6 Times a Day Chapter 965 This Is A Serious Problem! We’re Headed For A Disaster [’ReaperCrew’ Sponsored]

’ReaperCrew’ Special - [9/10] Chapters. 4K words


Susan came downstairs about ten minutes later. She looked and felt much better after a bracing shower, but she still looked downcast. "Hi, Angel. I didn’t even check on Tiger just now. Frankly, I’m not sure I can trust myself near him, at least not for a while. I just want his body so very much after what happened last night. I want to lie in bed with him until the end of time!" She gazed off, fantasizing, but quickly recovered. "Maybe you should check on him. We don’t want him to miss Ms. Rhymer’s class, and that starts about an hour from now."

Katherine held out her arms. "Hug." Susan walked over and they hugged. That evolved into some passionate French kissing and groping. They started gleefully rubbing their big racks together.

Susan broke away from the kiss first, delighted. "Daughter! What do you think you’re doing? That’s so very naughty. Mothers and daughters shouldn’t kiss like that!" She melted into Katherine’s arms. "I’m so glad you and I can share our love in every way."

"Me too, Mom, me too. But can we talk seriously for a couple of minutes before I wake Brother up? Why don’t you sit at the counter while I keep an eye on the waffles?"

"Okay." Susan got some orange juice from the refrigerator and gingerly sat down.

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Katherine went back to the stove. Then she turned towards Susan and complained, "Mom, we have a problem. I’ve been feeling really left out for a while now. It’s not just you, but Aunt Suzy too. Now that she’s taught you so many sexy tricks, you can please him on a whole other level than I can."

"If that’s all that’s bothering you, I can teach those tricks to you too. You and Amy. It’s only fair."

"Speaking of the girl with the annoyingly super-inflating bust, Amy is another problem for me. I used to pride myself as being his only sister sex toy, but now I don’t even have that anymore. Hell, she’s got the official girlfriend status AND sister status. It seems everyone has something special to offer him except me! I’m just the also-ran."

"Angel, don’t even say that! You’re so very special! I told you he loves you more than life itself. Don’t you believe me?"

She sighed. "Yeah, I know. I really do. But I need a lot of reminding." She waved the spatula in her hand for emphasis. "I don’t have the greatest self-confidence. I need something special to set me apart, and I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. I think he should make me pregnant."

"WHAT?!" Susan had been sipping her orange juice, but spat it out in surprise.

"You heard me." Katherine grabbed a napkin and helpfully began to wipe up the orange juice spill.

"But that’s so very wrong! You’re only a junior in high school. You have a whole year and a half left before you graduate! I will not have my daughter drop out of school just to get knocked up!"

"I could do home schooling."

"You know nothing would get done - we’d just sit around and study ’sex education’ all day, even more than we already do."

"Yeah, but with the stealth stroking and stealth sucking... Can you just imagine, kneeling in just your high heels all day long, slurping on his fat cock?" For emphasis, she repeated, "All day long?!"

Susan was momentarily tempted, greatly tempted, but she finally shook her head ’No’. "That might work here and there, but not all the time. You hardly do your homework as it is, and you were slack about that even before the family sex started. In any case, it’s a moot point, because you’ve talked it over with Alan and he said no. Did he not? So why do you question his decision? Is he not our lord and master? Who are we, his mere sex slaves and fuck toys, to go against his wishes?"

Katherine bowed her head in submission to that. "Okay. You have a point there. But still..."

Susan chided, "If you spent more time working on getting his fuck-meat extra stiff and then giving him immense pleasure draining it, you wouldn’t have time for such foolish notions."

"If I HAD time. It’s been THREE days!"

Susan winced at that reminder but said, "Don’t focus on that. Think about all the good things he’s gonna do to you instead. Picture Alan Junior sliding into your juicy twat, filling it with spermy goodness!"

Katherine’s eyes lit up. "Yeah, Mom! That’s what I’m talking about! Drain that wonderful, baby-making sperm and put it to good use. A real Alan Junior!"

