A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 242 - 230 Part 1

Chapter 242: Chapter 230 Part 1

I looked around at the foliage, it wasn’t particularly interesting, but I never liked sitting still. I snapped a leaf off a nearby tree, holding it up close to my face.

I had been busy with many things since I left this world, and I truly haven’t had the chance to inspect some of its aspects more closely.

Flicking the leaf away, I knelt down and scooped up a handful of dirt, placing it in a bag and storing it away.

"What are you doing?" Rin looked at me.

"Wanted a soil sample." I waived her off. "Gramps’s garden usually needs some very specific accommodations for the various things he grows. You never know what combination of minerals or esoteric variables would synergize with certain species."

Rin just blinked. "The old man has a garden?"

"You didn’t know?" I pursed my lips.

"No." She huffed. "Is it supposed to be a secret?"

"Not really....he doesn’t really publicize it, but even I remember a bunch about it. He’d taken people there before – or rather...I did in my memories. It could just be one of those things that has never been brought up." I shrugged. "He keeps a lot of species from different worlds or those that have gone extinct, not all of them serve any real purpose, some he just enjoys keeping around."

I did want to check out and see if the old man managed to grow a sample of those trees I brought back from the Forever Fall forest back on Remnant. They were such a beautiful shade of red, I would see about planting them on my property.

"Huh, I’ll check that out next time I’m back home." She nodded to herself.

I glanced over at Raikou who was standing nearby, protectively. She noticed my gaze and smiled back.

[Is there something you wish to speak about, Master?] She asked through our link.

[Just admiring the view.] I shot her a wink. That bashful look she adopted was all too cute. [And I just realized, I can use our link to say all kinds of lewd things to you and no one will ever know~]

[Master. Behave yourself.] She puffed up.

[It’s hard to do when you wear such a skin-tight battle suit. Seeing your butt bounce with every step you take.] The more I said the brighter red she turned.

[My son harbors such lecherous desires for me.] She spoke with a combination of embarrassment and happiness. [Mother will take care of you whenever you want~]

I was about to speak again, but my attention was draw away. Flipping my hand over, the device that Jinn gave me lit up with the signal.

Immediately, Raikou turned more serious and I pushed away my teasing.

"Rin." I called out, taking the ’Dust Bomb’ from my ring as well.

"Alright, how’s this work." Rin asked, stepping to the side. She looked ready to fight as well. And as Artoria entrusted Rin’s safety to me, she would come to absolutely no harm.

I fiddled with the controls real quick, starting the process. Holding it to face the barrier, it began to activate. Jinn had made it in mind for those of less magical knowledge to be able to use.

My Jinn was brilliant, so it worked perfectly.

"Gravity Dust, just as the name describes. It’s a crystallization of the conceptual nature of Gravity intertwined with the World’s Mana. Jinn created this device to sort of grind it down, and condense it before gathering and redistributing the effects outward in a specific direction. A controlled implosion to propel it out from the front." Though it was nothing more than a firecracker as the implosion wasn’t the true purpose but rather the esoteric effect that was produced as a result.

"I really need to look into Dust more." Rin sighed. "I’ve just been so busy."

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We watched as the magical barriers around the castle became visible, shaking and shuttering under the bombardment.

"No rush, just keep moving at your own pace, Dust will be here when you’re ready to delve into its mysteries." I smiled towards her as the barriers finally shattered and dissipated.

"Game Time." I stated as Rin lit up with her own magics. Without another thought, we burst out of the tree line, having been hidden behind a few Bounded Fields to obstruct vision.

[Keep an eye on Rin. Don’t interfere unless she’s about to be harmed.] I stated to Raikou.

Rin didn’t need her hand held and I was curious to see how much she’d grown.

"Over or through, Schweinorg." Rin asked as we dashed towards the large castle wall.

I looked up, immediately seeing people manning the walls, shouting and pointing at us. Magicians were beginning to form spell circles and archers knocked their arrows.

"Over." I decided, after mulling it over. "I’ll give a footing."

"Alright, I’ll handle these mooks." She declared, several Emeralds between her fingers. She threw them in the air as spells rained down. "Heart. Shield. Shatter." She spoke her Aria, actualizing her spell.

