A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 129 - 123

Chapter 129: Chapter 123

We drew the attention of the entire hall as we walked in without anyone even announcing our presences. At this point, I think everyone was familiar with Thorum, but I had been absent for about a month, so I had quite a few eyes on me.

Well, there were also a few people giving Thorum’s new sword a look over. I couldn’t blame them, it had a baleful red hue that was hard to miss. While it didn’t lash out its hate towards non-dragons, the ’demonic nature’ of the sword was clear to people who didn’t even know the proper terminology.

I could appreciate the culture here, the fact that the Jarl’s people weren’t kicking up a fuss about him be so blatantly armed.

A warrior culture.

The Jarl held up his hand to his advisor who was whispering in his ear, sitting up straighter on his ’throne’. "Thorum, I hope you bring good tidings."

"Aye, my Jarl. The dragons have been slain." Thorum nodded as we took center stage. At his words, the room quieted down, intent on hearing the conversation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Farengar hiding in the back near the entrance of his little workshop.

I briefly remembered what happened last time and I held back a sigh. Perhaps I was bit too abrasive, I don’t need to go around making enemies when I don’t have to.

I won’t purposely antagonize him, but I also won’t put up with his nonsense.

My thoughts broken when the surrounding people clapped and cheered his name, Thorum just giving a bashful smile.

"Well done, Thorum. Truly we are blessed by the Divines to have you here." Jarl Balgruuf said with a grin on his face. "But there appears to be more to the story this time." His gaze turned to me. "Welcome back to Whiterun, Wilhelm, I take it you also participated in the fight?"

Thorum slapped my back. "Will appeared short after the fight began, aided me in defeating them. It would have been a much harder battle had I been alone."

Well, no use in denying it. I opened a portal in plain view of many people, I’m sure word will reach his ears eventually anyways.

"That’s right, I recently came back to Skyrim and stopped by the College first. I intended to head back down here in a few more days, but the Archmage was alerted that Whiterun needed some supplies and that some more Dragons were spotted, so I hurried on over." I briefly explained.

A few small expressions flashed across the Jarl’s face, clearly picking apart my words. I made sure to mention the College and indicate that I was a part of that ’faction’ so he wouldn’t keep trying to bind me to Whiterun.

Not to mention, me bringing some much needed supplies, he couldn’t very well start poking or prodding me for information without appearing crass infront of his subjects. Also the fact that I helped Thorum slay the dragons, I was probably very popular with his retinue right now.

"Yes, it was hard to miss your addition to the battle, until you had just showed up, we were wondering what had happened. While we could not see much from here, the magical phenomenon was clear to everyone in the province." Balgruuf’s tone was light but there was a hidden edge there as if he was letting me know that he was ’aware’ of my strength. "I admit, I have heard tales of your magical ability, but to see the effects, it leaves me in awe. The spell you used was humbling to see from the distance."

Ah, my Hammer of Thor. I could only imagine it looked particularly frightening from the distance.

"I had good teachers." I said simply. And now I somewhat understood why Farengar was standing to the side and not speaking. Maybe my skill left him feeling a bit intimidated.

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I think he was hoping for a little bit more information, but he settled on something resembling happiness after a moment. "Regardless, we welcome any aid that the College could lend." He stood up. "Tell me, where are these supplies, are there carts waiting outside the city?"

"I have them here with me, if you have somewhere you want me to unload them." I let my hand glow with the obvious signs of magic, allowing him to draw conclusions.

He just blinked, a genuine smile on his face. "Well, that makes matters easier. Right here would be fine, it saves my men from having to move things too far."

I just shrugged as Thorum stepped back, he’d seen me making things appear and disappear so I guess he knew I could store things. Waving my hand, I let the supplies unload onto the floor infront of his throne. "It should all be here, but if you think anything might be missing, I won’t be offended if you want me here while you check."

