6 Times a Day Chapter 508 Applying Lotion On Christine!! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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He mentally groaned, because he felt like he was suffering from too much visual stimulation. UGH! How am I supposed to look at anything other than her fully erect nipples?! They’re STILL visibly poking through her bathing suit. I swear, they’ve been erect non-stop since we arrived at the beach. Actually, watching her fingers slip and slide over the upper slopes of her great melons is an even more captivating sight. It’s crazy that a woman this stacked and shapely has such a beautiful face too. AND she’s twice as smart as I am!

She continued, "That’s partly because we were in the water. Did you know there’s no such thing as waterproof suntan lotion? The F.D.A. doesn’t regulate that, so any company can print ’waterproof’ on the bottle, even though it’s basically a lie."

"Uh-huh." He felt like his heart would simply stop beating as he watched her reach into her cleavage with a big gob of lotion on her fingers and spread it around. Lord, have mercy! I think I’m gonna cum in my swimsuit!

Christine surprised herself by doing that. She knew that would be like blood in the water for a hungry shark. But she’d been riding an erotic high for a while now, and events like the water wrestling and the toweling off had further excited and emboldened her. She told herself, I need to apply suntan lotion to that spot anyway, so what harm is there in having Alan see me do it? Let him have a little fun. I don’t even mind the way he’s staring. He’s so incorrigible, but it’s kinda cute! It’s fun to be desired so much.

As he watched her fingers slowly slide down into the dark depths of her cleavage again, he thought, Man oh man! When I get home, I’m gonna titfuck Mom so hard and long that it’s not even funny! Then I’m gonna cum on her face and tits, and have her spread my cum gobs deep down into her cleavage, just like Christine is doing right now! Mom’s tits are even BIGGER, incredibly enough!

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But that’s another example of why I can’t get intimate with Christine. I’m thinking about titfucking my MOM! And I’m not just thinking; I’m totally going to do it. Our incestuous love is NOT messed up. It’s a beautiful thing! But Christine would never, ever understand.

Time seemed to slow for Alan. It looked to him like Christine was making love to the upper slopes of her round breasts with her caressing fingers. In a strange way, and on a purely mental level at least, merely watching that was just as arousing to him as one of Susan’s incredible blowjobs or titfucks.

She removed her hand from her chest to get more lotion. She spoke in a casual tone, "I noticed that you haven’t put on any suntan lotion at all since we arrived."

He rallied his lust-fried brain to say, "Yeah, well, I’m a bit more naturally tanned than you are, to say the least. I don’t really need it."

"Don’t you think you need it now?" She really wanted to see him do it.

Even though her question didn’t actually offer a reason why he should change his mind, he answered, "I suppose. But I didn’t bring any."

"No problem. You can use mine when I’m done." She switched to applying lotion to the exposed outer portion of her left breast. As she did so, it caused her entire rack to sway back and forth in a very delightful way.

Alan knew he was staring too obviously, and that she must have noticed. He tried to look elsewhere at times, but much of the time he simply couldn’t help himself. He was glad that at least he was still sitting in a way that hid his erection. After a long pause, he remembered to say, "Uh, thanks."

"My pleasure."

She took her time applying lotion to the outer portion of her other breast as well. She was secretly thrilled at the lusty look on his face. She still hadn’t put her sunglasses back on, because she wanted him to know where she was looking, so he wouldn’t worry that she was looking at his eyes. Most of the time she managed to look elsewhere, just to let him stare to his heart’s content.

By this time he had a painful case of blue balls, but he was exhilarated just the same.

Then she finally switched to putting lotion on her shoulders and arms, and it was like Alan had been freed from some kind of magical paralysis. He was still watching too obviously, but at least he felt that he could think and breathe again.

He attempted to start another, more meaningful conversation. Because Christine had mentioned her parents not being very touchy-feely, he asked her more about them. By so doing he learned many interesting things he’d never known before about her and her family.

In return, she naturally asked him about his family. He had to be careful, due to the looming secret of their incest. In answering, he thought back to how things at the Plummer house were until very recently, before his six-times-a-day diagnosis, and based his replies on that.