The emeralds shattered, turning into large ethereal shields that soaked up the oncoming spells until they turned bright. Rin flicked her hand. "Origin." She spoke once more and the shields warped and transformed, turning into the spells that were fired into them and shot back at the walls where the Magicians were.

The wall’s parapet cracked and shattered under the returned bombardment as several of the magicians ducked for cover.

I think she took the underlining concepts of Greater Ward and had worked them into her Jewelcraft.


The arrows that flew down were intercepted by a crackle of purple lightning from Raikou at my side.

With a thought, my swords flew out of my ring, stabbing into places alongside the wall. It wouldn’t be hard to jump up with Reinforcement on Rin’s part, and alongside her Aura enhancement, She easily scaled the wall as I followed behind.

It might have been easier to just bulldoze the wall, but Artoria seemed to want to minimize damage.

Getting a good look inside, there were quite a few people. Hell, this place was big enough to house their entire clan without feeling claustrophobic.

I glanced to the side, seeing Rin connect her palm to a mage, sending him flying away.

"Nice use of Aura." I praised.

She flipped her hair back with a smile. "Thanks, managed to integrate it with my Martial Arts."

"Well, let’s see if we can find the targets before the others." And If I were a betting man, I’d guess they were in the main part of the keep.

"Master, we should leave the walls if we wish to cause less damage. We are in plain view of everyone." Raikou spoke up.

"Well, stealthy it is." I nodded as we made our way towards the stairs to the nearby tower. Jumping down into the center would just be inviting for a large mob to attack, which we would have to put down at that point.

We didn’t get very far before I stopped, noticing something a bit peculiar about the architecture. They noticed me stopping and looked at me. "Rin, does the layout of this tower, the stones that form the parapet, look like a pentagram to you?"

She stopped, looking at it inquisitively. "Now that you point It out...."

"And the positions of the towers themselves..."

She turned to look at the layout of the castle. "...coincidence?" She tilt her head.

Now that I got a better look, the Towers and the walls formed a large pentagram with each tower having a ’pentagram’ within itself. "This has the makings of a very large scale ritual."

"Master?" Raikou tilt her head.

"We should probably hurry." Maybe if I was alone, I’d be more interested, but I had others to care for at the moment. Even if the force we could bring to bear was ridiculous, I would rather not let my curiosity put Rin and Kairi, at the very least, in danger.

"THERE’S MORE OVER HERE." We turned to see a dozen or so knights come running at us very quickly. These lot were much closer to what would be considered ’elite’ troops. Using the terms of this world, they would all probably be high in the Mid-Class range.

I sighed, flinging several Talismans towards them. "Bind." I called out as they morphed into ethereal chains and wrapped around the knights. These ones were not very powerful. "Admittedly, I’m much better at killing my foes, so let’s hurry I don’t want to waste resources needlessly." And I knew Artoria would not like me killing these knights for fulfilling any perceived oaths towards the ’leader’ here.

Finding the stairs wasn’t difficult and they led into the greater keep. The Castles décor changed quickly, representing the wealth and prestige of the clan as paintings and statues began to adorn the plan.

We continued to meet resistance on the way down, various combatants left in our wake, either beaten into submission or otherwise bound and unable to continue fighting. Rin did well, her time in Skyrim had apparently given her a fair bit of combat experience as she navigated the whole fight without much trouble.

Raikou, as ever, was graceful and domineering in her actions as she routed every foe that came her way. Enough that they began to back away from her as she gave that signature ’disgusted’ look towards them.

I lifted up one magician by the collar. "Where’s the dungeon." I held him close to my face.

Seemed like the obvious place to check first and this being a castle, there was no doubt in my mind that there was a dungeon.

"I-I don’t know" He sputtered out.

"That’s unfortunate, because my companion will be asking you next." I gestured towards Raikou who flicked some blood from her blade and scowled towards him.

Raikou could honestly pull off the ’scary’ look well. Perhaps it was a hold over from when she still had her ’madness’.


It was kinda sexy.

"....please keep her away from me." He squeaked out. "Pull the torch over there –" He hesitantly pointed towards one of many torches lighting up the room. "It opens a secret passage."

"How cliché." I flicked his forehead, watching as his eyes rolled back.

"Seriously? Torch and secret passage?" Rin said dryly.

