6 Times a Day Chapter 540 Fatal Attraction [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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"Holy cow," Kim said to Heather. The two horny cheerleaders finally made eye contact with each other, now that Alan had finished screwing Joy. "Has Alan ever fucked you like that?"

"No," Heather admitted. "I mean, it was good with him. Great, even. But I want me some of THAT!"

Alan and Joy rested with their eyes closed, both catching their breath.

Once Alan opened his eyes and looked around, Kim noted wryly, "Sounds like your painting job has some nice fringe benefits."

"Um, yeah. I must say though, I wasn’t expecting that - at all." He seemed a bit sheepish. He thought, Wow, just thinking of fucking Sis or Aunt Suzy is such a turn-on. Imagine if I’d thought of fucking Mom? That’s, like, beyond the pale. I probably would have literally killed Joy with my enthusiasm!

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Getting back to business, he said to Joy, "Can you rouse yourself? We have to hurry."

She opened her eyes slowly. She had an extremely well-fucked expression that made Kim and Heather very jealous. She looked at him serenely and contentedly. "Oh, Alan..." She breathed the words lovingly, as if they’d been married for years.

"Quick, let’s get you painted while you’re still aroused," he insisted, trying to avoid her intimacy.

She didn’t feel like moving for anything. But then she realized that once the painting started, Alan’s hands would be all over her pussy. That inspired her to action. "I don’t think that’ll be a problem, now that you’re here," she said huskily.

He leaned over her impatiently.

She sat up and began running her hands through his tousled dark brown hair.

"Joy, we really should paint you quickly, so you can dry before your fifth-period class. In fact, we’ve got the opposite problem of what we just had. We need you to stop gushing quite so much, so I can paint."

Joy hardly seemed concerned about the problem at hand. "Screw fifth period," she said. "You did that so much better than my boyfriend Dean. So fucking much better! I mean, he’s a great guy and I love him, but now I know that he has no idea how to fuck. Good God! I didn’t know it could be so good. Kim was right. You’re such an incredible fucker! I thought Dean was pretty studly, but he can’t make me cum like that in five minutes flat."

Alan was unhappy to be reminded that she had a boyfriend; he’d assumed that she had one, but he’d forgotten that in the heat of sex. He said sarcastically, "I’m sure he would very much appreciate what I did." He rued, "I imagine he’s going to find out and beat me up." He pushed Joy’s excited hands away and got his paintbrush and paint.

"No, he’s not like that. He’s very understanding and cool. We’ve both played around with other partners. Anyway, he wouldn’t hurt a fly."

Alan thought, Even so, I’m only finding that out after the fact. Aunt Suzy gave me all kinds of advice on not just sticking my dick anywhere, and I keep disregarding it whenever I get a momentary surge of lust. I should have known she had a boyfriend; what cheerleader doesn’t? At least I used a condom. That’s something.

Heather disengaged from her muff diving to speak. "Joy, I thought you were all prudish! And you were so disapproving of my punishment idea."

"I admit, I’m slow to get started, but once I get going, I really get going."

"I noticed," said Alan. "I’m starting to paint you, so please slow down that engine just a bit."

"Okay," Joy replied, "but only if we have some more fun after you’re done. Promise me you’ll fuck me again. And again and again and again! Any time you want. Please! Fuck me!"

Alan contemplated fucking her a second time. So much for saving myself until after school for mom, he thought. If Glory knew what I just did here, she’d go ballistic. But one fuck right now is all I should do, or I’ll be all wiped out again and disappoint mom.

Now that he had more time to think, he realized, I’m really working my way through the cheerleading squad. Sis, Kim, Heather, Joy. Amy’s in the bag for sure. That just leaves Janice. I like her. Sexy face. Nice body. She’d be a good fuck too.

"Sorry, Joy; I can’t make any promises ’cos we don’t have the time. Besides, I don’t feel good, now that you’ve reminded me about the fact that you have a boyfriend. I forgot to ask about that."

"Like I said, don’t worry about it," she insisted.

"I’m worrying about it. I don’t want to disrespect someone in that way."

"You’re not. I tell you, he wouldn’t mind if he knew."

"But he doesn’t know!"

They went back and forth on that issue awhile without coming to any resolution.

Meanwhile, Alan wasted no time painting Joy’s pussy lips. There wasn’t much painting to do, now that her lips were fully engorged and visible. "Okay, that’s it," he said after only a minute or two. "But you’ll have to keep them dry."

"I guess that means more fucking is out, at least right now," Joy realized. "But would you like to stick your thing in my mouth?" She made a big inviting "O" with her lips.

"No, we can’t do anything more right now, or you’ll get too excited and ruin the paint job."