Since he’d mentioned that his father wasn’t around much, she asked him about that. She already knew how rarely Ron was home, but for the first time Alan opened up in expressing his feelings and frustrations about that. He explained that he’d effectively given up on even considering Ron his father, particularly since Alan was adopted so there was no biological relationship. He also talked about how the great love he got from his mother helped replace the de facto lack of a father. Needless to say, he didn’t hint at anything sexual when talking about his mother’s love.

Although their conversation was helpful, the sexy temptation didn’t stop. Once Christine finished putting lotion all over her front side, it was up to Alan to apply the lotion to her backside, since he’d done it earlier. Once again, she got out of her chair and knelt on her towel with her back to him.

However, this time there were some crucial differences. For one thing, he pointed out the problem of putting the lotion on her back while she was kneeling like that. They’d learned from his earlier attempts that her hair tended to fall back into place. So instead, she lay face down on her towel while Alan sat at her side. This allowed him an even better view of her entire backside, without any worry that she’d turn to see where he was looking. He could have put his nose a couple of inches from her firm bubble butt if he’d wanted to. He didn’t go that far, but he definitely enjoyed the view.

The second major difference was that he was much more aroused than the earlier time. There was no chance of his cock going flaccid anytime soon! It wasn’t deliberate on his part, but he focused less on applying the suntan lotion and more on giving her a sensual back massage. Like her "toweling off," it lasted much longer than necessary, but both of them were having such a great time that they didn’t want it to ever end.

Christine had literally never before been touched sensuously by a man, let alone one in whom she was developing a romantic interest. Thus this experience was extremely thrilling for her. She was belatedly wishing that she’d worn a bikini. She even fantasized about letting him thoroughly cover her entire nude body with the suntan lotion, his touch felt so good.

Alan was extremely grateful that Christine couldn’t see any of him, because his erection tented so obviously from his crotch that it was almost comical. He even nervously scanned the beach from time to time to check that the few other people didn’t walk by and notice. His boner ached with lusty need so much that he was tempted to let it get some air. But he was trying his damnedest to keep things platonic, so he obviously couldn’t do that. He was also extremely conscientious not to move so close to her that she’d feel his bulge directly.

Somehow, the two of them managed to continue their conversation through it all. There were many things relating to Christine that Alan had been curious about, but with them usually only having short conversations at school, often with others around, it had never seemed the right time to ask. Now, he was free to ask. For instance, he asked about her parents’ life back in Norway, and why and when they had moved to the States. He also asked how and when, and why, she’d gotten started practicing martial arts. She had lots of probing questions for him as well.

The time eventually came when it was Alan’s turn to apply suntan lotion to himself. She told him it was okay to use her tube of lotion.

As it was, Christine was just about as interested in watching him apply the lotion to himself as he had been in watching her apply the lotion to herself. He didn’t have the kind of buff figure that would allow him to work as a professional male dancer, but he was relatively fit and muscular. His body had filled out quite a bit in recent months, making him much more attractive than he realized. Plus, Christine had simply never seen anything like it. Not only had she virtually never gone to places like the beach in recent years, she’d even scrupulously avoided all pornography (mainly getting aroused from her own dreams and fantasies instead).

Alan was surprisingly unaware that she was subtly watching him apply the lotion while he looked towards the ocean. He continued to foolishly think she wasn’t attracted to him, despite recent evidence to the contrary. He still was very mindful of how she’d turned him down when he’d asked her out, and he didn’t realize just how much things had changed since then. Also, despite his incredible sexual success in certain areas, he still remained tremendously na?ve in others, such as at reading subtle signs of interest and knowing when to ask a girl out on a date. Lately, he’d been so very successful with some women that there were early courtship skills that he still hadn’t learned.

So, although Alan didn’t try to "put on a show" in any way, she loved watching his every move. This was practically like a pornographic movie for her, especially since he wasn’t as successful at hiding the bulge in his tight swimsuit as he thought he was. While he didn’t consciously pose for her, on an unconscious level he sensed her interest, so he took much longer with the lotion than might normally have been the case.

