A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 245 - 232

Chapter 245: Chapter 232

Based on everything that happened, there was no huge celebration or excitement once we finally got home. Rather, once we arrived at Yasaka’s place where we agreed to meet back up at. But at this point, I felt like it could be called an extension of our ’home’ considering everything.

I was a little worried about Artoria. While no one could dispute that she was morally in the right with her actions, in what we all did, it had led to several people dying. Of which, there were quite a few that had been completely innocent of what been going on in that place.

"You’re back." Yasaka greeted us immediately, ushering away her guards that were nearby, presumably so we would have some privacy. "I’m assuming that everything went well since I see no one harmed?" She eyed all of us as we walked through the portal.

"Indeed. We succeeded in what we had set out to do." Artoria gave a curt reply without revealing much of the emotions on her face.

"And you have more people than what you left with." Yasaka mused, eyes scanning the two new people we returned with.

Arthur looked a little.... embarrassed as Le Fay and Elaine both sort of clung on to him from behind. "My Sister and my.....lover, Lady Yasaka." Arthur bowed respectfully.

"Hmm." Yasaka tapped her chin, humming as she set her gaze on them for several moments. "If they want to stay, we’ll have to see about accommodations, I suppose."

"I wanna stay with big brother...." Le Fay said quietly.

"I would also like to stay with Arthur, if it is not too much trouble, Lady Yasaka." Elain said with a more polite tone as she stepped out from behind Arthur and politely bowed her head. Well, serving the Pendragon Family had probably instilled those mannerisms instinctually at this point.

"Very well." Yasaka said, almost dismissively. "Arthur, go take them to see Soma, have him arrange something temporary until we find more suitable – permanent accommodations."

"Thank you, Lady Yasaka." Arthur dipped his head once more before turning towards Artoria. "Your Majesty." He said quietly as well, lowering his head respectfully towards her as well before leading the others out.

Yasaka looked...confused before realization dawned on her. She had a complicated look on her face, almost mirrored by Le Fay and Elaine, the both of them probably still didn’t understand the situation fully Arthur was in.

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"Oh, and Arthur." Yasaka spoke up right as he was about to exit, causing him to stop and turn towards her. "I will be speaking with you three at a later time. Be prepared."

He opened his mouth then closed it again, nodded his head before leaving.

I guess they were going to find out what Arthur had been up to one way or another. I think that was Yasaka taking pity on him and letting him have a chance to explain himself on his own. Well, things would probably be worse if he waited until Yasaka bulldozed over everyone’s feelings and relayed the information.

"Thanks for doing this." I spoke up, grabbing her attention. I took a few steps forward, and took her hand into mine with a practiced ease as I brought it up to give it a kiss. "I know you’re still not happy about Arthur....."

She gave a warm smile. "That’s true, but I don’t mind lending a hand to those other girls." She let out a sigh. "So, I assume there was more to the story based on everyone’s reactions? I expected laughter and high spirits not.....this somber atmosphere."

"I believe I would find a drink tempting at the moment." Artoria sighed with a frown.

"Couldn’t agree more." Achilles snorted. "You need me for anything, this doesn’t really seem like something for me to stick around for."

And Achilles could read a room, color me surprised.

"No. Thank you for your help, it was greatly appreciated." Artoria shook her head.

"Anytime." He waived her off. "Going to find a nice tavern or whatever they got here now that I got some money to my name."

Atalanta sighed. "He could have handled that better, but I’ll follow along and make sure he doesn’t get into trouble." She gave a polite nod towards everyone as she quickly followed after the Rider Servant.

Scáthach stretched her arms, letting out a thoughtful hum. "I wonder if those people were let off too easily."

"It is a question I have been asking myself." Artoria let out another uncharacteristic sigh. "It is simply impossible to sift through every person there and figure out who was complicit in Uther’s madness."

"What happened?" Yasaka asked. "I don’t recall hearing anything too absurd from that part of the world or the Pendragon family. Though, they are known for being a bit reclusive."

