A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 47 - 46

Chapter 47: Chapter 46

The courtyard was built into the side of a mountain, I could peer over and see the surrounding foliage that littered the valley below. It was a beautiful sight, practically devoid of any kind of human touch.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a monastery in the past.

Many of the amenities had been weathered and grounded from the passage of time, but it was still a wonderful location for some secretive experiments.

I turned my head, seeing the familiar scene of a portal created by the application of the Kaleidoscope opening up.

Zelretch walked out, followed by both Rin and Artoria.

I gave Rin a nod and I looked towards Artoria who met my eyes, there was only a quick glance before she looked away.


I have no idea what our current ’status’ is or if we’ll even have anything more in the future, I don’t want to rush anything, so I didn’t mind taking it slow.

If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. Perhaps by the time I return she’ll have her own heart settled.

I clapped my hands. "Everyone ready?"

"I wasn’t really told what I would be doing besides the basics." Rin stated, taking out a very familiar looking wand.

"Well isn’t that a blast from the past." I eyed it with a smile forming on my face. "Is she still as rambunctious?"

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Rin sighed, drooping her shoulders. "There’s a reason I keep her turned ’off’ most of the time."

I gently pat her shoulder. I know Zelretch doesn’t particularly enjoy Ruby being around even if he created her. Funnily enough, he does enjoy annoying other people with her antics. "Don’t worry, you’ll be able to craft your own personal mystic code in the future."

"Yeah, the old man said I would need to gather the materials by myself though." She deadpanned. "That would require me traveling around with Ruby." She waved the ’stick’ in annoyance.

"I’ll keep a lookout for anything useful for you." I offered.

Her expression quickly turned around. "Thanks!" She beamed, sincerely thankful. "What about you, have you made your own yet? I know you both can’t exactly share..."

"Truthfully, I’m a tad curious as well." Zelretch chimed in. "I personally wouldn’t settle for anything below a certain level and your resources were far inferior to mine."

"True, and I was quite lucky being able to find some compatible materials." I glanced over to Artoria. "I think Saber is the only one that’s seen it before."

"It was a good sword." She commented evenly.

I withdrew my prized blade from my ring, allowing it to glisten under the light of the stars. "I named it Mirage." With that I did a small movement, allowing the colors to flow out.

"Glass?" Zelretch mumbled, eyeing it carefully. "No, that isn’t quite right....but then how did you connect, OH! Wonderful, what an intuitive design, and the craftsmanship is excellent." He exclaimed. "Brilliant, just as I would expect from myself." He chuckled. "Though if it weren’t for the bauble at the end, it would still fall short of my Jeweled sword."

Really can’t hide anything from you.

Zelretch just gave me a cheeky smile, bringing out his own sword.

I had a small urge to swipe it, and I think he noticed because he gave me an ’I dare you’ look.

"Well, it’s your turn, Rin." I held back a smirk.

As much as I cared about Rin, I would forever enjoy these next few moments.

Rin sighed, activating her wand.

"I’M BACK!" The wand took to the air, flying in circles before landing before us. "Master, I have awakened once more, it’s time to rid the world of evil. Magical Girl Rin will dispense justice!"

"Dammit Ruby." Rin slapped her palm to her face.

"Saber!" Ruby happily flew towards our resident knight.

"Hello, Ruby." Artoria gave a small smile.

One of Zelretch’s creations, a Kaleidostick. Basically a ’sapient’ wand with the ability to access the Kaleidoscope, and an excellent tool for a beginner like Rin. Despite what one may think, this thing was a very beautiful work of art.

"Ruby, it’s time to calm down." Zelretch didn’t raise his voice, but Ruby practically snapped to attention.

"Yes, creator." The wand stopped zipping around and hovered right next to Rin.

"Also, meet my grandson." Zelretch gestured to me.

"Hello Ruby, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you." I couldn’t help my lips curling up.

"Grandson!?" Ruby’s voice sounded shocked. "Since when?"

"About a week or so ago." Rin snorted.

"Sounds about right." I shrugged.

"Hmm." The magical wand came over to inspect me. "My magical girl senses are tingling, you’re either the super-secret masked male-hero that saves magical girls at the last possible moment, or a demon in disguise."

I couldn’t help but blink. "Why not both?"

"Ohoh, you walk the path of the anti-hero then? Forever shrouded in darkness, only the true love of a pure maiden can bring you towards the light!" Ruby flew back towards Rin. "Rin, we must recruit him to our cause."

Rin looked at me in exasperation. "Ruby, lets put a pin in that for now, we have a job to do and I think the Old man is going to get impatient."

