6 Times a Day Chapter 911 Are Those Rumors About Heather True, Bro?


The appointment with Akami went much quicker than Alan expected, so when he got home he found Susan and Suzanne both napping on Susan’s master bed.

He woke them up, and lost all the time he’d saved in the short visit with Akami with a prolonged discussion about Dr. Fredrickson’s scheming and what to do about it.

Not surprisingly, the two women remained naked, making it difficult for Alan to carry on a serious conversation. The only difference from before was that they were washed up and they had their high heels off, since they’d been on the bed for a while.

Suzanne in particular was incorrigible. She commented that it wasn’t fair how Alan had fucked Susan’s ass so well recently, yet left hers alone. After that, she actually spent some time talking to him while sitting in the other direction on the bed, so he’d have no choice but to enjoy the sight of her ass and statuesque backside.

Even though she was facing away, she made sure that Alan still had a side view of her as she repeatedly shook her tits, causing them to jiggle like a bowl of Jell-O.

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It was too much for him, and naturally his penis got hard and stayed that way even though he didn’t welcome that. However, he avoided the great temptation of touching either voluptuous beauty, since he was still trying to mourn the recent bad news about Glory wanting to break up with him.

He thought, I’m with two of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen or ever am going to see, and one of them is my mom! They’re naked and love me and want me to fuck their pussies all day long. Now, I know none of that is new knowledge to me, but damn! It’s just so incredible. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.

Eventually, he had to order them to dress and move off of Susan’s bed. They were literally too arousing for him to handle.

Feeling a bit abashed, Suzanne said, "I know that your mom and I get a little overenthusiastic sometimes. But all you have to do is say stop and we will." However, even as she said this, she turned dressing into a reverse sexy striptease.

Both she and Susan put on very light and loose sun dresses, high heels, and nothing else.

Alan thought, Hell, they might as well wrap some toilet paper around themselves a couple of times. That would give them more cover than these totally transparent outfits. Damn. In a way it’s worse they’re wearing something because now they’re gonna be constantly flashing me. Here comes another boner, and my dick just went down a minute ago. I know I shouldn’t and my little guy needs a rest, but I love it!

"Sweetie, what are you thinking about so heavily?" Suzanne leaned forward, giving Alan a perfect shot so far down her dress that he could see her bush.

"Yeah, Tiger, what’s on your mind?" Susan was less subtle - she not only bent forward too, she used a hand to make sure one of her tits popped free though the gaping hole in the middle of her dress.

Alan groaned with frustration and arousal. "Back to the problem at hand, ladies."

"What about the problem in hand?" Susan nodded at his boner, tenting in his pants.

"Or not in our hands, tragically enough." Suzanne stared at his pole and licked her lips.

"Come on you two, focus."

At that, the two mothers calmed down and more or less focused. Amy and Katherine were still cheerleading at the football game or they would have been included in the discussions. But the three of them decided to come up with a plan on their own.

The three of them eventually concluded the best thing to do was to set a trap for the doctor. They could arrange another appointment and then have one or more people bust into the office where Dr. Fredrickson was watching (and wanking). This time they’d have a camcorder of their own, to beat him at his own game. It seemed the obvious thing to do, but there was much to plan and discuss and they couldn’t do it without Akami. So they tried to put it out of their minds and just enjoy the last couple of hours Alan had before he had to leave.

But Alan was feeling very agitated. Either the Glory or Dr. Fredrickson situation would have been enough to work him up and worry him to distraction, but the combination of both on the same day, plus hearing disturbing news about his father Ron, and worries about the probably uncontrollable Heather, bullying at school, and insecurities about his upcoming fuck with Susan left him nearly shaking with tension. Having to leave for a hiking trip in a matter of hours was bothering him too. He felt as if his world was crumbling down around him. He always had a sense that his sex life was far too good to be true, and that it wouldn’t last. Now he had the feeling that this was the beginning of the end.

He paced back and forth relentlessly. He was so worked up that Suzanne made him a rum and Coke and had him drink it down. Then she made him another, and had him drink that too. That helped mellow him out a bit, but he was still depressed and antsy.

The three of them moved downstairs, and then talked while Susan cooked dinner.

When Katherine and Amy returned from their cheerleading for the football game, everyone sat down and ate, and kept talking (Suzanne and Amy left the male Pestridges at home to fend for themselves, so they could see Alan off). All the females dressed relatively conservatively at Alan’s request, although Susan merely kept her revealing sun dress on.

