A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 120 - 114

Chapter 120: Chapter 114

***********This Chapter is slightly NSFW, but there are no lemons. The part will be given another warning.***********

"And then he threw the dildo at the Bullhead, making it crash into the street."

The words were met with silence, Jinn had a wide grin on her face, eyes meeting mine.

I let out a sigh, head falling into my palms.

Going to spank her later.

Fuck me, she’s going to fit in perfectly with us.

"Well....you had an.....interesting adventure." Zelretch didn’t even hide the amusement in his eyes as he looked my way.

"I have no words." Rin added. "I don’t have the state of mind to properly comprehend the words I just heard."

"What is a Dildo?" Artoria asked, complete seriousness on her face.

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We all turned to her, as she started to turn a little embarrassed. Rin leaned over, whispering something into her ear, progressively, Artoria’s face got more and more red.

Honestly, I thought steam was going to shoot out of her ears at some point.

Truthfully, Jinn really did know how to weave a tale. She merely retold everything that happened, but it was captivating coming from her. I wonder if that had to do with her nature as a ’spirit of knowledge’?

"As fun as this is, I think this is where I step out." Rin stood up. "I need to finish up a couple more things before I’m ready to head out from here."

Well, I don’t fault her for that. She’s probably excited for her trip off world. "I’ll take a look at what you’ve prepared later."

Rin gave a nod as she headed towards her workshop.

"Well, it was an interesting story." Zelretch smiled mirthfully. "I do look forward to hearing the rest of it another time." Zelretch sent me another look like he knew she hadn’t told him ’everything’ yet.


I’ll never live that comment about Salem down.

"Why don’t I show you to my library, Miss Jinn." Zelretch offered, turning to my genie.

Honestly, even if he wasn’t on board almost immediately with her being a new constant in our lives, when she revealed her origins and desire to break away from remnant, none of them could help but have sympathy for her situation.

"Grandfather, I would be delighted." Jinn clearly held herself back from squealing in delight.

I ignored the grandfather comment, I’ve pretty much come to accept that part of Jinn’s personality at this point. And Zelretch just enables her even more, and I seriously think it’s because he enjoys being called that.

Knowing his life, I can’t really fault him either. Family was a foreign concept for us throughout our existence, we found it where we could in Arc and Rin, but we had no blood relations. Hell, he tried to latch onto Altrouge, even with her nature he couldn’t give up on her.

Regardless, still going to give that blue butt a spanking.

As they left, I turned to Artoria who still turned beat red and looked away.

So freaking cute.

****Warning, Slightly NSFW Ahead****

Couldn’t help myself, I inched closer to her, clearly grabbing her attention. She tried to appear nochalant, but I saw the desire in her eyes. I leaned in and claimed her lips as mine once again.

"Will." She let out a small whine, breaking out kiss after a few moments. "Not here...." She whispered; a small bit of reluctance flashed across her face. "Mayhaps...your room?" She added quietly.

I was surprised that I stalled for a moment. But my brain rebooted in seconds as I grabbed her hand and led her to my personal space.

It wasn’t anything fancy, and I had yet to decorate or anything here. Really, the only thing of note was Ddraig Jr sitting on my nightstand.

Despite part of me wanting to, I didn’t throw her on my bed right then and there. "You know..."I sat down on the edge, inviting her over. "This could be interpreted several ways."

She grabbed the hem of her skirt, looking more bashful than I’ve ever seen her. She can get flustered easily when things of romantic nature pop up, but this was a genuine nervousness. "I....wished to try and be more intimate." She sat down right next to me, eyes barely able to keep in my direction.

"Artoria." I said gently. "There are no ’expectations’ from me, I don’t want you to push yourself faster than you’re comfortable with." Again, I would love nothing more than tearing her clothes off, but the thought of her showing me a face of fear or displeasure made my heart ache.

Her breathing hitched and she took a moment to steady herself. "I want this." She said firmly. "But.....I am not ready to take that step yet."

’That step’, I assume she was speaking of sex, or perhaps full nudity and sexual acts beyond just some light touching. "It’s okay to be firm about your boundaries, I won’t push them."

"I.....don’t wish for my undergarments to be removed." She stated with a bit of confidence in her voice.

