A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 174 - 166

Chapter 174: Chapter 166

"You!" Lancer – Vlad the Impaler looked furious. "What have you done?"

"Woops, was that important?" I feigned shock.

"You’re such an ass." Mordred actually chuckled.

"Well, they don’t seem happy." I flex my fingers, getting a good feel on how fatigued my body felt with the adrenaline pumping through me. I was still good to go.

"I wonder why." Mordred’s dry tone was noticeable even through her helmet.

"Hehe, master keeps screaming in my ear." The pink-haired rider servant said with a giggle.

"So, quick question." I looked at Rider. "I don’t mean to be offensive, but are you a boy or a girl?"

"Why don’t you find out." He/she winked at me, tugging on the hem of their skirt.

"Oh my god." Mordred spat out.

"Did a shiver run down your spine too?"

"Fucking yes." Mordred sounded horrified. "Reminds me of when the adulterer cross-dressed."

"Stop ignoring me!" Vlad slammed his hand on the ground, stakes erupting in the entire area except where his allies stood.

I scoffed, slamming my Staff onto the ground in response, forming a shield around me and Mordred.

"Good to know you aren’t a complete pansy." Mordred grunted, flicking the shield around us.

"Do you think a pansy would be able to bed Artoria?" I raised an eyebrow.

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She snorted. "Of course no—" She paused, head slowly turning towards me. "The fuck you just say?"

"That’s right." I intentionally raised my voice. "I fucked your father!" Well, I will at some point at least. But that didn’t stop me from posing dramatically. Been keeping that one in for too long.

Though, everyone got really quiet.

"Nice." Rider shot me a thumbs up.

To my suprise, Mordred didn’t overtly react. "Should I call you mother then?" She snorted, seemingly pleased with herself at the retort.

"Yes! No take backs."

"Wait, what?"

"Come it’s time for some mother-son bonding!" I let go of my Staff, taking back Mirage.

"No, seriously, what the fuck!?"

My attention was drawn elsewhere from Mordred’s balking, gleams of light heading towards us in the distance.

I cast condensed Lightning over my limbs again, and reapplied all my enhancement spells. "Lightning.Arrow.Burst." I raised my hand over towards the forest, a dozen lightning arrows shot out, intercepting arrows firing right at us as the barrier fell. I would need to work on the casting sequence when I had time later, but it was actionable for now, I suppose.

As if on que, they all moved on us.

I grinned as Mordred erupted in her own Red Lightning, mimicing my own as it crackled around me. The ground was utterly destroyed as she burst forth, sword smacking into Rider’s large lance.Sparks flew as they traded blows, Rider being deceptively nimble with that large weapon.

Oh well, I guess I can support her, she’d been patient this long and really wanted to fight apparently.

Holding out my hand, I cast my Lightning Arrows, dozens upon dozens of them filled the air. The other Servants around me appeared hesitant, and ready for battle, but instead, I pointed towards the forest and fired them off to keep that Archer pinned down.

"Boost." I called out again, regaining double my abilities after using a Penetrate on Achilles. The ability itself consumed all my boosts to use.

"Your presence skyrocketed again." Siegfried commented, moving at me with a burst of speed. "I see, it is tied to your Gauntlet, and quite literally with your words." His sword swung out fiercely, my own swinging out to meet it. According to Raikou, he was an endurance fighter, but that didn’t mean he had to be passive.

Speaking of Raikou, I briefly focused on the link between us. I could sense the turbulent emotions flowing back. She was deep into the fight, and it was important to her so I chose not to distract her.

"Haah!" Siegfried swung his Dragon-slaying sword down and I swung Mirage up to meet it, the impact blowing away the surroundings.

His blade struggled against mine. "This wound you gave me it has yet to heal." His eyes trailed the line of blood that was still dripping down his chest.

"Ascalon is a pretty good Anti-Dragon weapon. You may not have the soul of a Dragon, but your body may as well be one physically."

"A Dragon with an Anti-Dragon sword, how amusing." Siegfried actually smiled.

I let out a chuckle. "Like you’re one to talk, Dragon-blooded warrior."

"Saber, don’t fall into his rhythm." Lancer sneered, jerking his hand up, the baleful aura surging and stakes attacked me from all sides.

"Annoying." I grunted, my other swords swung around me, my own Lightning burst out as well, destroying them all. "Are you just going to stand back, mighty king?"

"Very well." His spear swung at me, the distance closing with a blink of an eye.

