6 Times a Day Chapter 600 It All Makes Sense Now! Thank The Lord! [DD SPONSORED]

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Trying hard not to think about that, he attempted to change the subject, "What about Brenda? We still haven’t really talked about what the plan is with Brenda tonight."

She chuckled at the way he was slightly blushing. Clearly, her dungeon idea had had an effect on him, which secretly delighted her. She hadn’t meant it, but saw no harm in having fun with those ideas. "Here’s the deal on her. Let’s review the strategy, shall we?"

"Yes, let’s," he agreed eagerly.

"As you know, Brenda is coming along nicely. At your request, I haven’t been doing any major scheming, aside from inviting her over when Susan was at church on Sunday. But then again, I don’t have to. Your mom has gotten in the habit of talking to her on the phone every day, which leads to them both getting extremely worked up over talking about you. So everything on that front is proceeding according to plan. Don’t you agree?"

"I do." He looked down at Suzanne’s hands. In addition to one hand pumping up and down his shaft, her other hand had joined in to fondle his balls. "Perhaps we should keep talking about this WITHOUT the handjob? I could erupt at any time!"

She chuckled. "Nah. It’s more fun this way."

He grunted and rolled his eyes, but he didn’t really object. "The biggest question that I’ve been trying to get to is: what do you think I should do with her tonight? How should I treat her?"

"I still say you need to stick to the ’confident, cocky, aloof, and hard-to-get’ approach that’s been working so well. But now that she’s farther along, you don’t have to limit yourself to just that. Enjoy yourself more! Start off a little distant. Be sure to make the point that you’re not particularly impressed with her body."

"But I am!" He grimaced, because he was starting to struggle not to cum.

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"I know that, and you know that, but she doesn’t need to know that. She expects ALL men to lust after her, so the smart play is to keep her off balance and eager to please YOU. Having to exert herself to draw the attention of a man she wants, rather than a man she already has eating out of the palm of her hand, or drooling on himself over her cleavage, will actually turn her on rather than turn her off. Once you have her dancing to your tune, THEN you can have fun. You know how you fondled her body all over after you measured her tits last time?"


"I hope you do a lot more of that. Make her body your personal playground! But, and this is key, don’t let her play with your cock too much. Maybe even not at all for a while yet. We still want to ramp up her desire for you until her willpower and resistance shatter completely. She’s not there yet. Remember, we’re playing the long game here, preparing for the long haul."

He groaned. "Oh, man! That’s really frustrating. I was looking forward to getting my first blowjob from her tonight. Are you sure?"

"Hey, she’s YOUR sex pet. Do what you want with her. I’m just suggesting what I think will be the most effective approach. Keep in mind that we’ve started openly pleasuring your cock in her presence, so I’m sure we’ll be doing a LOT more of that tonight. Would it be so bad if you fondle her big tits while someone else blows you?"

"Hmmm. Good point."

They both laughed at that.

She tickled his sweet spot with her fingertips. "You stay here and rest a while. I’m going to go downstairs and manipulate events so that everyone starts to take their clothes off. After all, we played poker last week, so why not play STRIP poker this week?"

His eyes opened wide. "Are you friggin’ kidding me?!"

"What do you think? Of course I mean it. Once that happens, I’ll call you down. Remember that I’m your guardian angel. I’m not jealous, unlike a certain person living in this house who was just in this room."

She chuckled a little at that, but continued more seriously, "Even your mom and Amy are starting to show signs of jealousy in their own subtle ways." (Suzanne herself was too, but was reluctant to admit it, even to herself.) "I say share and share alike. We all benefit. But remember, tonight won’t be ALL fun and games for you. This is where you have to prove that you’re worthy of having four or more women as your devoted lovers. Can you get us all to share and not be too jealous? You need to be very clever, very careful, and most of all, very diplomatic. Watch what you say and do! Above all, don’t play favorites!" She wagged a finger at him, then brought that hand back down to his cock and balls.

"I’ll try my best. Aunt Suzy, you’re so great. So smart. So understanding. So beautiful. So loving." He hugged her again, making sure to squeeze her big bare melons quite firmly. Again he avoided smearing her cummy face.

