A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 371 - 337

Chapter 371: Chapter 337

She looked at me but sorta....not at me. Like she was avoiding my gaze for some reason.

....I think I made things awkward.

[You think?]

It’s not like it wasn’t true....

"Um....hello." I offered.

Her attention snapped back, focusing on me with a stern look. "Why have you come here?"

I glanced at the body I brought with me. "I’m doing my civic duty and attending to the wounded."

She too looked at the twitching body with an overly swollen face that seemed to be crying a little bit. Huh, did he wake up at some point? I didn’t even notice.

"He was like that when I found him."

Shen then looked back at me with a blank expression.

I, of course, gave her my most charming smile.

She closed her eyes, letting out a cute little sigh. "Bring him in." She turned around, reentering the building.

[For a moment I thought she was going to kill you.]

No way.

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[It really felt like it.]

Nah, I’m too charming.

[Sure....let’s go with that.]

You’re just jealous.

[Pfft, right. Are you going to ask this one to step on you too?]

Listen, I don’t expect a Dragon like you to understand my tastes.

[Actually, I completely understand.]

"Really?" I blurted out, grabbing the leg of the wounded Shinigami as I dragged him into the building.

[I was a young dragon once. And Tiamat, well.....]


[....I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not.]

Oh no, I’m being completely genuine.

[Why does it still feel like an insult?]


"So....where do you want me to put him?" I asked the....Captain? As I looked around. "And it seems like everyone disappeared in a hurry." I could have sworn there were dozens and dozens of people out and about here before.

The Captain looked at me and at the Shinigami again. "....put him on an empty bed."

I shrugged, moving him towards the closest one and hefted him up. There were a few dozen around the room that made up this area. "I hope I didn’t scare away the medical staff."

"They know to evacuate when the members of the Eleventh Division make a ruckus." She said simply. "And I do hope you will not be following in their footsteps. My Barracks is not a place for conflict, are we clear?" She glared at me.

"Yes, Ma’am." I shuddered at the look she gave me.

"....very well." She seemed to accept my response, walking over to mister ’projectile master’, taking a look at him. "His wounds bear striking resemblance to dozens of others that were admitted to my barracks." She turned towards me.

"How strange." I looked away. "I wouldn’t know anything about that."

"Are you here to cause problems?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Not at all." I quickly denied.

"Then why are you here? Why would a Ryoka come to this place within the Seireitei?"

"I.....just wanted to see what your healing arts looked like." Was there any point in lying?

"You....wished to see our healing arts?"

"...is that strange? The idea that Spiritual beings have a healing system itself is something interesting, I just wanted to get a look at it." I replied.

She blinked, shaking her head. "Even in Soul Society, those who pursue this path are....few."

"That’s stupid. If everyone got some kind of compulsory education in Healing, wouldn’t survival rates skyrocket? I can’t claim to know much about how you all handle Hollows, but based on a few I’ve run into, they aren’t really the cream of the crop when it comes to potential. I can imagine that there are a noticeable amount of deaths every year from fighting Hollows."

It’s even a common practice for every Magus to have some method of healing. Granted, mostly for oneself, but even so, it’s the height of foolishness to not be at least capable of keeping yourself alive with some minor healing until you can procure a higher level of treatment.

Hell, even Rin picked up some manner of healing when she was basically teaching herself as a kid.

She looked at me strangely before the corners of her lips slightly curled. "There are no rules against a Ryoka watching." She said simply. "This is far from secret information."

"Thank you." I was not ungrateful for this opportunity.

"There is no need to thank me, I am merely doing my job. If we were not within the Healing Barracks, I would be obligated to catch you. However, I cannot put my patients at risk by fighting here." She softly replied, pretty much explaining the current situation.

"And it’s not Ryoka. " I corrected it. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service." I politely bowed.

[Right, so you give your real name to the beautiful woman.]

"But if anyone asks, please tell them I said my name is – Kurosaki Ichigo." I added with a grin.

[There it is.]

She tilted her head looking slightly amused. "Captain of the Fourth Division, Unohana Retsu." She responded courteously.

"So, how does this healing work?" I clapped my hands happily. "Everything I’ve read has been very vague on the subject."