My eyes widened as I blocked with my Gauntlet, the force of it actually made my arm shake. He only grinned savagly as the two Servants pressed the advantage.

I tumbled slightly, but quickly regained my foot, deflecting attacks from both foes.

"A physical boost from your legend being intertwined with the land we’re fighting on? No, this is more than that. You are significantly stronger than a Lancer should be." I snapped my fingers, Runic Circles summoned in the air, but not aimed towards me.

Mordred.... I looked towards her, she was taking on two Servants, no three. Archer was really screwing with her, there were some Arrows sticking out of her armor, even if she was overpowering the Berserker and Rider Servant.

They began to discharge lightning bolts towards the oncoming barrage.

"Hmph, with my Demonic Defender of the State, as long as you remain within my territory, my abilities are unmatched." He waived his arms out, grandstanding.

"Impressive, but how about......Boost." I called out, shifting through the Kaleidoscope, appearing right in front of him. My Mirage swung at his neck, only to be deflected by Saber.

They made a good combo, makes it hard to get a deciding blow without leaning more into my Gauntlet or Magic.

"I’ve had enough of this foolishness." Lancer’s aura exploded out, the ground shook, and even the sky turned red.

My eyes widened, the release of his Noble Phantasm was obvious at this point, and I felt a large sense of danger. The lightning around my legs burst out and I moved towards Mordred as fast as I could.

"Come, savages who trample over my territory! It’s time to discipline you! I’ll turn my compassion and rage into red-hot stakes and skewer you all! And these stakes are not limited, but truly infinite, so despair – and gorge on your own blood!"

The aura around him reached its peak.

"Kazikli bey!"


Mordred POV

"Guess I’ll get you pinkie, and the monster over there." I gestured towards the obvious Berserker servant who just growled and roared without speaking. And if that wasn’t obvious enough, only a mad fool would wear a wedding dress to fight in.

"Raaaaah!" Berserker shout, running towards me without an ounce of martial prowess. Compared to that cow-bitch, this Servant was weak. I knocked her Mace aside with ease, even her discharging of lightning I could ignore with my own Mana Burst. Grabbing her face, I tossed her to the side.

"Don’t forget me, woohoo!" Rider jumped off his strange mount, the bird-creature going back up into the sky. He ran at me, the tip of his Lancer aiming for the joints of my armor.

The fool at least knew what he’s doing.

I stepped to the side, dodging his thrust, his speed was decent on ground, but nothing worth noting. I swung Clarent up, a casual swing at his side, and he brought his Lance to block it, an annoying grin on his face.


I stomped the ground, my Lightning bursting out before kicking him in the side.

"Raahhhaaaa!" Berserker made herself known easily, her annoying shouting giving away her position every moment.

I charged my sword with my Magical Energy and swung it in her direction, blowing her away.

Ducking my head swiftly, several arrows sailed past me, my head jerked towards the forest where the Archer of Black from before was targeting me.

"Take this!" Rider shouted gleefully, the tip of his Lance intertwined with his own power, piercing through the air towards me.

The flat of my blade was brough up to block, but the force was enough to push it back into my chest before I could deflect it away. "Fuck off." I shouted in annoyance as more arrows came at me in that brief moment, swinging my sword in the air I destroyed them from dozens of feet away.

"Grrrrrr" Berserker was on me again, Mace slammed in the ground and discharged a burst of lightning towards me.

At the same time, several more arrows came at me, and Rider’s Lance shot towards my face. I slammed Clarent into the ground, activating my Mana burst again. Rider and Berserker were blown back, but a stream of arrows hit my shoulder, tunneling through my armor.

I was about to go after the Archer, but suddenly magical lighting fired into the air, destroying another volley of arrows. I turned to see who cast the spell, though I could have guess.

"Asshole, I didn’t need your help!" I spat out, but it was....nice to have backup. He wasn’t as much a pushover that I thought. I thought he was some smooth talking magus that tricked father, but he’s decently strong. I turned back to Berserker and Rider, a grin forming on my face. I broke the arrows still sticking out of me. "Well, how about round two without the bastard hiding in the back?"

"How about we talk this out?" Rider offered.

"Yeah, no." I flicked Clarent to the side, carving the ground apart. I was ready for another round, but something suddenly felt off, and the sky turned red with the ground shaking. "What the hell!?" I felt someone grab me suddenly, fast enough that I didn’t notice in time.

"Kazikli bey!"