He was sorely tempted to ask her to help him with his back, but he didn’t. He was still trying hard to keep their relationship platonic.

However, to his surprise, she volunteered for that task anyway.

He couldn’t turn her down, so he got on his knees, turned his back to her, and let her work on it.

Christine was so thrilled to do this that her hands were slightly trembling. They continued to chat. Luckily for her, she was a talented multi-tasker, because her mind was focused on his skin.

On the surface, there wasn’t anything unusual about the way she put the lotion on his back, but, in her mind, it was a very big deal. She’d had almost no prior physical contact with any man, outside of family hugs, her martial arts, and other athletics. None of those activities had ever allowed her to explore a man’s bare skin to any significant extent. She particularly loved feeling the muscles in his back flexing and moving under her fingers. (She didn’t realize how much his male pheromones, exuded continuously by his skin during this prolonged contact, were affecting her.)

Unfortunately, she still tended to lack courage about this sort of thing. The experience ended all too soon for her, when she ran out of bare skin needing lotion. She would have kept going a lot longer if she’d felt bolder.

Ironically, only about five minutes after she finished helping him with the lotion, she looked into her bag at the digital display on her cell phone and said, "Uh-oh! Our time is up. I’ve gotta get moving or I’m going to be late to my martial arts practice."

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"That’s a drag," Alan said, sadly. "This has been nice. Did you enjoy coming to the beach?"

"Oh, definitely!" She was surprised at just how enthusiastically she meant that.

"What about wasting your time basically doing nothing?"

She grinned knowingly. "Yeah, well, I guess kicking ass and taking names is overrated. At least, you can’t do that ALL the time. I’m assigning you the job of teaching me how to just relax and enjoy my spare time."

"Okay!" He joked, "Hey, cool. It turns out I AM better at you than something: I’m an expert in wasting time."

She kept on grinning madly, but said sarcastically, "That’s something to be proud of."

The two of them packed up their chairs and other items and began walking.

He was pleased they’d been able to talk about serious and meaningful things for most of the time. He decided he could ease up and joke around a little bit more. So, while Christine started towards the stairs that led to their cars, he began walking a different way, down the beach.

Christine stopped and turned to him after just a couple of steps. She lifted her sunglasses up to her forehead. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Oh, don’t you remember? The official breast inspection! I thought we could find somewhere more private to do it, maybe close to those cliffs over there. But this works for me too." He stepped forward with a silly grin, and clutched his hands in front of him, like he was ready to honk her giant boobs.

She just smiled and rolled her eyes. She knew for all his joking he wouldn’t actually touch her inappropriately without permission. "Get real."

He acted confused. "Get real? Is that code? Oh, I get it: that’s short for ’get really aggressive.’ Okay, if you say so! But can you take your bathing suit off first, so I can get started?"

She briefly toyed with the idea of starting to pull the straps of her bathing suit off her shoulders. She wanted to shock him before revealing it was a ruse. But she chickened out at the last second. Instead, she just said, "Okay! ... Well, nah."

It didn’t have the same effect. She was flustered, and her comic timing was off. But he chuckled appreciatively just the same.

She suddenly turned and resumed walking to the stairs. She said over her shoulder, "Come on, bozo-brain. I’m sure you’re trying to think up some boob joke or dumb-blonde joke. But you’ve gotta be quicker than that."

She was spot on; that’s exactly what he was starting to do. He resumed walking to the stairs too. But instead of hustling up to her and telling her a few jokes, he realized he had a fantastic view of her ass since he was just a few feet behind her.

As he watched her ass cheeks undulate up and down in the most delightful way, he thought, Wow! Now, there’s a walk that rivals even the way Aunt Suzy walks around. Except the difference is, my sexy auntie has deliberately perfected her walk over the years, whereas I’m sure Christine is just going from Point A to Point B without even trying to sex it up! Imagine if Suzanne taught her how to sway and strut! Whoa!