"Don’t say that! I want more! Oh come on; just a little bit. I just want to taste it."

Heather was busy with Kim’s body again, but she overheard that and commented, "Alan, I hope you’re not planning on leaving here without giving me what you just gave her." If the others hadn’t realized that something sexual was happening between Heather and Alan, they did after that.

Kim piped up, "Me too! You haven’t been fucking me nearly enough lately." She wanted the other girls to know that Alan had fucked her too, especially now that he was coveted so highly.

But Joy had the advantage of location. She grabbed his penis with both hands. It was flaccid for the moment, but she intended to correct that as quickly as she could. "Please? Fuck me! Please?"

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He looked Joy in the eye and answered, "Sorry. Maybe some other time." Are all women such nymphos? Or are cheerleaders a special breed? Well, cheerleaders and busty moms. And history teachers. He grinned.

Joy got upset, almost angry. "Some other time? Some other time?! No guy ever tells me ’some other time!’ And what are you grinning about?" She decided begging might be a more successful strategy. "Please, please, please?"

Alan wavered. "Well, it is quick-drying paint. If the paint gets dry enough and I’m still here, and there’s still time."

The paint did dry somewhat, and Alan had a little bit of time. He looked over at Kim and Heather and saw them looking back at him. He’d gotten blowjobs from both of them before, but not from Joy, so he said, "I suppose the paint is dry enough to stand a little wetness down there. But if I put my dick back in, it’ll ruin the paint job for sure. Anyways, there’s not enough time. But if you want to suck on it for a couple of minutes, I guess that would be okay."

Joy didn’t bother with words. She replied by swallowing as much of his penis as she could. She’d gotten to be a pretty good cocksucker practicing on her boyfriend Dean .She was determined to give Alan the best blowjob she possibly could, so she’d rise in his books and he’d want to fuck her much more often. He really did blow Dean out of the water when it came to fucking.

Heather growled at Alan menacingly, "Hey! If anyone is going to suck your dick, it’s me! You don’t want to get on my bad side. I could make life really very miserable for you, very quickly."

He found it secretly amusing that she was now insisting on giving him a blowjob, considering how much she’d initially resisted blowing him earlier in the day. He’d realized that calling her names and treating her mean had worked in the past, but would it work with others around? He decided to give it a try. "Heather, get over yourself. You think you’re God’s gift to everyone, but you’re not. The problem is: you’re selfish. When it comes to fucking, you’re okay, but blowjobs? Forget it. Kim’s better for sure, and I figure the odds are good that Joy is better too."

Heather wanted to destroy him with scathing put-downs, but for once she was unable to think of what to say. It didn’t help that she was extremely horny from watching him earlier with Joy, and having to watch Joy suck him off made it even worse. Anyway, she knew he had a point. She’d always been a selfish lover, especially when it came to pleasuring her partner when she didn’t get much in return.

But she was also mindful that Joy and Kim were listening, so she replied with her usual bravado, "Well, fuck you, asshole! What do you know? You’re nothing but a nerd and a loser!"

He sighed loudly, shaking his head. "Too bad. Your loss. I was thinking about fucking you like I just fucked Joy. Maybe later today, after school. But you obviously wouldn’t want to be fucked by a loser nerd, so I’ll just leave you alone from now on."

Heather realized she’d been rash. "Hold on! I didn’t mean that. You just insulted me, saying I’m a selfish lover. Of course I’m gonna lash out for that."

He replied, "Yeah, whatever. Tell it to someone who cares. You and I are done."

"Done?!" Heather was incredulous. "You can’t say that!"

"I just did. First you threaten me, then you insult me. You’re ruining Joy’s perfectly good blowjob with all your sniping."

Heather felt surprisingly panicky. Not having sex with him again simply wasn’t an option, since he’d excited her sexually in a way that no one else ever had. She never apologized for anything, ever, but she found herself saying, "Hey. I’m sorry, okay? You’re not a loser; you’re a real stud. I know that. And you may be kind of nerdy, but that’s your choice and there’s nothing wrong with it. Okay?"

He didn’t say anything. His eyes were closed so that he could luxuriate in Joy’s cocksucking.

Heather was concerned that he hadn’t even paid attention to what she’d said. "Could you say something, please? I don’t exactly apologize every day. I said I’m sorry!"

He grunted.

Heather was left on edge, as she wasn’t sure what that meant. It sounded vaguely positive, but she was afraid to ask for confirmation and possibly piss him off even more. She just didn’t know how to deal with someone like Alan, since no one had ever treated her like that before.

