6 Times a Day Chapter 496 Lovely Scheming Heather [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon Special ?? [ 6 / 12 ] 3K


It took Alan five minutes before he could pee, because his erection wouldn’t go down for anything. When he finally managed, his boner softened only slightly, and then got stiff again as soon as he was done. Thinking about what had happened with his two bombshell beauties downstairs was truly too arousing to even contemplate. He washed his hands and cleaned up, but he lingered in the bathroom, wondering if he was ready to go back downstairs.

Hot damn! I’ll never think of the basement in the same way again. It’s like an inferno of sweaty lust down there. I’m almost afraid to go back down! Aunt Suzy promised me she’d blow me next. Dear God! No one could possibly believe how lucky I am. If they don’t kill me soon, that is! But seriously, I need to pace myself and take a long break, at least until my dick gets soft. And that could be a while!

He’d gone back to just sitting on the toilet seat, with the lid down, when he heard the front doorbell ring. He figured it was a door-to-door salesperson or religious proselytizer or someone annoying like that, but he went to check anyway. He was actually looking forward to some kind of distraction, even an annoying one, to help him calm down.

He peeked through the peephole first, as he habitually did, and saw it was Heather. Heather?! What the hell?!

He shouted, "Just a minute!" Then he raced back to the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror to make sure there was nothing suspicious or out of place. He also sniffed the air to check if he smelled of sex, but luckily, he’d washed his face, hands, and elsewhere just a few minutes ago. He decided that he looked presentable, so he went back to the front door.

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He opened the door and tried to act surprised. (That wasn’t hard to do, since he was very puzzled by her arrival.) "Heather?! What are you doing here?"

She was wearing a tight yellow top that didn’t even come down to her belly button, and very tight, short jeans shorts. Her top was so revealing that it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra, and in fact she wasn’t wearing any panties either. She looked slightly peeved. She handed him an envelope and said, "Here’s your stupid test."

Alan walked outside and closed the door behind him.

As he did that, she furtively peeked at his crotch. She was shocked to see how obviously aroused he was. Good grief! It’s like he’s got a caveman club in there!

He peeked at her chest and noticed the erect state of her nipples, clearly poking through her skin-tight shirt. He gulped, trying hard to outwardly keep his cool. He asked, "That’s it? No, ’Hey Alan, how’s it going?’"

She said snarkily, "Hey Alan, how’s it going? And there’s your stupid test."

"May I ask what test?"

Even though they were alone, she was deliberately being vague out of embarrassment. "You know. Remember, in the parking lot on Friday you said I needed to get tested? Those are the results. Of course it shows that there was never anything to worry about."

"Ah. Good. Um, thanks. By the way, I got tested on Friday too. I still haven’t gotten the results back though. These came back really fast; they told me mine would take a few days, and I know they won’t come today since it’s a holiday so there’s no mail."

She said aggressively, "Are you calling me a liar? Do you think I faked them?"

"No. Geez. Take a chill pill."

"It so happens I paid extra to have fast results, so I could get my reward sooner rather than later. I just picked these up at the clinic before coming here." She looked all around, causing him to do the same. That allowed her to sneak another peek at the lewd bulge in his shorts. She asked, "By the way, why are we standing on your front walkway? Can’t we go in your house?"

"NO! We can’t. Remember, I told you last time that you can never, ever, EVER come to my house. Period!" He didn’t trust Heather any further than he could throw her, so while he was talking he was scanning the results she’d handed him.

"Why not? It’s the logical and ideal place for me to get my reward."

"Reward? What are you talking about?"

"You know," she hissed urgently. "You said as soon as I proved to you I had good test results, you’d give me my reward." Her voice turned husky, and she stared at his tenting shorts again, but very overtly this time. "My long, thick, stiff reward." She held one of her breasts from below, lifting it enticingly.

"Ah. That reward." He looked down and saw what he was showing. He tried to tuck his erection away, without much success. Despite her attempt to act seductive, he was still reading the test results instead of looking at her. Suddenly, he noticed something significant. "Hey! Wait a minute! What’s this?" He pointed to a spot on the paper. "It says right here: ’Warning: these are preliminary results only.’ What’s that mean?"