Again, he was only partially correct. It was true that Christine had no real practice at walking in a sexy manner. But she was very mindful of the fact that Alan was walking just behind her. She was fairly certain he’d be ogling her ass, so she attempted to put extra oomph and swish into her walk without being overly obvious about it. Her heart was racing over such a bold move.

Seeing her slowly sway her ass cheeks up the stairs was even more jaw-dropping!

Once they reached the street and Alan caught up with her, they found out that Alan’s car was in one direction and Christine’s car was in another. So they said their goodbyes and shared another hug and kiss.

The kissing was just simple pecks on cheeks again, although it was one on each cheek instead of just one this time. But the hug was more prolonged. After all their wrestling around in the water, it didn’t seem so strange for them to hold each other for a while. They both found it very enjoyable and comforting. Furthermore, Alan secretly thrilled to the way Christine’s hard nipples still poked through her bathing suit into his bare chest.

But eventually they pulled back to make eye contact, and switched to simply holding hands. As she had done a while ago, he lifted his sunglasses to his forehead, for that much more eye-to-eye intimacy.

He loved the hug, but he also breathed a huge, secret sigh of relief when it ended. It had been a close thing that his hands didn’t slip down and cup her ass cheeks. He was so used to doing that with his other women that he had to constantly remind himself to keep his hands still and on the middle of her back during their long hug. He’d also needed to be careful to lean into the hug so there was a gap between their lower bodies, preventing him from pressing his erection up against her.

He asked her, "So. What’s next?"

"More school tomorrow, I suppose."

"True. But when the weekend comes... another practice date, perhaps?" (In the heat of the moment, he was forgetting about his Boy Scout trip next weekend.)

She winked at him, and said, "Perhaps." But her wide smile said, "Most definitely!" She added, "And, if you were to invite me to another ’practice beach hang-out,’ I wouldn’t exactly say no."

His grin grew wider. "A ’practice’ one, huh? ’Cos it’s gonna be a while before we’re ready for a REAL beach hang-out."

She joked back, "Yeah, it’s like rock climbing or scuba diving. Without proper training, people are gonna get hurt."

"True, so true. The official breast inspection is a particularly important safety precaution. Those things could poke an eye out! That’s why we should practice that, say, for several hours every day after school." He wiggled his eyebrows hopefully and playfully.

She shot him an exasperated look, but she grinned too. "In your dreams, boob boy. In your dreams!"

He joked, "So, wait. No merit badge for me?"


They finally waved goodbye and walked off in different directions.

Boy oh boy, Alan thought as he walked to the car. I’m playing with fire. I think eventually we’ll get used to each other, and to things like friendly hugs. But right now, there are some sexual sparks flying, at least on my end of things. I need to be careful! I was already thinking I should invite her to the beach again, or maybe some other fun after school thing, but on second thought, it’s better I don’t. At least not for a while. Let things cool down. The practice dates with her are enough temptation for me to handle right now. I mean, what if she wore a skimpy bikini to the beach next time?! Good God! The mind boggles!

Meanwhile, Christine was both excited and frustrated as she walked to her car. Stupid me! I blew it again! I had so much fun that it’s unbelievable! THIS is what my life has been missing. THIS! And teasing him was the most fun of all! I don’t know which was better, the wrestling in the water or the "toweling off." I should have done MORE! Just like last night, I’m a total chicken. I didn’t even wear a damn bikini. Dammit!

I was just enjoying myself instead of thinking. Just now, when we parted, I should have held him longer, and pulled him in closer. I could have even kissed his lips instead of those cheek pecks. Not necessarily a big open mouthed kiss, but at least lip to lip contact. To give him some kind of a hint. Or I could have made specific plans for another beach outing with him. Or "accidentally" pressed up against that raging erection he was trying to shield from me so carefully. Or I could have seductively joked that we should go ahead with his ’official breast inspection’ plan. Or something! I’m so LAME! ARGH!

He’s got all these other girlfriends right now. "’I’m involved with some very beautiful girls," he says. DAMMIT! I HATE that! He’s gonna get serious with one of them, and then I’ll be left in the dust before he even realizes I’m even interested in him!

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