6 Times a Day Chapter 475 Hot Amy And Suzanne [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Suzanne, Amy, and Alan had a nice walk towards the public beach, though it was nothing compared to what Suzanne had hoped for. She carried all three of their bathing suits, since she expected that eventually they’d have to put them on when they got to the non-nude part of the beach.

Amy was so excited that she ran off ahead of them, seemingly unconcerned that she was totally naked. It was a very amusing and arousing sight for Alan to see, as Amy ran this way and that like an excited little child at the zoo. She just gloried in being allowed to be naked in a public, outdoors setting, probably for the first time since being a baby. Her tits bounced around so wildly that it must have hurt, but she didn’t seem to care.

Alan had never seen anything like it. He seriously wondered if she could hit herself in the face with a tit.

Amy didn’t mind that they passed a few other people, because those people were also naked (and most of them gay couples, Alan guessed). After a few minutes, however, she ran up to Alan and Suzanne all out of breath and huffed, "There’s lots more people up ahead! Mom, Alan, I’m worried people will see you. You’d better get changed."

Suzanne handed Amy her bikini, which she’d carried with her. "Here. You put this on too."

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"Oh yeah," Amy pouted. "Me too. Bummer. Do we have to go that way?"

"We do." In truth, they could have gone the other way, but Suzanne wanted to be seen in public with "her man." Since their relationship was secret, this was the best she could do, for now. She would have preferred if Amy hadn’t been there too, but that couldn’t be helped.

They put on their bathing suits and continued on their walk. Their stroll through the popular beach was quite an ego-trip for Alan, because the mouth-wateringly gorgeous mother and daughter were walking on each side of him, holding his hands. Nearly everything sexual that had happened to him up to this point had taken place in private, so this was his first time to be seen in public with his new sexual persona. His chest swelled with pride.

Soon, the beach was so crowded that they had to thread their way through people both coming and going.

Nearly everyone, even other females, did a double-take when they saw Suzanne and Amy. It was remarkable enough that they were such knockouts, but the fact that they were both acting as if they belonged to the same teenage boy was even more surprising.

Alan felt like he was walking down the red carpet into the Academy Award ceremony, with a movie starlet on each arm.

The two women also basked in all the attention.

The three of them generally walked in silence, but Alan finally spoke, asking Suzanne, "You seem to be enjoying yourself today. Why is it that you never go to the beach? Heck, you don’t even swim in your pool, or our pool, very much."

Suzanne thought about that, then looked down at her ghostly-white arms. "I guess it’s because of my skin. Being so pale, I’ve always avoided the sun. So I’m just not a beach gal. But I’ve learned that if I cover up from head to toe really thoroughly, it’s not so bad. Look - I may even be getting a tan."

Suzanne pulled at her bikini top to show more of one of her tits than was already exposed, pretending to show off a tan line. But it was a joke, because there wasn’t any tan line at all on her ivory skin. She pulled the bikini so far from her skin that Alan could see the entirety of one of her nipples. He was surprised that she’d do that with so many men staring. Her action got some loud whistles, even though only Alan was in a position to actually see her nipple.

Alan replied gamely, "Sounds like what you need are some strong hands that will completely cover you..."

"With suntan lotion," Amy completed the sentence he had purposely left hanging.

"I was thinking of some other kind of whitish cream, but that might work just as well," he answered jokingly.

Suzanne ribbed him, but added, "Maybe someday soon you can cover me with both."

They continued onward, receiving attention from everyone as if they were royalty. Alan thought to himself, You know what’s amazing? There are a lot of gorgeous women on this beach, but none of them are as good-looking as the two I’m with right now. Not even close. And the killer is that both of these women are MY women. They’re both totally after me, and not anyone else. I could probably do whatever I wanted with them.

Well, within legal limits, anyway. For instance, I could just put my hand on Amy’s butt, even though we’re a public spectacle. Hell, why don’t I?

Alan did so. First he switched from hand-holding to an embrace with both females, and then he slid his hand down Amy’s back to her butt, even as they continued to walk. When he found no resistance or reluctance, he put his hand underneath her bikini bottoms and explored her ass crack with his fingers.

Awesome! he thought. That’s what I’m talking about. Yes! With Aims, I could probably fuck her right on this crowded stretch of beach, and she’d just go, ’M’kay!’ Aunt Suzy says to take it easy with her, but I don’t know how long I can stand it. She’s just so agreeable and sexy. I want to lie ON her! Next time I see this girl alone, I swear to God, I just might go all the way. Well, okay, probably not; I have to respect her mother’s wishes or I’ll be in really deep shit. But damn do I want to!

And as for Aunt Suzy, talk about fucking lucky! I have no idea what I did to deserve it, but she’s totally into me. Just look at how she’s beaming. She’s psyched to be seen with me! I’m going to do the same with her and see what she does.

