A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 162 - 155

Chapter 162: Chapter 155

Saber of Black (Siegfried) POV

I carried my Master back to the Black Faction’s base. I couldn’t help but turn around and see the destruction wrought at the activation of Lancer’s Noble Phantasm. It was impressive and made me wonder if I could survive it without activating my own in response.

My battle between the other Saber, I managed to pull her far enough away from Master’s unconscious body so that he wouldn’t get swept up in the battle, but even then, I was still able to see the effects of the fight that had taken place in the area I retreated from. Both far and close enough to keep an eye on Mastery and intervene if he was ever in harm’s way.

It was the only option I had in that immediate moment when I saw that Saber of Red’s Master had no intention of harming my own.

Passing through the defenses of the Yggdmillennia castle, I could sense many eyes now on me, but none barred my path. Walking into the Castle, I was greeted by some my fellow Servants and their Masters, all of whom stared at me expectantly.

"Saber." Lord Darnic Preston Yggdmillennia, the head of the Yggdmillennia family spoke up.

While he was not my Master, he was my Master’s superior, so I would give him the proper courtesy. "Lord Darnic." As I moved to set my Master down, several Homunculi ran over and began to check him for any injuries.

I knew he was not severely injured, but I would not be against a more thorough check. Magecraft was never an art I could claim competence in, not to mention the inner workings of the human body and how to properly care for someone who had been hurt. He had some burns and cuts in some places, but I believe he will make a full recovery with ease.

"We lost communication and Caster’s Scrying was not successful." The Master of the Magus family gripped his scepter tightly. "What happened, Saber?"

I looked at my master who ordered me not to be frivolous with my words.....but the situation was one I could not remain silent in. Perhaps I would be scolded when he awoke as I was also liberal during my fight. "Another Servant appeared, Saber of Red."

"Saber of Red?" Lancer, who had been standing at Darnic’s side, spoke up. "Do you know their identity?"

"A woman of the Far East." I shook my head.

"Saber, speak openly. What can you tell us about the Servant?" Darnic glanced at my unconscious master and back to me.

If it was an order from the one who could hold authority over my master. "She was physically my superior, and her speed was above mine. Her skill was undeniable." I voiced my thoughts. "I’m sorry, that’s all I know."

"Unfortunate, but not unhelpful." Lord Darnic did not appear to be annoyed with my minimal information. "It’s impressive that you were able to retreat against two servants, and even keep your Master safe." He gave praise.

"I’m sorry, I did not mention that I was not engaged by both Saber and Lancer." I quickly clarified. "I believe the two Servants to be hostile to one another. And It was Saber’s Master who....."I looked at Master Gordes.

"Can you describe him? What Magecraft did he employ?"

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"He had striking Red Hair pulled into a ponytail, and he appeared to use Lightning Magecraft."

"Hmm." Lord Darnic tapped his chin. "I don’t recognize a Magus by that description." He swept his gaze around the room.

"The Byros family?" A young woman in a wheelchair, whom was Archer’s Master, spoke up. "They’re known for their lightning Magecraft."

"No." Another voice answered. A second woman who stood next to the rather flamboyant Rider, whom possessed a rather sadistic personality based on our few interactions. "They don’t have anyone in their family with red hair and they’re small enough that any bastards would be hard to hide."

"It’s unlikely he would hide his identity as well." The woman in a wheelchair continued. "I find it unlikely a Magus from the association would not want the ’glory’ tied to their families or lineages."

"Did he support his Servant at all, any hidden spells he could have cast that you didn’t notice during the fight? Even an description of actualization would be helpful." The wheelchaired woman.....her name was Fiore?

"He did not support Saber as he went off to battle Lancer."

"What?" Rider’s Master blurted out. "Are you saying Saber’s Master fought a Servant?"

"I’m sorry, I did not mention that. The battle was noticeable from the distance, I had assumed you knew what I was speaking of when I said he knew Lightning Magecraft. It was clear he did not wish to harm my Master otherwise he would not be alive." I explained properly.

