6 Times a Day Chapter 544 Brenda’s Fantasy [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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After Susan recovered, she went to her answering machine and found two new messages from Brenda. She returned Brenda’s call and they started another long, arousing conversation about Alan and their mutual fondness for his penis.

Brenda recalled that she’d gotten an extra big thrill out of fielding one of Susan’s recent sexual calls while completely naked in her backyard, so she decided to do that again, and found a spot in the middle of a big grass lawn, just like last time. She knew she was home alone so there was no danger of anybody seeing her, but it was extra exciting and arousing just the same. She was too shy to tell Susan about her location or lack of clothes, though.

They shared their hottest, most recent Alan-related stories and dreams. Additionally, when it was Susan’s turn to talk, Brenda generally listened while practicing her blowjob and titfuck moves on her dildo. Since Susan usually was describing either cocksucking or titfucking Alan in great detail, Brenda usually attempted to imitate whatever Susan recounted.

The call started out with Susan getting Brenda caught up with her latest Alan-related sexual adventures. Susan stayed naked and played with herself throughout the call, and she knew that Brenda was doing the same. Susan was in her bedroom, and assumed Brenda was in a private room like that too.

Susan didn’t want to be the main one talking the whole time, so eventually she asked Brenda to share some of her Alan-themed dreams or fantasies.

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Brenda felt she had to choose carefully which dream to share. Since she was very submissive, she had some pretty wild dreams that she doubted even Susan would like. Then she recalled a particularly memorable one she thought might be safe enough. "I had a pretty intense dream about him last night, so I suppose I can tell you that one."

"Oh, goody!"

Brenda was already extremely horny from hearing Susan’s stories. She was busy fingering her gushing pussy as she began her story. "I must admit, I started having erotic dreams right after he hit me with that ’lord and master’ talk I can’t seem to stop telling you about. But lately, it’s like I almost can’t dream of anything or anyone else! I get excited just going to bed these days, knowing that he’s gonna be with me soon in my dreams, doing all kinds of naughty things to my helpless body!"

"Mmmm!" Susan said with an approving sexy moan. "I know what that’s like. He tames me while I sleep, and when I wake up, he tames me even more! My mouth is never safe from his plundering mommy-tamer, and that’s just the way I like it. Speaking of which, can you please make sure this dream involves at least some cocksucking?"

Brenda chuckled. "Sure. Of course, I love that too, even though I haven’t gotten to enjoy the pleasure with him in real life yet."

"Sorry about that. Your time is coming soon, I’m sure. Maybe even this Wednesday night. But anyway, tell me everything! In VERY graphic detail, just like I’ve been telling you."

So Brenda closed her eyes, which helped her remember her dream and also lessened her self-conscious inhibitions. She stopped playing with her pussy to concentrate on the storytelling. "Okay, here it goes. My dream took place on a train. A really crowded train. I mean, jam packed!"

"Where were you going?" Susan asked.

"I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. But somehow I got the feeling the train was in Japan somewhere, although I don’t remember faces except for Alan’s, and everyone seemed to speak English, so that was kind of weird. You know how dreams are: things are fuzzy except for what you’re focusing on."

Susan asked, "Japan? That’s rather unexpected. Why Japan?"

Brenda sighed. "Do you really want to know, or can we just get to the fun parts?"

"I’m pretty keen to get to the fun, but I’m curious too. Can you maybe give me the short version."

"Fine," Brenda replied a bit testily. "You see, I’ve become something of a connoisseur of pornography over the years, mostly due to the sex in my failing marriage dwindling down and down, eventually to none at all. I have needs! And I wasn’t getting sexual satisfaction from my husband. Don’t you think masturbating to pornography is better than adultery?"

Susan still felt a prudish disdain for pornography, since old habits are hard to break. But she rallied to respond, "Um, er... I suppose... I suppose that’s true."

Brenda continued, "For whatever reason, Japan makes tons of pornography, especially of the animated and comic book art types, and I prefer those types. Seeing real people acting in porn films just depress me, because I can totally tell the women are faking their enjoyment. I can tell, since I’ve faked my pleasure with both of my husbands enough times! But that’s another story."

Susan knew what she meant, since she’d done the same thing with Ron many times.

" Anyway, I’ve collected a big amount of Japanese porn over the years, translated into English of course, and there are certain themes that are particularly popular. One theme is girls getting molested on a train or subway. Maybe because Japan is very crowded and people are often packed into crowded public transportation. So, now do you see why this fantasy is set on a Japanese train?"

"I do," Susan replied. "Sorry for getting us distracted. Let’s get to your sexy adventure!"

Brenda chuckled at Susan’s enthusiasm. She was tempted to further explain that a major reason she’d become a big fan of Japanese pornography in particular was because much of it had themes that catered to her submissive desires and fetishes. The molestation on a train or subway theme played right into that, as well as feelings of helplessness and public humiliation. So Brenda was confident Susan would enjoy this story.