"Fine, fine." Ruby deflated. "But I want to braid Saber’s hair again later."

"I would not be against it, you did a wonderful job the last time." Artoria chimed in.

How does that even work? Did she use magic or is she just that good at it? And now I want to see Artoria with her hair braided.

"Awesome! Sleep over is decided, we shall eat lots of ice cream and talk about boys." Ruby declared.

Rin finally grabbed the talking wand. "Yeah, lets do that." Her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Take these calculations and start running your simulation."

"Don’t forget to scan the ritual site." Zelretch helpfully added.

"You got it, Master!" Ruby somehow saluted regardless of not having any limbs. She hovered over the magical circle, light emitted from her point and washing over the area. "Materials categorized, begin conceptual simulation."

"Well, the moment of truth." I said to no one in particular.

Zelretch was having Rin run the calculations, I didn’t particular mind, it’s not like she could ’ruin’ anything, if I were to be blunt about it. Again, I don’t mind stepping back and allow Rin to have a learning experience.

"Master, your calculations show a 42.38% chance of success."

"Only 42%?" Rin looked a bit defeated.

"Not too bad." Zelretch interrupted her dejection. "Realistically, neither me or my Grandson would have broke 60% without some ancillary means or just brute forcing the issue." He pulled a small stone shard out of his pocket. "Lets add this and recalculate, Ruby."

"Scanning." She looked over the shard. "97.93% chance of success."

"A shard from the original Gate of Skye, do I even want to know where you got that?" I just shook my head. "Well, Rin, you heard the lady, let the show begin."

"Okay, I got this." She said to herself, quietly.

I saw her circuits light up and her amateurish pulling on the Kaleidoscope. I wasn’t insulting her ability, it was merely a description of her current skill. To even be called an amateur was actually quite the compliment when it came to this specific Magic.

"Ruby, lend me a hand." Rin waved the wand around, forming the gate up as the materials responded to her call and floated into the air. They started revolving, mish-mashing and fell into a ’formation’ that resembling an archway. "I think I got it." She finally said after a few moments.

Zelretch nodded towards me, walking to the Staff of Magnus. "Hold it for a moment." He grabbed the shaft and pulled on Rin’s own spell work to anchor the spell to the Divine Construct.

The portal stabilized as Rin slowly backed off.

"What a cheeky little Staff." Ruby commented. "I should show it who’s the boss." She harrumphed.

I could tell that the Portal was a success, it should hold for two uses, one there and the return trip.

"Well done, Rin." I complimented.

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"Of course" She tried to show off a haughty attitude, but she was preening under the praise.

"Well, looks like its time." I swept my gaze around.

"Got everything you need?" Zelretch asked, more of a formality really.

"Yeah, that and then some."

"Rin, why don’t I show you some stuff I hid inside, in case you ever need to here again for any reason." Zelretch put a hand on her shoulder, leading them inside the building, giving me and Artoria a moments of privacy. "Come along, Ruby."

"Yes, Creator~" The wand also floated with them.

I just shook my head, realizing what he was doing. Rin apparently did too as she didn’t say anything and followed.

I looked towards Artoria who returned my gaze briefly. "I guess this is goodbye for a little bit."

"Do you know how long your trip will last?" She took a few steps closer, idly playing with her hands.

"Inside for me? A while probably, for outside....I would say not any longer than two weeks." I hazard a guess, only doing a few mental calculations.

"I see....I..." She cut herself off not sure what to say.

"There isn’t a need to push yourself." I said gently. giving her a smile. "I’ll be back in a bit, and we can have a talk about how to go from here, be it friends or something more. The important thing is to figure out what you want."

She took a hesitant step forward, grabbing onto my sleeve. "I will look forward to your return." I saw the faintest pink on her cheeks.

There weren’t anymore words that needed to be said, with a step forward, I pushed into the portal.





I was bombarded with these feeling as soon as I walked through.

The coldness of this realm wasn’t natural....it was tainted with the feeling of death and the resentment of souls that refused to rest. I could stand on mountains in Skyrim, in the blizzards and not be as cold as I was right now. The term ’deathly cold’ never held more truth than it did hear, the cold air literally penetrated my skin.

Ironically, I was standing over a pit of molten lava. From where it came, I had no idea. Only a small, stone bridge holding me up, and allowing me passage over safely.

One might think, just fly over! Except, normal ’laws’ no longer apply. Trying to fly ’up’ will not necessarily take me to the sky.

I wanted to continue my muse, take in my surroundings, but I was disturbed by the most rude undead that stumbled from whatever hiding places they laid.

