A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 143 - 136

Chapter 143: Chapter 136

I woke up some hours later with a yawn, rising from the couch in the living room. I decided to take a nap and seemingly lost track of time, but I felt rather refreshed. Was it the actual sleep or what I did right before it?

Running a hand through my hair, I sat up looking around, seeing no one else around I decided to make my way to the kitchen where I heard some sounds coming from.

I wasn’t too surprised to see who was in there, Artoria and Rin had apparently woken up a little while ago and already had something infront of them, eating.

"Yo." I greeted, giving a halfhearted wave.

"Schweinorg." Rin looked a bit tired still, and I recalled, she wasn’t really a morning person, or whatever time it is when she woke up.

Artoria perked up, fork in her mouth and cheeks a little swollen. She made a noise of acknowledgement.


I couldn’t help but pat her head, earning another muffled noise from her.

Thankfully, the house came with a fridge and other amenities, magical in nature, so they could still work in this world. Best of all was the coffee maker, already having a pot ready from what I saw infront of Rin, I could guess who I had to thank for that. I enjoyed my first sip, sitting down infront of them. "Sleep good after your adventure?" I asked.

"I forgot what a bed was until now." Rin exaggerated, but she was clearly refreshed.

"The softness of a bed is always welcomed, but I am more than used to sleeping out under the stars on the ground." Artoria added. "There are many things taken for granted in this era that I did not have."

It’s easy to forget sometimes, how much Artoria actually spent at war, camping and moving from battlefield to battlefield.

"And the food, I’m sure." I chuckled.

"The horror." Artoria whispered, shuddering.

My and Rin just shared a look as she reached over and pat Artoria on the shoulder.

"Seconds?" Rin offered her own plate.

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"Yes, thank you." The King of Knights happily accepted.

If things went differently, I wonder if I could have just won her heart through food?

’Be me woman and I’ll let you eat whatever you want whenever you want’

Well, the thought if amusing if nothing else.

"You two up for a little trip after breakfast?" I took another sip of my coffee, while I don’t prefer it this black, I could still appreciate the high quality.

"Like what?" Rin asked, setting down her own cup.

"Whiterun is only like a twenty minute walk from the house if we go that way. It should be almost noon now." I scratched my cheek mentally calculating the time. I took a nap that turned into a sleep, and they slept for over a day, so it should be thereabouts.

"We have not seen one of these towns besides Winterhold and for that we merely sought out supplies for our trip." Artoria expressed her thoughts. "What do you think, Rin?"

"I wouldn’t mind checking it out, I have enough money to go on a shopping spree and not feel bad." Rin sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"It’s just...a weird feeling being Rich."

"I have an exorbitant amount of money right now and I feel like you need a smack upside the head for being depressed about being rich." I deadpanned.

"Bite me, Schweinorg." Rin snorted. "But....it’s more like all my previous times saving, trying to scrounge what little resources I had and hoarding everything so tightly.....and now, here I am with mountains of gold to my name."

"Ah, I know the feeling." I smiled lightly. "Perhaps not with material wealth, but other things." I could recall how starved for different kinds of affection I was, and here I was now with friends, lovers, and family. "Are you happy?"


"Are you happy, having arrived at this point? Was it worth it? Looking back now, would you have changed anything?" I looked down at my coffee, perhaps projecting some of my own thoughts onto the question.

"Yeah, I’m pretty happy right now." She had a content smile on her face. "I have some things I would probably change, but not many regrets."

I glanced at Artoria who looked pleased at Rin’s words, a sentiment I shared. I was happy Rin finally had some sort of peace, some happiness of her own making to hold onto. That look in her eyes, I didn’t see that veiled stress or self-consciousness that permeated all her actions and words.

The quiet and peaceful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted as Jinn burst into the kitchen, holding several scrolls. "You’re all here!" She exclaimed, dumping them on the table.

"Hello Jinn." Artoria was the first to speak up.

"Artoria~" Jinn practically jumped over to, grabbing her in a quick hug.

"Jinn." Artoria smiled at the affection, returning the hug.

"How’s my sister?"

"S-sister!?" Artoria stammered out.

"Are we not?" jinn pulled back, looking confused. "I believe the term was Harem sisters for when we share the same man?"

I held back a chuckle, sipping my coffee. I don’t know if Jinn was intentionally teasing Artoria, or this was her default personality, but it was hilarious to watch. Now that I think about it, Jinn was saying the same thing to Meridia, getting her on board with the whole idea.