"That will not be necessary, just the fact that the Archmage sent you would have been more than enough. Savos Aren has been nothing but selfless in these trying times, I don’t think there has ever been a mage so well liked among the Jarls in Skyrim’s history." Jarl Balgruuf let out a laugh. "That’s ignoring the honor and valor you showed in Whiterun’s defense."

There were a few stomps and pounding on the table in agreement.

The Jarl paused, looking at some of the supplies. "What’s this." He walked over, opening a sack and reaching inside. "Rice? I have not seen this since my days in the imperial Legion."

"You recognize it, that makes things easier." I mused.

"I was not aware the Archmage had stores of rice, I would have purchased some before this whole dragon fiasco occurred."

"That’s my contribution." I corrected, earning his attention again, scratching my head awkwardly. I had bought a large amount back in Kyoto for my own use since I often found myself outside of Japan and often missed my homelands cuisine. "I saw the damage outside the walls and wanted to lend a hand."

Honestly, I didn’t dislike the Jarl, I understood his position even if I had to take steps to avoid his authority. If anything, I respected him. He didn’t abuse his position and try to force me when I showed clear displeasure at certain things. He seemed like an honorable and realistic man.

Perhaps I felt a little guilty as well. If I could alleviate some of the cities’ pressure for food needs, I wouldn’t mind lending a hand. It was only money for me, but it was food on the table for some unlucky families.

The Jarl looked over the sacks of Rice, while not as much as everything else, there were several dozen all together. Enough to feed quite a few people for a long while if rationed well.

"Rice is not the usual palate of Nords." Jarl had a small smile on his face. "But I’m sure I can show some of my men how to enjoy such robust grain. Aye, I wonder if my cooks could recreate some of those dishes in my memory." He slightly reminisced before turning back to me. "Once again, you have shown your honorable side, Wilhelm. You are neither Nord nor a Skyrim native, yet you continue to offer support to Skyrim’s children."

"My friend, the Jarl speaks the truth, you continue to impress me with your good will." Thorum looked at me with a little bit of awe.

Oh Thorum, I’m not as good a person as you think me.

"Avenicci." The Jarl called out, and a non-nord man walked over from the side, greatsword on his back.

"Yes, my Jarl?" He asked.

"Would you please start organizing the supplies and send them where necessary." Jarl moved back to his throne.

"Of course, Jarl." Avenicci, walked forward looking over everything. "I just require some manpower, I’ve already taken note of who needs what."

The Jarl looked please, with a nod he ignored Avenicci start calling people over and began ordering them around. "I understand you both probably wish to celebrate at the Jorrvaskr with the companions, but I have one question that is merely a curiosity. Where did you acquire that blade, Thorum?" He pointed towards the new sword politely kept to his side.

Thorum blinked, pulling it up. "Will gave it to me when he appeared."

"Truly?" The Jarl scratched his beard. "It looks like a mighty fine weapon, though it gives me an eerie feeling...."

"It’s not a Daedra artifact, if you’re wondering." I wanted to nip that in the bud right now. "Its name is Gram, it was wielded by a warrior named Sigurd in the past. He once used it to slay a powerful curse that took on the form of a dragon. The weapon, bathing in the ’dragons’ blood gained an absolute hate towards them, as a result, it’s very strong against draconic enemies." I explained.

Fanfir was a strange thing in my home, while it was an actual dragon in my birth world. It was easier to explain it as a ’curse’ given form then to get into the concepts at play if I went by the one I’m more familiar with.

"Fascinating." The Jarl looked impressed. "I don’t quite understand some of that, but a sword that slays dragons, it is a wonderful weapon for our Dragonborn."

Thorum was looking at me with a strange expression on his face. I think he wanted to say something but was holding back.

"I will not hold you two up any longer." The Jarl finally leaned back, relaxing. I think I successfully distracted him well enough with the supplies. "Go, celebrate with your companions." He dismissed us with a smile. "Lest I forget, please pass on my thanks to the Archmage, Wilhelm, next you see him. I will write a letter of thanks, but I wish him to understand my gratitude."