Susan stomped her foot hard, making her enormous tits wobble. "Daughter, don’t play games with me! You know that’s not what I mean. What I am TALKING about is serving him, helping him unload all that nasty cum buildup by taking it in every hole whenever he wants it! That’s what good busty sisters do to help their brothers. I do NOT mean pregnancy!"

Katherine frowned. "But Mom! I just want to show my love in every way, and what would be more of an ultimate sign of devotion than that?"

Susan just gave an emphatically disapproving look.

An implication of what Susan had said struck Katherine. "You say Alan is our lord and master, so what if, in theory, he says that’s what he wants? Then you’d have to agree!"

Susan was torn, but said, "He would never say that. But if he did, I’d have to put my foot down and work with Suzanne to do everything we could to encourage him to change his mind. I’m still his mother and your mother, and I will not let my children drop out of high school!"

Katherine tried a different tack. "Okay, fine. If everyone’s so against it, here’s another idea. What if I start lactating, just like you? It’ll be perfect! You know I have an issue with my tit size, especially since Amy’s been bursting out all over, and now I’ll be able to catch up! Not only that, but he needs so much nourishment; he constantly has to replenish all the fluids he loses from cumming. All that pineapple juice you give him all the time isn’t enough. If it’s only you lactating, there won’t be enough milky goodness for him, not to mention the rest of us."

Susan folded her arms under her bountiful breasts and looked stern. "Sorry, but no. Again, how can you balance that and school? I don’t know which would be worse - to have you found out to be lactating in school because you have a baby, or because you DON’T have a baby?! How can you explain something like that, at your age? It could expose us all!"

Katherine pouted. "Mom, that’s so unfair! You’re so MEAN! You’re just saying that because you want to have the biggest boobs, and you don’t want anyone else to be near your size. Face it: you want him all for yourself! Look at what you did this morning! Mean, mean, mean!" She shook her fists in the air in frustration.

Susan was hurt, and didn’t know how to respond. One factor complicating things for her was that Katherine had a point. Possessiveness did play a factor in her thinking, but even more so was jealousy - the fact that Katherine could and probably would have Alan’s babies eventually, while she was barren and could not, was something that ruffled her feathers more than she liked to admit. But before she could think these things through, she heard a voice from behind her.

"Sis, hold on there." It was Alan, dressed in a robe. He staggered forward to the kitchen counter, walking as gingerly as Susan had been.

Susan and Katherine both rushed to him. But then Susan remembered her promise not to even touch him, and stood back. She watched while Katherine covered her brother’s face with kisses.

"You’re up! I was just about to come get you." Katherine followed that with even more kisses.

He pointed to the waffle iron. "Shouldn’t someone check that? And Mom, where’s my hello kiss? Or do I have to ’get your attention’ if you know what I mean?"

"I’d love that, Tiger, but today I promised to step back and leave you to my sister Suzanne and my daughters. I didn’t exactly get off to a good start this morning with that, so we should really respect it now."

"Oh. So that’s what Sis meant by ’look at what you did this morning.’"

Katherine went to the kitchen to tend to breakfast, but she turned from the waffle iron to look at him. "Big Volkswagen Bus Brother, how much of our conversation did you overhear?"

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"When I started coming downstairs, I heard you talking about pregnancy. Then the lactation stuff. I hate to say this, Sis, but I have to agree with Mommy. Even lactating just isn’t doable with school in the way. And Mommy, thanks for putting your foot down. That means a lot to me. You’re my mom, and a great mom, not some mindless sex slave."

"Drat!" Katherine slammed the spatula down, and appeared to be on the verge of crying.

He added, "I’m touched, Big Chestnuts Sis, that you love me so much you want to have my baby right away as a sign of that love. But think about it: neither of us is ready for it. We can barely take care of ourselves right now and neither of us wants to lose our freedoms this young. You love the idea more than what the reality would be like. I don’t know if you know what you’re getting into with the lactation idea, either. However, I’ll offer you one consolation: maybe if you want to lactate for just the three months of summer vacation, we could try that. It could be a kind of a test to see if you want it for later, long term. As long as you promise to end it in time for school to start in the fall; that should be okay."