"Wait, are you implying that the huge lightning strike we saw was Magecraft, from Saber’s Master!?" Fiore blurted out. "I thought that was a Noble Phantasm!"

"Seriously?" Rider who looked bored seemed to perk up. "Saber of Red’s master did that? I thought Magecraft these days was weak."

"Rider." His master hissed in annoyance.

"Oops, teehee~" Rider rubbed his head!

"A master capable of fighting a Servant in some capacity, Interesting." Lancer of Black let out a laugh. "And we have no knowledge of his identity? I don’t think such an individual would be unknown in this age. Based on what we did see, the following attack that destroyed the mountain, that was undeniably Lancer."

"I would suggest the same." I nodded. It was obvious Lancer’s attacks contained the fire element within them, enough that even I felt their heat through my Dragon Armor.

"If Lancer used his Noble Phantasm, was it meant for the Master, or Ruler?" Archer who held Fiore’s wheelchair voiced his words for the first time.

Rider’s Master scoffed. "It was obvious to get rid of Ruler. We all saw how he was gunning for her." She crossed her arms. "A Servant having to use a Noble Phantasm against a Master? Ridiculous. And he’s probably dead at this point, there’s no way he could survive that attack that we felt even all the way over here."

Maybe. And the look in Archer’s eyes said he didn’t fully believe that as well.

There were some things that didn’t add up. Why wasn’t Saber more concerned about her Master being in the way of a Servant battle between Ruler and Lancer if he was not capable? And why.....did I get this strange feeling in my heart when I gazed at him?

I wanted to fight Lancer again, our bout was interfered with before we could truly test each other, and I felt as If I found a kindred spirit...but for some reason, the urge to fight Saber’s master kept swelling up inside me.

"Regardless, Lancer is a foe we can’t ignore. His Noble Phantasm is likewise powerful and destructive, we must start preparing counter measures." Lord Darnic raised his scepter up, addressing the room.

"Hmph, leave Lancer to me." Our own Lancer stated leaving no room for debate and showing no hesitance about the prowess from Lancer of Red.

Maybe his own pride was acting up?

"It’s likely the true battle will start this coming night." Archer looked contemplative. "They know our location; we must prepare for a siege."

"This castle has stood tall for centuries. It will not fall under my watch." Lancer declared. "Send a message to Caster, start preparing the Golems."

The Caster servant and his master seemed to be quite alike, opting to spend all their time together in their workshop.

Lord Darnic nodded in agreement. "We will prepare the Homunculi as well. Once Gordes awakens, I’ll have him take command. Until then, Caules has been managing them well enough even with his inexperience."

So that is why Berserker, and her Master are not present. Well, I do not believe Berserker could add anything to the discussion.

The War did not take place during the day. It was one of the more stringent rules that was relayed by the Grail.

This coming night would be the first true battle of the war.


Archer of Red (Atalanta) POV

"Sis, come on, one drink?" I scowled, looking at Rider who propped himself on up a table, head in his hand. The laziness he was showing betrayed his true alertness. I’ve hunted enough to see when a predator was ready to move, when all their muscles were taunt to spring out and catch a prey.

"Stop calling me that." I hissed in annoyance.

Stupid brat.

I can’t truly be mad at him about it either, I know he’s calling me that affectionately without any hidden agendas.


He lives up to being one of the most famous heroes in the world, especially from our homeland. But I couldn’t help but find it a little endearing the way he swooned over me, or rather my life.

Fanboy? The term form the Grail stuck to the forefront of my mind. When we had free time after our summons, he would regale me with tales his father used to tell him, stories about the Argonauts.

He said I was his hero as a child.

Not Herakles, not that buffoon Jason – Me.

Maybe that’s why I truly couldn’t get mad when he called me something like ’sis’.

"Hey Sis." He intentionally ignored my dissatisfaction if the small smirk was anything to go by. "What’d you think about that Saber?"

"Strong." I said pointedly.

"Come on, sis, gotta give me more than that. I only fought her for like a few seconds." Rider feigned indignation.

I tapped my finger against my arm, it was annoying to have to wait here like this. We had been given ’orders’ to stand by in this half-destroyed church while that Shirou Kotomine was taken off to be healed.