"Some shit I really didn’t wanna see." Rin muttered. "Uther thought torturing children was a viable political tool."

Yasaka blinked at that, a scowl quickly forming on her face. "Did he kidnap – "

"His own fucking family." Mordred snorted. "Used them and threw them away whenever it suited him. And his top ’knights’ weren’t that much better. I was scared to ask how many of the women there couldn’t say ’no’ when that fake Lancelot came strutting around. Fucking slimy bastard."

"Oh no." Yasaka looked horrified. "Tell me they were taken care of?"

"I left them in the hands of Agravain." Artoria clarified. "After subverting the hierarchy of the family, I placed him in charge. He is someone I believe is trustworthy, and he was someone who was willing to suffer to protect his own family. I fully believe he will fix things properly and not let those who sinned escape. Not to mention I confiscated many of their....weapons so they will not be getting any ideas in the mean time." Artoria looked a bit pensive even with the proclamation. "However....there was much damage done.

"Apparently, Uther had a large-scale ritual set up that drained the vitality, the life force of his family members to weave into the casting. He collected several items that conceptually aligned with a certain creature that allowed for its resurrection based on its own myths." I explained. "Basically, a big fuck-off flaming serpent that was barely under a traditional dragon in its existence."

"I noticed the fixtures of it myself, but I did not have time to investigate. After the Golden Dawn Magicians started teleporting in, I thought it was a lesser priority since it didn’t appear active." Jinn added.

"And you did wonderfully." I sneaked up on her, arms wrapping her up form behind. She brightened up quite a bit at that. And honestly, I think she thrived on compliments and acknowledgement. I suppose it wasn’t strange considering how she ’lived’ before.

"There is no blame to be had. I do not think any of us would have expected that man to so willingly perform such heinous deeds." Artoria stated, as if making sure Jinn knew she didn’t blame the blue genie.

"Things going awry is pretty damn common." Kairi crossed his arms. "Don’t think I’ve ever been on a job that hadn’t had a few surprises and turned everything pear shaped. All in all, things could have been much worse. Especially if we never interfered in the first place."

"Mmm, and we were able to mitigate some of the worst parts." Scáthach also spoke up, adding onto Kairi’s statement. "The location we had found the two girls at was where many of the non-combatant were hiding amidst our assault. I believe the vast majority of them would have been killed under the actualization of the ritual had we not been there to protect them."

That’s a good point. I doubted they would teach all the ’help’ or lessers of the family the ways of magic or Touki or what have you. They would have most certainly been drained by the ritual and probably killed.

"Yeah, and the ones in the dungeon were saved because of us." Rin nudged Artoria. "If we didn’t do this, then they would have died."

Raikou was silent, nodding along as Rin spoke. It was obvious she agreed wholeheartedly. She was very upset at what happened, which was completely understandable. Not to mention she’s very protective of children.

"We did good....Father." Mordred said. "We had to do something when they were going around calling themselves ’Pendragon’. They should get their shit together now and not be such an embarrassment."

"Yes, I suppose we did, Mordred." Artoria gave a warm smile. "I am merely feeling....regretful due to the ties we shared with them." Her smile slowly turned back to something neutral as she appeared to have another thought. "And there is the matter of me acting less than covert in my actions."

"Please, like anything can top what Schweinorg did." Rin snorted.

"I deny nothing." I grinned.

"What happened?" Yasaka tilted her head. "I have yet to hear any noise.....granted I don’t keep up with much of the happenings on that side of the world."

"I....released my Noble Phantasm on the creature that was summoned. And I made no effort to conceal it so everyone there is aware of who I am now." Artoria said truthfully.

"Oh." Yasaka blinked.

"Is this bad?" Raikou asked. "I admit to not knowing much about this world...."

"Maybe?" Yasaka replied, as if questioning it herself.

"Well, from that Devil-net thing I had been looking at, it appears my name is on peoples lips. I do not see what other problems could arise." Scáthach stated.

