6 Times a Day Chapter 558 Susan And Suzanne [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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A few minutes later, the phone rang again. As Susan went to answer it, she grumbled, "What does Brenda want now? Do I have to walk her through ANOTHER fantasy blowjob? Good grief!"

But it turned out to be one of Susan’s cousins, living in Chicago. That was a real cold slap of reality for her. That cousin, like almost everyone else in Susan’s extended family, was very religious and uptight. Susan was grateful that for once she was actually fully dressed, more or less - she quickly buttoned up her blouse. She started blushing furiously, imagining what her cousin would think about her last call with Brenda.

After dinner, Susan was still so obviously spooked from her cousin’s call that there was no further teasing or talk of penis stimulation. She needed to apologize to Alan for needing some time alone, since she’d all but promised more sexual fun after dinner, but in her new mood she was too embarrassed to keep her promise, or even to apologize. She did give him a very apologetic look as she left the room.

Alan had cooled down a bit himself after he saw her get upset. He figured a break wasn’t so bad, especially since he’d lost his erection anyway.

Katherine and Alan went to their respective rooms and studied some more, finally finishing their homework. Then Alan went downstairs to watch TV. He’d recorded Sunday’s San Diego Chargers football game. Even though he’d seen the highlights and knew the final score, he wanted to watch the whole game.

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Katherine had developed a love of football from being with her brother when he was watching the Chargers games, which he had done every season, even when the team had been bad. So she joined him and watched too.

Susan had never learned the rules of football, so she had little interest in watching the game herself. She chose instead to be in the kitchen and make cookies for her kids. She would have made a snack anyway, because she loved being a caring mother, but she was especially keen to make some yummy snacks for Alan as an unspoken apology for not being in the mood to play around some more. She knew he really loved cookies, especially oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip ones.

Suzanne walked in the front door just a few minutes after Alan had started to watch the game. She’d just come from dinner at a fancy restaurant with her husband and a couple of his business associates, so she was still wearing a formal business suit.

Suzanne didn’t have any love of football. She made a sour face when she peeked into the living room from the front foyer and saw what the kids were watching.

She was very anxious to finally fuck Alan, and knew that he felt the same. She had no understanding of the subdued, non-sexual mood that had settled over the house. Even though she knew this wasn’t the moment for fucking, she thought she’d have some fun playing with his head to encourage the idea.

"How’s your day going, Angel?" she asked Katherine from one room away, as she removed her panties from under her heavy clothes and deposited them in the underwear cabinet before walking further into the house.

"Good, I guess. For a Tuesday, if you know what I mean." Katherine rolled her eyes in frustration.

"I do." Suzanne could definitely relate to the lack of access to Alan’s penis the last couple of Tuesdays.

Alan was sitting on the floor. He’d waved at Suzanne when she’d first came in, but then returned his attention to the game.

Suzanne moved between him and the television, standing so she towered over him. She smiled as she looked down at him. "And how has your day been, Sweetie?"

"Amazing and surreal, as usual," he answered honestly, while still trying to stare around her at the TV.

"But you look tired," she said consolingly in her slightly scratchy voice. "I’ll bet you had a hairy day." She lifted up her dress as she said this, so her pussy was in plain sight right over his face. With a happy snicker, she added, "You look really bushed."

He finally looked up at her and nearly drooled at the sight of the pink pussy staring him in the face. He was genuinely surprised though at just how wet she was. Rivulets of her juices were flowing down her thighs.

Katherine could tell what kind of show Alan was getting. She quipped, "He’s weary from the daily grind."

Suzanne giggled along with Katherine. "Exactly. He’s knackered."

"Knickered," Katherine giggled some more. "Maybe that’s because he’s being knockered so often these days."

"I think he should relax and take a load off, don’t you?"

"Definitely! Take a BIG load off! And I know just where he should put it!"

But while Katherine was all giggles, Alan asked seriously as he gazed up into Suzanne’s dripping pussy lips, "Aunt Suzy, how did that happen? I mean your wetness. You’re dripping, but you just walked into the house. You haven’t even done anything yet."