A golden light surrounded me, a warm light I hadn’t seen in a very long time. All around us, Stakes shot out of the ground, but failed to penetrate this barrier around us.

"This is....?" I was at a loss for words.

"Haaah, made it in time. That was dangerous." The bastard Magus laughed. "This is why Servants are scary, Noble Phantasms are just hard to deal with."

The light took an ethereal form around us and it was something I would forever recognize. "Father’s Sheath?" I whispered.

"Yeah, she gave it to me to keep me safe." He smiled, holding it up for me to see.

"....you really are together with Father?" It was hard to imagine, but, why else would he have this Sheath? It only worked with Father’s magical energy as well, he would have to have given it to this basta—I mean this person.

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"I am, she’s someone very important to me." He pat my shoulder. "Talk later, fight now."

"R-right." I quickly dismissed all those troubling thoughts. I was a knight; I had no business being distracted by such things on the battlefield.

I looked around again, the red sky started to fade and even the uncountable number of stakes that blocked our vision began to disappear. I gripped my sword tightly, and I couldn’t help but glance at this – man who was beside me

"Move quick, I’ll support you."

"Fine." I replied. "...You better keep up."

"What kind of Mom would I be if I let my son play without any supervision?" He grinned.

But for some reason...it didn’t feel as annoying like it had been before.

Father’s Sheath faded just as the other Noble Phantasm returned the world to normal and I burst out, targeting the Berserker Servant, who looked surprised at my sudden appearance.

"Not so fast!" Rider jumped after me. "Trap of Argalia!" The feeling of his Noble Phantasm activated; his spear lit up with an ethereal light as it stabbed towards my lower body.

"Bindings of Gaia." That.... Magus’s voice called out, and massive Roots sprung up to wrap the Rider Servant up and bound him.

Berserker swung her Mace, but I side stepped it easily. I poured a chunk of my magical energy into my sword, and my Mana Burst exploded out. "Die!" I shouted, swinging Clarent with all my strength right at the Berserker servant, cleaving her in half and utterly destroying the area.

The – Father’s...lover appeared at my side. "That’s one down, well done."

"I don’t need your praise." I huffed.

Of course I could take that Servant down, I’m the best knight under Father.


Wilhelm POV

Mordred was acting strange, but I guess seeing Avalon might have dredged up some buried feelings. That Noble Phantasm – Kazikli Bey, was dangerous, the entire area, as in literally every square inch, was covered in stakes for its activation. And these weren’t like the normal ones he can use as he wished, these ways gave off a foreboding feeling of death.

Noble Phantasms are dangerous. I had to use Primordial Runes, a Divine Construct, and my strongest Shield Spell to block that Lancer’s Noble Phantasms from before.

"You continue to be pests!" Vlad shouted, his face snarled in rage.

I felt a twinge in my link with Sir Wiggles. Following the link, it looked like he found the Grail. I had him sneak in while we were distracting everyone and find the Grail.

I looked at Mordred then back at Lancer. "Well my feelings are hurt." I put my hand on Mordred. "Good day sir." I pulled Mordred through a portal opening up within the Castle grounds.

"The hell!?" Mordred blurted out, landing on the ground from the sudden shift. The area was practically in ruins because of my bombs, elemental effects were still seen everywhere, but there was no one running out to attack us.

"Sir Wiggles found the grail, one moment." I closed my eyes to follow his senses.

"I wasn’t done!" She threw her hands up. "I watched you fight for like forever and I barely got a turn!" She whined.

"You can fight later, let me focus." I tuned her out.

Lets see, he should be at the right side, a few stories below the ground. Smart, putting it closer to the Leyline, it should be quick to –

My eyes shot open.

"And then you –" Mordred stopped, looking at me. "What?"

"Which bitch dares!?" I shouted to the surroundings, feeling a ping from the familiar link. My face immediately morphed into an expression of rage.

"Hoho." A haughty laugh answered. "My, my when things happen you don’t foresee, is this how you react? Imagine how we’ve felt this entire time." A woman with long black hair appeared. I recognized her from before with the priest. She stood upon the castle walls, a good distance away. In any other situation, I may have made a cocky remark, or even flirted, but right now all I felt was unbelievable anger as she held Sir Wiggles, gripped tightly in her hand.

He didn’t move, his eyes were closed. I could only faintly feel him through the link, he was still alive.

"Is this rodent yours, hmm?" An evil grin grew on her face as she squeezed a little bit tighter.

