt a surge of arousal so great that she swooned and very nearly fainted in his arms.

Dear God! Lord have mercy! Alan is kissing me! ALAN! Even... even while Suzanne is jacking him off! So HOT! This is my chance, my first big chance to prove that I’m Alan-worthy! At first, it took some time to recover from her swoon. But then she felt energized, so she kissed back much more aggressively. At the same time, she began running her hands up and down his back, as if she just couldn’t get enough of him (which she couldn’t).

Alan was pleasantly surprised. So far, he’d just kept his hands on Brenda’s back. But seeing that she could handle it, he dropped a hand to her nearest ass cheek and gave it a good squeeze.

That caused Brenda to experience another surge of lust. She moaned loudly into his mouth. In reality, Alan was a reasonably good kisser, but he hadn’t developed an incredible kissing technique. There was nothing extraordinary in the way he squeezed Brenda’s bubbly ass cheeks either. But she had built him up so much in her mind that she felt as aroused as if she were getting the fucking of her life.

Brenda thought, Oh my God! I can’t blow it! I have to use my tits. Yes, my tits! I can’t just stand still; I’ll slide ’em all over his chest! She proceeded to do just that (although in fact it wasn’t that different from her on-going chest heaving). But she had to be careful how much she slithered up and down his body, due to Suzanne’s hand being in the way.

Knowing that Suzanne was still reaching in and jacking him off in the narrow space between their bodies was simply too arousing for her to think about. But she couldn’t stop thinking about it, because Suzanne’s hand continually brushed against her just above her bush. From time to time, she could even feel Alan’s hot, wet cockhead sliding directly against her bare skin. (Although Suzanne was trying not to let Brenda touch Alan’s cock, she wasn’t that concerned about his cock touching Brenda, since Susan had not included that aspect when she’d imposed her constraint.)


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