"That.....is not incorrect." Artoria didn’t look upset at the term, more just taken back by the suddenness. Perhaps the negative connotation of ’sister’ in her mind was giving her pause.

Jinn just beamed at the admittance, and I think she’s doing it on purpose at this point.

Rin cleared her throat, drawing our attention. "What’s with all this stuff, does it have to do with the Elder Scroll?" She gestured towards the documents and scrolls set on the table.

"Yes" Jinn nodded enthusiastically. "I was able to reference several things in the library at the college to help me." Jinn moved over, taking a seat next to me.

I watched her shift, ever so slightly in her seat. The movement of her behind to better make herself comfortable.

I guess she listened to my words.

"Did you find any leads?" I asked, standing up to get a refill. "And would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Coffee?" She tilt her head. "I would love to try some. I have knowledge of the taste, at least the Remnant variety, but I am curious to actually experience it."

"You’ve never had coffee before?" Rin looked surprised.

"Well, I’ve lived almost my entire existence in my lamp. There have been many first times in these past weeks." Jinn admitted.

"You poor thing." Rin looked aghast at the thought, turning to me. "Schweinorg, you get her all the coffee!"

"Yes ma’am!" I saluted.

Rin definitely was a magus, if nothing else, she had their same thoughts regarding coffee.

"How do you take it?" I asked.

"I don’t know." Jinn quirked a smile. "I shall try whatever you recommend."

"I was having mine just plain black, I guess that’s a good starting point." I hummed to myself.

"I do not recall ever seeing you partake in a meal either, have you not tried eating before, Jinn?" Artoria added.

"Well...." I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Jinn glanced at me, a very faint pink on her cheeks. "I have tried something rather recently. I suppose I should branch out some more though." She smiled innocently.

"Your first meal, was is good?" Artoria questioned.

"Oh my, it was delicious~"

Oh Jinn, you really are a glutton for punishment.

"I shall help you try all the foodstuffs in these lands." Artoria decided, her eyes shining bright.

"You sure you just aren’t looking for a reason to stuff yourself?" Rin deadpanned.

"Nonsense, it is my duty as her sister to help her experience the joys in life." Artoria denied seamlessly, minus her turning her eyes away and blushing a little.

"Sure, I completely believe you." Rin rolled her eyes. "Well it’s not like we don’t have enough money to feed your appetite.....for a few days."

"Rin!" Artoria huffed. "I’m not that bad." She muttered.

"Here you are." I interrupted, placing a cup infront of Jinn. They both seemed to stop, watching her take it into her hands, hesitantly taking a sip for herself. "Well, what do you think?"

"Hmm, there is a pleasant bitterness to it. I don’t think I prefer it this way though." Jinn inspected it again before taking another sip.

"Well, I don’t think most people like it this black."

"The only way to drink it is black!" Rin exclaimed.

"As Rin says, some misguided people think ’Black’ is the only way to drink coffee. There are many things to add to enhance the flavor beyond such a plebian palate."

"This is a hill I’ll die on, Schweinorg, you better be ready to fight after that." Rin raised her fist at me.

Artoria bopped her on the head.

"Oww." Rin whined, rubbing the spot.

"You’re always so cranky in the morning, Rin." Artoria sighed.

Rin blew a raspberry then pushed her head into her arm on the table. "Too little sleep."

"You slept for like....a day and a half." I pointed out.

"Too little sleep." Rin reiterated with a yawn. "Anyways, what’s this about the thingy or something, Jinn?"

"Oh, yes." Jinn perked up, content to watch from the side. "With some resources from the college, and some help from the Archmage, we are about to narrow down a few location that we think the Elder Scroll is at."

"Well done."


"Good job, Jinn." I reached for her hand, taking it in mine. "You’ve been doing a lot of good work, thank you." I want her to know that I appreciate her, perhaps I should show It more often.

"Um.....yes, of course." She looked a little bashful under the sudden praise, but she made no attempt to move her hand from mine.

"So, what are we looking at exactly?" I asked, wanting to know some details.

"Well, Harkon’s journals were.... a mess. If they weren’t coded, then they were almost nonsense to anyone but him. But from what was pieced together – His daughter either stole or was sent out to retrieve an Elder Scroll and she disappeared with it or looking for it. We have a few locations we think she’s at or the scroll is at based on movements and some old stories and legends."