"Don’t feel like you have to stop with the so’s," she half-kidded. She looked down at her two hands still working his cock and balls. "Boy, I wish I could go wild with you right now, but if I get started we’re gonna romp for a long while and the card game is about to begin. Maybe I’ll win the privilege later with a lucky set of cards. I think Angel was right earlier: Brenda had better watch out because you’re gonna need all the cum you can get. Gotta go."

She kissed him on the cheek and stood up.

He stood up as well, to see her off.

But then she looked down at his stiff cock, hot, throbbing, and soaked with pre-cum, and said, "Well... Maybe Alan Junior here needs one goodbye kiss too. That wouldn’t take more than a second, would it?"

She dropped to her knees, held his hard-on with both hands and kissed it right on the tip of his bulbous cockhead.

She pulled back slightly, intending to stand back up. But then she decided a kiss on his sweet spot would be more appropriate, and more fun for them both. That kiss ended quickly, but it was followed by another, and another. Each one lasted longer, and was open-mouthed so her tongue could come out to play while her lips created a seal around that area. Finally, she decided she absolutely had to get up. However, she couldn’t pull away without one last playful lick, from base to tip, to show how much she loved every last inch of his cock.

But that one lick never really stopped, and the next thing she knew, she was happily bobbing over his cockhead and then some.

A minute or two later, with her mouth crammed full of cock, she thought, Shit! That was a dumb move. I should have known better. Once I get started, I can’t stop! I’m almost as bad about it as Susan is. I’m way too fucking addicted to this glorious fuckstick. So thick! So tasty! Mmmm! Just so fucking GOOD! I can’t let him cum now. He needs to impress Brenda with his staying power. However, she kept right on bobbing and licking.

Despite the great joy he was feeling, he was a responsible lad, so he forced himself to say, "Um, Aunt Suzy, shouldn’t you, uh... get ready, uh, or something?"

"Mmmm-hmmm." She pulled her lips off him, but then kept right on licking, making more big swipes from the root of his pole all the way to the top, and then all the way back down again.

After another minute or two, he asked, "I love what you’re doing, but... maybe I shouldn’t cum right before Brenda arrives. Don’t I want to impress her with a big bulge?"

"Mmmm-hmmm..." She couldn’t speak, because she’d gone from licking back to bobbing. She went deeper down with each pass, until she was on the verge of deep throating him again.

But about a minute after Alan’s question, Susan called out from downstairs. The voice was far off and blocked by the door, but Suzanne could hear an urgency.

Grumbling and sighing, Suzanne pulled her lips off again and then moved away from him. "That could mean Brenda’s here. Grrr!" She pointed angrily at his erection. "I am so not done with you, mister! You’ve gotten a short reprieve now, but I’m going to give you a very firm tongue-lashing later! Very firm! Why, I might just lash you with my tongue for hours!" She looked up into Alan’s face. She stuck her freakishly long tongue out nearly to the bottom of her chin, then gave him a sexy wink.

Then she stood, picked up the strips of clothing that she’d been wearing earlier, and walked naked out of the room.

Fuuuuuck! Alan thought. Everything I said about her beauty is so true. But it’s not just her curves and measurements that make her that way; it’s her relentlessly sexy attitude. Like the way she bent over outrageously just now to pick up her clothes, and then the way she wiggled her pussy lips at me. Hell, just the way she walked out of the room after that should make any man cum. Wow! Fuckin’ wow! I’m in the presence of greatness!

Once he calmed down somewhat, he realized that he still had much more to talk about, such as his concern that he might be turning into an asshole now that everyone seemed to be treating him like a king, or his worries about Heather. He wanted another serious "check-in" discussion, where he could update her on how things were going with his other relationships, to get her capable advice, and without any hanky-panky going on at the same time. But it was not to be, at least not then.

His mind drifted to the possibility of fucking Suzanne, then to the thought of Brenda arriving in a few minutes, and then back and forth between the two. Sweet Jesus! I still didn’t really get to talk to Aunt Suzy about how freaked out I am about this whole Brenda thing in general. I’m not worthy! I have a feeling she’s going to have an epiphany and realize that she’s way, way out of my league. Because she is! Still, if I’ve gotta have problems, problems like these are probably the best problems on Earth to have.