Katherine threw down the spatula and rushed out of the kitchen and into Alan’s arms. "Oh really? You’re the best, Brother! The best!" She kissed and hugged him so enthusiastically she nearly knocked him over.

Eventually things settled down and Alan sat at the dining table, directly across from his sister. The front of his robe fell open.

Susan took over kitchen duties since she wanted to give her daughter more "Alan time."

Katherine slumped down in her chair. "I’m so bummed."

"What?" he asked, as he started to eat a bowl of his favorite cereal, which was Honey Nut Cheerios. "You were ecstatic about the summertime lactation idea a minute ago."

"I know, and I still am. But I’m a ’now’ kind of person and that seems so far away! Not only that, but I had such fun ideas about how I was going to wake you up, and then you wake up all on your own." She shot a resentful look at Susan in the kitchen, but Susan wasn’t looking.

"I’m sorry, Big Floatation Devices Sister, but it is after ten o’clock already. I would say it’s crazy that I’m missing school except that my body hurts so bad that I can’t really complain about the extra rest. Every single muscle is in agony."

Katherine stood up and tore her T-shirt off. She enthused, "’Floatation devices’! I love it! That’s how big my tits are going to be this summer! F-cups, with any luck! Gushing with milk! Can you just picture it, Big 2001 Monolith Brother? Woo-hoo!" She put her hands behind her head and proudly jiggled her breasts, as if he might need that to help him visualize.

Alan was amused. He thought, Poor T-shirt, you didn’t stand a chance covering her chest up very long. I wonder how many more minutes those cut-off shorts will last before she finds an excuse to shuck them off too?

He was also amused at her latest nickname, a reference to the tall black monoliths in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." She seemed to have an endless supply of phallic shaped objects for her nicknames.

But then she became a bit calmer, and more coy. She sat down again (keeping her shirt off, of course). Her bare feet began to roam up his legs. "Sorry to hear though about how tired you are. But of all your sore muscles, there’s one in particular I’m curious about. How is Alan Junior doing?"

"To be honest, surprisingly well. It’s odd. It’s like it’s - I don’t know how to put it - battle-hardened, maybe. Seriously, lately it seems capable of taking any amount of use and abuse. Ironically, that’s the one part of my body that ISN’T in complete pain."

"Oh, reaaaaally," Katherine said in a playful, mock-snobby British accent. One of her feet continued working its way up towards his groin. "How... iiiiiinteresting! ... Hmmm." Her foot found Alan’s dick, and since he wasn’t wearing any clothes, aside from his wide open robe, she began fondling it with her naked toes.

"Come on, Sis. There are limits. I didn’t mean that it’s okay to do THAT."

"Big Orthanc Brother..."


"Orthanc. You know, Saruman’s tower from ’The Lord of the Rings.’ I’ve been reading your ’Lord of the Rings’ since you put it down, and if that tower isn’t a good phallic fit for your cock, then I don’t know what is! The whole book is filled with towers. Pretty good book too, I must say, even if you don’t count all the veiled Alan Junior references." She giggled.

"Oh." He was a bit bummed by the reminder that sex had been so good and time consuming lately that he’d even put down "The Lord of the Rings" half way through. In fact, he hadn’t really done any pleasure reading in the past month at all. He was additionally bummed that he didn’t instantly recognize the Orthanc reference; it was symbolic of things he used to love that he’d let fall by the wayside.

But such worries were quickly cast aside as Katherine started massaging his dick with both feet. As far as she knew, she was the only one to have given him a footjob so far, and she prided herself on her special foot connection with him.

His penis grew erect with surprising speed, considering recent events. He thought out loud, "I simply cannot believe that you’re making my dick hard again, after all it’s been through in the last twelve hours or so. How the hell does it rebound yet again?!"

Katherine answered what her brother thought was a rhetorical question. "It’s very simple: practice, practice, practice. We’re training it to remain erect forever. That’s why you need a little more practice right now." She had no trouble pinning his boner between her insole on one side and one of his thighs on the other.

