A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 397 - 359

Chapter 397: Chapter 359

Both Izzy and I stepped out of my portal, feet sinking into the rocky sand.

"I would ask if we left Soul Society and were back in the Candy Man’s basement." Izzy looked around.

"You call him the Candy Man too?" I asked.

"I have been in my head since I met him." She admitted.


Right, yeah, this place looked exactly like that guy’s basement.

Maybe a tad bigger, but the space here was extended and expanded in nearly the same way. There was a notable difference due to everything being made from Reishi, but the principles remained the same.

"What’s with all the swords?" I stopped looking at the ’space’ itself and more so at what was around us. There were swords all stabbed into the ground, and they all kind of looked like Ichigo’s sword or rather variations of it.

"They’re all real." Izzy replied.


"Are you doubting me?" She smiled amusedly.

"It was more rhetorical, I trust you. Just kind of weird that I had to double check." I reached out to grab one that looked like a jagged version of Ichigo’s giant cleaver.

"Don’t touch that." A voice called out, and it sounded....off.

Maybe it was because of all the swords around, but I didn’t notice its presence. No, it blended in near perfectly around them that even staring right at It, It was nearly impossible to pick out.

"Did you spill a bottle of bleach on yourself, Ichigo?" I tilted my head.

"Funny." He grinned...weirdly with that same off voice. It sounded like Its voice was echoing within itself.

Right, this person was basically an albino reflection of Ichigo. Literally, his skin was bleach white, and he was missing the iconic orange hair. Not to mention his eyes were yellow and black, in fact.. "Are you a Hollow?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He admitted. "That a problem?"

"Do you eat souls?"

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"Then I don’t really give a shit." I shrugged. "Why do you look like Strawberry? Did you eat him or something?"

"Nah, I’m his inner Hollow."

"Oh." I blinked. "That’s really fucking edgy."

"Haha." He chuckled in that distorted way.

"So Ichigo’s part Hollow, that’s neat. Is that why he apparently doesn’t need an Asauchi for his Zanpakutō?"

"Who knows."

"Got a name?" I asked.

"Zangetsu." He replied.

"The same as his Zanpakutō, eh? I did hear he had two spirits, but I didn’t know a Hollow could be a Zanpakutō spirit." Not that I’m really an expert on this shit. "Can I ask you a question? Something I’ve been wondering about these Zanpakutō Spirits as I’m trying to get my own."

"Wouldn’t consider myself a normal spirit, ya know?"

"Well, it shouldn’t matter."

"Whatcha want?" He appeared very open, which was odd considering he claimed to be a Hollow. I would almost call him easy going and cheerful.

"Are you like.... A complete reflection of Ichigo? How much is he really compensating for that big ass sword of his?"

"I am the sword." He deadpanned.


He cracked a smile. "Ya really wanna know?" He leaned in and promptly disappeared from the spot he was in before uttering a word.

"Out of everything you could have asked him, that was what you chose?" Izzy asked incredulously.

"I was genuinely curious."

"Why did I expect anything different?" She sighed.

"There you two are!" A familiar purple head of hair appeared with a blur of Shunpo.

"Hey Yoruichi, feels like it’s been awhile." I greeted.

"Where the hell have the two of you been!"

"Here and there." I said rather vaguely. "So I met Ichigo’s albino twin." 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

Her expression changed. "Yeah....that."

"I take it that’s not normal?"

"No, no it is not. Creeps me out." She grunted. "Anyways, the kids are over on the other end."

"Lead the way." I gestured.


"Looks like everyone’s doing well." I looked around, most of them looked like they were taking a break as it was clear they’ve been doing some kind of training. Well, everyone but Ichigo was here, but I could see off to the side as he was sparing with a man in a black cloak and some nifty looking glasses and long black hair.

Huh, I vaguely remember a face like that when I was healing him with Avalon.

"So, what’s going on?" I asked, addressing everyone.

"Training." Chad grunted.

"I noticed...." I glanced at Ichigo again.

"They found out how powerful a Captain actually is." Yoruichi clarified. "They ran into Rukia’s Brother, Captain Kuchiki as they got close to her cell. He cut them down like wheat."

"Ah, yeah I can see that. And Ichigo is...?"

"Bankai training." She replied. "It’s a method Kisuke created that can get their Bankai unlocked in three days."

"That sounds kinda suspicious. What’s the catch?"