She sighed with exasperation. "Fine. You got me. As I said, I paid extra for fast results, but not even the fastest lab can get final results in less than 48 hours. Something about needing time for certain cultures to grow. I kind of got bitchy about it and managed to get them to give me this. I’m totally in the clear! It says right there, for real! But if you want the final ’official’ results, that’ll have to wait until tomorrow."

He gave her a chagrined look and handed the paper back to her. "Yeah, I want the REAL results. This isn’t good enough."

She folded the paper up and stuffed it in the back pocket of her shorts. "Anyway, where were we? Oh, yes. We were talking about you giving me my reward."

"Reward?" He’d been distracted by his discovery that the test results were only preliminary, so he wasn’t thinking about her husky demand for his "long, thick, stiff reward."

She purred lustily. "Here, let me refresh your memory. I’m talking about this one." She brazenly reached out and caressed the obvious lump in his shorts.

"HEY!" He forcefully pushed her hand away. "You can’t do that here!"

"Why not?" She looked all around. As she examined the potential danger of being seen, she casually stated, "We’re pretty much shielded from the street by bushes and such. There’s no direct angle from the sidewalk to here. Besides, who would be out on a street like this in the middle of the day anyway? Nobody’s going to notice a little fondle."

"Maybe not, but you forget about the people INSIDE the house! My mom, for starters. She’s the main reason I said you should never, ever come here. She’s a total prude and a hard core Bible thumper. Believe me, you do NOT want her to know we’re fooling around. She wouldn’t even understand the concept of casual sex."

Heather struck a sexy pose, cocking her hip and brushing her hair back with her hand. "Come on, she can’t be all that bad. I’ve met her. She seemed nice and normal enough."

"She’s nice, very nice. But she has some very wacko religious beliefs. Ask Katherine or Amy or anyone else if you don’t believe me."

Heather frowned. "Then where am I going to get my reward? I have an itch that needs scratching." She deliberately ran her hand over her thinly covered pussy mound.

"Sorry, uh..." He was momentarily blown away by the fact that Heather was raring to have sex with him again. He was feeling so horny that it seemed like a very tempting idea. The thought occurred to him. Hey, if Heather’s clean, that means I should be clean. So even though my results are taking a lot longer, I don’t really have to worry. Sweet!

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She impatiently prodded, "Hello...? Reward?"

He griped, "Heather, what do you want? Do you want me to up and do you right here, right now? On the front lawn, maybe?"

She grinned impishly. "Kinky! I like!"

He rolled his eyes. "Get real. That wasn’t a suggestion. Besides, you twisted my words. I never said I would do you when you gave me your test results; I said that was a precondition. And that’s when you get your FINAL results, not the preliminary ones!"

"Preliminary is plenty good enough. They told me that was like ninety-nine plus percent accurate." She was lying. "Besides, we can have sex now, and then again when we get more results."

He folded his arms across his chest. "No."

"Oh, come on! Don’t you think I deserve a reward, especially for getting the results back so fast?" She struck an enticing pose, leaning forward with her hand on her hip.

He waved his hands in frustration. "Even if I did, where? How? When? What happened on Friday was crazy," he said, alluding to the sex they’d had in the school parking lot. "That’s not going to happen again."

"Well, duh! We don’t have to use a parking lot this time, silly. We’re standing right in front of your front door, hint hint."

"My house is off limits."

She broke her provocative pose to gesticulate with frustration. "Why?! It’s right here."

He glared at her with annoyance. "Remember what I told you about my religious mother?"

"So? Let’s just sneak up to your room. She won’t be the wiser."

"It doesn’t work like that. She knows everything that goes on in the house. She doesn’t have a paying job, so taking care of the house is like, her thing. She knows every inch like the back of her hand. Besides, what are the odds we’d be able to stay quiet?"

Heather scoffed derisively. "HA! Don’t make me laugh! We were quiet enough last time, and if she knows everything that goes on in the house, she obviously must know we’re fucking already!"

Alan stood there for a second like a deer in headlights, at a loss for words. But he quickly recovered, and came up with a response. "Trust me, you don’t know my mom. She’s supernaturally perceptive about some things and totally oblivious about others. Aren’t either of your parents like that sometimes? Most are."