"I will make sure the Archmage receives your words." I offered a polite bow, which he gave a nod towards.

Well, I wouldn’t hold him up. He was pleasant enough, but I didn’t wish to involve myself in the political spectrum here. I would play nice though, didn’t want to step on too many toes when I enjoyed this place so much.


"My friends, look who has returned." Thorum burst through the doors of the Companion’s building, practically pulling me along.

There was a sudden quiet at his abrupt entrance, but then cheers and shouts filled the building. Some were from Thorum’s return, others for my appearance after an a month’s absence.

Actually, I saw quite a few happy faces sent my way. I guess I underestimated how much good will I had built up here previously.

"Wilhelm." A female voice sounded behind me and I recalled this woman immediately as me and Thorum pulled up a chair at an empty table.

"Aela." I greeted with a small smile. While I wouldn’t even call her an acquaintance, we were polite enough and Thorum was a shared friend.

"Hey, don’t forget me." Another gruff voice joined in.

"Farkas!" Thorum let out a shout. "I had not heard you returned."

"Thorum, my brother, I heard of your battle with the dragons." They shared a greeting. "I got back while you were meeting the Jarl."

"This idiot stopped at a tavern on the way back so he was late." Aela grumbled.

Farkas just let out a small chuckle. "I’m doing my duty to lessen the strain on Whiterun’s mead supply."

"And what about the wenches you decided to bed?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Also doing my duty." He gave a cheeky smile, causing those around us to laugh. "Enough about me, Thorum, Wilhelm, share your tale of the fight."

I rolled my eyes and Thorum excitingly gestured towards me to start. Okay, admittedly I missed this atmosphere, these people were so genuine, it was hard to not like them. "I was at the College when the Archmage told me about a some dragons being sighted at Whiterun, obviously I knew this idiot would fight them so I came to lend a hand, otherwise he might try to jump on the back of another."

"Oh, it will be like that then?" Thorum took the jab with a laugh. "How many dragons have you slain my friend, shall we compare numbers?"

"It’s not about the number – "

"Yes, with all your women, I can guess you’ve heard similar words before." Thorum interrupted, that big goofy smile on his face. That got a round of jeers and laughs from everyone.

I couldn’t help but chuckle as well.

"Oh, so you finally got jokes? Honestly, I thought the only joke you knew was the one about your magic ability." I raised an eyebrow. While most Nords didn’t care for magic, they sure did erupt at my retort.

Thorum, for all his good nature, just laughed along with them. "My friend, my honor demands I take revenge for this insult." He slammed his elbow on the table, propped up with his palm open.

"Oh, am I being challenged?" I loosened my tie, giving me a cocky look.

"Aye, if you have the stones." Thorum returned my smirk, though he was playing it up, I couldn’t miss the humorous tone in his words.

"Arm wrestling, huh?" I eyes his admittedly muscled arm.

"No one would fault you for backing down, Wilhelm. This is a true Nord’s strength right here." He slapped his bicep, earning a whoop form the crowd.

"I feel like I’m being looked down on." I began to unbutton my vest, setting it to the side, taking my tie off I placed it down and finally, I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it into the pile with my other clothes. I stood up straight, letting everyone get a good look. "Want to talk about strength? I earned all of this." I gestured to my body, while I wasn’t particularly muscular like most Nords, I damn well was cut into shape and thoroughly remodeled from Scathach’s teachings. I was leaner, perhaps closer to a swimmer’s build, but I was not at all scrawny.

That got a reaction from our crowd.

"Didn’t think you were hiding something like that under there, Mage boy." Aela gave me a once over, a clear bit of interest in what she saw.

"You should see what I’m hiding under my pants." I sent her a wink, earning a snort and laugh from her.

"You’re alright, milk drinker." She finally gave a genuine smile.

"Well, my friend, you continue to impress me." Thorum commented.

I just realized, was Meridia still watching? I’m definitely going to tease her with this later on.

"As you should be." I put on my best faux arrogance. "So, what are the rules?"