Brenda said, "Okay, so picture me with Alan on a speeding Japanese train, moving across the country at night. By the way, I should mention that I was dressed kind of slutty. I don’t know why."

Susan snickered. "Of course you know why! You were there with Alan! You were dressed to please him. What exactly were you wearing?"

Brenda grinned in fond memory. "I had this kind of dark blue tank top on that showed off my belly button and of course my deep, plunging cleavage. I wore a reddish-brown jacket over that, but it was oversized, so it was constantly sliding off one shoulder or the other in a sexy way. And I had a matching miniskirt. Oh, and white stockings and red high heels."

"Excellent! Did you have any underwear on?"

Brenda sadly admitted, "Yes, I did." 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Susan was delighted nonetheless. "Oh my goodness! That sounds more than ’kind of slutty’ to me; that’s positively scandalous. Especially considering you were riding a train in Japan. Was the train fairly crowded?"

"Oh yes. VERY crowded. At least, that’s how it was in my dream. Even though we apparently were going a long distance between towns, it was standing room only. Alan wound up standing right next to me. We were packed in close!"

"Oooh! Sounds sexy already!" Susan commented. "What did he do?"

"In my dream it was clear we were just acquaintances, not lovers. At least not yet! And nothing much happened for a while, except the two of us were standing there, trying not to bump into each other or touch much, despite the occasional shaking of the train. But then I felt a hand on my ass! I turned around quickly, trying to catch the culprit, but to no success. In fact, except for Alan and myself, everyone on the train seemed to be completely anonymous, generic, business-suit-wearing salarymen. I never seemed to see any faces clearly, as they were always turned away or looking down. I complained to Alan about what someone had done, but he couldn’t help me. In fact, not long thereafter I felt a hand brush directly over one of my nipples! Amazingly, I didn’t even notice who did that."

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Susan pointed out, "You’ve got unusual nipples for sure. They stick way out. Even if you were wearing a bra, I’ll bet your nipples were showing your interest, if you know what I mean."

"I do!" Brenda giggled. "And they were!" She briefly pinched her nipples. Then she ran a hand down her tummy and began fingering her clit, knowing she was getting to the good part. "So Alan took me to a corner of the train car. I didn’t mind, since I figured that at least there I would have my back up against a wall with another wall to the side of me. Alan would be right in front of me, making it nearly impossible for any molester to get me there. So that’s what we did, and it worked for a while. But I was na?ve, because it turned out the molester those earlier times was Alan himself! He’d brushed my sensitive regions here and there just to get me into the corner."

"Oh my!" Susan said. "That’s so like him. When he sees what he wants, he just takes it. Well, at least if it’s a beautiful, big-titted woman, that is. He’s so clever! There’s really nothing you or I can do but submit!" Alan actually wasn’t nearly that pushy; Susan was simply describing her fantasy version of him.

Brenda liked that, since it fitted her fantasy dominant man too. She said, "So true! But that was just the start. Once we were there in the corner, he pressed even closer to me. At first it seemed like he was trying to protect me, or maybe he couldn’t help himself from squishing in because the train was too crowded, but in fact it wasn’t THAT crowded where we were. Before long, I was sandwiched between a large glass window behind me and Alan in front. Our bodies were pressed together practically from head to toe, which meant that my big breasts and especially my erect nipples poked into his chest."

Susan squealed with glee. She was loving this. She had her eyes closed and was vividly imagining the story, only with herself in Brenda’s place.

Brenda continued, "I was really embarrassed about the whole situation, but also increasingly aroused. For one thing, I could feel a big lump in his pants poking against my leg, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I do. I do!"

"And for another, it happened that I was wearing ridiculously tall five-inch heels, so his face wound up almost directly in front of mine. Our lips were practically touching, and he stared intently right in my eyes from only an inch or two away! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, all this made me nervous, causing my big tits to slide up and down against his chest!"

"Oh goodness!" Susan said, her breath growing heavy. "You were in a spot. When he stares intently at me like that, I just melt. My big tits heave up and down too. And my pussy gushes! He’s so passionate and commanding, you know? It’s a look that demands obedience!"

"Exactly! Before long, I couldn’t return his gaze. I bowed my head slightly, as if I were showing my submission, letting him know against my will that I acknowledged him as my natural superior. And of course he proved it by immediately taking advantage of me! Without saying a word, he brought a hand up to my breasts and clutched them tightly!"

Susan just grunted lustily. She was busy fingering herself, as was Brenda.

Brenda continued, "Now, I would have allowed that, but not in the middle of a crowded train! Everybody could see, and I knew that once he gets started he doesn’t stop until he gets his satisfaction. So I tried to show my disapproval by staring angrily at him, but he stared right back and made me cower again with that intense gaze of his!"

"So hot!" Susan exclaimed. She pulled on her nipples and caressed her hefty globes all over, since Brenda was talking about breast fondling. "Where did you put your hands?"

"I just held them up in the air at first, because it seemed the only thing I could grab onto was Alan, and I knew that would only encourage him. But somehow they wound up on his ass! I probably actually pulled him even closer in to me!"