"If you fail, you lose it forever."

"I take it you couldn’t talk him out of it?"

"Stubborn brat." She snorted. "The kids did manage to handle a few Lieutenants though."

Not bad.

"And Albino Ichigo? What’s the deal with that?" I wanted some clarification there.

She let out a frustrated sigh. "I’m blaming Kisuke."

"Seems like that’s probably a safe bet when he’s involved in anything."

She let out a small chuckle. "Right, so to regain his powers, they broke his soul chain, making him start the Hollowification process...,."

"And you think that part stuck around and conceptualized into his Zanpakutō spirit?" I tapped my chin. "Did Ichigo freak out?"

His friends weren’t really batting an eye at it, so they’re probably used to it at this point.

"Eh." She shrugged. "I think he’s in denial. They’ve been arguing a lot but he hasn’t like....tried to hurt him or anything so who knows. Something the kid has to sort out himself."

"He seemed nice enough."

"The Hollow?" She blinked. "He barely spoke to us, but sort of was standoffish and condescending most of the time."

"Really? Maybe he just likes me." Hmm, or maybe it was the whole Avalon thing? I know his spirit now looked back at me, maybe I was in their good books because of that.

"Whatever the reason, it’s not really my area of expertise. But more importantly, what the hell happened earlier? There was a massive influx of Reiatsu and some weird phenomenon appearing on the other side of the Seireitei. Was that you?" She looked at me skeptically.

"Nah, apparently some Quincy invaded Soul Society and they had a big fight."

"What!?" Uryū interrupted. "Quincy?" He had been listening at the side, looking utterly exhausted but suddenly he shot to his feet with eyes widened. "That’s impossible, I’m the last one."

"Yeah, no." I corrected him. "I cut down a few dozen myself and they had some powerful ones called ’Sternritter’ or something and they were about as strong as Captains. Helped Shunsui and some female Captain handle them. Izzy also took one of them too." I smiled towards Izzy who had been patiently at my side.

"You serious?" Yoruichi looked at me in shock.

"Yup. Izzy here said they’re actually hiding in the shadows of Soul Society and there’s a bunch of them down there."

Yoruichi’s jaw dropped as she turned towards Izzy. "I did not expect you all to be ignorant of your neighbors, otherwise I would have not sent that Shinigami there for a time out."

"W-wait, Aizen? You threw Aizen right in the middle of a bunch of crazy Quincy?"

"So it seems." She huffed.

Yoruichi stared for a moment before breaking down in laughter. "Oh God, that’s great, that’s amazing. I can’t wait to tell Kisuke."

"What about the Quincy?" Uryū asked.

"There isn’t much to tell, they attacked, they were repelled and ran away. Doesn’t seem like they’re overly friendly with Soul Society so.... Be careful, yeah?"

Uryū slumped down, looking lost at the newfound information.

Honestly, I thought he’d be happy at the revelation that there were other Quincy.

Even if they were...hostile.

"So what is your game plan now?" I walked over to Orihime who was sitting on the ground. I gave her a little pat on the head, making the quiet girl brighten up.

Izzy also came to fuss over Orihime. "Child you are unharmed, yes?"

"I’m not hurt." Orihime smiled.

Such a nice girl.

"We still have a few days, enough time for Ichigo to master his Bankai and for the others to get some needed training in. Knowing where they stand now, they’ll have a better shot."

"And attack the execution while it’s happening?"

"Hell yeah." Ichigo chose this moment to jump down from a nearby cliff, looking rather roughed up and weathered. There was blood dripping from several wounds on his body too.

"That’s the plan." She stated, ignoring his return.

"You’re here too, huh?" Ichigo scowled.

"Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime hurriedly shot off the ground, her ability enveloping him, healing him at an extremely fast rate.

"Thanks Orihime you’re the best." He smiled and the girl all but melted under the praise.


A crush?

"Heard you got smacked around by a Captain."

"I’ll get him next time." He scowled deeper.

"Your Reiatsu is higher than the last time we met." Like...noticeably higher by a large degree. "You’re making good progress."

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"...Thanks?" He blinked.

Was he surprised by my praise?

"Have you happened to run into a Captain with spiky hair with bells tied to the ends?" I asked.

"Wait, isn’t that Kenpachi?" Yoruichi blinked.

"No, why?" Ichigo looked confused.

".....No reason."