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I let go so she could roll out a map, showing a basic view of Skyrim. "Well, there were about a dozen places, but we think these three are the highest probability." She pointed at three markings, bigger than several more on the map.

"They are not too far apart." Artoria took a good look. "We can devise a route to hit all three in one trip."

"Could probably do them all in a day. Schweinorg is better at utilizing the Kaleidoscope, how many issues did we run into just because we couldn’t strong arm a door or trap because it might have brought the place down on our heads?" Rin voiced her own thoughts.

"Why didn’t you just take Ruby out?" I grinned.

"Fuck you, you know why." Rin huffed.

"Oh, the next time Ruby comes out, please come and get me, I very much want to meet her." Jinn said, earning Rin’s attention.

"S-sure." Rin sighed.

Well, I couldn’t fault her, it was hard to decline a request like that when Jinn gave such a look.

"Anyways, what are these spots marked?" I asked.

"This one is the Ice harrow cavern." She pointed to the southern most one. "This one over here is a The Nameless Sanctuary, and lastly is the Dimhollow Crypt. Now I think the most likely –"

"It’s the crypt." I cut her off.

"What?" She looked confused.

"Definitely the crypt." Rin just nodded.

"I would wager much that it is indeed the Crypt." Artoria didn’t even bat an eye.

"How are you all so sure?"

"Oh, I forgot you aren’t familiar with vampires." I laughed. "Something you need to understand about them...they are very....stereotypical."

"What do you mean?" Jinn still looked confused.

"All the lore, the stories, even popular media.....yeah, lots of that is depressingly accurate. Even back in our home world, the Dead Apostles act very much like a stereotypical vampire you might read about in a novel. Complete with some edgy naming convention and a castle of edginess. A place named after a crypt? That’s 100% guaranteed to be some vampire activity."

"It’s sad that it’s so true." Rin just shook her head.

"Such things were known even in my time." Artoria added.

"But.....my notes all point to The Nameless Sanctuary being the most likely...."

I pat her shoulder. "I’ll tell you what, we’ll check the crypt first, and if we’re wrong, you can act smug all you want and I won’t argue with you about these kinds of matters in the future."

"Hmph, I’ll hold you to this." She crossed her arms with a huff.

Oh you poor girl. Maybe if vampires were something known in her home world, she would understand. Even Harkon acted like a stereotypical vampire, it was sad to think about.

Especially since I had to interact with the Dead Apostle Ancestors in many iterations of my past life.

Not to mention Altrouge...that emo girl is off throwing a tantrum somewhere.

"Well, before we go, I wanted to head back over to Whiterun."

"Whiterun? That is the city with the Dragonborn – your friend, correct?"

"That’s the one." I nodded. "Rin and Artoria expressed their desire to go, do you want to come as well?"

"You wouldn’t mind having me there? I don’t exactly....blend in." She gestured to herself. "I get many looks even at the College, I do not know how I will be treated in an open city like Whiterun."

"Please, we both know those looks aren’t because you’re blue."

"Oh, hush you." She smiled brightly, slapping my shoulder. "I’m being serious, from what I’ve read, Nords aren’t the most open sort to new things."

"Well, Its’ pretty much known I have wings there, haven’t faced many issues....openly. Some idiots or something kicking up a fuss, but otherwise I get a long great with them." I explained.

"Alright." She agreed. "I’ll go, I do wish to meet this friend that you speak of and get a look at the city."

"Indeed, I too wish to meet this Thorum, this Dragonborn for myself." Artoria nodded at Jinn’s statement.

"I wouldn’t mind getting some supplies while we’re out." Rin added.

"We can get anything we need before setting off to look for the Elder Scroll." I was a little excited, I wanted to see what this so-called Elder Scroll really was. And I wanted my them to finally meet my best friend.


It was weird, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jinn nervous before. It wasn’t obvious, but I knew her enough now to pick up on a few things. Large crowds like this, she hasn’t ever had any experience dealing with before.

In the College, she was probably only seeing a handful of people at most at a single time, here, there were dozens of people around every corner, and oh boy did they take looks at her.

It was hard to miss.

Her skin was blue, a very beautiful blue that I found extremely attractive, but blue all the same. That was not a normal look around here.....at least her shade of blue. I think there were some Elves that had blue skin, but it was much more subdued.

Almost immediately, I grabbed her hand to ease her nervousness. And if I’m being honest, I think she appreciate that more than she let on. Artoria didn’t seem to mind either, and I continue to thank my lucky stars that they don’t seem to be the jealous type.