At roughly the same time, Amy returned to the Plummer house for the evening’s poker party, having prepared dinner for her father and brother, then cleaned up afterward and changed. Amy had pleaded with Suzanne for several days that she should be allowed to join in the weekly poker game, since she was now Alan’s official girlfriend. Suzanne had reluctantly agreed, relenting with mere hours to spare. Amy immediately went upstairs to Katherine’s room for some last-minute talk and primping before her first-time participation.

Earlier that morning, Suzanne had rescheduled their card game to slightly later in the evening because of her need to be in Los Angeles during the day. Since Brenda was another idle, jobless, and (very) rich housewife, the rescheduling hadn’t been a problem. Brenda was due to arrive at eight, and Suzanne was pretty sure that she’d be right on time.

Suzanne looked outside and confirmed that Brenda’s car hadn’t yet arrived. Then she checked a clock and realized that she’d have just enough time for a discussion that she wanted to have with Susan. She’d told Brenda not to arrive even a minute early, and there was a reason for that.

Suzanne had some bad news to give Susan, and she’d thought about how to tell her and when to tell her. She’d decided that just before this party would be best, because the party was nearly guaranteed to completely distract her. Susan had deeply ingrained manners regarding being a good hostess. Even if her house were on fire, her first priority would still be to smile and focus on helping her guests. Later, once the sexual fun got going, Susan hopefully would be so distracted that she wouldn’t think about Suzanne’s troubling news again until the next morning.

Suzanne changed into the outfit she’d brought for the party very, very quickly, made herself presentable using the mirror in Susan’s bathroom (including washing away the last of Alan’s cum from her face), and then rushed downstairs.

Susan stood at the bottom of the stairs, again wearing the Chinese cheongsam she’d worn earlier in the day. She’d been doing some last minute tidying up, but she looked up and smiled at her best friend. "Hey, Suzanne? Did you hear me calling? I need your advice on a few things before Brenda gets here."

"Never mind that," Suzanne said urgently. "I have something important to tell you. Very important."

Susan’s face turned to worry. "What is it?"

Suzanne held out her hand. "Give me your ring. Your wedding ring."

"What? No, I can’t do that. Even after all-"

Suzanne cut her off harshly. "Shush! There’s no time! I need to see it now. Brenda’s gonna be here in a minute. Then I can tell you the news."

Susan had a strong attachment to her wedding ring, even though she was now dedicated to sexually serving her son. She’d worn it so constantly for years that it seemed like it was a part of her body. However, Suzanne made it seem like she needed to physically see something on the ring to confirm this urgent news before she could reveal it, so Susan very, very reluctantly removed the ring from her finger and handed it to Suzanne.

Suzanne closely examined the ring, as if there was some kind of vital clue there. But then she clutched it and hid it in her fist while looking Susan in the eyes. "Susan, as you know, I’ve had some strong suspicions about Ron. In fact, I’ve told you that he hasn’t been faithful to you, so you shouldn’t worry about being unfaithful to him. As you know, I’ve hired an investigator to watch him in Thailand and confirm what I already knew with enough evidence to convince you."

Susan asked in confusion, "What? The investigator just called you from Thailand? What did he say?!"

Suzanne was silent for some long moments, and then finally admitted, "He called, but not just now. I’ve known the truth for a while now, and it’s not pretty. I’ve been trying to hint about it to you-"

Susan cut her off impatiently, "If you’ve known, why didn’t you tell me?! You’re my best friend!"

"I am. And I’ve given a lot of thought about how to tell you so it would cause you the least amount of pain. I decided that right before a guest shows up is best. Your party manners are just like your phone manners: you put everything else aside for the guest or the call. This way you’ll hear the news, but you won’t have time to fully react emotionally. That will let the news bubble around in your subconscious, and by the time Brenda leaves you’ll have a level of acceptance that’ll help dull the pain of what I’m about to tell you."

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Susan felt angry, and looked it, but she didn’t say anything because she knew that Suzanne cared about her and was probably right. Instead, she growled through clenched teeth, "What’s the damn news already?!"

