A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 358 - 324

Chapter 358: Chapter 324

Artoria Pendragon POV

His sleeping face was cute.

My boyfriend, the man I had come to love.

Such a simple word, yet it brought such emotions to my chest. I did not expect it to come out from him so suddenly, but.....I was very happy to hear it said.

However, this happiness was tainted. I could tell that something was not right, beyond the rather obvious cues. He asked me to refill the Magical Energy inside Avalon, and I could see him wince in pain every so often.

Someone had harmed him. Someone or something was strong enough to leave him in this state, and that was not an easy feat.

Beyond the obvious, there were other cues that I found unsettling. The way he looked upon me when he first walked into the house. I do not know why, but I felt a pain in my heart. The closest approximation I could claim would be the time when I saw him after he returned from the Land of Shadows.

I did not know what to say or how to comfort him. I was not good at using words to ease any unwell feelings he was experiencing.

He simply said that he wished for my presence, so I very well could not deny that request even if I had the inkling to. It was pleasant, it had been a fair while since we shared a bed. And the warmth of another body while I slept was one I considered a joy. I did not begrudge him for the absence of such a pleasure, I was aware that we both had responsibilities.

It brought a smile to my face knowing that if I requested such a thing, he would be nude, laying upon the bed before I could finish the words.

The silly man that he is.

Perhaps that is why I found the current situation all the more....concerning.

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My bosom was fully exposed, my body was at his mercy, yet his hands did not wander. He did not delve into his usual actions as his touch was noticed to be lacking in that regard. None of us were unaware about his preferences or his desires. He never went overboard, and he would respect any boundaries we set, but within those confines, he never held back.

I also never complained because I was not against his show of affection and desire the same as the others. And that is to say, he would not miss the opportunity with any of us. I have learned more since Venelana has joined our strange group. She had shed some light on the mindset of Devils and with Wilhelm being a Half-Devil, he has certain characteristics of their race that appear often.

Which makes me concerned at this moment.

He is acting very much out of character. Though I would not make this the only point of evidence to conclude that something is amiss, with everything else, I can see that he is acting strange.

The moment we were under the covers, he instead held onto me and didn’t let go. An endearing action that I would happily accept under any other circumstance.

I did not know what to do and it was weighing on me.

I couldn’t help but push back a few stray strands of hair that covered his face.

He made a faint whining sound and his face pushed into my chest. "Apologies, did I wake you?" I said softly. The damage was done, so my fingers continued to run through his hair.

It is surprising. I originally do not prefer men with longer hair, yet I fancy it in this particular case. I remember when he used to have short hair and then he came back from the Land of Shadows and it had changed.

Or is it that this man simply had me smitten from such an earlier time?

I can’t deny that he caused me certain feelings when he fought on the basis of taking me on a date. The consideration that such a thing was worth the effort he was putting in. I was unaware of them at the time, or perhaps I did not understand them properly until I allowed myself the chance to open up to this kind of relationship.

"I’m sorry..." He mumbled with his face still pressed.

"What do you have to apologize for? I am the one who has awakened you."

His head tilt up and I could see a sadness in his eyes. "Not that...." He frowned. "I’m sorry....for not making it more special."

Oh, I believe I understand. "Did you not mean what you said to me then?"

"Absolutely not. I meant every word of it." He quickly denied.

"Then what is the problem?"

"You deserve better than my just blurting it out like that." He sounded sincere, making my heart beat speed up. "I couldn’t help myself. The second I saw you, I just –"

"Hush." I put a finger to his lips. "If you believe you have done me a wrong, then I will forgive you to set you at ease." He always fusses over us so much, it’s quite adorable when he thinks he did something wrong. "And if you desire, you can rectify it at this moment."

I removed my finger, giving him a chance to speak.

"I love you."

"And I you." I leaned down and enjoyed a meeting of our lips. "Now, are you going to tell me what ails you?"


"You don’t have to keep doing this, you know."

"Wilhelm, why do you think I mind doing this?" I continued to run my fingers through his hair. It was obvious that it made him feel better, and I did not mind it one iota.

His head laid upon my thigh even as we shifted to the living room after waking up. It was hard to stay in bed after he relayed to me his most recent adventure.