"The concept is simple, but the practical applications make it a difficult art to master." She replied softly, moving towards the guy I brought in.

Her hand glowed in an ethereal green light. I could sense the Reiatsu of hers moving in a way I hadn’t seen so far.

I quieted down and let her work, as I took note of every thing I could see.

"You’re refilling his Reiatsu." I finally realized.

She looked a little surprised. "You noticed the first step. However, there is a slight problem, it appears his Zanpakutō is still released and thus draining his Reiatsu at a steady rate."

"An obvious offset for the increase in strength." I muttered, withdrawing where I stored his Zanpakutō, or rather, where the hilt of it remained. "Do you need this?"

"Thank you." She nodded, thankful, taking it from me as she laid it on his chest. "Thankfully his release is not too difficult to undo. The spirit within should understand what I am trying to do and assist me." She stated, moving her hands as that same ethereal light shined.

The sword on his chest glowed as his Reiatsu swirled and condensed back into the form of a normal katana.

"His Reiatsu should refill now without problems, however, I’m curious how that translates into healing." I continued to watch.

"It is natural for one’s Reiatsu to reject another if I directly tried to interfere with their ’body’ even if it was to heal them. However, refilling their Reiatsu is much easier to accomplish. And once their own Reiatsu is full, I can then use mine to guide it to heal them properly." She explained as his body began glowing and her hand moved up towards where he was harmed – his face that is. "This is the most simplistic method of Kaidō. There are other methods and spells that exist within this school of Kidō, but this is the most basic."

"You said this is the most Basic?" The whole concept did seem simplistic on the surface. And that mostly had to do with the fact that they possess spiritual bodies.

"That is correct. While simple, this method does require a thorough understanding of Kidō arts before mastering. And there is the drawback of requiring spending one’s own Reiatsu to refill anothers. The healers here tend to have above average Reiatsu in general, which makes it difficult to require promising healers. We have developed spells and such that provide a more direct healing method, but this one still remains the cornerstone of our division."

"Still, it seems like something that long lived people like Shinigami should pick up as mandatory, especially if there are other techniques based around this. Even if they’re bad at it, it’s better than absolutely nothing." I shook my head at the weirdness of Shinigami. It seemed like common sense to me, but who knows.

As I said that, the big guy started looking much better. His swollen face returned to....normal. At Least I think it was normal, it was hard to tell.

"I have brought up similar proposals in the past. It is unfortunate that many do not share such a view." She rescinded her healing and pulled her hand away. "Are you satisfied?"

"If I say that I am, are you going to chase me away?" I questioned.

"Your curiosity should have been satisfied. You no longer have any reason to linger within my Division."

"Maybe I just want to enjoy your company?" I returned, earning a slight reaction from her, and it was rather cute. "However, at the risk of sounding like I’m trying to make excuses, I do have a question, if you would indulge me. But I don’t want to put you in an awkward spot....."

"....Very well, follow me." She stated, turning on her heels as she headed further inside. "I have a few more patients to check as I finish my rounds."

"...do these ’other’ patients of yours suffer from...similar afflictions." I winced as I entered the next room with her, recognizing some of them.

She turned to look at me. "It would seem so." The dry tone was clear.

"Would it help if I apologized for giving you more work?" I offered.

".....It would be the first time in many years that someone has done so." She seemed a little taken back before shaking her head. "What is your question?"

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"Does this healing method work for living beings?" I may as well get straight down to it.

She perked up slightly. "Are you interested in learning?"

"I can’t deny that I’d like to learn it." I would always welcome an increase in my repertoire.

"....It takes years of dedicated study. I’m afraid it is not possible. And I do not believe you are long for this place. Even if the higher ups have not made any overt actions, the longer you stay in Soul Society the greater chance that they will consider you an eyesore."

"It sounds like you’re worried about me." I hummed, eyeing her expression, though she didn’t react again.

"It’s not the first time we’ve had Ryoka ’invade’. We’ve had rebellions, Hollow Attacks, and even attempts to overthrow the Central 46. It’s clear that you’re not here to harm anyone. And I’m aware that no one has died due to your actions, so our response has been minimal. However, that may change if you continue to linger."