He slid his hand down Suzanne’s back and into her bikini bottoms as well. Just as with Amy, he couldn’t even see any change in facial expression as he turned his head from side to side to look at their faces. They only wore big, contented smiles.

He wanted to test just how far he could go. So after another minute passed, he pulled his hand away from Amy and licked his fingers. Then he slowly stuck an exploratory finger right up Amy’s anus.

Amy’s eyes flew wide and her mouth opened as if she were saying "Ooooh!" but she didn’t say a word. She didn’t even break stride as they walked. The only change was that her smile grew wider and her stride changed to more of a saunter.

Then he did the same to Suzanne, and laughed inwardly as her smile also grew, so much so that her facial expression nearly perfectly matched Amy’s. The way she walked also changed to match Amy’s saunter.

Like mother, like daughter, he thought bemusedly. I guess they really are alike in many ways.

There was one important difference between them, however. Exploring further, he found that he could only get his middle finger into Amy’s very small and tight hole, but managed to fit his middle and ring fingers into Suzanne’s more accommodating anus. All this experimenting created a great deal of pained yet delighted gasping from both females as their asses repeatedly clenched and relaxed their grip on his fingers. As a result, they more waddled than walked, which was liable to direct more attention their way.

Suzanne mumbled while barely moving her lips, "You cheeky bastard."

"Actually, I’m an ass-cheeky bastard," he joked. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Did I say that?" Actually, Suzanne was very pleased. She was trying to get him to act more aggressively, and here he was finally doing so. She didn’t want to discourage that in any way. She was embarrassed, true, but also surprisingly aroused. She asked, "I don’t have eyes on the back on my head; are you doing the same to Amy?"


"You ARE an ass-cheeky bastard." But Suzanne was still smiling.

Amy said, "Mom, I think it’s sexy and hot! I dunno. The fact he’s doing it to both of us at the same time, isn’t that kinda, well, hot? Especially with everyone watching!"

Suzanne surprised herself by saying, "Yes. Yes, it is. Don’t encourage him, though."

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The three of them laughed at that.

Somehow Alan continued to walk and probe their two assholes at the same time. He found the subtle interplay of their ass muscles as they strolled along to be very arousing. It was fun watching them try not to squirm. He very much wanted to see the expressions of people behind him who could see what he was doing with their asses, but he couldn’t see in that direction.

Suddenly a strange voice said, "Alan? ... Alan Plummer?"

Alan looked around and saw a face looking at him expectantly. At first he was confused, but then he placed it. "Darryl?"

The teenager who waded in the surf in front of them turned out to be a former classmate of Alan’s who’d moved away and changed schools, so they’d lost contact.

Alan stopped to chat, politely introducing his two sexy companions. But something possessed him not to take his hands off either Suzanne’s or Amy’s ass, not even to shake hands. (Besides, he realized it would be rude to pull his finger out of an asshole and then present it to someone to shake hands.)

In fact, as he casually talked with Darryl, he continued to saw in and out of both their hotly clutching assholes with his fingers. It seemed to him that all his sexual fun had been taking place in private, but here was a rare chance for him to publicly "mark his territory" and hopefully not have it come back to haunt anyone.

Meanwhile, his digital stimulation of their asses, plus the idea of being watched by so many people, was really driving Amy and Suzanne nearly crazy with lusty need. They started to squirm as if they each really had to pee.

Suzanne thought, What the heck is with me? I’m supposed to be the one in charge here, but Sweetie is treating me like some kind of bimbo. And I’m loving it! My god, if just two of his fingers feel this good, what would it feel like to have his big throbbing cock stuffed up my ass?

Shit! Now my face is all flushed, and I’m probably leaking all down my thighs. My whole body is probably trembling visibly. His friend must certainly know what’s going on, not to mention the countless people standing behind us. This Darryl guy must be able to see the glistening juices running from my pussy and down my thighs. Probably the same on Amy, too. Fuck! This is wild!

Sweetie’s treating me like I’m some kind of "ho’." It would be embarrassing enough if it were just me, but I’m letting him do the same to my daughter! From the look on her face and the way she’s squirming her hips, she might be getting off on this even more than I am. It’s like he’s the pimp and we’re just a couple of his ho’s, not even worth including in his conversation with his friend.

This is so naughty and politically incorrect! I’ve always been the one in the driver’s seat with my other lovers. If this were anyone else, I’d slap the guy upside the head. But this is just too much fun to stop. Especially seeing that the timid and nerdy Alan is finally blossoming into a total Don Juan. Wow! What have I created?