Instead of answering, she looked around and asked, "Where’s Susan?"

"In the kitchen," Katherine noted.

"Good." Suzanne looked down at Alan. "You still don’t get it, do you? I’m so hot for you that just the idea of walking into this house gets me wet. Just the mention of your name gets me flowing like the Amazon. Do you know what you and I are going to do really soon? We’re gonna..." - her voice dropped down to a barely audible but still hoarse and sexy whisper - "fuck."

Alan cleared his throat nervously. His dick was engorging rapidly, and his heart was starting to pound. He looked over to his sister sitting on the sofa and noticed that she’d heard Suzanne’s whisper.

Katherine’s only visible reaction was to giggle a bit at his obvious awkwardness. Inside, though, she was worried. If Brother could fuck her, why would he still want to fuck me? She’s so gorgeous and talented and sex-mad that they’ll never be able to pry those two apart. Damn! Between her and Mom, I never get a fair chance. But I love him so much! And her too.

Suzanne lazily rubbed her pussy lips through her dress. Knowing that Katherine had heard her whisper, she made no further attempt to keep her voice down. "That’s right, stud. You’re gonna get to know this part of me really well. Imagine lying on top of me right now, bouncing up and down like a pogo stick. My pussy can almost feel your fullness. God DAMN! When I think about you sitting on me, plowing me... Whoa! Your penis is gonna live in this hole most of the time if I have my way, which, to be brutally honest, I usually do. What do you think of that? Are you ready to fuck your Aunt Suzy?" She had lowered her voice to say the word "fuck," but this time she spat it out as sexily and naughtily as she could manage.

These words only confirmed Katherine’s fears, especially the comment, "Your penis is gonna live in this hole most of the time if I have my way." But she knew there was no way to go directly against Suzanne and win.

Alan had almost missed her question, not because of the football game, which was totally forgotten, but because he was floored by everything else she’d said. His eyes were eagerly checking out her sleek long legs, all the way up to her still-visible pussy. He finally managed to stammered, "Y-y-yes." Somehow, he felt unusually nervous when faced so directly with Suzanne’s overpowering sexual magnetism.

Suzanne smiled at the return of his bashfulness. "Good answer. That’s right. You’re going to fuck your Aunt Suzy silly, every day. She’s going to show you what fucking is really all about. But in the meanwhile, you’ve gone and made her very, very wet. Maybe you could lick her boo-boo with your tongue, and make it all better?"

"I don’t know," he answered as he looked all around. He knew that Katherine wouldn’t say or do anything to interfere with what Suzanne wanted, but he worried about his mother and her current mood.

Suzanne decided she was pushing him too hard, and sat down on the sofa next to him.

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Katherine, sitting on the adjacent sofa, spoke quietly but excitedly at Suzanne. "Aunt Suzy, guess what? All kinds of fun things happened today!" She proceeded to tell Suzanne a brief description of what Alan, Susan, and her had done in the afternoon. She included the part where she’d gotten Susan to agree to be spanked by either herself or Suzanne tomorrow. She concluded, "So, what do you think? Do you want to do the honors, or should I?"

Suzanne looked to Alan, who was listening carefully. She also spoke quietly, to be absolutely sure Susan couldn’t hear from the kitchen. "Actually, I think Sweetie here should do it. And tonight is better than tomorrow."

Alan protested, "Whaaaat?! I can’t do that. For one thing, she hasn’t done anything wrong. She’s been a living dream. And besides, she’s my mom. I love her with all my heart. I could never hurt her."

Suzanne said, "That’s not what I heard. You know that Susan and I share absolutely everything. She told me that you swatted her ass a few times yesterday, when you were having fun with her after coming home from your beach outing with Christine."

He blushed slightly as he remembered that. "Okay, that’s true. But I was soooo horny at the time that I wasn’t in my right mind. I was absolutely insanely horny! Being with Christine gave me the worst case of blue balls ever, and then Mom was so irresistible, and she basically begged me to spank her..."