"I got this." Farkas stepped forward, hushing the crowd. "For those not familiar, the rules are simple. No outside help, no magic, no potions. We rely on physical strength, loser buys a round of drinks for everyone."

"Do you guys pay for drinks here?" I blinked in confusion.

"We have to restock somehow." He shrugged.

Made sense.

"Well, Dragonborn, ready to lose?" I put my arm on the table, clasping it to his own.

"Red Dragon Emperor, it will be you losing." He returned my little taunt with a smile.

Farkas placed his hands over ours. "Being." He let go, taking a step back.

Immediately we began pushing in opposite directions, trying to force the other’s hand down. My eyes widened as I felt his physical strength for the first time.

"Damn, how many dragons did you eat, fatty." I grit out, feeling my muscles bulge under the strain.

He looked a lot more relaxed, but I could still feel the tension from his end. "Enough to take a mage or two down." He smiled again, putting more strength out and my arm began to fall towards the table.

I had a dragon’s heart, Aura, and my own devil physiology, yet he was beating me in pure physical strength. I knew he got stronger by munching on dragon souls, but hot damn was this impressive.

No wonder he killed that other dragon so easily.





Most of the shouts were for Thorum, not that I could blame them, I was a bit of an outside here even if I had a lot of good will from these people.

"H-hey, Thorum." I earned his attention again. "Did I ever tell you I got a familiar?" I was doing everything I could to keep my arm from going down any further.

"A familiar?" He questioned. I suppose he wasn’t too knowledgeable on mage practices.

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"A contract with a creature or animal, a bond that makes them become a sort of companion." I briefly explained. With my free hand I took my hat and turned it upside down, letting Sir Wiggles walk out onto a fee corner of the table.

That earned a bewildered look from Thorum, enough that I pushed him back slightly, but he regained his wits and stopped me from moving any further. "Behold, Sir Wigglesbottom Fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, Crown Prince of Emerald Kingdom. Duke of Carrot Island, General of the Northern Armies."

"...what?" Thorum just looked at me blanky, then at the rabbit on the table. A sentiment shared by most of the people in the building.

"Sir Wiggles, attack." I ushered as my familiar hopped towards Thorum, and started getting up in his face.

"Hey, what are you—" Thorum started honest to god giggling as Sir Wiggle’s rubbed up on him.

I of course took this chance to push him arm back, taking him by surprise once again. His eye’s widened as I felt another surge of strength overcome me, he stopped me mid push and slowly I began to be pushed back again, no break this time until the back of my palm hit the table.

"Winner, Thorum!" Farkas yelled and the crowd cheered.

"Little fella." Thorum seemed more amused by Sir Wiggles.

"Alright, alright." I held my hands up in defeated, taking out some gold and setting it on the table. "Drinks for the evening are on me." A lot of faces I didn’t know gave me genuine cheer and thanks.

It was nice, I did forget how welcoming the people here were once you got in with them.

I didn’t even have to move as drinks started being shoved into everyone’s hands, people happily chatting and laugh about. It didn’t matter that dragons were constantly attacking the city, as long as there was a moment of respite, these people would celebrate. Atleast I didn’t have to move for drinks to come to me.

I quickly got started into my mead, the taste nostalgic, considering Scathach drank my stash.

"I guess my secret technique didn’t work." I grinned at Thorum who was happily giving Sir Wiggles attention.

"Aye, but it was a good try." Thorum happily replied.

I blinked for a moment, realization dawned on me. "Weren’t we supposed to tell about the fight with the dragon?"

Even Aela and Farkas seemed caught up in their own little thing at the side.

Thorum looked around and realized they weren’t being paid attention to much anymore, and just shrugged. "They look more caught up in their next drink." He mused.

Well, whatever.

"But I would like to hear about this daughter of yours." He grinned right back at me.

"Well, that’s a bit of a story, I guess I’ll start from the very beginning." I took another drink, and I could guess this was far from the last one for the night.


Non-canon Omake Wilhelm Attorney at law Round 2 part 1.