Amy, if anything, loved what was happening even more than her mother. Having always been behind the pace of the other women in terms of the sexual acts they’d shared with Alan, this caused her heart to pound much more than it did Suzanne’s.

When Amy got horny, she loved to get naked, so this was causing her to have a nearly overwhelming desire to rip off her bikini. She imagined falling to the sand in the buff, then having Alan pounce on her and fuck her silly while her mother and crowds of beach-goers watched. If her mother got naked and joined in their sandy romp, so much the better. But Amy restrained herself, even as she helplessly writhed more and more on Alan’s invasive digit the longer they stood there talking to Darryl.

Alan was enjoying the moment too. But he saw it in a different way, mostly thinking it was a great lark. However, out of nowhere, his experience at Baskin-Robbins with Heather torturing him in public came to mind. He recalled how painful that experience had been for him, and feared that he might be making Suzanne or Amy feel the same way he’d felt back then. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea how horny his actions were making the mother and daughter or he would not have worried. But because he didn’t, he broke off his conversation with Darryl and said his goodbyes. Then the three of them turned around and headed back to Susan.

Now Alan could see the faces of all the people, male and female, who had clearly seen what his hands had been up to. There were a lot of upraised thumbs and approving whistles from the men. Some of the women even made approving signs to Suzanne and Amy.

He thought, That was a really close call with Darryl. Luckily he moved to San Diego and goes to a completely different school. Of course that makes sense, since we’re at a far-off beach, but there still was a small chance - still IS a small chance - that I could run into someone from my own school. How the heck would I explain walking with these two, especially if some classmate saw where my hands are, and even where my fingers are probing? Most of them know Amy, who’s a cheerleader. And a lot of them know Aunt Suzy from seeing her at the open house nights and such, since she’s so good looking. Or what if Glory happened to be surfing out here today? Whoa. She DOES go to far-off beaches to avoid her students. I need to be smarter than this!

He pulled his hands completely away from both their asses as this idea of getting caught sank in.

Amy griped audibly, "Awww..."

He was suddenly feeling bad, so he said, "I’m sorry, you two. Did you mind, you know, what I was doing with my hands?"

Suzanne mumbled out of the corner of her mouth so that the other people nearby couldn’t hear, "Did I mind? Let’s see if this answers that question." She grabbed his wrist and put his hand back on her ass, then slid it back inside her bikini bottoms again.

Amy laughed agreeably upon seeing that. She playfully grabbed his other hand and slid it back onto her ass under her bikini bottoms too, saying, "I only minded when you stopped!"

So he figured, To hell with being smart. I’m too horny! God, people must be staring at my bursting dick throbbing hard against this suit, and my hands are occupied so I can’t even adjust it. It’s liable to pop out any moment and then we’ll really be a sight! But he still continued what he was doing with their tempting asses.

He said under his breath, "Dammit, when we get back to where it’s safe, I’m gonna need the biggest blowjob of my life. I’m probably not gonna last two seconds before I blow."

Amy replied none too quietly, "Oooh! Shotgun! I get to help him first!"

Suzanne said like a chiding mother, "No, Honey Pie, shotgun only counts for getting the front seat in a car; it doesn’t count for helping our Sweetie here. And what about Susan? Shouldn’t she get a fair chance?"

Amy replied, "Hey. You snooze, you lose!"

"Hey, yourself, Honey Pie. Besides, didn’t I just tell you today that you’re not allowed to blow him, period? Handjobs only for you. I don’t want you to get too wild sexually. You have my genes, which means you could love sex far too much."

Amy shot back with, "Don’t I get a say in this? Most girls my age have had sex already. Besides, I called shotgun."

"It doesn’t work like that. Don’t make me regret giving you permission to do at least some things with him."

"Bummer! What if I stroke his thingy while you make it feel good with your mouth?"

"Absolutely not!"

The two of them continued to argue about who should pleasure him, and how, which only made it more difficult for him to keep walking with his increasingly-stiff erection. Meanwhile the crowds thinned out as they continued north along the beach. Finally, they got around to asking him what he thought.

He didn’t want to play favorites, so he just quipped as he gave both of their ass cheeks an extra firm squeeze, "What do I think? I think you’re both being very cheeky."

That elicited groans for the word play combined with groans of arousal from the squeezing.

Then he said, "You want to know what I really think? I think it’s crazy that we’re walking literally in front of hundreds of people. And everyone is staring at my hands. I’ll bet they can see the way my fingers are moving. Well, some of them, anyway."

Suzanne suddenly complained, "Shut up! If you say one more thing, I’m gonna fall to the ground and explode with the most powerful orgasm ever! I can barely hold on as it is!"

So he stayed quiet. But he played with their ass cracks most of the way back, keeping Amy and Suzanne each right on the edge of a great climax the entire time.

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