With the two teen girls back in the picture, much had to be explained and discussed all over again, so the conversation didn’t make much progress. He was reluctant to discuss Glory in front of the whole group, due to his desire to keep his intimate relationship as much of a secret as possible, for fear of her losing her teaching job and a general desire not to "kiss and tell." But given what Glory had learned, those concerns were essentially discarded for the moment. He had to reveal many details about his intimate relationship with her for the first time, to enable the others to fully understand this dangerous situation so that they could give him good advice about it.

Alan became more relaxed as time went on. He again remembered the results of the investigation into Ron that he’d just learned about earlier that afternoon. The more he thought about it, the better he felt. I loved Ron when I was little, but he’s changed so much, and so have I. I don’t even want to know anything about the kinky stuff he’s been doing in Thailand. It’s better if he’s out of our lives. Maybe things aren’t falling apart after all. Mom said she’d get a divorce right away and give me the Beemer. She told me, "You’re the man of the house now, now that you’ve tamed us all with your big, fat cock."

He pondered, Is that really true? Have I somehow tamed them? Lately they’ve been acting so... well, subservient. I thought it was just a game and sexy talk, except for Mom. But even Suzanne is acting differently these days. She hasn’t done a complete 180 like Mom, but she’s... well... different. What does it mean? How will our relationships be defined? ... Yet they seem to be acting so normally now, not counting the way Mom keeps bending forward to show off her cleavage. But on the other hand, all I have to do is snap my fingers and I know any of them will be fighting over who gets to suck my cock next. It’s like that’s what they’re living for now. And they say so many women refuse to even give blowjobs. Weird.

As if emphasizing his points, Susan walked over to where he was sitting and leaned over dramatically. "Is there anything I can do for you, Tiger? Are you fully satisfied? Is there anything I can do to... make you feel better?"

He looked at the deep expanse of cleavage right in front of his eyes. "No, Mom. I’m good. Thanks."

Disappointed, she stood up and went back to the kitchen.

He thought, Dang! Those two things could be registered as weapons of mass destruction! How could I NOT get a boner? But I’m not gonna let her know. Time’s running out before I go on my trip, and things have to get done.

Things were so serious that nothing really sexual happened aside from the extensive rounds of welcome home greetings and kisses when Amy and Katherine came back, but those kisses were more friendly than sexual.

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But as time went on, the mood gradually lightened. All the women seemed so completely convinced that everything would work out just fine with Glory and the Dr. Fredrickson situations that Alan felt a bit sheepish to protest otherwise. Their optimism was infectious.

Suzanne in particular insisted that Glory would get back with him; she claimed to understand Glory thoroughly, even though the two women had never really met before, except for parent-teacher conferences.

The conversation switched to cheerleading for the football game that Amy and Katherine had taken part in earlier in the day. Katherine said, "Janice and Joy both went without panties. Just the painted on kind."

"What?" Susan didn’t know what that meant.

So Katherine explained in some detail about the painted-on panties "tradition" and Alan’s role in it all slowly came out. This had never been properly explained to Susan since it was so tied up with the first times Alan had fucked his sister, which they had tried to keep secret until recently.

Susan got particularly excited, exclaiming, "Wait a minute. Angel, I knew a lot of that already, but I never really put it all together. Kim, Janice, Joy, Heather, Amy, and you - he’s fucking the whole cheerleading squad! It’s like he’s collected the entire group! And he’s not just fucking them; with this panties thing he’s controlling them! People talk about pussy-whipped, but he’s got the whole squad cock-whipped. Tiger, I’m so PROUD of you!"

Boing! Alan thought as his dick immediately grew hard in his pants.

Susan’s eyes were fiery with excitement as she told him, "Son, you’re boning every single last cheerleader in your school! Do you realize how impressive that is?! They’re the elite of the elite!"

He said modestly, "Well, it just kinda happened. And it’s not like they’re all the most beautiful girls in school. Some other girls, like Christine, Simone, and Donna, are widely considered more beautiful than Janice or Joy."

"But still!" Susan persisted. "It gets me so hot! Amy, help me out here. Isn’t that impressive?"

Amy spoke up. "It is pretty cool. Like today, at halftime when Heather wasn’t around, the rest of us were all talking about this new rumor that Alan had totally, well, cock-whipped Heather in the halls earlier. Everyone was so impressed! It makes me totally proud that he’s my official boyfriend." She paused, and then purred right at Alan while fluttering her eyebrows, "You can cock-whip me any time."

Susan added, "Oh! Me too! Just imagine: your fat thing slapping my face like an angry hand! Or my tits!" She leaned forward in her sun dress, showing off endless cleavage and two very white dangling orbs. It looked like she was suddenly having trouble not ripping the dress off altogether.

