A Bored Lich Chapter 45 - Promotion

Doevm’s journal entry # 2865: I’ve done it. I’ve mastered nearly every single magic in the world. I pried the secrets of magic from every species’ hands by force. I experimented with them, combined them, and achieved my goal of understanding magic as a whole. Only one thing perturbs me: the questions. Every new magic I master opens up more inconsistencies in our world’s dominant beliefs. A researcher, Maximus Draken, seemed to have noticed these inconsistencies as well, but he was human. He hadn’t lived nearly as long as me, yet he noticed before me. Since he is deceased, I cannot interview him. His body is also missing, so resurrection is out of the question. I am left with all my knowledge and yet it fells so insignificant. The laws of magic that govern our world have so many holes in them, yet they work. Despite devoting centuries to the study of magic I am still so ignorant. It’s time I move my study past absorbing magic techniques. I start with holy magic, one of seven main categories of magics in this world. A common notion is that holy magic is the opposite of dark magic. Taken at face value this means I, nor any undead, cannot cast holy magic. We take damage just from looking at it. There is an inconsistency originating at vampires. They are Undead creatures that suffer from going outside in the daytime however I, a fellow Undead creature, do not. I am free to walk outside. Vampires and I are of the dark element. This may hint that light is not a part of holy magic. Light may be a universal result of casting holy magic, but it seems to be only cosmetic. Maybe there are two sorts of light, normal and holy?

Doevm walked down a wobbly bridge muttering to himself. His eyes that seemed fixed forward were unblinking. His body was in a military base, but his mind was back in his old library. Theories on holy magic came to his mind, but they were half baked. As someone who had a complete distrust towards humans, he never studied from their tomes. Because of his inability to cast holy magic, he never had the chance to perfect his various hypothesis. He bumped into two passing people.

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One of the two turned around: "Hey, watch it," Doevm kept walking, having not noticed. The man frowned and took a step forward, but his friend put a hand on his shoulder.

"Let it go," the other said. "Look at him. He’s covered in blood. I bet he’s apart of squad six. I heard they ran into a Manticore and actually managed to kill it." The first person felt his shirt, where Doevm’s blood had been wiped on. He scowled and moved on.

’The pattern on the magic circle Oliver used,’ Doevm thought, ’Was similar to a light spell, but altered. Since my light magic uses an amplifier, I can assume holy magic is not an amplified kind of light. Maybe the alteration is a kind of filter? Oliver was too quick. I caught most of the design of the alteration, but not all of it. I’ll have to experiment and create various kinds of these "filters".’ His body walked to an elevator, where a hand pushed his thoughts back into his body, which fell down.

"Why are you leaving the base?" The guard asked. "The only way you’re leaving alone is if you have permission from the captain."

"Human," Doevm said, "Did you just shove me?" As he stood up, bits of bloodlust fused with his life essence. He nearly used his mana, but the seal reminded him not to.

"That’s right, I did." The guard shoved Doevm back again. "You’re just a stick of a kid. Don’t try to intimidate me. Go drink some milk or eat a sandwich."

’Filthy human.’

Just as Doevm’s hand moved to his dagger, Frey tapped him on the shoulder: "Doevm, we’ve been looking all over for you. The captain has called us into a meeting. We need to go right now." He dragged Doevm away, who regained his senses. "What happened back there?"

"Nothing," Doevm freed himself of the giant’s grip. "But why did the captain summon us?"

"I honestly have no idea." Frey shrugged. "Marcus only called me, you, and Wade in. The rest of squad six was sent back to the barracks. I was honestly hoping that you knew."

The walk to the captain’s quarters was short since it was at the center of the base. It was the same room they had been interrogated in, but this time there were light crystals embedded into the walls. After the two walked in, they stood in saluted position next to Wade. In front of them was a desk with a map of the entire area on it. Blue and red pins, ’x’s, and various other markers were scattered all over it.

"At ease," Marcus said. The three soldiers lowered their hands and relaxed their posture a bit. "I understand that your squad came across a Manticore. Is this correct?"

"Yes sir." Wade said. "The total number of casualties was-"

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"Squad leader," Marcus interrupted. "I only asked if that was correct, nothing more. I know full well what the casualties were. Your proof was brought in, a part of the beast, but I just wanted a report. How did you manage to kill it? Your squad should have been wiped out, even with three of you possessing red life essence."

Wade made sure to keep it brief for the uptight captain: "While Doevm, Frey, and Hopi distracted it, the rest of squad six attached their weapons to a boulder and swung it into the Manticore."

Marcus wrote something down on his papers. Doevm made a point not to look, as his literacy would make him even more suspicious in the captain’s eyes. "Did Hopi contribute much to the battle? He only had green life essence."

"No sir." It was Doevm’s time to speak. "He was shaken around like a ragdoll and went unconscious."

Marcus frowned and looked down at his paper: "Are you sure?"

"I can support Doevm’s report." Frey said. "Hopi did contribute."

Marcus sighed, "Contributing isn’t enough. I guess I can only promote you three. Doevm and Frey, because of your strength, you are both now squad leaders. Wade, because of your quick thinking and ability to stay calm under the threat of death, you are promoted to my advisor. Congratulations." He saluted the three, who saluted back.

"Thank you, sir." The three said in unison.

Marcus smiled, "Did you three practice that beforehand?" The three looked at each other and let out a nervous laugh. "Now it just so happens that I have two empty spots. One is in squad six and the other is in squad one. Which squad do you two want?"

"I want squad six sir." Doevm piped up before Frey had the chance. Frey sighed and shook his head.

"I guess that leaves me with squad one."

"Great." Marcus handed them both scrolls that recognized them as squad leaders. "Now that that’s settled, get out. Go inform your squads." He shooed both the shocked soldiers out. "Now Wade, sit down." He sat behind his desk. Wade pulled up a wooden chair. "Look at this formation." He pointed to all the red dots and flags surrounding the blue ones. "You probably think my promoting the three of you was hasty, but the truth is we were hit hard on the first day. Five squads out of fifty suffered heavy casualties. Yours is the only one that managed to hang on. The first day is supposed to be a skirmish in order to find the enemy base, but it looks like ours was already found. The enemy organization is nearly perfect to intercept our formation. Somewhere in the base, there is a traitor. He’s high up the ladder too. I need you to find this person."

"Understood." Wade said. "But I have to ask, why me? Why do you trust me so much?"

"I trust you because I know your goal." Marcus pointed to Doevm and Frey. "They tried to hide it, but they were terrible liars. I know you and every guard from the Virility household are trying to defend them. Your lord, like all nobles, all the same trick: to send your servants to the academy through the battlefield. Normally you would be reported directly to the royals, but luckily for you, I don’t care who fights as long as I win. I know I can trust you because if my army is put on the defensive, I will put Doevm and Frey on the front lines."

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