"Assassin." The priest’s voice echoed out, he stepped up right behind her. "There’s no need to be cruel, we’ve got what we came here for." As soon as the words left his mouth, a large skeletal beast touched down from the sky next to them.

"You..!" I took a step forward but she raised up Sir Wiggles.

"Ah." She looked at my smugly. "Careful, I may accidentally squeeze it too tightly."

I stopped in my tracks, only able to glare.

"There, that’s the perfect look for you." She laughed, mounting up with the priest who just stared at me without emotion.

As they took to the skies, she tossed Sir Wiggles down. I moved as quickly as I could to catch him. I immediately called up on the power of Avalon, letting its light wash over him. There were spots on him, green and black.

He had been poisoned.

"Come on, buddy, this is nothing." I ran a hand through his matted fur.

"Oi, you gonna let them get away with that?" Mordred retracted her helmet, giving me a look.

"This is more important." I didn’t even harbor the thought.

"You really care about that rabbit?"

"He’s family." Was all I said.

"Wilhelm!" Vlad’s enraged voice filled the area, already having come back to the castle. "Where is my Grail!?" I guess he had been informed on what happened by someone.

"I don’t have it." I spat out, cradling my familiar.

"You’re too late." Mordred clarified. "Those other guys stole it."

He let out an angry grunt. "This is your fault, if you hadn’t –"

"Quiet." Raikou appeared next to me. "Speak one more word and I shall crush you, insect."

"Lancer." Siegfried also came to calm his companion. Flanked by Rider and whom I believe was Archer since I didn’t recognize him and he had a bow.

I ignored them for the moment {You’re back.} I sent towards Raikou. With a glance, I could see her condition. She had been fighting with Lancer for awhile now, and it definitely showed, she was sporting many wounds and looked exhausted.

{Lancer was forcibly recalled.} Raikou didn’t sound too happy.

{Another Command Seal?}

{Yes but.....He said that he needed one to regrow his arm in such short time.}

{That means three had been used...that doesn’t sound right.} Something was definitely up there.

"What happened, why’s everyone standing around?" Rider slammed their lance into the ground and leaned against it.

"Look up into the sky and see." I stated.

"What do you me—" Rider looked up. "Oh."

"That’s....." Siegfried looked surprised as well.

"How did that appear without anyone noticing." Even Vlad shared their reaction.

"It appears that we’ve underestimated the Red faction." Archer’s voice reached my ears. "Being able to bring something like that out, it would not be simple. For them to do it under our noses, it speaks of detailed planning."

I noticed it when they flew away.

High up into the sky was a fortress.

There was no doubt in my mind that it was a Noble Phantasm. A Noble Phantasm that existed in the normal world, not a single use ability, and it was a flying fortress.

Things were not simple at all.

Sir Wiggles opened his eyes, the foreign colors leaving his body.

Good boy.

"I’m going to bring it down." I declared.

"What?" Mordred looked at me. "You’re going to take down that thing? That’s probably Caster’s fucking workshop, and a Noble Phantasm. It probably has more defenses than this place, and such a stupid thing is probably from the Age of Gods."

"Yup." I nodded at her words. They were surprisingly well thought out. I turned towards the Black Faction members. "Temporary Truce?" I offered.

Vlad scowled. "What’s stopping us from taking you now and merely sieging them ourselves?"

"The fact that they have the Grail and thought it was a good idea to steal it implies they can do something with it, so time is a factor." I pointed out first. "And second, how much longer do you think the night will last?"

I knew Ruler was skulking nearby, if we tried to do something overtly during the day.....she had plenty of command seals for a reason.

Vlad looked at me before furrowing his brow and clicking his tongue. "Fine, do what you wish to bring it down we will not interfere. If you fail, I’m putting your head on a spike outside my castle."

"Awesome, team up!" Rider jumped up happily.

"How do you expect to bring it down." Archer spoke up, his eyes reminded me of Scathach’s.

"I’m a Magus, what do you think I’ll do?" I took hold of my Staff. "I’m going to cast a spell." I took a few steps forward, each time my foot touched the ground, a Magic Circle formed around a Rune. "I’ll show you, the strongest spell I’ve ever created." The completed form of my Nine-Realms.


Sorry for the late chapter, took a nap when I got home from work.

Wilhelm going to calmly express his grievances with the Red Faction. First Servant had been killed, -- Berserker. Sorry to the people asking to take care of Fran :p. For those of you who don’t know, Berserker of Black is Frankenstein’s monster and as is tradition, is a woman.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

We have a discord -- JbwkdNDt7F

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