Made another mental note to give Artoria some affection later as well.

"Oh, these look nice." Rin was staring at a stand filled with jewelry along with some uncut stones in a basket. "No obvious mistakes – " She held up an emerald necklace to the sky, letting some light shine into it. "Cuts are clean, Jewel has barely any impurities."

I stopped listening as she started haggling with the owner, beating down the poor woman until she got the item for somewhat a deal.

"Oh, I like these." Jinn pulled me over to another stand, the customer giving her a quick look, but didn’t say anything. "The fur on these boots is just splendid, and the design is lovely."

Would it be sexist to make a ’girls’ comment about her immediately going over some shoes?

"12 Septims for your girlfriend." The elderly woman said, a gentle tone in her voice.

"Sure." I happily set the coins on the counter, letting Jinn her hug new boots. "See anything else you want?"

"Well...." She took a glance at a scarf hanging from above.

I chuckled, squeezing her hand. "The Scarf as well." I looked up and saw another one that piqued my interest "That one too." I pointed to it.

"7 Septims." The old woman said plainly.

"How do I look?" Jinn quickly put the scarf on around her neck as I added more coins to the counter, pocketing the second one for now.

"Oh darling, if you didn’t have a man, you would have to beat them back with a shovel." Th older woman laughed.

Jinn looked elated at the compliment; I think doubly so because it was from someone outside of our ’circle’. A stranger complimented her and wasn’t put off by her ’uniqueness’.

"I’m a lucky man." I kissed her cheek, earning a bright smile from her.

The old woman just cooed. "Reminds me of my husband, bless his soul in Sovngard. You take care of her, young man." She wagged her finger.

"Well, I think she takes more care of me." I laughed.

"And don’t you forget it." Jinn poked me playfully, turning back to the older woman. "Thank you for the items."

"Oh don’t mention it dearie, I just make them to pass the time these days. Now shoo, go spend time with your boyfriend away from this old woman." She gave a warm smile.

Jinn giggled, pulling me along to where Artoria was.

"Find anything good?" I asked as we got closer.

"I have yet to find any item that I wish to procure." Artoria admitted as we walked around. She did a good job of always keeping Rin in her sights.

"Is that so?" I hummed as she turned to look at something else.

"Yes I – "

I gently wrapped the second scarf around her, earning a startled look from her.

"Wilhelm?" She touched the fabric, looking up at me and at Jinn who wore a similar one, if a different color.

"Do you like it?"

"It is lovely." Her cheeks turned a faint pink. "Thank you."

"Of course." I smiled.

"Wilhelm!" We all turned around to see who shouted. I recognized the voice immediately, but no one else did.

"Thorum." I greeted with a wave, having noticed Rin creep back up at my name being dropped so loudly.

I guess it wasn’t this weird running into him, the Companion’s building isn’t very far away and this is the biggest market in Whiterun, not to mention we probably stick out like a sore thumb.

"My friend, you are looking better after our training, much less dirt on your face." He came up, slapping my shoulder. "And who are these beautiful ladies?"

I twitched slightly at the mention of our training. It was mostly me eating dirt, or getting embarrassed by my lack of skill in the area. Well, I guess lack of skill is relative.

"You must be Thorum, I am Artoria Pendragon, Wilhelm’s girlfriend and Rin’s guard." Artoria was the first to introduce herself.

"Well met, Lady Pendragon." Thorum gave a polite greeting. "Will has spoken much about you.

"I’m Jinn, also Wilhelm’s woman." She smiled at my friend.

"Lady Jinn, you have also been spoken of, but he didn’t mention your exotic and lovely coloring." Thorum was smooth with the compliment, and if I didn’t know any better, I may have been worried.

"Oh, you are just as sweet as he said." Jinn giggled.

"Rin Tohsaka." Rin finally spoke. "I’m his grandfather’s student." She was polite, if a little blunt.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Tohsaka." Thorum greeted, having a little trouble with the naming convention. "Come, let me buy you all a meal and drink, we can exchange stories at Will’s expense." Thorum laughed.

"You know what? I would love to hear some stories." Rin looked at me evilly. "What’s this you said about training?"


So i wanted Skyrim Arc to wrap up this weekend (On my pat reon that is) but with everything going on, my being sick, and the fact that i have to suddenly work this weekend, and it being a holiday, it may be pushed back a couple days.

So, the gang finally meeting Thorum with a Elder Scroll Hunt in the near future.

Anyways, if you want to read 6 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

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