Suzanne forced herself to maintain eye contact. "There’s no easy way to say this. I tried dropping hints... Dammit, I’m just gonna come out and say it: Ron is gay! Always has been, always will be."

Susan’s jaw dropped and her heart started to pound. "Gay? Gay?!"

"Yes, gay. Homosexual. He likes sex with men. And I know he’s been married to you and had sex with you, but how attracted has he been to you, really? You’re totally gorgeous! You’ve told me plenty of times about his extremely low sex drive. Turns out it’s not low; it’s just low with women."

Susan stepped back in shock. "I... I... I don’t believe it!"

"Believe it! I have all the evidence. Photos. Video. Phone calls. I have proof that not only does he have a long-term male lover in Thailand now, he’s had lovers - plural - for years. Why, I’ll bet that he’s known he’s homosexual since he was a teenager, or maybe even earlier. It’s almost always innate, you know. The important thing for you is, it has nothing to do with you or your sex appeal. It’s not you; it’s him."

Susan staggered back even more. "No! Oh my God! You mean it’s really true? It can’t be!"

Suzanne was relentless, now that she’d gotten past the most difficult part. "It is, and you know it. Think about your relationship with him. Think about your poor sex life even though you’re a fucking supermodel centerfold! Frankly, I pretty much knew it for years, just as a gut feeling, but it was only with things heating up with Alan that I knew that I had no choice but to prove it to you."

Susan was still reeling, mentally and physically. "But, but..."

Suzanne continued, "It’s not such a shock really, is it? I mean, I told you days ago that he was cheating on you. So what difference does it make if he cheated on you with a man or a woman?"

"It makes a huge difference, actually!" Susan protested. "I’ll admit I do have a bit of a bias against homosexuals, because my parents and my church pounded that into my head. But that’s not the point. What hurts is that my entire marriage turns out to be a lie!"

Suzanne tried to smile. "But that’s the good news! It’s great news, actually! Think about it: since he married you on false pretenses, you were never really married. You could get an official annulment if you wanted to, although I would recommend against that. Your religion wouldn’t consider it a real marriage either. The point is, don’t think about it in terms of your relationship with him; think about it in terms of your relationship with your cutie Tiger!"

Susan did a double take at that.

"You see what I mean about it being good news? And you never really had sex! Ron was your only lover before Alan, and since Ron is gay, that means you’ve never had sex with a heterosexual until Alan! Sweetie is effectively the one and only real lover you’ve had in your entire life! Isn’t that exciting? This makes you purer for him, almost virginal. Isn’t that good news?"

Susan still looked wide-eyed and stunned. "Well, yes, but, I feel like my world has been turned upside down, like the floor has dropped out from under me. I thought I knew Ron! He’s a good man! We had lots of good years together!"

"Yes, he is a good man. Lots of homosexuals are great people. He’s been a great provider for you and your children for many years. But the simple truth is that your marriage to him was a sham. He never really loved you, and you in return never really loved him. Sure, there was lots of ’like’ going on, but that’s not the same as love. I think you loved being married and you loved being a mother and homemaker. But that’s not the same as loving Ron in an adult, sexual way. Look: you’re not crying. You’re not even on the verge of crying."

Susan realized with a start that what her best friend was saying was true. And that was especially meaningful since she was an emotional person who cried whenever she felt like crying.

Suzanne continued, "Don’t feel bad about it. Sure, you’re shocked and surprised. But it’s like the shock of finding out a good friend is gay, not that the love of your life is gay. Ron is NOT the love of your life! Alan is! I daresay the fact that Ron is gay is what made you mentally and physically receptive to becoming your son’s lover in the first place. Sure, you didn’t consciously know it, but there was always a certain distance you kept from Ron because of it, and you knew that on many levels."

That argument certainly hit home for Susan.

Suzanne decided the time was right to try to put Susan back into a horny mood, which she needed to be in for the party anyway. That would certainly distract her from thoughts about Ron. "This proves that Alan is the one and only man you’ve ever loved! Remember how unhappy you used to be? There was always something off about your marriage. You knew it, subconsciously at least, and now we know what it was. But your years of sadness and frustration weren’t in vain. No! Oh no! Perhaps it was God’s will. Perhaps you were being kept as unsullied as possible for your one true love: your very own son!"

