6 Times a Day Chapter 94 "This Is Just An Affectionate Family Hug. It’s Not Like This Is Sexual Or Anything, Is It?"

By the time Alan had dressed and come downstairs, Katherine had already left for school. He grabbed his backpack and rushed to the front door.

But before he got there, Susan asked, "Wait. Tiger, aren’t you going to give me a goodbye hug?" She was expressing her recently discovered love of hugging. She held her arms out expectantly, which at least held up the straps of the robe.

He walked back and hugged her.

But she had just surreptitiously unzipped the front of her robe, so it immediately opened up enough for her big melons to become exposed yet again. She hadn’t consciously wanted to do that, but it seemed her burning hot body had a mind of its own. Suddenly, all that stood between her hard nipples on their round mountains of succulent tit-flesh and his bare skin was his thin white T-shirt.

At first they just held each other, and Alan did little more than absorb the fact that his topless mother was pressing her breasts into him. Holy hell! I can’t believe this is happening! Not only is she bare-breasted, but she totally did that on purpose! I think she’s hot for me! My super prudish bombshell mom! My God!

But soon he started working his hands over her back, running them up and down. That made him recall applying the suntan lotion to her back (and elsewhere) just the day before, which didn’t help calm him down at all.

She thought, Oh dear! This is not good! Why did I just do that?! I’ve been so naughty lately. It’s really bad. But it feels so good! MMMM! Not only are my breasts crushed against his manly chest, but I can totally feel his cock pressing against me just below my tummy! His great big cock! Er, uh, I mean, his, uh, member. But, uh, there’s nothing wrong with that, is there? We’re just hugging. Mothers and sons hug all the time. Just because I’m topless... it’s okay as long as one of us is wearing clothes, right?!

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His erection wasn’t really poking into her, because he felt shy about that and was trying hard to avoid that form of contact, but she’d lightly brushed against it a few times.

It occurred to him that the straps of her robe were just tenuously hanging on her shoulders, and that if he moved his hands a little more strategically he could shake them off her shoulders and move the robe further down. He did, and it worked.

He half-expected her to protest, but instead she actually temporarily let go of him to allow the robe to fall down and become completely free of her arms. Now all that held the robe up was the sash around her waist.

He went back to exploring her back, enjoying it all the more now that it was just bare flesh under his hands. As the seconds passed, his willpower crumbled. It wasn’t long before his hard-on was continuously pressing into her, since they were pressed so closely together.

She thought, Mmmm! Yessss! My son is so big and strong and handsome! I know that I’m helping him do his thing, because I can feel his thick member really poking into me now! Oh my goodness, that feels nice! It’s so HOT, literally! Like a burning poker. I can feel it pulsing with life! My son is such a STUD!

Out of the blue, she asked, "I meant what I said before about no touching, but hugging is different, don’t you think? I mean, what kind of mother wouldn’t want to hug her own son?"

"Yep, I totally agree. Hugs are great." He would have agreed that the moon was made out of green cheese if it would have prolonged their intimate hug a little longer.

Their faces were incredibly close to each other the whole time, which he found disconcerting. He tended to keep his head tilted to one side or the other, because he was afraid that if he looked at her straight on he would end up kissing her. He tried to avoid that at all cost. He knew that even if she agreed to a passionate kiss at the time, later she would probably be very hurt that he’d taken advantage of the situation, and that was the one thing in the world he would never want to do - to hurt his mother. Teasing was one thing, but if they kissed there would be no denying they’d crossed a line.

She nuzzled her head into his neck and squeezed him tighter. She knew it was time for her to let go, but she was having great trouble actually doing so. "Have a good day at school, okay?"

"I will, Mom." One of his hands wandered to the edge of her ass.

"Don’t forget, your mother loves you," she added, prolonging the hug still more. She rubbed her bare tits all over his chest as if her boobs were looking for some kind of way to get past his shirt. Her hands meanwhile just pawed at his back over and over again, sometimes gripping him.

"I won’t." He was very embarrassed by the way his rampant erection was pressing up against her, but he felt there was nothing he could do about it. He knew there was no way she couldn’t feel the phallic object pressing into her stomach and know exactly what it was.

She pretended not to notice though. "I’m so glad we have these opportunities to be more affectionate now. Don’t you agree? Or do you find this increased familiarity upsetting?" She was clearly stalling for time so the hug could last longer. It was almost absurd the way her huge tits were now insistently exploring his entire chest. She was slowly rubbing her body up and down him repeatedly, as if she had one giant itch that desperately needing scratching. The absurdity of the situation only grew with her description of this just being an ordinary, familial hug.

"Uhhh... Not upsetting," He stammered. Somehow, his hands found themselves fully cupping her luscious ass cheeks through her thin robe.

She mewled with contentment.

They continued to rub up against each other. It was as if they were having an all-out make-out session, except that they weren’t actually kissing. Her hard nipples stabbed into him and her breathing grew more labored.

He didn’t know why, but he found himself saying, "This is just an affectionate family hug. It’s not like this is sexual or anything, is it?"

