6 Times a Day Chapter 525 How ’Bout A Little Kiss As A Reward? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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She thought back to what she’d told Amy downstairs. I told my Honey Pie that pleasuring this cock takes a lot of hard work. Ain’t that the truth! I’ve been at this for nearly half an hour and he STILL hasn’t cum yet! But it’s like I told her: the harder the struggle, the sweeter the reward!

As she bobbed with tight suction, she thought, I can’t believe my innocent Amy had her lips stretched around this fat pole a little while ago. From now on, choking and slobbering on this monster is going to be a big part of her life! She’s gonna learn to love it, I’m sure! She’ll come to adore tickling his sweet spot with the tip of her tongue while her mouth is completely jam packed with cock, just like mine is right now! Aaaah! So good! And he’ll fuck her tits, her cunt, and probably even her ass eventually. She may never know another man!

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That excited Suzanne tremendously, and she fingerfucked herself for a while, until she had a nice little climax.

Indeed, Amy remained on Suzanne’s mind. She had mixed feelings about her daughter becoming one of Alan’s personal cocksuckers. But Suzanne considered herself the most talented and experienced at that. She thought that she’d give him a "mellow" blowjob, since he was tired and worn out. But in actual practice, she went through all of her moves to prove to herself that she would still be his number one, despite Amy helping now too.

It’s true that Alan was running on fumes. Before long, he closed his eyes, and eventually he laid back on the bed because it was too much trouble to sit up. He certainly didn’t have the energy for lots of PC muscle squeezing. But his penis had become so accustomed to enduring great amounts of stimulation that he didn’t cum anyway.

There wasn’t much talking. But at one point, she suddenly stopped, sat up straight, and looked into his face. Using her normal voice, she asked, "So, the idea of me being your sex slave really turns you on, does it?" She licked around his piss hole while waiting for an answer.

"No!" he protested. "You know that can’t be. That’s not right. I love independent, emancipated, intellectual women, not mindless slaves."

She continued to slurp up his pre-cum, repeatedly making an X pattern over his sweet spot. After a pause, she said, "That’s your answer? Sweetie, if you’re not completely honest, I’m going to stop doing what I’m doing." It was a bluff; she didn’t even have the discipline to pause in her licking while making the threat.

But he believed her enough to confess, "Okay. Okay, you got me. I’ll admit it excites me a bit. But Holy Christ - who wouldn’t be aroused by that, plus the way you looked when you just stood there and climaxed? And what Mom was doing to me and everything. Good grief! I’m only human!"

"Mmmm," she said contentedly. "Honesty gets rewarded!" She took his cockhead back into her mouth and bobbed on it some more.

After another minute or two, she popped it out long enough to ask, "Would it turn you on if we all called you ’Master?’" She was thinking back to her discussion with Katherine on the ride back from the sex shop earlier that evening.

He cried "NO!" far too loudly. But his cock twitched in her hands, and he couldn’t hold back. She found it interesting that the word "master" obviously turned him on so much, and was helping to trigger another climax. But she didn’t have time to contemplate or comment on it. She lurched forward, and her lips locked around his thick knob just as he began to shoot his cum out.

She kept on sucking and sucking, helping to prolong his orgasm. She proudly thought, Take THAT! I’m sure Amy will learn to be a very talented cocksucker. She’s my daughter, after all. But I highly doubt she’ll be able to do all the things to you that my tongue and lips can!

But she was in for a disappointment. In comparison to his usual gushers, he didn’t cum much, and at the end he ran dry, with nothing coming out at all even though his cock continued to twitch for a while, like it was a gun shooting blanks.

He was disturbed. "Oh shit, What’s happening? Where’s the cum?"

Suzanne continued to suck him until he went flaccid. She was able to savor a little on her tongue, and she loved his sweet taste, as always. But it wasn’t the copious, creamy reward she’d been anticipating.

She finally gave up, and commented, "I’ve heard of this happening. It’s nothing to worry about. In fact, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened to you before, given how active you are. It’s amazing that you have anything left at all after that load you left on my daughter’s face. Don’t worry; just drink lots of juice and get a good night’s sleep and your body will make lots of cum for all of us to enjoy tomorrow. Actually, scratch that. Lots of cum for Susan to enjoy. I keep forgetting that tomorrow is a Tuesday and she’s already been working to make the rest of us femmes scarce. Grrr."

He was so tired that he crawled up onto his bed and laid down. His privates remained a little messy, since she didn’t see the need for extensive "cleaning" like Susan did.

Suzanne remained resting on her knees a little longer. She thought, So he gets off on the word "master." And earlier this evening we found out that "sex slave" is an orgasm trigger for him too. That’s pretty kinky, but then again, most any guy his age probably would have similar fantasies. It’s good to know, though, if I ever want him to cum in a hurry.

She got in bed next to him and cuddled up with her head on his chest. She said, "The thought of this whole Tuesday thing, you know, I must admit, it makes me a little jealous. Sometimes, I’m afraid you’re more attracted to your mom than me. Aren’t you?"

"Aunt Suzy, please! Don’t make me make those kinds of comparisons; it’s not fair. You know I love you very much. You’re like a second mother to me."

"I know you love me. And you’re right that it isn’t fair. But I’d feel a whole lot better if you could just name three things that you like better about me than you do your mom."