Saber of Red’s master had managed to wound him in some regard, but we didn’t see how much.

"She was fast, maybe only a little bit slower than me. I had to constantly make distance between us, I had no hope of defeating her in close combat. Every one of her strikes would be debilitating, if not lethal. Her technique was without flaws, and it seemed like...no nevermind." It seemed like the Arrows I had infused with Magical Energy were treated the same as my normal arrows. Maybe I was just imagining it.

"She had divinity too, or her weapon was a Divine Construct." Achilles added. "She got through my armor." He grinned.

"Her weapon didn’t give off that kind of oppressive feeling, like your shield."

"Not all Divine Constructs are the same." Rider shrugged.

I guess he would be more of an authoritative figure on that. While my bow was a gift from Lady Artemis, it is not a Divine Construct.

"But I agree with you." Rider continued. "That woman was definitely a Demi-God of some kind."

Why are all the boys around me battle maniacs? "What about her Master?"

Rider paused, holding himself back from getting angry. "I’ll kill him the next time I see him."

I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. "Rider....no, Achilles." I managed to grab his attention. "You need to watch your temper."

"I’m fine, it’s fine." He put his hands up in surrender.

And somehow, I don’t believe you. "You sure about that? Siegfried?"

The table beneath his hands shattered, even if his expression didn’t change. He didn’t speak, but looked down at the new mess he created. "....Sorry."

The story of Achilles is well known. Most of the world is aware that he went to war knowing he would die, but to gain fame that would last thousands of years. To deny him his ’name’ so blatantly, it was an easy way to rile him up.

I half suspected that Saber’s Master was aware of his true identity and was doing this on purpose.

"I won’t tell you not to fight him, he’s clearly strong enough to match a Servant, which is odd in of itself. But, you can’t go into it that angry." Honestly, this makes me feel like the times I was with Medea back when she was just a little girl and I had to scold her every so often. "You’re going to have my back, Achilles, I need you to have a clear head."

I didn’t want him to mess up my wish was left unsaid.

"Dramatic Entrance!"

Both me and Rider snapped our heads towards the door that was slammed open, Caster walking inside.

I felt a headache coming on.

"Rider, you should have told me you were the legendary Siegfried, I have many tales to write with such new inspiration!" Caster loudly proclaimed.

"I’m gonna kill him." Rider said with a frighteningly calm tone.

"Haha, such an obvious Death Flag is merely a misdirection." He slid onto a nearby seat. "I have heard some interesting rumors as of late. What’s this about a Master who was about to fight evenly with you?" Caster’s grin was a little bit grating even to me. "He sounds like a protagonist in the making."

"He’s alright for someone form this era." Rider grunted out with a begrudged respect.

Say what you will about Achilles, but he didn’t even hate Paris for killing him. He wouldn’t hesitate to skewer the foppish prince of Troy, but he would not hate the man even after his death.

"High praise. High praise indeed." Caster nodded in satisfaction, before turning to an empty corner of the building. "Do you have anything to add, Lancer?"

My eyes widened slightly, and even Rider seemed surprised as Lancer materialized at the spot Caster was glancing.

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Caster was able to notice before both of us.

"How did you notice me?" Lancer seemed surprised.

"My good man, if I couldn’t keep track of all the characters, what kind of master playwright would I be?" Caster arrogantly proclaimed with an exaggerated arm wave.

"Lancer....." Rider ignored the Caster servant. "What happened to your arm?"

I would very much like to know as well, why Lancer was missing his arm from below the elbow.

Lancer glanced down, rubbing the stump with his good hand. "I met a worthy foe." He merely replied.

"For someone with such a legendary tale, your story telling leaves much to be desired, Karna." Caster let out a winded sigh.

His name was not unknown to us, and that made it all the more unbelievable. Karna was a monster, to put it plainly. I knew I would have no chance against him, and I would be hesitant to give Achilles odds better than a coin flip.

