6 Times a Day Chapter 505 Alan And Christine Go To The Beach..[Iveyflame Sponsored]

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In truth, now that Alan was looking at Christine from close up, he realized that her dark blue one-piece bathing suit was very nearly as titillating for him as a typical bikini would have been. Since he was such a tit man, the key thing for him was that she was showing off a very impressive amount of cleavage. The fact that her taut tummy was covered with fabric wasn’t so important. Besides, he’d noticed from the top of the cliff that her back was mostly bare. She looked fantastic!

He teased her playfully: "No worries. I seriously don’t mind at all."

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"Sure. It’s a moot point anyway, because you’ll be taking it all off later when I perform your official breast inspection."

"What?!" It took her a moment or two to realize that he was pulling her leg. She pushed him back playfully. "You cad! Like that’s gonna happen."

He pretended to hold up a pocket tape recorder. "Direct quote from Christine: ’that’s gonna happen.’ Sweet! And it’s a good thing too. I’m working on getting my Boy Scout breast-inspection merit badge. I need it to reach Eagle Scout."

"You goof!" But she was smiling, because she enjoyed this kind of banter with him. She looked around. "Where do you want to sit? I brought chairs."

"Oh, cool." Sure enough, she’d brought two folding chairs specifically designed for beach use.

The two of them found a spot far from the other beach-goers and sat side by side in their chairs. They each put on their sunglasses, since it was a bright sunny day. And almost immediately Christine took out some suntan lotion and began applying it all over herself.

Alan was still trying not to come across as too obsessed with sex, but even so he couldn’t help but say, "Need any help with that? This could actually help me with my merit badge, if I can assist with the, er, chesty area."

She rolled her eyes. "No thanks." But then she added, "However, I suppose you can help with my back, once I finish with my front. But behave!" Actually, she didn’t want him to behave that much. She’d loved their date the night before, which she wished had ended with a proper French kiss. She’d noticed that despite his teasing, there was no overt bulge in his swimsuit, even though his swimsuit was quite tight and revealing. Obviously she didn’t mention it, but she almost took it as a personal insult about her sex appeal being inadequate.

In fact, there were two reasons his penis remained flaccid. The first was that his penis was quite simply worn out from so much sexual activity! Even though he hadn’t actually cum that many times that day, it had already enjoyed a number of thrilling sexual situations. But also, he was deliberately trying not to get aroused. Sure, he loved the sight of her flawless, voluptuous body, but he remained determined to stay just friends and not get sexually involved with her. He hoped to use this beach hangout as a chance to get to know her better as a person, to take their friendship to a new level. He wasn’t above some sexy teasing, but he generally wanted to keep things serious.

However, his resolve was being severely tested. Christine got off her chair and sat on her towel with her back to him so he could put suntan lotion on her back. There was nothing surprising about that, but within seconds his dick responded and he was fully engorged.

He looked at the long, straight, blonde hair that covered nearly all of her back, and for a moment wondered why she even needed suntan lotion on her back in the first place. But he wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity to get his hands on her. Besides, her skin was very fair, so the sun could sometimes get through the gaps between her long strands of hair. He asked, "Um, can you please do something about your hair? Because otherwise it’s going to get in the way."


She reached back with her hands and swept her hair to the side, which uncovered most of her back for the moment. Then, peering back at him while her hands lingered on top of her head, she asked, "How’s that look?"

He thought, You have no idea! So friggin’ HOT! Why does Christine arouse me so much?! You’d think after getting blown a couple of times by my mom, fucking my sister, watching my auntie writhe all over the basement exercise machines, and being propositioned by our school’s head cheerleader, I’d be a bit jaded. And that all happened just this morning! But with Christine, I’m as nervous and excited as if I’ve never touched a girl before!

He finally scooted forward into position and started to run his hands up and down and all over her back.

Although her one-piece suit covered much of her front, it left nearly her entire back bare, to within just a few inches of her ass crack. Not only was his cock soon throbbing with need, but he found himself breathing hard as well. And that was just from getting to touch her back. This kind of contact would have had almost no impact on him had it been with Susan, Katherine, Suzanne, or any of the other sexy women in his life. But he was correct in thinking that everything felt different with Christine.

Somehow, he managed to get his act together and make interesting small talk with her as he applied the lotion. He didn’t realize it, but her body was actually slightly trembling from feeling his hands on her. Yet she was able to hide her own excitement as they chatted. In theory, she wanted him to know she was interested in him, but at times like this she got scared about being too obvious.