"Right!?" I snorted. "Anyway, here goes nothing... I reached out with some telekinesis and yanked at it. Nearby, the stones groaned and hissed as a wall opened up to reveal some more downward stairs.

Okay, it was pretty neat.

I should add some secret passages to my own home.

I took out the Staff of Magnus, casting a large Candlelight spell, lighting up the descending corridor. Immediately, I could see dozens of traps lining the walls.

"Okay, so not as stupid as I first assumed." Rin muttered. "Not a bad trap, alteast for a first layer of defense." She acknowledged.

"Raikou." I turned towards my Servant; hand outstretched as it crackled with lightning. "Mind lending me a hand?" I smiled.

"Always." She reached out, her own lighting intertwined with mine as we aimed it down the hall and discharged.

Our Divine Lightning scattered in all directions down the empty steps. Striking every stone, hissing and jumping along the walls as it shattered and destroyed all the encased magics that filled the area.

"That should do it." I hummed, admiring our handy work.

"Let us make haste then." Raikou nodded as Rin and I followed her silently. The immediate area had been cleared, and I continued to carry a candlelight with us as we descended further and further into the depths of this place.

Though, the further we went down, the more I had an uneasy feeling.

"This feels eerie." Rin whispered.

"Master, I too feel a strangeness. It reminds me of the spot where we first ascertained the trail of Assassin." She spoke. And her comment certainly did not make me feel better.

"Go." I said, meeting her eyes.

She didn’t’ hesitate to accelerate, bursting forward, weaved in her Mana Burst. She went towards the end of the hallway that met the stairs we came off of, and didn’t even bother to be subtle as she burst right through the door. Rin and I followed right behind her and we all paled at the sight.

There were cages filled with....people. And not all of them were adults.

The stench of blood filled the room, I could even make out stains of it that had layered the walls. There was equipment thrown about, tool whose only purpose was to bring about pain.

This wasn’t a mere dungeon; it was a torture chamber.

There was a single man looking at us curiously. The only person that wasn’t chained up or in a cage.

"I knew someone would come here." He smiled lightly. There was something....off about him. He was gaunt, and almost looking hollow. He had black hair down to his shoulder, but his cheeks looked withered, and the robes he wore looked rather loose. I felt like he would fall over at a mere light breeze. Yet, he also had a certain aura about him that allowed others to recognize him as someone of strength. "I felt the barriers go down, so it was only a matter of time." He laughed.

"Schweinorg." Rin whispered. "This is giving me flashbacks to something I really don’t like remembering."

That certainly sounded like something I should ask about later.

"Children." Raikou muttered, looking around. "You have children in here!" She seethed, staring at the man with clear hatred.

"Yes, Uther does so like to make examples. Parents disobey him? Go for their children. His subjects fail a mission? Down into the dungeon they go." He shook his head.

"You monster!" Raikou shouted, lunging after him, sword in hand.

A sword slid out of the man’s sleeve, and he managed to block the blow with a strained effort. He hissed in pain as Raikou pushed down on him, his sword slowly being forced back as he tried his best to hold on.

"Raikou." I spoke, grabbing her arm, much to her surprise.

"Master!?" She blurted out, looking at me in confusion.

I didn’t explain, but I slowly reached towards the bewildered man, he didn’t move as I grabbed his wrist, holding it up. He didn’t react as I slid his sleeve down, revealing his arm.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I ignored the attempt of Heaven’s system to slap me with a sharp pain. My new defenses seemed to be able to mitigate it so I paid it no heed for now.

All down his arm were scars inlaid with curses ontop of magical bindings.

Raikou’s eyes widened as she noticed the malevolent energy that pulsed off them. I didn’t blame her, I thought the feeling was generated by him, not something that was acting like a noose.

I reached forward and tore a piece of his rob off that covered his chest. There too they wrapped around him, like thorns. Curses ravaging his body and so many spells that ate away at him that I couldn’t even believe he was alive, much less standing.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

He gave a wry smile. "I go by Agravain."

"Why...." Raikou whispered.

"As I said, Uther likes to make examples of those who go against him."


Atalanta POV

"Hello, I believe this is our first time having a proper greeting." The blue woman stated with a bubbly smile on her face. "I’m Jinn."

"Hello, Jinn." I returned the kind smile. "I’m Archer, also known as Atalanta.

We had been introduced previously, but it was a quick name and reference, nothing else.