"Oh no!" she agreed far too loudly, pressing her tummy hard into his throbbing pole. "Certainly not! Don’t even think it. We’re just being very ... familiar."

He was amazed to realize from her face that, at least on some level, she was sincerely trying to believe that. Even as she said it, she brought her tits to the level of his nipples and then slowly pushed them up his chest all the way to his collar. Her body moved so much that he couldn’t keep holding onto her ass cheeks, so his hands generally slid over her lower back instead.

They hugged even longer, if such motions could be called hugging. It was more like she was a cat in heat, trying to relieve herself by rubbing up against a post.

Trying to be a good son, he brought his hands back up to her bare back. He didn’t realize it, but with all of the rubbing motion, the only thing still holding her robe up was his hands on her ass, so as soon as he moved his hands away from her waist, her robe finally fell all the way to the floor.

She was so horny that it barely even registered with her, at least not at first. Now his shorts and underwear were all that stood between his rampant cock and her bare skin. A big wet spot was soaking through his shorts, actually wetting her just above her bush. On some level she was aware of that happening, but she was not fully conscious of it.

He didn’t know what to do. He felt a desperate desire to bring his hands around and fondle her heavy globes, but he forced himself not to. He just tried to keep his hands on her back, or caressing her long flowing hair.

He had a vision of the class at school for which he would undoubtedly be late. Class was probably starting any minute. That made him want to hold on even longer, so he’d never have to leave this incredible place and return to the real world.

Trying to keep the hug going, he said, "We never used to hug at all, did we?"

She was pressing up against him extremely closely now, trying to subtly rub her body against his raging erection. She was moving in a short circular motion, effectively jacking him off where he was pressed against her hard body. "Well, not since you were a little boy."

He looked into her eyes and saw such a fiery, lusty gleam that he had to turn away. The urge to kiss her lips was almost overwhelming. He muttered inanely, "Good to make up for lost time, huh?"

"Definitely!" She said the word like she was in the throes of passion, crying out "Fuck me!"

Taking advantage of her obviously increasing horniness, he dropped his hands to her ass and groped it freely. He still kept his head turned though, because he didn’t trust himself. If he started kissing her, there was no telling what would happen next, and some part of him still held back out of fear of the unknown and potentially disastrous consequences that action might bring.

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A sudden bolt of arousal and alarm shot down her spine. Oh no! His hands are on my ass! My bare ass! Good Lord, I’m completely buck naked! I should stop this right away. But on the other hand, it’s nothing he didn’t do yesterday by the pool, right? Gaawwwd, did he paw my bare ass then! It felt so fantastic, and it feels even better now! Anyway, he’s still clothed. As long as one of us is, it doesn’t count, right?

Besides, isn’t it time for him to learn more about a woman’s body, without the distraction of intercourse? And who better to teach him that than his own mommy? I can help him do his thing, and he can do it all over my face and chest! MMMM! YES!

His hand felt only flesh, not clothes, but he was so overwhelmed by the whole experience that his brain didn’t really register what that meant: her robe had fallen to the floor and she was now completely naked. But he definitely was taking full advantage of the resulting exposure: he was vigorously kneading her ass flesh with both hands.

His courage boosted by his arousal, he finally allowed himself to stare directly into her face without flinching. He said, boldly, "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Tiger. So much." He drank in the sight of her shimmering brown eyes, so close to his. She raised herself to her full height and leaned in even closer.

He thought, This is it! We’re going to kiss on the lips! He no longer had the willpower or desire to resist.

But he was wrong. She kissed him once, but only on the nose. Then she reluctantly pulled away and let him go.

She’d finally "come to her senses" and realized their hug had gone too far. She looked to the floor. "Oh dear me, how embarrassing." Thanks to all of her frantic rubbing against him, her robe now lay in a heap around her feet.

She appeared to be genuinely surprised by that, but now she played it up. "Would you look at that. I’m stark naked! How embarrassing!" She just stood there without using her hands to cover her nipples or even her pussy. Her great lust was still driving her, despite her semi-restraint. "Tiger, I’m your mother!" She clutched at her bare tits with both hands. "Just because I have these overly large breasts, that doesn’t mean I should be rubbing them against your chest! Especially when you have me completely naked and helpless like this!"

Alan groaned inwardly as she turned away from him, no doubt to give him another chance to visually explore her entire body. He took full advantage of the opportunity to devour her with his eyes. The air was redolent with the fragrance of her aroused pussy.

After she could delay no longer, she bent over to pick up the robe, but in doing so she turned away from him and kept her knees ramrod straight so that her bending was entirely at the waist. That left her ass hanging in the air only a foot in front of him.

It was all he could do not to grab her there. He worried that if he did, he would lose control, take his erection out, and soon be plowing into her cunt. Even so, he toyed with the idea, not ruling it out completely. After all, he was a teenage boy, unable to process so much outrageous stimulation and temptation.

