6 Times a Day Chapter 614 I’m Going To Turn Into A Wraith Within A Week!

They were still kissing in a lazy, relaxed way a couple of minutes later when there was a loud pounding on the door. "Alan? Tiger? It’s your mother!" Susan’s voice was lilting and friendly, not accusing, but there was a detectable desperate edge.

"What is it?" Alan asked.

"Can you open up?"

Alan looked at Suzanne. She’d been zoned out in a very happy, erotic la-la land, but, like him, she was trying to focus and figure out what Susan wanted. However, neither of them knew or could guess why Susan wanted to disturb them at this moment, after all their action was over.

He cautiously disengaged, got up, and opened the door. He didn’t bother with clothes or covering up, even though his flaccid penis was covered with cum.

Susan burst into the room. She’d recovered and cleaned herself up since her big climax, and she’d put on some clothes. But the emphasis was on some, because all she wore was the T-shirt which had a hole cut out to expose her boobs, plus her high heels and glasses. Clearly, she wasn’t trying to cover up in any way, but instead she was presenting an even more tempting sight than if she’d been totally naked. And while she’d cleaned up in some ways (for instance washing her face and combing her hair), she hadn’t in others. Critically, she’d left her crotch soaked in her own pussy juices, since she figured that sight and smell would help arouse her son too.

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She spun around and her eyes settled on him where he was standing behind the open door. She smiled widely, then glanced at Suzanne and frowned briefly. "Ah. Good," was all she said as she looked back at Alan expectantly.

"What is it, Mom?"

"Well, uh, I was just passing by your door..." That was a stupid lie, and everyone knew it. She shyly put her hands behind her back, causing her tits to thrust forward, looked down to avoid eye contact, and continued, "I happened to hear something earlier about Suzanne helping you with another orgasm."

He interrupted, "Wow! I love your outfit! Not only what you’re wearing, but what you’re not wearing." He was clearly referring to the fact that her pussy was completely exposed.

She’d already been blushing, but her face turned even redder. She stammered, "Um, well, thanks, I guess. Anyway, I, uh, I heard certain sounds which led me to believe that you’ve just had climax number seven today."

He smirked. "Oh, really? What sounds? You weren’t eavesdropping, were you?"

"Um, well... maybe a little..." Her face turned redder still. "Anyway, I think we’re all in agreement that you need another climax tonight to reach eight, what with your scouting trip and all. Suzanne, I hate to say this, but shouldn’t it be my turn?"

Suzanne just stared with dismay at the interruption.

Susan had at first sounded authoritative, but with that last sentence her voice was practically begging.

Alan looked more closely at his mother and saw how her chest was heaving. He knew that she was wearing the "hole-y" T-shirt to "bring out the big guns" and fully capture his attention. But it was working in spades just the same. With her hands still behind her back, his mother’s chest looked even bigger than Suzanne’s.

He eventually took a closer look at her swampy pussy. This was definitely a special visual treat for him, since her pussy was still a taboo "no-go" zone for him. He saw fresh rivulets of cum dripping down her thighs and realized that although she’d obviously screamed herself through a big climax less than five minutes earlier, she was far from sexually satiated.

He thought, Holy moly! I think she wants to get something started with me right now! She must really be worked up. Not to mention that she can’t be thinking very much, if she believes I have anything left to give after what just happened with Aunt Suzy!

Indeed, that was exactly what Susan was thinking. His stamina impressed her so much that she’d come to believe he could will himself to get erect at almost any time or place.

Suzanne recognized the challenge. She raggedly rose to her feet and put her hands behind her back. Then she thrust her bare chest out too, to even things up with her newly-arrived competition.

Susan, however, hadn’t yet seen Suzanne’s countering challenge, since she was still too embarrassed to open her eyes.

Suzanne was finally forced to speak up to get Susan to notice. "Nice look! You definitely look slutty. You look like the kind of slutty, naughty, big-titted mommy who lives to suck son-cock. Check it out. You’re inspiring me too."

Susan had to open her eyes to see what Suzanne meant. She was pretty displeased to note Suzanne’s similar pose, but she was undaunted. She recalled the phrase Alan had told her that had become a kind of personal mantra for her: "Thrust your chest out and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of." That’s right! I have a GREAT body! Tiger loves playing with it. I AM a slutty, naughty big-titted mommy who lives to suck son-cock, and I don’t care who knows! I’ll bet he’s wiped out after fucking Suzanne’s ass so good and so long, and what better way for him to relax and recover than with a nice long blowjob from his favorite busty mommy? Pick me, Son!