From time to time, he had to sweep her hair to the side when it would return to its usual place on her back, or when it just got in the way as he worked on different areas. He liked that a lot, so much that he had to restrain himself from simply stroking and petting her gorgeous hair.

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When he was finally done, they both returned to sitting normally in their chairs.

Alan decided it was time to get serious and cut out all the joking and teasing for a while so he wouldn’t get sidetracked. He said, "So... Christine, it’s weird. I mean, I’ve known you a long time. But our friendship has developed in an unusual way, slowly morphing from classmates to acquaintances, and then slowly to friends. And so far it’s happened pretty much entirely at school, at least until very recently. I feel like we skipped some stuff as a result. There’s still a lot of basic things I don’t know about you, and things that you don’t know about me. So I was thinking that today we could work on that."

"Like what?" she asked.

"Like, talk about deeper stuff. At school, we talk a lot, but it’s mostly about day-to-day stuff, the surface stuff, like homework, our teachers, your blonde hair disability-"

She cut him off in protest, "Disability?!"

"Sorry. I know it’s totally un-PC, but I’m addicted to telling you dumb-blonde jokes. I get such a kick out of your amused-yet-indignant reaction every time that I just can’t help myself. I need help."

She smirked. "That’s the most accurate thing you’ve ever said. You do need help!" She playfully stuck her tongue out at him. "But anyway, you were saying?"

He thought, Okay, no more jokes! Then he said, "Yeah, so, let’s go beyond the surface. For instance, what are your plans? I mean, I know you want to go to Stanford next year, but have you thought about what you actually want to do with your life in the long term? A career and all that?"

Christine raised an eyebrow at him. "Wow. That IS a deep question. Yeah, as a matter of fact, I have thought about that. Not surprisingly, I want to do something I really enjoy. But doing something that helps others is very important to me too. I feel like I’ve been given a lot of advantages in my life, and it’s only fair that I pay it forward to help those who can’t get any breaks. I really like being challenged, both physically and mentally. I don’t think there are great jobs where I can do both, so I figure I’ll use my brain at work and then keep up with my martial arts and other athletic stuff to satisfy my need for getting physical."

He thought, Man! I could definitely think of other ways she could get physical and burn off all that energy. She would be a total tigress in bed! Phew! But he kept that to himself, trying to keep his libido in check. He merely asked, "Have you thought of anything more specific than that?"

"I have," she replied. "I despise bullshit. All that political stuff of people smiling at you and stabbing you in the back. I hear it’s just as bad in corporations as in governments. So I’m thinking I’d like to do pure research, where I can work on finding solutions to real problems without having to play games and waste time. Medical research seems like a logical choice to me. I could have my own lab and work on curing diseases and help save lives. I think that would be pretty satisfying."

Alan was genuinely impressed. "Wow! That’s cool. It seems like you’ve got it all figured out already!"

"Nah. That’s just one option. I’ve got others. I figure that when I get to college I’ll dabble in different things and see if something really inspires me. But, if nothing stands out, I think I could be pretty happy being a medical researcher or a physician, or both. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you have any idea what you want to do, besides going to a good college?"

He sighed. "Unfortunately, no. I’m not as on the ball as you are. I agree with you that it would be great to do something that helps people. But also, I do feel like I have a passion, and that’s history. Well, history and related things, like archeology and anthropology. But it’s hard to see how I can turn that into a viable career, unless it’s to be a professor or an author, probably both. I don’t see that as a career that helps the less fortunate."

He added, "On top of that, I have to admit that I’m kind of spoiled. I mean, I have everything. I’m a well-off guy, living in one of the most beautiful and prosperous places on Earth."

He thought, And she doesn’t know the half of it. Heck, even a tenth of it. If you count the way I’ve been so sexually spoiled at home lately, it’s totally nuts! I need to never stop being grateful for my incredible good luck.

He gestured to the beautiful beach. "I want to pay it forward too. But I’m also kind of used to a certain standard of living, you know what I mean? So how can I pick a job that lets me do good and lets me buy nice stuff? It seems the altruistic people usually end up practically working for free, and the cruel, greedy bastards usually end up driving Ferraris or being chauffeured around in limousines. And what could I do with a history or archeology degree that’s truly useful?"

She said, "I think understanding history is extremely valuable."

"I couldn’t agree more. But in an indirect way, like giving wisdom to the next generation. Meanwhile, the world is facing so many pressing, immediate problems. Millions are starving every year, under the radar, and we’re destroying the Earth. How does a history degree help with that?"

She didn’t have a good answer.

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