"Don’t worry, I’m unparalleled when it comes to running away." I shot her a smile.

And it took me by surprise, because she held a hand up to hold over her mouth and let out the most adorable giggle. She quickly regained her earlier composure. "I am not entirely sure if a Human can learn Kaidō or not." She stated, turning it back to the previous subject.

"Oh, I guess we can set that aside for now. But with regards to living beings, would it work on a Human? It seems very tailored for Spiritual beings."

"It’s more complicated, but yes. Kaidō can be used to heal a Human as well." She nodded, working on the first patient that was unconscious in the nearby bed.

"But how would that work.....Spiritual beings are made up of, well, Spiritual materials. Whereas a Human body is physical. It makes sense how a Spiritual being can be healed through that method, but how would that translate to a Human.." I pondered the question, speaking my thoughts out loud. "Unless....memories of the soul? You use your Reiatsu to stimulate a human’s soul that remembers how their body is supposed to be in an optimal state and it in turn stimulates healing physically?"

She paused, looking up at me, clearly startled "That is a nearly perfect description. I thought you said you were not knowledgeable of Kaidō?"

"Well, no, but I’m a Magus. I practice Magecraft, I’m adept at similar things and working through it isn’t too difficult." I briefly explained. "What an interesting Concept, one I wouldn’t have normally considered. Would.....It would be remiss of me to ask for a demonstration...?"

"You want a demonstration?" She stopped again. "You don’t look injured."

I drew my Zanpakutō and in one swift motion, sliced my palm open.

However, she frowned when she saw me. She took steps towards me with that same look. "Do not harm yourself in my Clinic." She glowered.

"....apologies, that was rude of me and I got overly excited."

Her expression softened as she reached out and grabbed my hand. "Your enthusiasm for the healing arts is.....refreshing." She smiled softly. "But please remember that this is a place of healing, for the future."

I did quickly pull back My Aura and everything else, but.....

"Allow me." I said quietly, placing my other hand over hers and it became enveloped in my own golden light.

She was startled briefly, but then she looked rather interested as she watched.

Well, I felt bad, I didn’t want her to clean up my literal mess after I made a fool of myself.

"I know some healing myself, though it doesn’t touch the Spiritual Aspect." I stated, the Golden light rescinding.

She turned over my palm, the cut was gone, and she thoroughly inspected it. "How peculiar, that was not Reiatsu healing in any regard."

"We humans have our own tricks." I moved my hand, letting her go.

"It seems so." She smiled herself, holding my hand up as she poked it a few more times to her satisfaction. Though, her smile slowly faded back to a neutral expression, releasing my hand from her grasp. "Your curiosity should have been more than satisfied. It would not do you good to stay any longer. I advise you to return or turn yourself in. I imagine that they will be more lenient if you don’t drag this out."

"I can leave whenever I want, you don’t need to worry about that." I waved off her concerns.

"Very well, then depart." She said simply. "Soul Society is not a place a living person should reside. Even with your.....strange Reiatsu, it’s not appropriate for you to stay here."

"I can imagine that it would put you in an awkward position to keep playing host to me." I relented. "I am thankful to you for humoring me for this time."

"There is no need to thank me, it was...pleasant for me as well."

"Would...you be against me coming back to visit?" I hesitantly asked.

"Coming back to visit?" She blinked, the words taking a moment to settle in. Again, her expression softened considerably. "....you would not be treated well on a second incursion. I’m afraid that the orders would be much harsher for your capture and even I would be forced to abide."

"Well, if I could see that smile of yours again, I think it’d be worth it." I sent her a cheeky smile.

She was taken a little off guard by my shameless flirtation, that tiny spark of bashfulness made an appearance before it was quickly squashed. "You have a long life ahead of you, don’t waste it by meddling with the matters of the dead."

"Alright, I’ll leave." I sighed, relenting.

"It’s for the best." She said quietly.

She’s probably right. It wasn’t good for me to stay around any longer, I already got everything I wanted and learned enough about her Kaidō to satisfy me.


I glanced once more at the Fourth Division, and Unohana gave me one last smile before she went back inside, and I headed out. She had been very kind to me, I didn’t want to bring any problems to her doorstep than I already have.