I gave her a reassuring smile, placing my hand on her shoulder, gently pushing her down on the bed. She didn’t fight me, taking a spot on her back, looking up at me expectantly. I moved on top of her, our faces only inches apart, her breath even tickling my nose. My left hand moved down as I placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Artoria’s body shuddered when my hand squeezed right above her knee. Her bare skin was warm to the touch, nowhere were her leggings to be seen. She had worn something similar if a bit different than her usual attire. Branching out but staying within a certain scope of familiarity.

Slowly, my hand crept up her leg until her skirt began to push up with it. Her unblemished skin being caressed all the way up her thigh. I took a brief moment to enjoy the way she squirmed under my touch; the anticipation written clear on her face.

She made a tiny sound when my hand finally met the soft fabric hidden underneath her skirt. My thumb brushed against the waistband of her panties, I wasn’t going to push any boundaries of hers here, and I doubt she made the consideration of my rubbing between her legs regardless of the cloth blocking me. Instead, my hand went below, grabbing a handful of flesh as I gave her rear a nice squeeze.

Despite her petite size, she had a very ample butt, the extent which was hidden beneath her usual skirts was made clear when I stared to knead into her behind.

"Will..." Her eyes stared into mine, before she wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me down into a deep kiss. For the first time, I felt her tongue push into my mouth.

It was clumsy, maybe even comically so, but it didn’t detract from the affection she put forward, eventually we got in synch as our tongues intertwined. I don’t’ know how long we got lost in that kiss, until eventually we had to break apart to breathe again, our deep breaths mirrored so closely to each other’s faces.

Placing another gentle kiss on her lips, I began to work my way down her neck as she leaned back with a small gasp, her inner thigh receiving my attention for but a moment. I decided not to move any further there, taking my hand out from under her skirt, I sat up, overlooking her flushed face, my hands moving to grasp at her waist.

Her eyes followed mine as I stared down at her modest chest. She gave me a slight nod and I started to undo the buttons on her blouse.

Artoria turned away as I unbuttoned them one by one, the only thing left being the blue and white bra that clung to her breasts.

"They’re not very big." She whispered, seemingly unsure of herself in this regard.

"They’re beautiful." I said in honesty, earning a bashful smile from her. It wasn’t hard to guess that she was probably a little self-conscious about her size, but frankly they were wonderful and I wanted to assure her that I found every aspect of her attractive.

My hands slid up, gently squeezing them through her undergarment. There was definitely enough here to fill my palms.

"Hn." She bit her lip as I began to play around with her cleavage. Even through the fabric of her Bra, I could vaguely see the outline of her nipples, her arousal. It only further emboldened me to massage them all around the fabric. She started rubbing her knees together, biting on her thumb. I was careful not to go too far, to push past where she was ready for, but even still, the way she was squirming under my grasp made me realize how sensitive this area was for her. "Wilhelm." She held her arms out, beckoning me back down to her. "I want you again." She was surprisingly direct, and I obliged all the same as our lips met again for another intimate kiss.

****NSFW Over.****

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There was no alarm, no sun peeking in through the windows when I finally opened my eyes. Realization of what had just happened coming back to me. I looked at the woman I had wrapped up in my arms under a blanket, her eyes haggardly blinking open at my sudden movement.

"Morning." I whispered to my girlfriend.

"Good morning." She smiled brightly back at me.

Her hair was a bit of a mess, and I think I even had some drool on my chest, yet, this picture of her was absolutely breathtaking. "What are the chances that they didn’t notice you stayed the night in my room?" pressed my forehead to hers, closing my eyes.

"Rin is going to be insufferable." Artoria groaned, her hands pulling on me tightly, not wanting to separate.

"As is grandfather." I agreed.

And it’s not like we did anything...well, we did stuff, but clothes stayed on...mostly. It was almost all kissing, or some light touching without being overly sexual.

"Stop time." She muttered.

"I wish." I kissed her nose. "But we can stay here as long as you want."

"That will only make matters worse." She sighed, finally pulling away, she managed to roll out of the covers, standing up. I was greeted by the sight of her in nothing but her undergarments. I sat up myself as she walked over to where her clothes were folded. She picked up her blouse, only stopping to look at me. "D-did not you see enough last night." Her beautiful face turning red again, even after everything that happened.