Skeletons, zombies, some other types of abominations that breath necrotic energy from their pores.

I wasted no time, several Runic Circles hovered over my head, expelling volleys of spells at any undead that dared to get in my way.

These couldn’t even compared to the Draugrs I fought back in Skyrim, especially not those really strong ones, though I had the feeling that dangers lurked near by.

My casual stroll off the bridge was met with the cliff of a mountain as I overlooked the valley below. I couldn’t help my eyes widening as I saw an uncountable number of entities limping about, undead creatures of all kinds refusing to stay dead as they continued their mockery of life.

Well, I guess it was time for a certain sword to shine.

Dawnbreaker was freed from the confines of my ring. It’s holy light exploded out, grabbing the attention of every undead in the area, they all stared up, some with more intelligence than others.

I would have to go through them regardless.

Sliding down the rocky terrain, many came up to meet my assault. Stumbling through stones, cracked and rusted weapons in hands. The former figures of warriors, from ages past, they meant nothing under the light of Dawnbreaker.

My holy sword cutting clean through any undead it came across. Holy light exploded on contact, blowing away those that got too close.

I had gotten a bit better at handling this weapon, I realized that it had a few more uses than just being good against undead. It’s light, the Anti-Undead properties, could be utilized more malleably.

I dove into a large group, no coordination as they tried to climb over one another to get to me. I could only assume they despised the living, their resentment allowed only themselves and those like them to exist.

Dawnbreaker was slamming into the ground, the holy light pulsed out like a dome, the walls of golden energy disintegrating everything it touched.

The tide seemed endless, as even I killed dozens, hundreds, double that would take the space.

"ROOOOOAAARR" A loud shout echoed, the ground shaking and the mountains trembled.

A massive hand broke through the earth, grabbing any undead unlucky enough to be in its grasp and pulling them down. I was pretty sure I heard chewing, and the earth began to crack, something was breaking through.

It was massive, I don’t think I could call it a zombie, but something with that nature. It still possessed flesh, and I doubt its former life was a human one. Some kind of Phantasmal species, I was betting a giant of some sort.

It towards over me, maybe thirty or forty meters in height.

With a thought, Mirage appeared from my ring in my empty hand. The Spell circles lit up, filling with magical energy.

The monstrosity lumbered towards me, its rotten flesh filling my nose with its putrid scent. Pieces of its body could be seen falling off, other places where the bones could be seen.

It almost fell down, trying to reach me at its fastest speed. I didn’t move, continuously pulling on the Kaleidoscope to empower my spell.

The tip of my blade slowly moved up, hovering center mass of the abomination as it tried to reach for me.

"Ether Canon." My voice echoed around the valley.

It was massive, the biggest one I’ve done in this life.

The undead’s arm disappeared, as did most of its body. My spell carried on, cleaving through an army of undead that followed in its wake.

I small smile rose on my face, it felt good to cut loose like this and not worry about collateral damage.

I didn’t have time to dwell on it as my eyes noticed something at the end of the path I had just opened up in the tide of undead. There was a pathway that opened up between the mountainous cliffs, it was paved with stone and an archway, clearly indicating the correct way to go.



A few more earth-shattering roars shook he valley, huge body parts began to break through the icy tundra, reentering the world after their slumber.

Well, time to skedaddle.

Reinforcement fill my body and I shot off, not allowing myself to be swarmed any longer. As my feet carried me past the threshold, the smaller undead refused to enter and I could only look back in confusion.

I decided not to dwell on it any longer and kept going in the dark tunnel.

A ball of fire lit up above my hand, giving me some light. I was somewhat on edge, I would be a full to let my guard down after all, but I didn’t sense the presence of anything here.

The tunnel carried on, maybe for another mile or so until I saw a light at the end where it opened up.

The air was slightly more....pristine, like the undead essences were thinner over here.

My eyes immediately were taken by the sight of a castle not too far away, but more than that, I saw someone mediating on the ground, the snow even refusing to stain her visage.

She had Purple hair with the faintest red-hue, she was a beauty almost beyond compare. Impaled in the ground next to her was a spear that radiated bloodlust, enough to give me pause this far away.

I trembled though when her eyes slowly opened, their red irises focusing solely on me.

I’m pretty sure I found my teacher.


Okay, fair warning to everyone, I won’t be releasing any chapters starting Friday and through the weekend. I’m going out of town to visit family, so no computer.

Anyways, Scathach appears.

If you want to support me or read up to five chapters ahead, visit my pat reon.com/astoryforone

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