Her hands lingered on the floor for a few moments while she slowly gathered the robe together. She seemed to be daring him to rub his pulsing bulge against her exposed ass cheeks. She knew he could see her slit and just how wet it was, but that only thrilled her even more.

His skin was burning all over from the intensity and excitement; he literally felt so hot that he half expected steam to start pouring out of his ears.

Her actions were torturing him and they both knew it. Apparently she felt guilty about the torture, because she stood back up, turned around, and slowly put her robe back on. Then, with her face blushing as shame and guilt returned, she said, "Tiger, in the future, I think it’s best if we only hug when, uh, when we’re both dressed a little more properly. ... It’s not that there’s anything wrong with a friendly hug, but... Just so people don’t get the wrong impression, you know."

"That’s true." He looked around, wondering how and where he’d be able to cum, given that he was running late for school. He knew he had a wet spot on the front of his shorts, and an even bigger one on his underwear. That gave him an idea. "Um, Mom, I was just thinking... I think I’m gonna wear brown shorts today."

She looked at his shorts and saw the wet spot she’d helped make. She felt shivers as she recalled her own wetness, which in fact was still there. "Oh! Good idea!"

He rushed upstairs (although he couldn’t move that fast because he had such a raging erection). His plan was not to just change his shorts and underwear, but to get the relief he so desperately craved by jacking off first. He figured he could do that in less than a minute, he was so insanely aroused.

Once he was in his room, he stripped his clothes off below the waist and sat on the edge of his bed. He sighed with relief as he held his erection and started to stroke it.

But just then, Susan walked in. He’d been in such a hurry that he’d left his door wide open. She had changed to a different, less-transparent robe that was barely clinging to her. One shoulder strap had fallen down, leaving nearly all of her huge rack exposed before his eyes.

She started to say, "Tiger, you’re already late for-" But her words trailed off, and she just gawked shamelessly at the hot, pulsing boner that was now fully exposed in his eager hands. OH MY GOD! Dear Lord, have mercy! Have mercy! Just look at all that hot, thick... COCK!

He just sat there frozen, uncertain of what to do. He felt too freaked out to keep jacking off with her staring at him. Besides, he realized that he’d been in such a frantic rush that he didn’t even have a towel or anything else to cum into.

He whimpered helplessly. His need to cum was so great that he wanted to cry.

She stepped forward, thinking, This is my time, my chance! I need to help him do his thing! I should jack off his big fat cock!

The fact that she was thinking the word "cock" was an indication of just how far gone she was. But she still retained some shreds of restraint. She slowed down, and even stumbled in confusion. When she came to a stop, she stood in a way that offered a profile view, holding the robe in a way that showed off her breasts and her butt while also both frowning and blushing. To call her confused would have been an understatement.

Alan made a snap decision. Knowing the clock was ticking, he got up, went to his dresser, and put on different underwear and shorts. He decided to do the responsible thing and go to school; he would have to deal later with his urgent need to cum.

That took the wind out of Susan’s sails, which forced her to return to "mothering" mode. She helped him get his things and get out the door without further incident. But, because they were in a hurry, she continued to wear the semi-transparent robe, keeping his dick in a state of constant stiffness.

She was still so relentlessly horny that she didn’t trust herself to drive her car. As a result, he had to ride his bike to school.

He had an intense case of blue balls, so riding to school sitting on the narrow bike seat was complete torture.

As soon as Susan heard the door close, she had his wet underwear in one hand and his shorts in the other. She couldn’t help herself. While sniffing on one wet spot, she rubbed the other all over her chest, kneading her breasts as she did so. Her excitement skyrocketed. Look at me! This is terrible! I’m so baaaad!

Within minutes, Susan was in her bathroom, pretending to take a shower. In fact, she was masturbating to thoughts of what she’d done to Alan that morning and at the pool the day before.

Gaawwwd! That was close! It was all I could do not to drop to my knees and rip those shorts of his clear off. I’m obsessed! Sexually obsessed with my son! And I’m a married, Christian woman.

Oh dear. And that penis of his, that big fat erection! It’s all I can think about now. I can still feel it burning into my skin. So hot! But it’s wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! That hug was crazy. I should be deeply ashamed. I AM ashamed. I stood there naked, rubbing my bare skin against him, like some kind of shameless hussy! What if my parents or sisters had seen that? I would die of shame!

Thank goodness for Suzanne. Without her advice and help, I don’t know what I’d do. She told me that lust is okay, as long as it’s not romantic. I just have to think of ’the penis in the abstract.; It’s not my son’s penis that was poking into me, so big and full and round and long and hot! MMMM! So good! It’s just a generic penis. It’s just a biological organ that happens to need to spill its seed six times a day all over me. I mean, uh, all over. It doesn’t have to be MY face and chest that gets splattered in yummy cum, not necessarily.

Oh goodness! His abnormality check is today! How will I ever get through that, after my wanton behavior just now? Dear Lord, please give me strength.

Torn between lust and reason, she agonized over what she should do, even as she continued to finger her clit and slit under the pretense of getting clean in the shower.

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