I think I fulfilled all my objectives.

Zanpakutō, Check.

Kidō, mostly checked. Getting up to the fiftieth numbered spell is a boon I would say. I’ll see about the others once I get proficient in these.

And I had some other gains.

This – Hohō thing is very interesting. I’ll need to look into this immediately. A movement technique is something that would be highly beneficial for me.

And lastly, getting a good look at that healing, or Kaidō as she called it. It gave me some interesting ideas that I wanted to try out for later. Soul-based healing was something I didn’t actually have, so I did have an interest in learning this at some point.

Regardless, I had my gains. Should I just find a place to note down the coordinates in case I ever need to come back here?

I also wouldn’t want to just tear open a point in time and space in plain view....

"Hey, friend, wait up!"

My idle thoughts passed and my steps ceased as I turned around at a Shinigami running towards me. "Can I help you?" I was about to just grab my brick for the hundredth time, but....I felt kind of bad for adding more work to her...

The Shinigami didn’t have any outstanding features about him. Neat black hair, standard uniform, his power didn’t really pop out at me.

I’ll just end this on a quiet note and head out. No need to be overly aggressive when this trip was already so beneficial to me.

"I saw you walk out of the fourth Division, you’re a healer, right? If you don’t mind, I could use your help with something. I’m from the twelfth division, can you come over with me?"

"Sorry buddy, I’m from the Eight Division, gotta go back and report to Captain Shunsui." Well, I don’t think he figured out my identity, so that should get him off my back.

"Wait!" He grabbed my shoulder. "Please, it’s really important that you come back with me."

"....I really can’t." He was acting kinda suspiciously. I went to take his hand off my shoulder, but his eyes widened, and his grip tightened.

"Wait! You said you wouldn’t do –" His shout was cut off as his body inflated and exploded.

My Aura flowed around me protectively, his body was gone, but there was a sort of haze that lingered in the air.

I was getting some very unpleasant flashbacks to Chaldea.

I kept my composure and snapped my fingers. Condensing the air at a single point in front of me, then letting it burst out to scatter what I assumed was a poisonous mist that was lingering.

Slowly, I turned around towards the sound of footsteps.

"Useless." The person spoke. He was....strange. He was pale, extremely so to the point where I thought it was paint. Except, his face was black, and looked painted as well. All but his nose that is, which was also white. And on his chin was some sort of bronze-looking coil. And where he should have had ears, were two more matching ’coils’.

Sitting atop his head.....I think I could only call it some sort of distorted Lilypad. Painted white, of course.

To add it all together, he was apparently missing his lips entirely and his teeth were permanently visible.

Lastly, was the White Haori that I had seen twice so far to designate him as a Captain.

Though his appearance was ridiculous, my attention was fully taken by what he held in his hand. What looked like a detonator with his thumb pressed firmly on the trigger.

"He couldn’t even follow orders. I plainly told him to bring you back quietly. Useless, useless. Oh well, at least it allowed me to test one of my recent projects."

"Congratulations. I’ve known you for less than a minute and I already despise your existence." I scowled.

"Amusing." His teeth chattered. "What a strange Reiatsu you have, I can’t wait to get you on a table and figure out what that is."

"What a strange face you have. I can’t wait to pull pieces off to see if there is something normal underneath." I shot back.

He gained a very disgusting grin. "I do like my experimental subjects to have personality. I am Captain of the Twelfth Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, resisting is pointless. Come along quietly and I may even remember to use anesthetic at some point."

"I thought you just wanted to look like a clown, not that you actually were one."

His grin disappeared, turning into a frown with a little twitch to accompany it. "I suppose I don’t need you in one piece."

I was going to leave quietly, but fuck it.

Blew up one of his people without an ounce of remorse. He didn’t even need to based on the power he was emanating. He did it just because it was....convenient?

The anger from what happened in Chaldea was bubbling to the surface as I looked at his arrogant expression.

"It’s funny, I was thinking something very similar. I said I wasn’t going to kill anyone, but....I’d like to conduct a little experiment of my own. Let’s find out how many pieces a Shinigami can be cut up into without dying."


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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