At the same time, Suzanne thought, God knows I love Susan to death, but she can be a real cock hog. I know she’s all worked up, and frankly, that’s mostly my fault, and somewhat Sweetie’s fault. But he loves me and we’re having a great time cuddling. I love these tender moments at least as much as the out-of-control horny ones. Susan just has to learn to wait her turn!

Suzanne walked closer to Susan until their nipples were practically brushing against each other. She hoped that by getting in Susan’s personal space and staring her down, Susan’s subservient side would cause her to buckle.

But Susan wasn’t buckling. Her lust was in charge. In fact, she just stared back at Suzanne with greater resolve.

Suzanne finally spoke. "Susan, you promised him to me for the entire night, don’t you recall?"

What Suzanne didn’t realize was how much her lewd pose made her and Susan look like Alan’s sex toys in his eyes. With both of them in the same sexy, subservient position, nearly nipple to nipple, his thoughts naturally returned to Suzanne’s "large harem of women" comment. Man! This is too cool! Add to that the crazy way Brenda was falling for me tonight. What a great night!

Susan said, "Did I really promise that? If I did, I must have been high or something. Frankly, I’m concerned that his cock is not being properly tended. For instance, look at his crotch! It’s all messy! It’s my duty to make sure he’s properly cleaned!"

Suzanne couldn’t help but grin at that silly argument. "And what happens if it isn’t cleaned?"

Susan replied, flustered, "Then, well... then it’ll be all messy!"

Suzanne’s amused grin grew wider. She said sarcastically. "Oh my! That would be just terrible! And I’m sure your concern for cleanliness has nothing to do with your desire to get your tongue lapping on his cock and balls, does it?"

Susan bit her lip while staring longingly at Alan’s flaccid penis; she knew it was pointless to deny it.

Suzanne stepped forward a bit, causing her erect nipples to push into Susan’s equally aroused ones. She pointed out, "You really, really don’t want to do that. Believe me. His cock just came out of my ass. Even if it doesn’t look dirty, it’s covered with bacteria from back there. It needs to be washed off before anyone does anything to it, or even touches it."

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"Oh, poo!" Susan pouted.

"That’s exactly the problem: poo." Suzanne was amused at her clever reference to the other meaning of one of Susan’s favorite terms of dismay.

Susan suddenly rushed out of the room. Suzanne feared that she’d offended her friend in some way, but it was just Susan working at double speed to take care of the sanitation issue. She rushed across the hall to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, wet it in the sink, and then rushed back to where she’d just been standing.

Alan saw the towel and said, "Thanks, Mom. Toss it to me." He caught the towel and used it to wipe his still flaccid penis.

Suzanne said sarcastically, "Without any soap? You think water is enough to clean the crap off his dick?"

So Susan responded by going back in the bathroom, wetting a washcloth, visibly lathering it with soap and bringing it to Alan.

Alan took the washcloth and used it to hurriedly clean himself.

Suzanne said, "No. Clean it thoroughly, including in all the folds and the loose skin around the head of your penis. And don’t touch it again with that dirty towel, since that got contaminated when you used it before without soap." Then she and Susan simply stood and stared until he had was done.

Suzanne’s purpose was in part to instill in both Alan and Susan concern for the sanitary issues involved with anal sex. She knew that if she didn’t the Plummer house would soon be rife with bacterial infections of everyone’s genital areas.

Susan bit her lip with longing once Alan finished his thorough cleansing. Seeing his freshly-washed penis increased her desire to lavish it with her oral attentions.

Suzanne said, "Now, Susan, you did say I could look after his penis this evening. Remember your concerns on the subject, and that you wanted to take it easy until you’ve seen the psychologist?"

"Screw my concerns!" Susan nearly shouted, giving up any pretense of restraint. She stepped forward, causing her tits to press firmly against Suzanne’s. "Please! I need it so much that I can’t stand it! It’s been torture waiting out there! Torture! Listening to you two go at it... Ever since you took his cock away earlier this evening, I’ve been dying of need!"

She turned away from her friend, breaking the tit contact. She grabbed Alan by the shoulders. "Please, Tiger! Let me give you a special goodnight kiss." She blushed and closed her eyes. Then she whispered to him, "It’s pulsing."


She nodded with her head for him to look down.