I could understand his current attitude. How could I fault him for how he was acting when he was forced to kill another version of myself? I do not know If I would be capable of doing so if another version of him were to appear or of the others I have come to cherish. If another Mordred came after my head, would I have the will to fight with my full strength? And if another version of Rin were to become my enemy, could I muster my courage to face her?

It is a situation I would never wish to face, yet he had to go through the worst of it.

"You did nothing wrong." I assured him once more. I know he was feeling guilty for his actions. But from what he told me, he did not have much of a choice.

I know myself very well, if I thought my actions were the best given the situation, I know I would not be persuaded easily.

And I know that she would be thankful to have such a worthy end. However, I kept that piece of information to myself. I fear he would take it the wrong way if I said so.

I was happy when I noticed that someone finally arrived.

Scáthach pushed open the door without a second thought, strolling right inside. "Student, you are back early." She wasted no time.

"I was –"

"I have already been informed." She said simply as Wilhelm pushed himself up off my lap.

Wilhelm turned to me. "You told her?" He let out a sigh.

"I told everyone." I didn’t deny it. "You are not feeling well, and it is a rare enough occurrence that it was something I felt I should reveal to everyone else. Not to mention some explanations on what you have been up to."

Those ’Phones’ are quite handy.

"This foolish student." Scáthach walked over and pulled Wilhelm forward. His face was now buried in her large bosom. He made no secret that he enjoyed this action, and I think everyone else enjoys doing it to him as well. Scáthach looked at me humorously. "It seems he needs to be reminded that we care for him just as he cares for us."

He stopped struggling in her embrace and seemed to accept that he was stuck there for the time being.

"Is anyone else coming?" I asked. I informed them of what happened in broad details. There were some intimate things Wilhelm shared that I was not going to say without his presence. But otherwise, everyone else had a general idea of what occurred.

But, I didn’t check to see if I received anymore messages.

"No one expected him to return so quickly. They are all busy with other matters and I told them not to rush back and that I would take care of it. You assured them that he was fine, so they are not in a hurry." Scáthach replied, finally letting him go.

Good, I think it would make Wilhelm feel worse if everyone came running because he wasn’t ’feeling well’. I believe Jinn is at the College right now, and I know she would immediately come back to console him if she wasn’t told not to. Yasaka should be dealing with issues with her position, Raikou is watching Kunou like she tends to do. Meridia needs not to even be mentioned as it’s obvious what she is busy with. As for Venelana, I believe the last time we talked she mentioned being busy with some things regarding her families’ political ties and needing to be with her husband – former husband for them.

And I also sent a message to Izanami. As much as he denies it, that is just a matter of time and none of us are against it. So it is best to keep her informed of our matters as well.

"I’m really not getting out of this, am I?" He asked.

"You are not." I told him immediately.

I was glad it was Scáthach who came. She is quick to stomp out anything that Wilhelm does that we would disapprove of. She is probably the most stern when it comes to Wilhelm out of all of us.

"I got pretty thoroughly beaten." He slumped back in his seat.

"Being defeated is nothing to be depressed about, my student." Scáthach took a rare gentle tone with him. "You are alive, that is the most important thing to focus on. And now you have information on your foe. Are you not confident that the next time you encounter him that you will lose the same?"

"As I am now? I don’t know if I can confidently say that I’ll win even if I bring everything out. No, to be honest, I’m pretty sure I’ll lose convincingly."

Yes, he told me that he was hurt and he relied on Avalon to survive. It did not fill me with ease in these circumstances to know that. I am relieved that Wilhelm had my Noble Phantasm, but I am frightened that a foe forced him to that point and still nearly killed him.

And he told me about who helped him when he was in need.

I did not have much of an impression on this ’Salem’. He had began ’courting’ her before we had our talks, so I did not say anything against him continuing to do so. Jinn had spoken some unsavory things about her, but what she could say was....limited.

I cannot say that I have an initial good impression and perhaps my view of her was tainted by Jinn even if I have yet to meet her. I trust Wilhelm, so I was willing to give this woman a chance. However, after hearing that she saved him and healed him up to the best of her ability.....I can’t help but feel a significant amount of gratitude towards her.

I believe I may need to meet her soon if Wilhelm is serious about a relationship with her.