Some old song filled the room, the smell of alcohol adding to the ambience. I took a drink of my beer, staring at the T.V. screen above me. There was no sound, but the subtitles were flashing across the screen.

I paused, setting my drink down as the doors behind me were thrown open, metal clad boots filling the area. Golden, glistening armor radiating power as several figures stepped inside.

"Well, this is an odd place to meet godly royalty." I idly stated, not bothering to turn around.

"I require your services." The woman at the front, flanked by armored guards stated.

I sighed, spinning around in my stool, leaning my arms back on the bar counter. "And what, pray tell, does the All-Mother want with little ol’ me?"

I gave her a once over. Frigga, the All-Mother, or so she’s called when Odin is in his Odin-sleep to recuperate his power. She was certainly a beautiful woman and certainly had the motherly vibe to her.

"Word has reached my ears of your exploits. I have a task that no other can accomplish." She replied.

"You mean Loki told you about what happened. And why should I help you?" I raised an eyebrow. Well, I guess after learning about how I got Loki out of that other mess, she would come to me with this whole thing.

"Asgard does not lack material wealth. Or perhaps knowledge and wisdom is your desire? We also boast a sizable armory, housing many a legendary armament."

"Tempting, but I know what you want me to do, and I don’t think any of that is worth the hassle." I shook my head.

"I suppose I shall seek someone more worthy out then." She sniffed.

I snorted in response. "Please, if you came to me, then we both know there’s no one else. I can guess that your ’son’ probably has no idea you’re here and would vehemently disagree with this idea even at the cost of his life." He didn’t seem too pleased when I dropped him back off in that desert, and took the cube with me.

"What do you want?"

"Honestly, nothing. I don’t want to deal with that whole mess. Have you seen how much trouble he’s already caused?"

She sighed, turning to her guards. "Leave us."

They didn’t respond, but they walked around, pulling and pushing every other patron out of the bar with them until it was just me and Frigga.

To my absolute surprise, once everyone had left, she tugged at the sashes holding her robes together, letting them fall to the ground. "I will offer up myself for as long as I am All-Mother if you can secure my son and return him home."

I gaped at her. "Aren’t you married?" I blurted out, though my eyes never left her naked body.

She rolled her eyes. "Do you think my husband does not have dalliances? He is well aware that I find comfort when he is indisposed."

"I am still confused. Not against it, but confused." I replied.

"Do you think I don’t know what you are? I was raised by witches, I see more than with my eyes. It is simply the easiest method to entice someone of your race."


They are the Norse gods, I guess I don’t’ have to worry there. "Okay, but I want payment in advance."

"As I thought you would." She didn’t even argue and I quickly discarded my clothes.

I chuckled, taking one last glance up at the T.V. screen.

’The Trial for Loki Odinson has been pushed back another three days as the most recent Attorney for him had quit citing hostile work environment. This is the 17th attorney that has either dropped him or been removed. ’

I shook my head to focus on the woman infront of me instead.

Loki can have my attention when I’m done with his mom~.


I hummed to myself, straightened my tie, and made sure Sir Wiggles was sitting snugly on my shoulder. "Here we go again, Sir Wiggles, the big times."

He twitched his nose in response.

"Well said, it seems like our duty never ends." I nodded. "But this time, we can’t merely blow up the idiots. This will be a by the books, clean court case!" I slammed my hand down on a desk I had purchased just for this reason. "This will take all of our cunning, Sir Wiggles, but....I have faith in us and the system."

With one last look at each other, I opened a new portal, appearing right outside the courtroom. The immediate guards didn’t even notice me as I slammed the doors open, drawing all eyes on me.

"Who the hell are you!?" Voices shouted out, similar trains of thought.

"NO, GO AWAY!" Loki’s voice the easiest to pick out of the crowd.


The guards ran at me, and they weren’t run of the mill bailiffs. They had state of the art weaponry and were carrying some big guns.

"I’m Loki’s Attorney." I introduced myself, earning a startled muttering among the crowd all gathered inside. It was quite the showing.