Katherine pointed out, "The only bummer is me. The other girls obviously can’t know that Brother is boning me too. Otherwise, we could steal him away from the tennis team from time to time and spend the entire sixth period taking turns getting fucked and generally servicing his cock."

Susan’s eyes practically popped out of her head, and she clutched at her head. "OH. MY. GOD! That is... SO HOT!" 𝖋𝔯𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝖇𝔫𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝖈𝔬𝖒

Katherine asked, "By the way, are those rumors about Heather true, Bro?"

Alan could feel his ego growing with every new comment. He tried to sound modest as he replied, "Well, I don’t know the rumors exactly, but probably. How did that get out, anyways?"

"What did you do?" Katherine prodded. She looked over at Susan and slapped her mother’s hand as she saw her starting to take her dress off. She was trying to give her brother a much needed break.

He replied, "Heather tried to wow me and tempt me so I’d turn to mush and she’d get the upper hand. But I fingered her pussy and ass so good that she was the one turned to mush."

Alan had explained this encounter to Susan and Suzanne a couple of hours earlier. But Susan got hot as an oven hearing about it again. She said proudly, "Oh Tiger, you’re such a BIG boy now! You’ve not only tamed all of us at home with your big cock, you’ve tamed the whole cheerleading squad - the best looking girls in school! I should have known. Oh my God! I can’t WAIT until you fuck me! I know you’re trying to relax and all, but can’t I stroke and suck you a little bit? Pleeeasse? I promise that you’ll hardly notice."

He chuckled. Somehow, I highly doubt that! Ha! Pleased as punch with himself, Alan said, "Sure. Knock yourself out."

Susan stuck her tongue out at Katherine as if she was saying, "Nyah! Nyah! See, I told you so." Then she yanked her entire sundress off, leaving her in just her high heels. She dropped to her knees between her son’s legs and fished his stiff dick out of his zipper. She had it between her lips the second it reached open air.

There were a few moments of adjustment as people peeked under the table, but Katherine, Alan, Amy, and Suzanne continued what they were doing as if Susan blowing Alan while buck naked under the table wasn’t even worthy of comment.

"That’s not all, Mom," Katherine continued, as if her mother was still sitting next to her. She had to speak up a little bit to be heard over the new and extra loud slurping sounds. "You should see how he treats the girls on the squad. They’re all lusting after him, big time."

Amy proudly said, "You don’t know the half of it! The rest of us talk about Alan aaaaall the time, but usually when you’re not there. And it’s really cute, because normally Heather is such a, well, she’s all Heathery, if you know what I mean." That was about as close as Amy could get to insulting someone. "But when Alan’s name comes up, she gets all moony. She’s practically one of the gang when we talk about Alan Junior."

The squad talks about my dick?! Alan thought. He considered the fact that Susan was bobbing on his sweet spot under the table, and he couldn’t but help feel proud. It certainly does get a lot of attention! He silently snickered at that.

Katherine said, "You’ve told me about that before, Aims. But you also know there’s a lot of talk when I am there. For instance, Bro, just today, us cheerleaders were trading rumors about you and Heather when Heather wasn’t around. Big Drag Racer Brother, is it really true that you call her ’cum dump’? And she lets you live?"

Suzanne was doing something in the kitchen. She made a sort of half-strangled snickering noise that she tried to cover up.

Susan by contrast groaned lustily when she heard the words "cum dump." She was inspired to try once more to deep throat him again, but she quickly gave up the effort when her gag reflex rebelled against her yet again.

"Yeah," he confessed. Between the flattering talk and the way his mother was sucking and stroking his pole, he was forgetting to be modest. "She’ll pretty much do anything I say so long as I promise to fuck her in the ass. And she actually loves all the trash talk."

Katherine was getting excited too; her effort to be somewhat restrained for his benefit was flying out the door. "That’s what the others all say! I never get to see it in person due to the sister thing, but they say she loves it up the ass. Gaawwwd, I’d just love to watch you bang her butt! It’s wild. This haughty, arrogant bitch totally melts, and the more crazy stuff he calls her, the more she loves it!"

Susan thought she would faint with excitement at the thought of her son saying and doing such things to her. She was forced to resort to mere licking for a few seconds as she said, breathlessly, "Angel, stop, please! That’s just too exciting!" She swallowed the cockhead for duration of a couple of long, powerful sucks, and then continued, "I can’t say I blame Heather in the least for being cock-whipped. Oh, Tiger! Whip me with your cock!"

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