He knows about my reservations, so I do not think he will deny me. I will speak with Jinn more and talk to her about some of my concerns and see where we go from there.

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I blinked for a moment, noticing something odd in the air. I settled down once I realized it was similar to Wilhelm’s Magic that was being used. Though Wilhelm himself looked...melancholic at it.

"Gramps, you came to?"

"Hello, Wilhelm." The Wizard Marshall appeared within the living room.

I was told he could not leave his World-Line....but I suppose from the explanations I was given about this house that it’s technically not...?

I do not know, so I would not dwell on it.

"You called him too?" Wilhelm looked up at me, his body falling over, his head landing into my lap once more.

I smiled gently towards him, my fingers once more found his bright red hair. "As I spoke before, we all care about you."

Zelretch hummed, taking a seat opposite of us. "I was not entirely told what happened, only the barest details."

"Fought, lost, here I am." Wilhelm grunted.

I gave him a little pinch on the cheek. He can be very mischievous sometimes, often taking the form of sarcasm.

He rolled his body so that he was looking up straight at the ceiling. "Met Cu Chulainn while I was there."

"Oh?" Scáthach looked at him.

I rolled my eyes noting how he so quickly tries to change the topic of the conversation. Neither I nor the Wizard Marshall speak up about it, even if it is rather obvious.

"He was summoned as a Caster." Wilhelm chuckled.

Scáthach also looked rather amused at the idea. "Did that stupid student of mine whine the entire time without his spear?"

"I let him use your spear, actually."

Scáthach adopted a rather warm smile. I know that she was fond of Setanta, having more than just the feelings of a teacher towards him in the past.

I can not imagine him without being a Lancer. He was a worthy foe back in the Grail War and someone I admire. Someone I would call a hero without a second thought.

"That stupid boy." Scáthach shook her head. "How did he get summoned as a caster? He must have been very upset."

"Well, he was in an odd situation. Apparently Odin was sharing his vessel with him or something. The God probably had a hand in it cause there’s no way he would be summoned as a Caster normally."

"The All-Father." Scáthach pursed her lips. "He is not a God one should mingle with if possible." She let out a small sigh. " I do hope he did not do anything to warrant that God’s Attention. A Heroic Spirit he may be now, but he is not beyond.....consequences if the right situation occurs. He did not do anything to you I hope? Even if Odin is there with him, I am sure I can have words with my old student to set him straight."

I felt Wilhelm shudder in my lap. An experience I’m sure someone can only experience by being under her tutelage.

"No, I think his Odin parts were mostly dormant. Though I did extort a spell from his repertoire in exchange for letting him use your spear."

"Well done." Scáthach beamed.

These two.

I could only shake my head at their behavior.

"He’s a good guy though." Wilhelm breathed out. "I can see why you liked him. Kind of an ass, but I couldn’t help but like him too."

"Fufufu, that is a perfect way to say it."

Good, he’s smiling now. It was the right choice to have help with this.

"Well, I guess I’ll skip to the most important bits. I discovered who was responsible for the Singularity and by extension – the incineration of Humanity over there. He identified himself as Flauros." Wilhelm revealed, though I was more privy to this information.

"Am I to assume based on the name?" Zelretch asked.

"Yup, The Demon Flauros, though it was different than I expected. It took the form of this tentacle thing with a bunch of eyes. It handled Caster pretty easily, so I would put it at a minimum of high-servant tier ignoring Noble Phantasms." Wilhelm stated.

"I see, this Demon killed my student?" Scáthach asked calmly, but I could feel the sharpness in her tone.

"I think it was just a poor matchup. If he had been summoned as Lancer.....maybe it would turn out different."

"Irrelevant." Scáthach frowned. "It seems I will be paying a visit over there for two different reasons. I will see this enemy that defeated my student, then I will also give my student a remedial lesson."

.....I apologize Lancer, I did not expect this to happen.

"Am I to assume that this Flauros was not the one to beat you, Wilhelm?" the Wizard Marshal asked.

"No, Flauros tried to run away. I....may have overreacted a little bit due to some reason and used the Sword of Destruction to destroy him. I could have killed him sooner...but I wanted him to suffer a little."

....He was upset over me.