Meanwhile, his blowjob continued. In a way, he was glad that their time was severely limited, because he didn’t want Joy to have enough time to get him to cum again. He figured that he needed to save himself for more action later in the day, particularly since this was one of his mother’s special Tuesdays. He repeatedly had to urge Joy to slow down and take it easy.

She was actually pretty good, but he’d developed ridiculously high standards when it came to blowjobs. For him to think it was pretty good at this point meant that Joy really knew what she was doing, and that she was trying her best.

Heather had set an alarm at the start of lunch, to monitor the time, and it finally went off.

Alan pulled his boner from Joy’s mouth, to her dismay. But she accepted the intrusion of reality and quickly moved to get dressed for afternoon classes.

As she dressed, she felt so good that she said gratefully, "Thank you so much for letting me do that. It was such a pleasure, and I mean that. Your pre-cum tastes really good. Kim wasn’t joking about that either. I can’t wait to get a whole load."

Alan was puzzled by why she would be thanking him when she was the one making him feel good. I don’t understand what’s going on. Period. You fuck a girl once, and it’s like she wants to be surgically attached to you for the rest of your life. Geez. What the hell did I do that was so special? Doesn’t her boyfriend know how to satisfy her?

He had no idea how incompetent most of the guys in school were when it came to sex. Joy had fucked more than a few of them. Alan had given her a truly amazing fucking, and that’s what excited her and made her eager to return the favor and please him with the blowjob. In truth, his fucking seemed even better than it actually was, because she was comparing him with all the clumsy and inexperienced lovers she’d been with, including Dean.

As was usually the case for men, Alan was able to put his clothes back on faster than the women. As he got ready to leave, Joy asked him, "Can we do this again tomorrow at lunch? I’m sure I’ll need another touch up job, and I wouldn’t exactly mind another fucking!" She winked.

He didn’t really know what the next day would bring, so he just said, "We’ll see." Both Kim and Heather eyed him so hungrily that he thought, If I’m not careful, I’m going to end up getting raped by this bunch. Seriously.

Heather asked him tentatively, "Are we good now?"

He replied, "I don’t know about good. You’ve got an attitude, and I don’t like it. But I’ll let it slide... this time."

Heather nodded. She wasn’t happy with that, but she could live with it. She would have to be extra careful about what she said to him in the future, because it seemed like he had zero tolerance about being insulted and she most definitely wanted him to fuck her again, and often.

While going to his next class, Alan had some second thoughts. That fuck was great, but I really shouldn’t have agreed to the blowjob ’cos we didn’t have time to finish. Now it’s all excited, and I can’t get it down while I’m thinking about those three cheerleaders all acting so hot for me. I really am gonna have blue balls, and have to suffer all through class.

I’m beginning to sound like Mom, with her "Okay, just this one time" non-logic. That’s ’cos I’m thinking with my dick too much, becoming a slave to my impulses. Just like Mom, I’m unthinking during the act itself, and only afterwards do I wonder why I did it. That was really dumb. I was right on the edge of orgasm with no relief in sight. Heck, fucking her in the first place was totally unwise. Aunt Suzy would kill me if she knew just how little thought I put into that decision. Make that NO thought. I was thinking with my dick. Well, at least I remembered to use a condom.

Letting out my sexual frustration about Heather was great, but I’m not going to be truly satisfied until I can fuck Aunt Suzy and mom on a regular basis. Especially Mom! I still can’t get over how close we were this morning with that dry hump. It probably was that close call that made me give in so easily to Joy. It’s too much to ask a guy to turn down such an obvious invitation twice in one morning. After all, I’m only human.

Christ. I probably could fuck Mom for real today if I really wanted to, but it wouldn’t be right. I shouldn’t take advantage of her "just this one time" thinking. At the time it would feel great, but later she’d hate me for it. Maybe not hate, but she’d feel guilty and disappointed in me, and conflicted, and all around bad, particularly since she’d think that I’d broken my promise to her.

I don’t want her to be regretful or feel tricked or pushed into the things she does with me. I do like pushing her boundaries, but ultimately she needs to take that big step of her own free will or she might regret it forever. If she pushes back I’m just gonna have to stop, because she needs to be totally okay with it and fully into it. But it’s so hard to limit my play with her luscious body. She’s just so endowed everywhere! Dammit, it’s making me too horny, just thinking about her. I guess I’ll have to just tide myself over with girls like Joy until Mom is ready to go all the way.

He also thought about Joy’s change in attitude from when he’d entered the old theater room. Was this whole thing a setup? Was she acting all coy with Kim just so she could fuck me? Maybe. Hard to tell. I’m glad she has a boyfriend already, ’cos I wouldn’t want some kind of "Fatal Attraction" thing with her chasing after me, attractive as she is. She seemed really aggressive. Geez!

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