Heather realized he had a point, because her parents were like that. For instance, it had taken ages until her mother realized she and Simone were having sex in her room, and she still wasn’t entirely sure if her father figured it out too and just was in denial or if he really still didn’t know. She switched to a frustrated pose. "Your mom can’t be that much of a prude, can she? I mean, she’s totally gorgeous. A woman like that must be getting regularly plowed by somebody, right? She’ll know the deal. A girl’s gotta have it. Am I right or what?"

He frowned. "Look. I’m not going to discuss my mother’s sex life with you. Of course she’s sexually experienced, but she’s also very innocent and na?ve about many things. When you were here, you picked up on that right away and played verbal tricks on her for your own amusement. That totally pissed me off! No way am I letting you near her again."

He leaned towards her, nearly angry. "I cannot state this any more forcefully or clearly: you can’t come here, ever! Just standing near the front door like this is dangerous. She might overhear and invite you in, and things’ll go downhill from there. Trust me, don’t even go there!"

Now it was Heather’s turn to roll her eyes. "You’re such a pussy. But fine. Whatever. What about my house then?"

Alan thought fast. "Your house... well, that might be okay, but I’m not keen on an encounter with your big Marine dad. Anyways, I’m a busy guy. I don’t know how often I’d be able to get there. Besides, I’m not going to have sex with you right now, no matter what or where."

"WHAT?! Why not?!" She put her hands on her hips and gave him an indignant look.

"If I did, that would be rewarding you for showing up on my doorstep unannounced, and on a holiday no less. I’m not going to do anything at all to reward that behavior. Plus, I’m waiting for the FINAL test results." Knowing she was going to get in a huff about that, he quickly followed, "HOWEVER, there’s always tomorrow."

Before he could say more, she cut in, "Today is better. Much better."

"Sorry, I’m not going to fall for your feminine wiles."

She raised an eyebrow, and reached out to cup his bulge again. "Oh, really? I see about eight inches of hard cock that says otherwise." She expertly caressed his shaft through his shorts. "And I noticed you were all stiff like this from the moment you opened the door." She muttered to herself, "It’s pretty tough not to notice a bulge this big!"

He complained, "I’ll admit I peeked to see who it was, and I got a quick chubby when I found out it was you." He figured that was a good way to cover up the dangerous truth. "I’m not dead! But I’m not like your other guys. I’m not ruled by my dick."

He realized that in fact he hadn’t been doing anything to get her to remove her hand. Her fondling felt extremely good. But he couldn’t let her keep doing that after saying "I’m not ruled by my dick," so he firmly removed her hand.

She pouted, "Aaah, you’re no fun." She stared longingly at his bulge. She was feeling hot to trot, and was completely unaccustomed to getting turned down. But at the same time, his resolve and resistance greatly increased her desire for him.

He wagged his finger at her for emphasis. "I’m serious about my house being off limits. Forget about today. If you’re that raring to go, think about tomorrow. What would be great is if we had some kind of place to be private in school. Really truly private. If we had that, hell, I could give you your reward during lunchtime, even. Assuming you have the test results by then, of course."

A new look of determination crossed her face as she gave that idea real consideration. Damn, he’s right. I never really cared before, but after the way he’s rocked my world three times, things have changed. It would be simply delicious to fuck like animals right in the middle of school! Maybe even every day! Good thing I used my pull with the staff. There’s a private spot that’s not being used, and he doesn’t know it yet but I already grabbed it!

However, she didn’t want him to know how she’d gotten her private spot at school, since getting it had involved bending the rules in a way that could get more than one person in trouble, including herself. So she told him, "No worries. I’m on it. The next time you see me, I’ll have a private spot where I can claim my reward. I don’t know where it’ll be, just yet, but I’m gonna find one. And I’ll have your damn stupid piece of paper. Who knows? It might even be sooner than you think." She was already scheming for a way to have sex with him later in the day.

He’d been forced to stop for her, so he turned and looked at her closely. "You’d do that?"

She nodded. Then she looked around furtively. "Okay, I’m going to go now. I don’t want your Bible thumping mother to give us trouble. But what about at least a goodbye kiss? You can do that much, right? Unless you really are a total pussy."

He carefully looked around too. The bushes and trees did shield them from the street. He decided a kiss would be the quickest way to get rid of her. Besides, he didn’t want to be seen as a "total pussy." He groaned, "Okay, fine. But let’s make it quick."𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

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