"Yo, I’m Rider – also Achilles." Achilles introduced himself with a lazy wave.

She seemed like a nice girl. I could not sense any falsehood in the way she presented herself. "Do you have any proposal on how we should engage?" I asked her.

The splitting of our ’teams’ was no secret. Jinn was to provide us with her ample knowledge in Magecraft while Achilles and I would ensure her protection. The King of Knights had enough sense to balance out all sides with enough power and magic ability at each end. Minus her own, but she had her own plans there and I did not care to question it.

This was a favor, and a job I was requested to do. Wilhelm had show us kindness and we wished to reciprocate. The payment was merely an additional boon and I would have done so without any offered reward.

"Well, you two probably have enough experience in fights that I don’t need to try to command you or anything." She shook her head. "I’ll leave that to you and handle the magic stuff."

"Sounds like a plan." Achilles grinned. "Just point me to any of the strong guys and I’ll handle them."

It was interesting how easy it was to like this girl after meeting her only for a few moments. She just had that kind of personality that allowed one to feel at ease. I did wonder how Wilhelm was able to attract such a wide array of women into his ’harem’.

The Servant we had met before, which had turned into a surprisingly pleasant women after speaking with her recently. The King of Knights who turned out to be a woman. She was a respectable figure and was someone I could see myself befriending. The Queen of the Land of Shadows, another warrior who I could not help but respect. The Youkai woman – the Nine Tailed Fox who ruled over the realm in which we wandered around. She held herself well and was someone not to be ignored. And lastly, the thing that he called ’Meridia’.

It reminded me too much of Lady Artemis, yet had a distinctly different feeling. I held my reservations towards that – Goddess, but I made no comment on it.

A group of women, all from different backgrounds, yet all willing to share the same man.

It was a strange thing.

"Oooh." Jinn perked up, taking out the device she made. "It’s time, lets get started!"

"Finally." Achilles flicked up his spear that he had been idly dragging around.

"Here we go." Jinn held the device up as something activated. We watched as the barriers fell down and the people upon the walls began scrambling every which way.

There was a silent agreement as we all shot forward, my eyes keeping track of Jinn to make sure she kept up. And I was a little surprised at the pace she kept with us as she flew behind.

I converted my Magical Energy into arrows and shot them towards the enemies upon the walls. Taking heed of the words from the King of Knights, I struck their hands, piercing through and removing them from the battle.

Several more of my arrows penetrated the stone walls of the fortress, giving me a means to traverse the side of the structure.

"Beatcha, sis." Achilles laughed as he was already upon the wall, a pile of bodies next to him.

"Not all of us are the ’fastest hero’" I rolled my eyes, though his playfulness did tug at my humorous side a bit.

"Oh, those look like teleportation circles." Jinn pointed out. "Yup, definitely teleportation circles." She nodded to herself as the magical phenomenon became clear on the ground below.

Hundreds of magicians appeared with a burst of Magical Energy.

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"What a foolish spot to teleport to. They merely present themselves as targets." I readied my bow and unleased a barrage of arrows below before they noticed us.

Though before my arrows could make distance, they were intercepted by another barrage that happened opposite us.

I looked up to see a man standing on a roof with a strange harp-like bow in his hands. "I’m afraid I’ll have to step in." He spoke up. "Intruders, surrender and I will speak on your behalf for clemency."

I raised an eyebrow and look towards Achilles.

"Eh, you can have the bow user." He shrugged.

I wouldn’t deny that my competitive side did not act up. This man appeared stronger than the ones I had taken out in the last few moments.

I raised my bow, eyes locking with him as I believe we both knew what was about to happen. I almost growled in annoyance as I was forced to jump to the side, a wave of fire filling the spot I was just in, turning a part of the stone to slag.

"Wench! Lay down thy bow and submit to Uther. Your punishment shall be less merciful if you persist!" A larger man roared as he lept across rooftops before landing upon the walls near us. Clad in the armor of these knights, though his sword seemed a bit spectacular in comparison.

"Hooh, what a big one then." Achilles was already walking towards him.

"Hmph, my size is built upon experience and skill. A small brat like you wouldn’t understand." He seemed to take Achilles words as an insult, though I did not believe it was in the way he meant.

"Well, big or small." Achilles twirled his spear. "A fish is just a fish." He grinned.