I am filled with equal parts guilt and exuberance at the emotions he showed at my alternative’s death. I am pleased to know he cares so deeply about me, but I wish he would not act so rashly on my behalf.

"I assume things did not go your way then?" Zelretch asked, slightly chastising him.

"He tore open a hole in time and space. I followed him without thinking." Wilhelm winced even as he said it. "I know, I know. It was stupid to just jump head first into things. Believe me, I realize my mistake after getting my ass kicked."

"Alright, I won’t say anything. You sometimes do things that end poorly, but you also learn from your mistakes. So I will take this as you learning your lesson." Zelretch nodded.

"It was a small realm – a Workshop that existed in the imaginary Numbers Space. I met the owner who claimed to be Solomon."

"Impossible." Zelretch reacted quickly and strongly.

I don’t think any of us were expecting that kind of reaction.

"Gramps? What’s wrong?"

"You don’t remember?" Zelretch looked at Wilhelm.


"Hmm." Zelretch stroked his beard. "Maybe that was intentional on my part. You once said you don’t remember my parents either. Yes...that makes sense. It wouldn’t do good for you to focus so much on the important people from my life." He murmured to himself. "But to answer your question, who do you think I learned Magecraft from?"

"...Solomon." Wilhelm slowly sat up from my lap once more. "You learned Magecraft from the King of Magecraft."

"Yes." He didn’t deny it. "Not many people know this fact. And it’s one of the reasons I watch over the Mages Association despite not being very fond of it. My Teacher was worried that Magecraft might become something detrimental to Humanity, and I understood his view so I continued my watch after he passed."

"It wasn’t Solomon, I was able to confirm that."

"With Flauros mentioned, I can guess at who or rather what is responsible. Solomon’s 72 demons – the Ars Goetia. I remember them from my tutelage but I did not know what happened to them afterwards. It seems that they forsook his original intentions and enacted a large ritual across the centuries."

"He was converting Humanity into Energy. He hit me with about a hundred times the output of Excalibur and that was barely a drop in the bucket. I have no idea what he’s planning, but he apparently needs a lot of energy for it."

"That is very concerning." Zelretch said darkly. "I will have to do some of my own investigations. I am aware that Teacher had a Workshop that existed outside of Time and Space, but even I don’t know the coordinates. If these demons were able to usurp it then that means you were at a large disadvantage."

"Yeah, he was able to fight against my Authority’s activation. He was able to force away my Dragon Words, and he was able to analyze and dissemble my Magecraft on the spot." Wilhelm sighed. "Gramps, I don’t feel confident at all and there are people depending on me."

"You said that Humanity was incinerated, does Chaldea still stand?"

"It does. I don’t know why off the top of my head that Chaldea is still standing, but it is. I even have Sir Wiggles there at the moment watching them."

"Curious." Zelretch said simply. "As I said, I will have to do some of my own investigations to give any definitive answers. The question is, what are your plans going forward? The amount of aid I can give is minimal in this situation."

"You remember that list you gave me a long time ago? The one about world-lines that you’ve looked at and such? From when I went to Remnant for the first time."

"I do."

"I remember something there that piqued my interest. If I don’t feel confident in facing him now, then I just have to get stronger. Magecraft is not the correct path – for obvious reasons. But my other abilities seemed to hold more ground, so I want to seek out something else. My body is fairly strong, I have some good weapons and even my Magecraft is powerful even if it’s not relevant here. But beyond my Aura, I haven’t done anything with my Soul. And that’s more of a physical application of it than anything else. I am a Campione, my soul was inherently upgraded. Not to mention I am a reincarnation, and I’ve had Ddraig inside my Soul for how long now? It’s something significant I don’t think I should ignore. I want to find a way to harness the power of my Soul better."

"Remind me, what were the details about that world again?" Zelretch asked.

Both Scáthach and myself leaned in, wanting to know the details.

We would not speak up against his plan, we both could understand how important this was to him. And if was a quest to increase his own strength, we couldn’t begrudge him in the slightest. We both would feel more at ease the stronger he became.

"They were sparse, but you mentioned that apparently there’s a species of spirits there that can harness their souls. And they run around with special weapons that are born from their souls as well. I think you called them – Shinigami?"


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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