Hmm, she had been up and about doing things for Yasaka. I can’t fault her for using her true name, nor would I ask her not to.

"And that’s still mostly in the realm of rumor." I pointed out. "And it’s not like most.....interested parties would come trudging into another pantheon’s domain just to verify."

"Yes, and I believe you are the center of most attention right now." She laughed. "I believe I have been regulated to ’unimportant’ in the rumors that have been springing up."

"ugh, don’t remind me." I sighed.

"Just kick the ass of anyone who tries anything." Mordred crossed her arms. "I don’t see what the big deal is. Can’t we just tell them to fuck off?"

"It’s not that simple Mordred." Kairi sighed himself. "You got literal Angels and Devils running around here."

"Yes." Yasaka pursed her lips. "And from what I’ve gleamed thus far, the Arthur from our world was far more.....involved in Heaven’s affairs. I remember some stories about him leading the charge with Angels at his side against the forces of Hell."

"That’s so fucking cool." Mordred practically had stars in her eyes.

Artoria even looked amused by her reactions. "Do you think that they will come seek me out and by extension, you?" she tilted her head. "If what you say is true then my relationship with Wilhelm may be a point of contention in their eyes." She furrowed her brow.

"God it’s weird to think that he’s a literal devil." Mordred said blindly.

"Half-Devil." I corrected.

"Same shit."

"Also a dragon....and part God....or something."

"And I believe all three of those are hated by the Church." Yasaka laughed.

"...huh." It was all I could say.

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Yeah, Big G seemed to despise Dragons.

[Fuck him.] Ddraig added.


And they consider all other deities to be complete blasphemy....and I’m a devil ontop of all of that.

The unholy fucking trifecta.

"I think one of the big issues would be the fact that the Excalibur here was destroyed." Jinn interjected, earning a look of horror from Mordred and one of surprise from us. She looked back with confusion. "What? Just because I’ve been researching other stuff in Skyrim doesn’t mean I don’t keep track of this place too. " She huffed.

"I’m sorry for doubting you." I held my hands up in surrender. "But you also raise a good point. The Excalibur – "

"Yeah, hold the fuck up." Mordred interrupted. "Explain, now."

Artoria let out a sigh. "It’s not worth getting worked up over. It appears that Excalibur in this world had been destroyed and was later reforged into 7 more blades baring its namesake. Arthur possessed one known as ’Excalibur Ruler’ which could force those to bend their will to the wielder."

"That’s...." Mordred seemed at a loss for words. "What the hell!? Ignoring the fucking sword getting broken, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to add mind control to your sword!? What kind of King needs to force others to listen!?" Mordred threw up her hands in anger. "Going to go kick that brats ass after hearing that shit."

"Mordred, calm yourself." Artoria said evenly. "The nature of this world’s Excalibur is different. Just treat it as another sword altogether."

"Fuck, I’ll try." Mordred scowled. "What happened to that trashy knockoff of his?"

"I broke it and scattered its soul to the wind." Artoria replied.

"Good." She nodded. "If I see those others fakes, I’ll do that too."

"Actually, you may have a chance to do that." Yasaka sounded a bit annoyed as if she just recalled something. "Awhile ago, I believe before I met Wilhelm." She flashed me a smile. "The Church was running around because several of their Excalibur swords were stolen."

"Oh." I blinked. "I actually remember that too." I stopped at a bar when I got here, wanted to get up to date on some news.


That fucking Golden Store, how could I forget about them!?


"Good job, Schweinorg." Rin deadpanned.

"Oh fuck off, that was after I just got back from the Land of Shadows. I wasn’t exactly in a good – " I cut myself off remembering Scáthach was right here. "It slipped my mind." I finished.

"From what I understand, the supposed thiefs came all the way to Japan. Though, we have yet to be presented with any conclusive evidence to support that. As such we denied the Church access to do a more thorough sweep of our territory." Yasaka continued.