Alan saw a plate of waffles appear on the table in front of him. He looked up and saw Susan standing right next to him. She looked quite demure wearing her cooking apron with her hands clasped together over her stomach, except for the fact that the apron was all she wore. She tilted her head and stared at his hard-on with a mixture of pride and wonderment. "Isn’t it wonderful, Angel?"

"Mom, it feels soooo hot to the soles of my feet! It’s like walking on coals! You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this!" Her foot continued to press his erection against his thigh. "And I talk about his cock being stiff all the time, but that’s not really true. But what if it was?! The body has amazing abilities to adapt and adjust. What if we could train it to stay hard and throbbing nearly every minute of the day?"

Susan sighed happily as she stared longing at Katherine’s sliding feet. "Angel, I love the way you think."

Alan said, "That’s all well and good, but while both of you are paying attention, well, kind of, I have something important to discuss. Obviously you both have been fighting about my early morning Mom-fuck today. I can still see some redness in both of your eyes. We can’t go on like this! We need to get along without conflict. I hate this kind of fighting, especially if it makes either of you cry. But the problem is that I can’t even handle the level of sexual activity we’re at now, much less handle any more."

He continued ominously, "Forget about your perpetual erection fantasies. It’s true that my dick might be able to take a lot more, but the rest of my body can’t. Most importantly, my brain can’t. After last night I’m so wiped out mentally that I just want to sleep for a week. But I have to go to school! That sucks so bad. A guy can only do so much in a single day."

He paused, and ate a few bites of his waffles. He periodically grimaced, not from pain but from the sheer pleasure Katherine’s foot was giving him. He was surprised there didn’t seem to be any reaction to his words from the other two, except that after his mention of his body being in pain, Susan stood behind him and began massaging his shoulders. She pushed his robe off to do so, and it fell to the floor.

Finally, he said in exasperation, "Aren’t you going to say anything?" f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com

Susan said, "Angel, isn’t it impressive how he’s able to talk so articulately even while you’re intently jacking him off with your foot? He’s such a stud! It gets me so HOT!"

Katherine disappeared completely under the table as she replied, "I KNOW! Things like that just prove that he’s our natural master and we’re meant to SERVE! In fact, it’s just WRONG for me not to suck him off, right now!"

Thanks to the mostly open back nature of their dining room table chairs, Susan was able to press her erect nipples into her son’s skin. "Good idea, dear. I hope you suck him a good long time, and then he can fill your mouth with a really big load. Late last night he practically ran out of sperm with the last few loads he gave me. It was so tragic. Though what can even Tiger do after nine loads, and another one this morning! Ten cum loads, just like I asked him to! I’m so proud!"

The sound "Mmphftf blotoughf!" came from beneath the table.

Alan and Susan had no idea what Katherine had tried to say, because her mouth was full of his cock now, and she was sucking on it as if her life depended on it.

He laughed at the absurdity of it all, but then exclaimed in exasperation, "You two! Did you not hear a word I said? This is a serious problem! I’m saying I can only handle so much, and your response is to blow me and massage my back with your soft, pillowy tits? We’re headed for disaster! These kinds of disputes both of you were having this morning are just going to get worse because you seem to get more and more insatiable every day. It’s starting to seriously worry me! I want to keep all the members of this family happy, but how can I possibly do that? All of you are complete nymphomaniacs!"

Susan replied, while still kneading his neck and shoulders and sliding her breasts up and down his back, "Tiger, you have a good point. I’m sorry. Angel, listen up. The way you and I fought this morning was wrong. I’m sorry for what I did. But part of our lot in life as big-titted, incestuous, lusty busty fuck toys is to recognize that we can’t always get fucked as hard and long and thoroughly as he did me last night. We shouldn’t have such high expectations. Instead, we must pine away the time dreaming until the moment when we can serve as his happy cum receptacles again. We can’t place too many demands on him. It’s not right... Dear, please take his thick fuck monster out of your mouth so you can pay attention and add to the discussion."

With a loud pop, Katherine let Alan’s erection leave her mouth.

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