"Insolent cur!" He roared once more. "You stand before Gawain, Knight of the Sun!" He swung his flame-coated sword at Achilles once more only for Achilles to side steps.

"Gawain, huh?" Achilles chuckled. "Nice to meetcha, I’m Achilles." And with a burst of speed, he planted his fist into the knight’s chest, distorting the shape of his armor.

I couldn’t watch any longer as I turned back towards the archer. "That idiot, Gawain. A muscle head through and through." The archer threw back his long hair. "It doesn’t matter, we have many magicians here and – "

"Gravity!" Jinn shouted as a weight descended upon the world, impacting the mages below. Most of them were forced onto the ground, sprawled about and unable to get up.

"Ice Maelstrom!" She held her hands up once more and a cascade of cold air fell down as well, freezing the surroundings that had just been hit by her previous spell.

Well then. She was quite capable in the Magical aspect.

There were a few dozen that were able to escape her attacks, perhaps the more experienced and powerful of the lot, but Jinn did not appear to need our help as she looked at them with confidence.

I turned back to the archer. "You were saying?"

"....." He looked at the mages then back to me and took a deep breath. He ran his fingers along the strange harp-like bow, plucking its strings. A soft melody echoed out and dozens of arrows made of light appeared in the air and fired off towards me.

I pulled back the string of my own bow and met each arrow with ease. He looked surprised at the speed and precision at which I countered him.

"So you got some skill." He snorted, plucking on the strings more vigorously. The Arrows that formed numbers in the hundreds. "I was given the name of Tristan, and with Failnaught in my hands, no archer can match me." He declared.

And I took that personally.


Scáthach POV

"Come on you bastards! Is that the best you got!?" The Son of Artoria swung around her blade blowing away the knights of this place by the handful.

Her master stood nearby, opting to smoke a cigarette, looking completely unconcerned with the fight. He glanced at me, glowing out puff of smoke. "Honestly, it’s probably best to let her have this."

"Hmm, I cannot fault her actions. This is something personal for her just as it is for Artoria." I nodded.

It was not my place to meddle with such intense feelings. I was here to support my.....harem sister, I believe was the correct term.

A strange term even as I thought about it. Never had I thought it would be one I placed on myself, yet here I am.

I glanced to the side where many more knights and mages began flocking to the ruckus we were stirring up. "Would you – " I gestured to them.

"Oh, no thanks. By all means." Saber’s Master stepped back. Yes, he was a Magus, he did not fight unless he had to.

I smiled lightly as I took a few steps towards them, my favored spear appearing in my hand.

"Ice Dragon!" One of the mages created several spell circles, actualizing and condensing Ice into the form of a large creature that resembling a dragon before sending it at me.

"Passable, I suppose." I yawned, stabbing it several times in quick succession. My Magical energy blew through the magical construct, shattering the threads that held it together. "For an amateur." I snorted. "Absolutely no substance, no weight behind you spell"



"Lightning Storm!"

Several more mages cast their spells in quick succession. One thing I could admire in this system of magic was how it was easier to cast certain spells with practice and patience. If one worked hard, regardless of talent, they could rise to a certain standard.

I slowly raised my hand and waived my palm through the air, creating a line of Runes.

Three spells interwoven into my movement. The fire attack had been met with a waterfall. The Burst of blade-like winds had be snuffed out with a spear of earth slamming up into it. Lastly, the lightning just splashed helplessly upon a shield I conjured.

My man’s lightning was of a much higher degree even before he gained his Divinity. I did not even feel the need to shield myself, but I would shamed if I allowed it to land a blow upon my body, regardless of the lack of true damage.

"I am disappointed. How little training have you undergone? Think about why you have been so easily defeated once you reawaken." I allowed them a moment to digest my words before moving towards them at a higher speed. A few jabs was enough to send their unconscious bodies to the ground.

"And you require more physical training. Studying Magic is no excuse for such poor conditions." I sighed, walking back.

I truly despised the waste of talent.

While I would enjoy a blood-boiling fight, I was in no rush to seek out such an opponent. This matter was with an objective in mind, not to satiate my own bloodlust.