"I’m sure they must have been thrilled at that." Kairi snorted. "I think the Church hates their authority being checked more than anything ’blasphemous’ that they shout about."

Yasaka’s lips curled up. "You won’t hear me say anything to the contrary. But, yes, Excalibur pieces are currently missing and it’s believed to be the Grigori behind the thefts. The fact that nothing has happened between those two factions leads me to believe that is not the case. Otherwise, I don’t keep too close an eye on the Western factions when it does not concern me."

"I see...." Artoria muttered. "It appears I have brought more problems to your home, Yasaka."

"Oh, none of that." Yasaka playfully dismissed her concerns. "If I can handle Will getting in to fist fight with one of Japan’s patron deities, I can assure you that this is no issue for me. We are in no way subservient to Heaven or the Church, if they want to try something....." Yasaka developed a vicious grin.

"Well said." Scáthach laughed. "I dare them to come cause trouble. They will meet my spear."

"I feel attacked." I pointed out. "But I also agree. At the end of the day, fuck’em."

"Damn straight." Mordred grinned. "He actually says something good for once, Father."

"No one’s touching my sister." Jinn floated over, wrapping up Artoria with a big smile.

"I have no care for them. I will draw my sword if need be." Raikou added.

"Oh God, I’m going to Hell." Rin deadpanned.

"Oh Rin." I pat her shoulder. "It’s actually a pretty popular tourist destination for the supernatural world."

"....you’re fucking with me."

"He’s not." Yasaka giggled. "Kunou’s been trying to get me to take her to Lucifer Land for months now."

Rin opened her mouth then closed it several times. "I need a drink."

"Seconded." Kairi muttered. "Want to forget this conversation ever happened.

"Woo, drinks all around!" Jinn cheered.

"You, missy, are going to go slow this time." I pinched her cheek. "You got drunk way too fast last time." But drunk Jinn is also best Jinn.... hmm.

"Oh, phooey~"

"I wouldn’t mind indulging." Raikou said gracefully.

"Should I remind you all that it’s barely noon?" Yasaka voiced.

We all just paused there. "Food?" I offered.

"Shit, I could eat." Mordred agreed.

"I do enjoy the variety of food in this era." Scáthach looked interested.

"Yeah, I’m kinda hungry." Rin nodded.

"I could eat." Artoria smiled warmly, looking around at everyone.

"I’m sure you could." I snorted, wrapping her up.

"W-what are you insinuating!?" Artoria stuttered.

"Nothing at all." Rin said dryly. "Hang on, let me go make sure I have enough money to cover the costs. I only had a few hundred thousand Yen on me last time I check."

"Rin!?" Artoria turned red.


Valper Galilei POV

"Speak, what was so urgent that it couldn’t wait? I was in the middle of my experiment, if it is not important...." I narrowed my eyes. "You will be among the next test subjects."

"S-sir it’s about the stolen Excalibur Swords we were watching over..." The former Exorcist, whose name I didn’t care to remember spoke up.

"Well, spit it out." I tapped my foot expectantly.

"T-the Excalibur Swords, something happened!"

I turned to look at the second man who stood nearby. He pushed his glasses up and looked a fair bit calmer. "Yes, at approximately 10:19 AM, all the Excalibur Swords seemed to....resonate with another source."

"Resonate?" I furrowed my brow. "Explain."

"I’m afraid we don’t know anything specific quite yet. But the swords we had seemed to start glowing and reacted to something. We’re currently trying to search for the source." He gestured towards the swords that were still held in their spots. "They were shaking violently and some of their abilities were.... manifesting without a user."

"Y-yes." The more foolish one hurriedly ran over to the table. "Excalibur Transparency started to well....become transparent randomly. And Excalibur Nightmare...it began to create illusions every so often before they dispersed."

Hmm....Kokabiel should be moving to steal the remainder any time now. I should ask him if he’s heard anything similar with the other swords.

"Interesting.....very very interesting."


Interlude next chapter.

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