He looked again at her fully exposed pussy. Sure enough, he could actually see her pussy twitching and throbbing, as if it had a life of its own. He inhaled deeply. He loved the smell of wet pussy that filled the room, especially since he wasn’t sure just whose pussy was contributing more to the smell.

He turned a bit and looked over at Suzanne. He noticed that her chest was thrust out even more than it had been a minute earlier, as was Susan’s. It seemed that there was still a chest-display competition going on as the two of them vied for his attention.

He thought, This is just total madness. To have these two women - women who definitely do NOT belong as suburban housewives, women who should be friggin’ centerfold movie stars - to be contorting their bodies and begging for my attention... It totally blows my mind! It’s hard to believe, but despite cumming too much already today, my dick just won’t stay down in the face of all this!

He didn’t realize that it was the pheromones in their vaginal secretions that were driving him on.

He said to Suzanne, "I’m sorry, but I really should help Mom out here. Can’t we have mercy on her? She’s obviously been working herself into a lather while listening to us. We kind of caused this, with the way we were so loud and all." He didn’t want to overtly point out that they’d deliberately opened the door just to drive Susan out of her mind with need; he figured the oblique reminder would cause Suzanne to recall that fact.

Suzanne was chagrined, but also surprisingly relieved. He’s right. It’s not fair, because we did trick her and work her up so much. This is part of the process. My overall plan is not just to have Sweetie for myself, but to share him with the ones I love the most. Sharing means sharing - now. I love Susan like a sister, so I need to put her needs ahead of mine sometimes. Besides, I’m pretty damn sexually satiated right now. Sure, it would be great to cuddle for hours, but she needs him a lot more than me at the moment.

She said to him, "You’re right. I’ll get going. And it’s good of you to remember that it’s your job to keep all of us well fucked, so please give your mom your attentions. But next time, I expect to be probed, licked, groped, fondled, kissed, fucked, and generally all-around pleasured in a very thorough manner. Is that clear?"

She had assumed the attitude of a stern mother ordering her child to clean his room, but she managed to grin at the same time, showing that she was (mostly) just being playful.

"Yes, Aunt Suzy." He answered in a voice pretending to be a reluctant young teenager. Then he smiled a weary smile, showing that he was being playful as well.

"Good. Now I think I need to start a little goodnight kiss tradition of my own."

Suzanne and Alan necked for a minute or two while Susan looked on with the urgency of someone afraid that they’ll pee in a public place. She actually clutched her crotch and bounced on her high heels, just as if she couldn’t hold her urine in much longer.

Even though Suzanne was naked, Alan’s hands were too tired to wander extensively, despite the fact that his weary dick had come back to life. He enjoyed the kiss, but he also used it to get some moments to rest and recover. Whoa, man. Crazy. To think of all the stuff that happened tonight with Brenda and everything. I thought we’d just go to bed after the party ended, but the sexual fun keeps going on! I think Mom ended the fun downstairs too soon, so we’re all still too wired.

But this great kiss I’m enjoying, as nice as it is, is like the calm before the storm. I just know that as soon as Aunt Suzy’s gone, Mom is gonna go nuts over my dick and nuts! I need to find more energy somehow, just to keep up. I sure don’t want to disappoint her.

Even the necking wasn’t much of a respite, because Suzanne had felt his dick engorging against her skin, so soon she was jacking him off yet again.

When the kissing ended, he half-seriously told Suzanne, "I think you’re draining the life force out of me. Killing me one orgasm at a time. At this rate I’m going to look forty by the time I’m twenty."

He looked at his mother, still bouncing with anticipation, and then down at Suzanne’s sliding fingers. "And between the two of you, I’m going to turn into a wraith within a week."

Suzanne was going to talk some more, but when she saw Susan bouncing from foot to foot with an endearing urgency, she decided to cut things short. While still stroking his cock, she whispered directly in his ear, "Now, Sweetie, remember what I was saying earlier about how your mom and I are going to hand you off to each other all day long? Look. I’m generous and not at all jealous. See how I’m handing you off again. So don’t worry. Just leave everything to your Aunt Suzy. She’s going to help you make all your dreams come true. She’s your guardian angel, and she’ll make sure that every day of your life is like heaven on Earth."

Suzanne hoped that little speech would help inspire Alan to rely on her instead of trying to direct events himself. She gave his boner one last extra-hard squeeze. Then she waved a friendly goodbye at both the others and walked out of the room, flagrantly wiggling her ass as she went. To finish, she closed the door behind her.

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