"My Fair lady." A soft voice reached my ears as I turned around to meet the origin. I was not surprised by his arrival, he didn’t mask his presence, but I expected him to attack me not begin a conversation. "Why is such a beautiful flower staining herself with the blood of my family? Might I ask for you to lay down your weapon, then perhaps we can speak of more intimate matters in private?" He gave a rather enchanting smile.

The man was....handsome. I could guess that his smile was able to win the hearts of many women. However, the method of which he tried to flirt with me, it was laughable. I almost wanted to reply, banter with his flirtations and make a fool of him..... but I felt repulsion at the idea of even acknowledging his attempts in jest.

"This Scáthach is already claimed." I turned up my nose. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

"Did you say Scath –"

"Who’s this fop?" Mordred cut in, dragging the body of a knight and tossing it to the side as they whined in pain.

"I do not know. He immediately tried flirting with me and did not give a name." I scoffed.

"He gives off a slimly feeling."

"I feel a similar repulsion." I agreed wholeheartedly.

The man looked like he was getting annoyed at being ignored. "Dreadful manners, interrupting someone like so." He huffed.

"Interrupting you is what gets you upset? Not breaking your men?" Mordred asked.

"Peasants and ruffians who are of the lowest class." He turned up his nose. "Their well being is of no concern to someone like me."

I could not see Mordred’s face under her armor, but I believe she was all but murderous. Despite everything, she felt very strongly about these people who used their name. Enemies they were, but to see him toss aside his own allies....

"What a fucking joke. Atleast those ’peasants’ faced off against me and didn’t try chasing a skirt in the middle of a battle. Letting your men get beaten just because they’re lower status? What a piece of a shit."

The man scoffed. "What a foul mouth. Are you the one that keeps this flower away?" He looked at me once more coming to the wrong conclusions. "An uncouth brute is unworthy of such beauty. I shall remedy this situation immediately." He drew the sword that was sitting on his back. "You shall have the honor of facing Lancelot, strongest knight of Lord Uther."

Mordred went still. I recognized the name and I only had some knowledge of its significance for the lass.

"Lancelot....." Mordred muttered as red lightning began to envelop her. The helmet on her head began to shift as its part slid down to reveal her face. "Aint that some shit." A vicious grin appeared. "Well, Lancelot." She brought her blade up, leveled with him. "My name is Mordred Pendragon. And I’m going to enjoy this far more than I should."


Omake – You have a certain Type.

Wilhelm POV

"What are you insinuating?" I looked at Artoria.

"I am insinuating nothing. I am merely pointing out the fact. It is nothing to be ashamed of, Wilhelm." Artoria replied. "From what I have come to understand, many people have a ’type’. Yours just happens to coincide with...mature women."

"I don’t have a type." I denied. "It’s just a coincidence. Besides, are you calling you calling yourself a ’mature woman’?" I smirked towards her.

"My aging may have stopped at this physical state, but make no doubt, Wilhelm. I am many years older than you even if we do not take into account the year I was born until now." She retorted.

"I should seduce Rin, just to prove you wrong."

"Please don’t attempt to seduce Rin. As amusing as it would be to see you fail, it would just cause problems."

"Yeah, I don’t want to ruin –" I paused. "What do you mean, ’fail’?" I quirked an eyebrow. "I could seduce her if I wanted to."

"Oh, Wilhelm." Artoria chuckled, reaching over and gently patting my cheek. "Is this the ’selective blindless’ I’ve heard about in men?"

"What’s that supposed to mean!?"

"It means.....have you not seen Rin more interested in the women you bring home as opposed to you?"


Artoria shook her head. "It doesn’t matter, we have arrived."

"This conversation isn’t over." I grumbled. "I don’t have a ’type’. I simply happened upon some wonderful women who happened to be more....mature." I let out a breath, as we walked up to the front door. "So just.....knock and introduce ourselves?"

"I believe that is the best course of action." Artoria nodded.

Though....we didn’t really need to knock as we just walked straight through he bounded fields.

Before I could even touch the door, it swung open revealing the occupants inside.

"Saber!?" Several voices blurted out, then turned to a young woman who looked exactly like Artoria behind them.

"W-what!?" The ’Saber’ they referred to blurt out in confusion.

"May we come in?" I asked.


"Well this is awkward." I said idly as we had been staring at each other for like ten minutes now.

"Who are you?" I recognized the voice and face of the one who spoke up. The mirror image of a younger Rin Tohsaka.