"You did something and I’m gonna be pissed about it later." The orange haired kid sighed. "Do you have any idea how many people were screaming about a ’brick’ when they heard my name!?" He shouted in exasperation. "When they weren’t shouting at getting revenge, you bastard!" He huffed.

I was about to respond, but another ’person’ joined us.

The Spirit that had been with Ichigo a moment prior.

He approached and....stared at Izzy for some reason, and she stared back.

"Call me when you are ready for our next session." He said in a smooth voice before disappearing in a burst of Reiatsu.

Seemed kind of in a rush too.


"Well, I may as well lend a hand while I’m here. I also think I made some progress on my Shunpo, wanna go for a few rounds?" Let’s see if I can’t incorporate what that Quincy girl did and cheat out my own version of Shunpo.

And this seemed like a good place to get some Kidō practice in as well later.

"Sure, I’ve been a little stiff just standing here for so long I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs." Yoruichi smiled.

I glanced at Izzy who gave me a nod of approval.

"Well then, tag is it?"

"Catch me if you can~"


Izanami POV

The nights here were strange.

It was not the first time spending a night in this Spiritual Realm, but it was strange to not feel the familiar light of my son’s moon hanging in the sky.

No, it felt fake in comparison.

The sky itself was false, there was a limit to how high one could ascend before hitting a limit.

Everything about this place was created to mimic the living world. A facsimile of my homeland after literally carving out pieces of Japan to build it.

As much as I am disliked this place, I have been enjoying myself. Had Wilhelm not been present, I may not have held myself back thus far and simply exerted my will out of anger. But for now, I allowed them to continue at my mercy.

If things reached a point, I would simply let them know who I truly am and where they truly stand.

Though, I didn’t wish for Wilhelm to see that side of me. However, the last time....he seemed....receptive and attracted.

Regardless, it was not a matter for concern at the moment.

The Children were getting some much needed rest as they were pushing themselves admirably in their training and Wilhelm was off to a far corner of this underground gorge and practicing something or another. Thus, I had nothing to do but enjoy the strange night by my lonesome.

Despite the angering situation I found myself in, I can’t deny that it’s been the happiest I have in a very long time.

Wilhelm has been one of the best things to happen to me. Never would I have dreamed of being on an adventure like this before.

I wanted....

I wanted more of this, I didn’t ever want it to stop. I want to be selfish and keep him close to me and not let go....

"To approach me while your owner is sleeping, one might find it suspicious." My idle musing was broken by a wayward Spirit at my back. "What do you require, child?" I turned towards him.

The one called Kurosaki Ichigo with his two interesting Spirits. The Hollow we had met previously, and now this one.

"I apologize for my sudden appearance." He spoke politely, so I would hear what he wished to say.

"What requires you to materialize without your owner’s notice and seek me out?"

"I wished to ask you a question."

"Does it have anything to do with the Quincy I encountered not long ago?" I raised an eyebrow, watching him have a miniscule reaction, but retain his stoic expression. "It’s strange, you are awfully familiar to the presence that lingered inside the souls of the Quincy. And considering the composition of your owner’s Soul, it makes me wonder if you are a Zanpakutō in the first place."

"....so you know."

"I simply did not have the context for when I first met him. However, after meeting more of those Quincy beyond the child that accompanies him, it is easy to ascertain the nuances of what resides within him. Souls are my domain, I would have to be blind not to see that Kurosaki Ichigo is part Quincy." There is a very distinct difference in the souls of Quincy over regular humans.

"I see." He breathed out. "I am – " He paused, no he looked like he was forced into silence. "That name was taken from me." He closed his eyes. "I am Zangetsu."

"The same name as the Hollow claimed, how quaint." I looked him over. "Someone did something to you, yes? You were going to say something, but you were forced to silence. I can take a look." I was mildly curious.

He nodded silently and I took a step forward, touching this Spirit. "....someone used an Authority to erase something from your existence. It’s not that you are forbidden from speaking, but that you are conceptually unable to actualize the word in any form."

"It does not matter." He took a step backwards. "I only wished to verify that you knew and to ask that you don’t tell him."

"How interesting, you can keep information intentionally from your owner. What would you do if I wanted to tell him?"

"I have no recourse." He said simply.

"Hmm, and you have no plans on telling him? You would keep that information away from him when he desperately is pushing himself to save someone he cares for? It would surely be valuable to learn their techniques and abilities." I tilted my head.