"No matter." Caster stood up. "I – William Shakespeare shall regale you all with a tale of such – "

"Who’d you fight?" Rider interrupted him, asking Lancer directly. "I have a hard time believing a Ruler did that to you. Kill you with a command seal or something, I would believe, but to take an arm like that? I don’t buy it for a second."

"I believe you met them." Lancer closed his eyes, seemingly unperturbed about his missing limb. "My master summoned me back with a command seal."

"Okay, just ignore me." Caster slumped back down in his seat, taking out a pen and began writing on some parchment.

"The brat or the woman?" Rider asked.

"Both." Lancer’s reply was curt. "I attempted to follow my orders, eliminate Ruler. But Saber of Black interfered, and he was successful in keeping me away, he was someone I had to focus on."

"Oh? Sounds interesting. Maybe I’ll get a chance to have a go at him as well." Rider clenched his fist in expectation.

Stupid boys, always looking for a fight.

"Hmm." Lancer just hummed without giving an answer. "Then Saber of Red appeared, interrupting our fight. She descended upon Saber of Black while her Master fought me. He is a strange person, I couldn’t tell what he truly was."

"Yeah, thought he was a Demi-God at first, but he doesn’t have any divinity in him. Definitely not fully human, though." Rider acknowledged. "Was he responsible for that light show? Saw the lighting, but I’m pretty sure that fire was yours."

Lancer nodded but was quiet for a moment, a bit contemplative. "He did something, a power I did not understand."


"It was able to contest my Divine Flames....and destroy them."

"That’s....are you sure?" I spoke up. The fact that a Magus had a means to fight Servants and destroy Lancer’s Divine Flames.....what in Hades’ name was he? How can someone like that be unknown to the point where the Grail gave no information, nor do our ’masters’ know anything if their silence was indicative of the situation.

He didn’t reply to me, but he didn’t need to. Lancer was not the kind of person to make false claims like that. "I will give one last piece of information."

"You’re in a sharing mood, I feel like there’s a catch." Rider looked at him strangely. "Whatcha want?"

"His Servant, I will face her." Lancer stated.

"Oh, want some revenge? I didn’t hear you say the brat took your arm, so I’m guessing it was that Eastern Woman, eh?"

"Revenge?" Lancer whispered the words to himself. "No. She is merely someone...I cannot coexist with." He shook his head as if convincing himself more than us.

"I will not seek her out, but I will defend myself." I let out a sigh.

Rider just grunted as well. "Yeah, yeah. I won’t go fight her on purpose, but if she gets in the way, I’ll take her for myself."

Lancer didn’t outwardly show it, but I think he was pleased with our replies. "The Master of Saber, I believe he is the more dangerous of the pair."

Rider snorted. "He was strong, but he wasn’t that strong. That Saber of his packed a punch. Even if his Magecraft is impressive, what can it do to us?"

Lancer shook his head but chose not argue. "He survived my Noble Phantasm, unscathed." Rider spoke one last time before going back into spirit form.

"Oi, oi. You can’t just say something like that and bounce, Lancer!" Rider stood up, looking around.

"Oh, he already left." Caster said offhandedly.

"One armed ass." Rider slammed back down into his seat with an annoyed grunt. "Sis, what ya think?"

"Rider, don’t dismiss his words because of your anger." I chastised, but I think it wasn’t needed. Rider would huff and puff, but he wouldn’t take Lancer’s words as hot hair. Maybe his pride wouldn’t allow him to admit it out loud, but Rider would take the fight seriously next time.....or as seriously as he wants to.

At the very least, he won’t treat the living man as irrelevant.

"Caster, you know something else." I turned towards the playwright.

"I know many things, my furry companion."

"Do you know how painful it will be to have arrows sticking out between your legs if you call me that again?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Well, Exit stage left it is." Caster quickly got up, about to leave before Rider put a hand on his shoulder.

"Such a famous Playwright graces us with his presence." Rider smiled innocently. "Why don’t you tell us a story or two?" He visibly pushed the weaker servant back into his seat.

"Haha, well, I have many things to attend to. I am required to aid Lancer in healing his arm, then I must report –"

Rider’s eyes darkened. "I insist."