Katherine added to Suzanne, "Besides, he doesn’t want to do it, and I do. I think it would be a kick! I understand first hand from when Brother spanked me that it’s not hurting her at all. In fact, she’ll totally love it. So why don’t I do it? Or you?"

Suzanne responded, "Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn soon enough. So will I. Susan is a very submissive type, and it will do her good to get frequently spanked. I’m sure you’ll get your chance in the next day or two. You can even use the same excuse."

Seeing that satisfied Katherine, she turned back to Alan. "That said, Sweetie, it’s important that you lead the way here." She lowered her voice some more to be extra careful. "You’re the one man in our group. Susan wants to sexually submit to you, first and foremost. She likes to talk about how you’re ’putting her in her place.’ Well, you need to do just that. It’s time to step up and get more aggressive. If you don’t think you can do it unless you’re ’absolutely insanely horny,’ then get absolutely insanely horny first. That’s not too hard to do around here, is it?" She looked to Katherine and smirked.

Katherine gave her brother a smoldering look. "Definitely not!"

He said, "I know it sounds good, but I don’t think I can do it. I could spank anyone else but her. Even you two. But... she’s... well, my mom!"

Suzanne quietly told him, "Listen. Your mother is at a very critical stage right now. Her attitude is shifting and her rules and boundaries are crumbling down. Her old belief system is falling apart and she needs a new one to grab hold of. I don’t think you realize that she’s ALWAYS been very submissive, and not just sexually. Before, she obeyed her parents, her husband, her church, and other authority figures. Including me, I must admit. That didn’t make her very happy overall, since I was probably the only authority figure actually looking out for her best interests, but that’s how she is."

She gesticulated to show how strongly she felt about this. "Sweetie, if we want to live in a free-wheeling sexual utopia, we need to redirect her submissiveness mainly to you. You need to step it up and be more domineering with her in general. But a spanking in particular is key to ensure that she sees you in a new way. There’s a lot of talk about you becoming ’the man of the house.’ Make it happen! Step up and be a man!"

That gave him a lot to think about. He was still uncertain. He asked, "Are you sure that’s the right thing to do? It feels like we’re taking advantage of her. Are we letting lust rule our thinking, or is that really what’s best for her?"

Suzanne sighed impatiently. "I appreciate your concern for her, but that’s a silly question and you know it. Do you really want to see her go back to how she used to be? Is she or is she not happier than she’s ever been? Yes, you’re enjoying more sexual pleasure than you ever thought possible, and frankly, more than you deserve. But so is she. She’s flying over the moon every single day! A submissive needs a dominant, and vice versa. You both benefit, big time!"

Katherine added, "It’s true, Bro. Mom needs a firm hand. And I can confidently say that, because it takes one to know one. I totally love that you gave me a hard spanking the other day, and I hope and expect you’ll give me a lot more! Don’t think of it as inflicting pain! It’s just a different way of making someone feel good. When your sister cums at the end of the spanking you gave her, what does that mean? Did she love it or hate it? Duh!" She giggled.

Suzanne chimed in, "It’s true. Even I’ve enjoyed getting spanked from time to time." She asked him, "Remember when I used an ice cube on your cock a few days ago?"

"Yeah?" He actually felt a shiver of pleasure as he recalled that very arousing experience.

"Well, I’m not expert on the science of how this works. But I think it’s safe to say that all your nerves are connected together. When one type of nerve ending gets stimulated, that heightens the response in the others. Or maybe it’s the contrast. But, either way, or both, extreme cold made your arousal than much more intense, didn’t it?"

He nodded.

She went on, "And the same thing happened when I used breath mints on you. Lots of things can do it. It just so happens that spanking works really well. Plus, there’s the whole mental aspect of it. Susan will lose her god-damned mind just from knowing that you’re spanking her and really taking charge, like you should! You can’t go wrong. She’ll cum and cum, and cum some more! Plus, I know her rule against you touching her pussy must be driving you mad. If you’ve got her across your lap with your hand on her butt, think of the opportunity that gives you to bend that rule!"

Katherine started to say, "Speaking of which, Aunt Suzy, remember what I was saying about what the three of us got up to this afternoon? That particular rule was bent waaaay out of shape!"