"It would be harmful for him to learn. My priority is and always will be to protect Ichigo."

"Really?" I questioned. "You’re hiding the truth to protect him? Or are you trying to protect yourself?"

He was silent.

"You need not worry, I won’t say anything. I don’t make it a habit of involving myself into people’s personal matters." I dismissed the matter out of hand.

"....and the other young man?"

"I did not reveal what I discovered about your owner’s unique soul. Your wielder is owed his own privacy and as long as it isn’t an issue for us, I won’t say anything."

"You have my gratitude." He bowed his head.

"Your owner was born under my Daughter’s sun, you have no reason to thank me for something so trivial." I waved my hand. "You should return before you are noticed."

He turned to leave, but paused his steps. "Please extend my gratitude to the other one. I did not originally intend for Ichigo to meet his Hollow aspect so soon. The Sheath that was used to care for Ichigo is beyond something I understand and changed things I did not wish changed. However...the meadow has been enjoyable."

Wilhelm told me he used Artoria’s Sheath to heal him, did it do something to him? "I will pass on your words."

I withdrew my sight from him as he disappeared as I had something more important to focus on.

"You’re back." I smiled as Wilhelm returned at quick speeds.

"Yeah, had a good little workout and figured some things out." He stretched his arms. "You’re not sleeping?"

"I don’t require sleep, it’s merely a pleasant experience I indulge in."

"Hmm, I’m trying to wind down at the moment. But Yoruichi told me something interesting, apparently they have a hotspring down here. Interested?"

"I think that would be most enjoyable."

He offered his arm and I happily took it.

This was the happiest I have been for a very long time.


Non-Canon Omake: The Clown Imposter!

Shunsui POV

"Another Captains meeting so soon?" I yawned, taking my spot. "What’s on the agenda for today?"

"You would know if you weren’t late." Captain Sui-Feng hissed.

"Ara, I’m just on time" I grinned. Well, The Old Man wasn’t angry, so that meant I’m not late!

"Can we get started? I have other things planned today." Mayuri asked and....

"You sound different, Mayuri, did something happen?" I looked at him. "And you changed your look again."

"I decided it was time to embrace my inner nature." He puffed up proudly.

"....okay then." Well, he did weird stuff like this all the time.

We were about to start when the door was pulled open hastily. "I apologize for being late, but my experiments on the Quincy were taking my full and undivided attention." .....Mayuri said as he walked into the room. "And I....." He stopped, coming face to face with Mayuri. "What is this?"

"That’s what I’d like to know." I looked at the two Mayuri.

"You!!" The newest Mayuri screeched, pointing a finger at the Mayuri that was already here. "Ryoka! What are you all standing around for, arrest him!"

"Calm down, calm down." I stood up, getting between them. "It’s clear that one of you is an imposter, we need to settle this properly."

"What are you saying!? How could you think I’m an imposter, look at him!" The Mayuri that looked like he did the last time I saw him pointed to the Mayuri that was standing here from before I walked in.

"A trick by our enemies?" Captain Hitsugaya asked. "It’s going to be difficult finding out which one is the real one."

"Is this a joke!? He’s wearing an orange, curly, wig and his face is painted white and that’s....that’s a big round red nose on his face!!! You can see his real hair behind him!!!!"

".....I’m really not seeing much of a difference."

"Gaaah!" ’Mayuri let out a scream.

"This is a conundrum." The Mayuri with the red nose spoke up. "Clearly we should solve this by asking us questions."

"That’s a good idea, Mayuri." I pursed my lips. "Alright, here’s a question. Let’s have Mayuri recount how he was defeated recently by the Ryoka."

"I was not – "

"A Brick. I was beaten brutally with nothing but a mundane brick because I’m weak." The Red Nose Mayuri immediately replied.

"That’s – "

"I think that answers our questions." I looked around and everyone else nodded.

"Take the imposter to a holding cell." The Old Man commanded.

"Very well, leave it to me." Captain Kuchiki volunteered.

"I’ll help ya take the fake Mayuri, Kuchiki." Gin also decided to help.

"No, this is ridiculous, I’m not – " His voice died down as he was dragged outside and pulled away.

"Sorry about that, Mayuri." I apologized.

"Eh, don’t worry about it. It’s easy to copy my look with any clown getup."

Huh, Mayuri was much more likable today. I hoped this continued.


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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