"Brenda! You gave him a big green light there!"

"I know!" Brenda agreed emphatically. "I shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t help myself. And because I failed so miserably in my attempt to discourage him, I tried to make up for it by turning around in place. I thought that would force him to let go."

"Did it work?"

"For maybe one second! But then his hands immediately went right back to my tits! That move was a BIG mistake! Now he could play with my body like I was his personal sex pet, without having to suffer my disapproving stare. He started playing with my nipples, right through my top and bra. The damn things poke out almost obscenely no matter what I wear, especially when I’m all horny like I was there in the dream. But then he didn’t even wait a minute before he slid his hands right UNDER my top, reaching up from my waist until he was grasping my boobs tightly again!"

"Oh God!" Susan imitated that move with her hands, even though she wasn’t wearing a blouse. "Why didn’t you say something, to at least try to slow him down?!"

"I wanted to, believe me! We could get thrown in jail for what we were doing already, and it was only bound to get worse! I was feeling intimated by his sexy power, remember. Since I wasn’t facing him any longer, I thought I’d be able to tell him ’No’, but I just couldn’t. His commanding authority was too strong! I tried to at least say SOMETHING and tell him off. You know: ’Fuck you! Let go of me, you bastard!’ Something like that. But all that came out where helpless, hopeless whimpers. And I’m sure they came out sounding like highly aroused whimpers too, because the way his body was rubbing against mine was driving me wild! Furthermore, by that time I could feel his hot, HUGE cock pressing against my ass!"

Susan moaned lustily. She loved that particular mental image more than words could say.

Brenda did too. Her fingers were going to town on her nipples and clit now. "Before, it had been brushing against me here and there, but suddenly I could feel the shape of the whole damn long thing, and I could feel his balls too! I was wearing a short skirt and panties and he was wearing long pants, but I could feel the burning heat of that big cock-snake wedged right into my ass crack with a clarity that was breathtaking! It was like we were both naked!"

Susan responded to that with more heavy panting. Now that Brenda was talking about Alan’s crotch, Susan brought a hand down to fondle herself there too. (She was glad she had her cell set to speakerphone mode.)

Brenda was panting about as hard as Susan. She moved both hands to her bouncy breasts as she sat on her backyard lawn with her eyes closed, so deep in her fantasy that she had almost lost awareness of her real outdoor location. "I kind of humped back against his cock. I didn’t want to, but it was so BIG and HOT! I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself. Then, he spun me back around!"


"Yes! I guess he wanted to see my tits as well as play with them. Unfortunately for my dignity, I happened to be wearing a bra with a front clasp, and within seconds he had that unclasped. It slipped down inside my tank top."

Susan practically screamed, "Wait! So you were topless then?!"

"No, not yet. I still had my top on at that point, although it was riding up from below due to all his fondling. But he didn’t stop there! Oh no! He used that bra to make perfectly clear how he was going to totally dominate me, humiliate me, and use me for his sexual pleasure, right there on the crowded train! It just so happened that the large window my back was pressed against was opened a crack at the top, above my head. So he took my bra out from under my top, and then, with him grinning like a naughty schoolboy, I turned just in time to see him stuff the bra through the crack. I watched my bra go sailing off into the darkness of Japan, no doubt landing in some rice farm!"

"Oh NO!" Susan squealed. "My God! Do you realize how... how... how hot that is?! Can you imagine the other passengers in the other train cars after yours, watching a 34J bra wafting by on the breeze? Or some flat-chested Japanese woman picking it up and thinking it was a two-person tent?" She chuckled at that.

Brenda was too horny to be very amused. Her fingers were digging into her slit. "I know! By this point, I was hotter than a firecracker. I wanted to kiss him so bad, especially since his lips were still just inches from mine. But I felt like I couldn’t! Even though my hands were still on his ass, pulling him closer, I knew I had to resist! I was so hot for him that I could scarcely breathe, but knowing what an insatiable sexual BEAST he is, I HAD to resist!"

"You go, girl," Susan cheered, even though she hoped Brenda’s resistance would utterly fail.

"I couldn’t ever forget that I was on a crowded train. In fact, even though I was protected by walls on two sides and Alan was in front, that left one side where I felt some strange man’s shoulder sometimes brushing against mine. So I just HAD to say something! Or DO something! But Alan just kept staring into my eyes with laser-like intensity, reminding me that resistance was futile! My face was burning, even my ears were burning, and my heart was racing, all from knowing that he was turning me into his personal plaything! His... his sex pet!"

She was panting harder as she admitted, "And I’m on fire all over again from just telling you about it!"

Susan exclaimed, "Oh, Brenda! I’m burning up too!" That was true. Her fingerbanging and tit fondling had her on the edge of climax already. "What did he do next?"

"What DIDN’T he do?! With his hands back on my now bare tits, he went to town! He yanked and twisted my nipples relentlessly, roughly, and it felt SO GOOD!"

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