I think I heard Caster’s shoulder crack, and a small smile found its way onto my face.


Wilhelm POV

"Take off your shirt." Raikou commanded.

"Um....moving a bit too fast for me." I sputtered out as her hands were pawing at the edges of the fabric.

"Mommy needs to see if you’re hurt." She whispered, trying to work the buttons, but stumbling from a almost frantic worry.

"Raikou." I replied, grabbing her hands, making her pause. "Look." I untucked the shirt, revealing where I had been stabbed. "It’s healing fine, just give it a little time."

She looked at me, pouting and about on the verge of tears.

I just....want am I suppose to do in this situation?

I was doing my best to not have Avalon heal me so I wouldn’t waste Artoria’s stored magical energy to go to waste, so that was takin some effort to maintain. So, my natural healing, amped up by both my heritages, my aura, and my Lightning Form, was visibly working its magic even if the wound was decently deep. It should only take a few minutes at worse.

"....hug?" I offered.

She practically threw herself into my arms as I awkwardly pat her back.

I mean, it’s not like I’m not physical attracted to her...in fact, in any other situation I would definitely be hitting on her. But right now, I was more focused on Scáthach...

And there was the fact that she probably wasn’t in her right mind because of the Mad Enhancement. Just the teeniest little inkling that maybe her constantly calling me her ’son’ was not the normal thing to do.

I felt really bad.

She answered my summons, so I would try to do right by her. If she wanted a son...I would do my best. After the war, I would see about mitigating or outright removing this ’mental pollution’ and go from there.

"Raikou, tell me about the Saber you fought?"

She set up, releasing me. A cute little smile on her face as she pat her lap. "Momma wants to spoil her master."

I shrugged, letting my head rest in her lap.

It was nice.

"Saber was just a bigger insect than most, master. You don’t have to worry, momma will take care of him next time." I felt her fingers run through my hair.

"How about....just satisfying my curiosity." I offered an alternative.

"Hmm....." She looked thoughtful. "I believe he’s either Sigurd or Siegfried. The glowing Dragon Tattoo along with his physical resilience.

...well, I’ll just call that karma then.

Is it because I was making fun of Achilles that this happened?

I did feel that Dragon Slayer aura from him.

[Fight him.]

You sure?

[I don’t ask for much, brat. But I want you to fight him, and use me when you do.]

Alright, I’ll do so when the opportunity presents itself.

Frankly, part of me wanted to fight him as well.

"Ruler should be Jeanne D’Arc, the Saint of Orleans." I revealed. Probably not good for me, but at least she won’t do anything to me unless I break the rules. So I have some time before an angry saint comes and tries to kill me.

"Is that so." Raikou replied, almost uncaring. "Insects don’t need a name when you step on them, master."

Yup, totally normal mindset.

"Lancer was.....interesting." I survived his Noble Phantasm. I felt good about it, I could take pride in that fact. My Spell, even when I added onto it, held up against his Noble Phantasm.

My Pride as a Magus was stoked.

"Master." Berserker’s expression turned dark. "I wish to deal with Lancer."

"You took off his arm already, which was pretty damn awesome." I gave her a thumbs up. She did look happy at my praise, but it wasn’t like before where she noticeably perked up. "What’s wrong?"

"I don’t know...this feeling in my chest when I met him, it’s like...he’s someone I can’t bare to look at and I have to crush him."

Strange....but not much I could do with that for now. "Well, there won’t be any fighting during the day, I’ll take a nap to recoup some Aura and stamina, then....why don’t we hit the town and have a little bit of fun?"

I’ve already made all the preparations before the battle, not much I could do right now. I’d rather spend some time with Raikou and get to know her better, find out why she’s the one who I summoned out of every Heroic Spirit.

"Oh! A date!?" Raikou squealed in delight. "I’m excited, I can’t wait." She happily exclaimed, shifting gears so naturally.

Well, she’s happy, that’s the important bit I guess.


Just a POV from both sides as we keep going forward.

Anyways, i’m back and ready to go!

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my Pat.reon.com/astoryforone. We have Mordred stuff, and a new Interlude up over there.

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