I made no attempt to hide my wandering eyes. "I’m never going to get tired of looking." I gave her a cheeky smile. Especially with the way her panties stretched across her deceptively small rear. She had an extraordinary bounce to her even though she was a bit petite.

She let out a small huff, doing up her buttons, but she didn’t shy away from my gaze.

I could only chuckle, standing up to find my clothes as well. I was only in my briefs at this point, earning a few looks from her as well, though she still hurriedly turned her head away when I noticed.

Her mixture of bashfulness and fleeting moments of confidence were still so cute.

This was really a big step in our relationship. While we didn’t partake in each other’s bodies beyond some cuddling, we did sleep together in the same bed. She knew all my facilities were offered to her, but I think she was still a bit too shy to use my shower and I didn’t want to make it awkward myself, so I would hold off on it for now as well.

"Well, time to face the music?" I raised an eyebrow, holding my hand out, letting her take a moment to fix her hair to the best of her ability.

"It is inevitable." She reached out and interlocked her fingers with mine.

I pushed the door open, leading her out to the greater house. Immediately a couple pairs of eyes were on us.

"Well, well, well." Zelretch tapped his fingers together.

Rin also joined in a knowing look on her face. "Good morning, Saber. It’s strange, you’re wearing the same clothes as last night, why is that?"

"Rin." Artoria let out a small whine.

"Ohoh." Rin let out a haughty laugh. "Look how refreshed you look, was it as good as you thought it would be?"

"RIN!" Artoria squeaked with indignation, before huffing, a blush adorning her beautiful face. "We didn’t do that." She added on quietly.

"Boo." Rin pouted. "Could Schweinorg not get it up?"

I almost choked at that one. "I can get it up very easily, thank you very much."

Artoria looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock, I gave her hand a little squeeze in solidarity.

"Now now, Rin." Zelretch interjected. "Let the two love birds enjoy their first morning together." He said with a gentle voice.

"Thanks gramps, you –"

"You can tease them after breakfast."

"Yup." I just nodded, that was about right for him.

"I’ll get the juicy details later~" Rin smirked.

Artoria tried to hide her face, pressing her forehead onto my shoulder. I gave her head a small pat, much to her continued embarrassment. "In an attempt to change the subject, how’s everything looking for our trip?" I asked. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

"Good, I should be ready by tomorrow, just wanted to double check everything before we set out." Rin looked rather eager.

"Well done." I nodded. I didn’t think I would have to baby sit her on this matter, she was an intelligent young woman. "Where’s Jinn?"

"Asking about your side girl already, Schweinorg?" Rin snorted.

Artoria seemed content to stay out of it, buried into my side, away from Rin’s teasing.

"Rin, just because I have a Harem and you don’t, it doesn’t mean –"

"I’m not jealous!"

"Well, me thinks the lady doth protest too much."

"I will Gandr you!"

"Come at me, Tohsaka" I made a ’bring it on’ gesture.

"I swear, you two are like siblings." Zelretch appeared genuinely happy watching us bicker, the looks he sent us were very disarming in its sincerity. It really brought home the fact that he thought of us as his grandchildren. "Jinn is still in the library." He answered. "I did not want to separate her from that place with how happy she appeared with her nose buried within the volumes."

"Yeah, I can imagine." If she was happy, I wouldn’t disturb her for mundane matters. Despite my desire to give her a little punishment, she was someone I would take care of so her happiness was paramount to me.

She gave herself to me, I would do right by her.

"When you finished up, Wilhelm, I have some matters I wish to speak with you about." Zelretch stated, his tone made me realize that they were perhaps something important.

Well, I would deal with it later.

For now, I just enjoyed having a nice breakfast with people I considered my family.


Just a heads up, I won’t be posting on Saturday, have too much i have going on and won’t be able to find the time. On a side note, i think i’ve gotten the second part of Wilhelm, Attorney at Law figured out.

So, i didn’t know how appropriate it would be to label this ’nsfw’ so I just chose the safe option, even if no nudity was even depicted.

Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone. Meridia and Artoria finally meet.

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