Susan gasped at the audacity of that line of thinking, but it held great appeal for her. She was a strong believer in fate, and she desperately wanted to believe there had been a greater purpose to her unhappy marriage.

Suzanne went on, "Think about it. A gorgeous woman like you had to get married. Your parents arranged the marriage and they weren’t going to let you stay single for long in any case. And you had to be married in those years to be able to easily adopt Alan and Katherine, so you should be eternally grateful to Ron for that at least. But once you were married, there were times when literally a year or more went by and you and Ron didn’t have sex even a single time! And when you did, it was utterly forgettable and even pathetic. It was as if your remarkable body was being preserved for you to share with your son!"

Susan’s face changed. It still showed shock, but now it was more of a blissful shock instead of a distressed one. "Yes!" she whispered. "Yes! It could be!"

Seeing she was on the intended track, Suzanne continued, "Yes, it truly is remarkable. If one were to think up a scenario to have a ’virgin mother,’ it’s hard to beat your case. It’s like you were born and bred to be a big-titted sex toy for your own son! What an incredibly lucky mommy you are. Ron served a vital purpose. After all, your kids needed a father to help them grow up normally. But he was gone for eleven months out of the year sometimes, especially as the kids got older. You never gave Ron a blowjob, handjob, or titfuck. Heck, you didn’t even know what some of those things were until recently. No man will EVER experience those sex acts from you EXCEPT Alan! Hell, you hardly even kissed your own husband on the lips that much."

Susan stared off into space in amazement. "That’s true..."

"And look at you!" Suzanne suddenly said dramatically. She waved a hand in Susan’s direction, and then flourished it about, highlighting her friend’s body. "Your body is fucking incredible! It simply defies belief that you’re in your thirties, much less your late thirties. You know you’re a perfect ten, don’t you?"

Susan sincerely replied, "Kind of, but not really. I’m not as confident as you are. I know that I love the way Tiger looks at me lately, the hunger in his eyes. But ’perfect ten?’ I don’t know about that."

"Well, it’s true, trust me. And your breasts! Let’s see ’em." She said that because she knew that Susan always got extremely aroused when she bared her breasts.

"What, here? Now?"

"Of course! You’re one of your son’s official personal cocksuckers now. Now that it turns out your marriage was a sham all along, it’s only proper that you focus the rest of your life on serving your Tiger’s cock! Getting topless at the drop of a hat is part of what you do."

Susan grinned slightly. "Well, if you insist." She proudly pulled her dress down and thrust out her tits.

"That’s right!" Suzanne said encouragingly. "Remember what Sweetie told you once, and what you like to repeat all the time: ’Thrust your chest out and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of.’"

Upon hearing that, Susan pulled her dress down even farther and thrust out her tits even more. She stared off into space with a smile on her face, no doubt imagining her son admiring her.

Suzanne put her hand on Susan’s shoulder and purred, "Picture yourself standing like you are, when your Tiger reaches out and cups your big jugs from underneath." She did just that, clutching at Susan’s huge orbs with both hands.

Susan closed her eyes so she could imagine it was Alan, and not Suzanne, fondling her rack.

Suzanne continued, "You can’t feel his big cock, not yet, but you know it’s there, inches away, hard and throbbing, poking near your pussy."

Susan gasped lustily.

"You know Ron is gay, and yes, that’s kind of sad for what it says about your marriage, but it doesn’t matter now because you have a new marriage waiting for you: you’re going to be married to your son’s cock! True, it’ll be a one-way marriage. After all, he’s a powerful, virile young man, and it takes many women to satisfy him. And of course it won’t be a legal marriage. But you’ll be totally bound - nay, enslaved - to his cock just the same!"

"Yes!" Susan panted. Suzanne’s hands weren’t doing any more than lightly holding Susan’s melons from below, but Susan was heaving so wildly that her boobs were bouncing around, making it seem like she was being aggressively fondled.