"Well, I should introduce myself I guess." I cleared my throat. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg. Grandson of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, Wizard Marshall of the Mages Association."

"Z-Zelretch!?" Rin exclaimed.

"Um.....who’s Zelretch?" The young man that sat between Rin and the alternative version of Artoria questioned with a confused look on his face.

"Shirou, you idiot! He’s one of the only Magicians in existence! We went over this last week!" She smacked his shoulder.

Shirou Emiya, one of the differences in my main World-line. He doesn’t exist there, however, I do know quite a bit about him.

"Eh, not that big of a deal." I said evenly. "And I guess I don’t have to introduce my companion....considering."

"It is polite to do so anyways." Artoria spoke up. "I am Artoria Pendragon, it’s a pleasure to meet you all."

"You are me." The Artoria opposite of us spoke up. "How is this possible?"

"Okay for convenience sake, how about – " Put my hand on Artoria’s head. "My Artoria is just – Artoria, yours is Saber?" I offered.

"Makes it easier." Rin grumbled. "But I’m with Saber, how? There shouldn’t be another Grail to summon a servant!"

"Grandson of Zelretch. Do you think I wouldn’t know the same Magic? I don’t come from this World-Line, neither does my Artoria."

"It’s true." She confirmed. "I had my own Grail War, similar to your own. Though, the noticeable exception would be the young man infront of me. Would you perhaps introduce yourself?" Artoria asked.

"Oh." He perked up. "Um....Shirou Emiya.....guess it’s nice to meet you again?" He gave a good natured smile.

Artoria smiled towards him. "Yes, likewise."

"And...Saber meet Artoria?" I grinned.

Artoria turned to me with a little swat at my shoulder. "Apologies, he thinks he is humorous at times."

"So....are you two like...together?" Rin asked. "Oh, and I’m Rin Tohsaka, by the way."

"Yes." Artoria didn’t deny it. "And we are aware of who you are. Our Rin is a part of our lives, she is even my master."

"Oh?" Rin turned to Shirou. "Atleast I didn’t get my Servant stolen in a different timeline."

"Hey, I said I’m sorry!" Shirou instantly apologized.

"Excuse me." Saber interrupted. "Did you say you both are....together?"

"I did." Artoria confirmed again. "Wilhelm and I have been dating for awhile now." She reached out of her own volition, taking my hand.

"Oh." Saber blinked. "you too...." She said quietly.

"Wait are you and...." I gestured towards Shirou.

"Y-yes." Saber was a bit more.... unfamiliar with those kinds of feelings as she immediately went red.

"Huh." Well, good for her. Even if she isn’t my Artoria, I’m glad she’s happy. "Hey kid." I turned to Shirou. "Want some advice on how to ’handle’ her?" I wiggled my eyebrow.

Both Artorias made the same noise of embarrassment.


"Uh, sure?" Shirou accepted, probably not understanding what I was implying.

"Shirou!" Saber made an almost exact reaction that my Artoria did.

"Oh my god, this is great." Rin just had the biggest smile on her face. "You know, you both have almost the same hair color too. Weird coincidence."

I blinked at that, looking at Shirou’s hair, then pulling a strand of mine down to compare. "Huh." I turned to Artoria. "What a strange coincidence."

Artoria narrowed her eyes. "Are you insinuating something?"

"Oh no, I’m merely.....pointing out the fact...." The corners of my lips curled up. "A young man with bright red hair..."

"That is a happenstance and nothing more."

"Hmm." I turned back to shirou. "Hey, Shirou. You wouldn’t happen to have a fascination with swords, would you?" I already knew the answer to that question.

"Uh, yeah? I like swords, what about it?"

I turned back to Artoria.

"T-that proves nothing." She stuttered. "It’s not the same, he just – "

"He has an endless field of swords in his soul." I interjected, much to the surprised exclamations to the hosts.

"....." Artoria could muster an argument.

"My, I think someone has a Type." I said with as smug a tone as I could muster.


Author’s Note.

Okay, i made a little mistake last chapter. It’s two chapters that covers the majority of this little plot. Last week when I wrote it, I had to split it into two parts cause it was too long but I didn’t want to drag it out over like 6 chapters. Next one is 8k words and then a cleanup chapter. Added a little Omake as an apology for my mistake.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

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