"Well, I guess I can do that this time, but only if you promise never to have me compare you to Mom or anyone else again."

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"Okay. So flatter me. And I’m talking about sex appeal, not cooking skills or something like that."

"Three things? Hmmm. That’s tough, because both of you are so incredible, and your bodies are so similar. But your voice. I definitely love your voice. Your voice sounds the way you look. Soooo sexy. No wonder everyone compares you to Jessica Rabbit, because you sound so sultry. You could make a fortune as a phone sex operator."

Suzanne laughed, delighted. "I’ll keep that in mind," she joked.

"But seriously. I don’t even have to see you to get aroused. You’ve got this kind of slight raspiness, too, as if you’ve been up all night screaming and fucking, causing your voice to be a little sore."

"What an excellent idea!" she joked again. "Sneak into my bedroom a couple hours after midnight. Odds are good we won’t wake up my husband; he’s a sound sleeper, and he sleeps in the next room anyway. Just don’t bounce on the bed too much. Let’s see just how sore my voice can get."

Alan rolled his eyes and ignored her comment. "And your accent. Mom has this Midwestern, kind of normal-sounding accent. But you have this sophisticated accent, with almost a hint of a foreign accent."

"I suppose I still might have a bit of a French lilt..." Suzanne then played up a very heavy French accent. "You know that I lived in France with my husband a couple of years after college, mon amour. Even though we’d had the babies already, I hung out in Parisian cafes, smoking like a chimney, and acted like a character from some art nouveau film."

"I can imagine. Dark glasses and scarf, right?"

She laughed, because he was right. "Oui."

He reached out and combed his fingers deeply through her hair. "Then there’s your hair. My mom’s hair is great, don’t get me wrong. Perfect like some shampoo commercial model, cascading all over the place. But I love how yours curls in unexpected directions. It’s like, every time you look at it, you never know what you’re gonna get. Even the color changes, depending on how much the light brings out its reddish tinge. Sometimes your hair is dark brown, sometimes you look like a redhead. I could look at it forever."

He began playing with her curls. "And, still on the hair, I love that one long zig-zag strand that hangs down. It draws the eye to your chest. You’ve had that ever since I can remember, but don’t know if I ever got the story behind it? What IS the story there?"

"I don’t think your eyes need much help finding my chest," she said playfully. "You mean this strand?" She pulled at her strand of teased hair that zigged and zagged several times before stopping above one of her nipples. "I’ve had that since college. There’s no big story. I thought it would make me look more sophisticated. Now maybe it just makes me look older."

"No way! Please keep it. It’s definitely you. I can’t imagine you without it. And the third thing is your legs. Again, Mom has awesome legs - don’t get me wrong. But you’re so flexible with yours."

"I’m double-jointed."

He thought, Ah. Just like Aims. I guess it runs in the family. "Well, that explains things. You could seriously scratch your nose with your toes. And your muscle tone! Both you and Amy are so soft and pillowy, yet so muscular. When you’re at rest, it’s like you’re a human marshmallow. But when you tense up, I can feel all the muscles in there, and it turns out you’re not fat at all. It’s like ... soft muscles. Is there such a thing?"

Suzanne laughed gleefully. She was pleased with all the compliments. Even as he was speaking, she flexed her legs in one direction and then another, to show just how flexible she was. "I don’t know about fluffy muscles, but at least it looks like my daily exercising is paying off. I feel a lot better now. I was beginning to wonder if I’d created a monster in getting Susan to help you so much, but I think it’s gonna be okay. So are those all my good points?"

"Not by a long shot. But I actually gave you more than three there. And I didn’t even mention your extra long tongue, or get started on your great personality. Or what about the way you sashay? You’re the definition of ’walking orgasm.’ Or your emerald green eyes? Or even your feminine smell? I don’t know what it is exactly, but I love your smell. And your extra fair skin. So many things!"

She smiled from ear to ear. "I’ll give you an hour to stop."

He smiled too, while still caressing her hair. "How ’bout a little kiss as a reward?"

They kissed for many minutes. He made a point to grasp at her thighs, and she playfully flexed her muscles every now and then, since he’d talked about that. Both of them would have loved to go further, but his weariness was painfully obvious; he desperately needed to sleep.

Suzanne got a kick out of giving him a last kiss and tucking him in.

Once she left him, she thought, Tuesday means another day without a chance to finally fuck that lovely boy. God dammit, I never should have pulled that Halloween party stunt. However, that seems like a hazy dream compared to the better memory of him slipping his big cock into me yesterday at the beach. Now I’ve got this itch and I just gotta scratch it. Not smart. Not smart at all. Not prudent. But I’ve gotta have it! And when I want something, I always get it.

Alan also was busy with his thoughts while he laid there in the dark. That was such a great fantasy. Good ol’ Daisy! I used to have fantasies like that, but I don’t anymore. Huh. Now that I think about it, I used to be a complete daydreamer, but I hardly ever have any fantasies at all. I guess it’s because real life is honestly much better than any fantasy. It’s so much more solid and real. Now all I think about is reliving what happened earlier in the day and on previous days, and imagining what’s gonna happen tomorrow. I mean, I came eight times today. That’s a lot of times!

Shit. If Mom wakes up and comes in for a goodnight tuck-and-suck, I’m gonna have to cry uncle. Who needs fantasies to escape from reality when reality is this good?

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