Apparently, they were having the case tried in New York since...well....the battle happened here. After I ditched Loki back on earth after rescuing from the TVA, he was picked up and arrested again. Thor couldn’t get to him in time before the government got involved. And he couldn’t just start swinging his hammer when the public was so intent on this, and they weren’t budging on handing Loki over.

In fact, I’m fairly sure I saw him sitting in the corner, a long with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. It didn’t look like any of them were armed though, wearing mostly formal clothing.

The Judge slammed his mallet down, quieting everyone. "Approach the bench." He called out to me as I walked through everyone’s gazes. "Do you have proof of your employment as Loki Odinson’s legal council?"

"No, he does not!" Loki stood up shouting.

Everyone looked at him, then at me.

"Son, if this is a prank...." The judge narrowed his eyes.

"I have a note from his mother, if that helps. I request that I pass it onto my client, so he’s on the same page." I offered up.

"Fine, let him see it." The Judge waived me off.

I walked over to Loki who reeled back, practically snatching the parchment out of my hands and reading it over. "No.no.no.no.no. I refuse. Nope."

The judge looked at me then at him. "Loki Odinson, does this man represent you as your legal council?"

Loki grit his teeth. "Yes." He hissed.

I smiled smugly at him. No idea what the note said, but from Frigga’s words, he would agree if he knew what was good for him.

"Wonderful, I’m glad we have all that sorted." I clapped my hands. "Oh, and my second." I held up Sir Wiggles, introducing him to the room.

"Pardon?" The judge asked.

"Sir Wiggles over here will be my second for Loki." I reiterated.

"Are you saying that this....Rabbit is going to participate as Loki’s legal council?"

"He’s legally allowed to practice law in the state of New York." I replied, producing more papers, the judge gesturing for the bailiff to bring them to him.

"Your honor, this is getting ridiculous." The prosecution stood up, pointing at me.

"Wow, the racism is already coming out and we haven’t started yet." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about, it’s a rabbit!"

"He’s a sapient being who went through the same slog we did to get certified, and I would ask you to respect his existence."

"It’s a Rabbit!"

"Oh, so because he’s not human he doesn’t have the right to practice law?" I scoffed. "Why not just forgo the trial entirely, Loki here isn’t human." I raised my voice so everyone heard me, especially the jury.

"That’s different, he’s—"

"He’s what? ’human looking’" I put air quotes for him. "Am I not allowed to practice law either, I’m only half human, what if I show off my non-human features am I suddenly unqualified?" I didn’t let him respond. "You disgust me, sir." I scoffed, turning away.

"To my utter confusion, these are legitimate." The Judge interjected, tilting his glasses down and staring at us. "Sir...Wiggles?"

"That’s him." I nodded. "Oh, and I am Wilhelm Schweinorg." I made sure to introduce myself proper.

"You can’t be serious, your honor!?" The Prosecutor – Walker something stood up in annoyance.

The Judge also didn’t look too amused. "I am hesitant to even humor this thought, Mr. Schweinorg, even if everything is above board, this very unorthodox."

"Your honor, everything about this case is unorthodox, we have a Norse God from another planet being tried for an alien invasion of New York." I stated. "Besides, how long would it take to get ’another’ attorney to willingly represent him? How many has he been through by this point?"

The Judge blinked. "I will allow it." He slammed his mallet.

"Sweet Odin, how did this happen?" Loki dropped his head into his palms.

"Lots of bad decision making, I would assume." I responded.

"Is that how you describe your legal career?" Loki scoffed, taking a verbal jab.

"Oh, I thought we were talking about your life."

Loki just grumbled in annoyance. "At least it won’t be as bad as the last trial."

"Well....now that just sounds like a challenge."

Let the trial begin.


Didn’t have time to do a second part of the omake, so expect it sometime this week....probably. I’ll also be doing the first lewd of Meridia over on my pat reon next chapter.

If you want to read 6 chapters ahead, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

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