"Need I remind you about Ephesians 5:22-24?"

"What?!" Susan was confused by the mention of a Bible verse, especially one that she didn’t recall.

"Let me quote it for you, since I’ve memorized it for you, to help you in this difficult transition time. ’Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.’"

Suzanne quickly added, "Keep in mind that would be bad if it referred to Ron, but it doesn’t! Ron could never be your real husband, because he’s gay. Besides, he’s cheated on you repeatedly with male lovers. Who is your REAL de-facto husband, the man of the house, the studly young man whom you naturally submit yourself to already?"

Susan whispered in awe, "ALAN! My Tiger!"

Suzanne smirk-smiled, glad that her scheme was working out so well. "Exactly. Submit to him in everything. Remember that!"

Susan nodded. It all makes sense now! Thank the Lord!

Suzanne wasn’t happy about using that kind of language on Susan. She felt the Bible was unfairly sexist in places, and this particular quote was one of the worst examples of that. However, she knew that the news about Ron would be a heavy blow to Susan: it might not hit her fully at first, but over time she would feel sad that her marriage had been based on a lie. That Bible quote would do wonders to help her look at the situation in a new way. Even so, Suzanne vowed never to use that particular passage again.

Furthermore, that kind of talk was in complete contradiction to what Suzanne had told Alan only a short time earlier: that extreme sexual language was only acceptable if it was said to arouse and wasn’t taken seriously. Suzanne wanted Susan to truly believe what she was being told. Suzanne figured that the situation was far from ideal, but because Susan was so submissive, she needed someone to love, adore, and look after. With her marriage to Ron in tatters, Suzanne wanted Susan to reorient to Alan as quickly and fully as possible to get past the immediate trauma and look forward to a happy future.

Suzanne spoke tenderly. "You know somehow that it was all meant to be. It was a long and winding path, but you were fated to serve him. Whatever happened before, it doesn’t matter much now. Ron is in the past. The present and the future is all that matters, and your-"

Just then the doorbell rang, interrupting Suzanne. They were both quite startled, since they were standing right by the front door.

"Holy Toledo!" Susan gasped. She spoke quietly, just to make sure they couldn’t be heard through the front door. "That must be Brenda. Oh, poo! I wish so much you could continue. Everything makes so much sense when you explain things. Why, I hardly feel broken up much about Ron now. I knew we were headed for divorce anyway, so this only reconfirms my feelings on that. What matters is the present and the future, and my total submission to my son. Please tell me more about that!"

Suzanne shouted for Brenda’s benefit, "Just a minute, Brenda!" Then she spoke quietly to Susan. "I wish I could, but I was on a roll and I kind of lost track. But don’t worry, we can continue this later. Maybe tomorrow morning. As for now, you should pull your dress up and greet your guest. After all, you’re the host." She finally removed her hands from Susan’s still-heaving chest.

"Oh. Right." She began to pull her dress back into place. But then a thought hit her. "Hey! What happened to my ring?! I want it back right now. And why did you take it in the first place?"

Suzanne had secretly pocketed it shortly after taking it from Susan, and she gave no hint as to where it was now. "Sorry. No can do. The ring represents your past. It’s well past the time you should have taken it off. It’s a sign of disrespect towards your Tiger if you keep it on. I know you’re nostalgic about such things; that’s why I’m forcing your hand on this. Call it tough love."

Just then, with perfect timing, the doorbell rang again.

"Grrr! We’ll talk about this later." Susan had her dress back on by that time, so she ran her hands through her hair to make sure nothing was too out of place. Then, after a questioning look towards Suzanne, she went to the door. She said, even quieter this time, "There’s a lot of things we’ll have to talk about later. For one thing, I want to know about Ron and the evidence you have on him. I know it’s a kind of pointless curiosity, but I’d like to know just who it was I was married to all these years, if we can even call it a marriage."

Suzanne nodded, and said simply, "Tomorrow." She was showing merely a smile, but inside she was crowing triumphantly. She felt like she’d timed and played that revelation perfectly.

Susan looked chagrined. But remembering Brenda, she abruptly changed moods and forced herself to smile as she finally opened the front door.

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