Suzanne nodded. "Good, good. I forgot about that, but you’re right. The time is ripe. Sweetie, that’s even more reason for you to..." Her voice trailed off, because she’d been listening carefully for any sounds coming from Susan, and the sound of Susan walking towards the living room.

Sure enough, just as Susan left the kitchen, she shouted, "Cookies are ready! Here they come!" She walked in carrying a tray of hot, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Suzanne stood back up. Her goal was to get both Susan and Alan extremely aroused, so this new spanking plan could come to fruition, and she figured she might as well start right away. So she flaunted her pussy exposure above Alan for Susan to clearly see.

She briefly acknowledged Susan’s presence with a "Hi, Susan." Then she spoke to Alan about the cookies with obviously intended innuendo as he stared at her lewd pose, "Hmmm. Hot and fresh, delivered to you on a platter. You’re a lucky guy, Sweetie. How can you turn down an offer like that?"

Susan’s face wrinkled with concern as she saw Suzanne standing above Alan so that he had a clear view of her pussy and bush. She mumbled, "Oh dear."

Suzanne ignored her reaction. Instead she commented to no one in particular, "Can you believe I’m still wearing all these clothes? We had a fancy dinner with some of my husband’s business friends. What a bore. I’m actually still wearing a bra! Can you imagine that? I’d better fix it right away."

She began to remove her clothes in a slow striptease.

Alan turned off the recorder and TV with the remote, since by this time the game was only an annoying distraction. He lay back on a nearby sofa while Katherine and Susan took positions on each side of him. The three of them watched Suzanne while she swayed sexily to the music in her head.

Susan was torn. She was still feeling reluctant to do much after the excesses of her phone call, and she also was afraid of her increasingly lusty feelings for her best friend. On the other hand, the effect of the call had already mostly worn off, and she was easily aroused. She tried to maintain a veneer of normality, as if pretending there wasn’t a centerfold-perfect woman slowly getting buck naked in the middle of her living room.

She told herself that she was just being a good hostess, so she got up and served the others drinks right in the middle of Suzanne’s act. She didn’t realize that in part her behavior was an attempt to take the attention away from Suzanne, but the rest of them realized what she was doing.

Suzanne understood Susan’s psychological issues (even though she remained unaware of the phone call) and kept up a patter of talk to keep the mood light. As she stripped down to just her garter belt and stockings, she casually quizzed Susan about how Alan’s penis had been earlier in the day.

That topic now qualified as a perfectly normal and proper one for Susan, so she had no problem discussing her son’s throbbing erections in great detail and bemoaning to everyone in the room just how "terribly backed up with sperm" her son’s penis and balls were.

Katherine could sense her mother’s conflicted mood, so she stayed quiet for the most part, attempting to play it cool. She didn’t even let her brother’s increasingly-firm erection out of its confinement, figuring that her mother would do that when she was ready. However, since Katherine was wearing an extremely short skirt, she was able to have some fun flashing her pussy at Suzanne. She figured that her mother’s attempts at normalcy would disappear soon enough, to be replaced by intense horniness, if she kept talking about Alan’s dick while watching Suzanne’s striptease.

Suzanne generally kept her eyes locked right on Alan’s crotch. Her body moved so sensually and she talked so blatantly about the need to prevent his "sperm buildup" that she was sure Susan’s composure would break at any moment, after which Susan would undoubtedly begin rubbing the big bulge that was visibly along her son’s thigh.

However, Susan didn’t become as immediately and totally horny as Suzanne and the others had hoped she would, because her recent phone call with her cousin Edith was still affecting her. The ostensible reason for Suzanne’s stripping was so she could take off her bra, but she could only draw that process out so long. Eventually, with that Herculean task accomplished, she began putting some of her outfit back on. However, there wasn’t much difference; she somehow made putting clothes back on nearly as arousing as taking them off.

Her dress was a very low-cut one that exposed just about everything, since she’d left her blouse off when she removed her bra. With her little show over, she arranged the dress so that the slightest tug would expose her nipples.

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