A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 500 - 453

Chapter 500: Chapter 453

Hr?svelgr POV

It was almost novel.

I had not been challenged to a ’race’ since I was but fledgling. Very quickly, it was obvious that none were my match, and competitions and the like became more of combat and battle before I finally stood upon the Highest Branch as King uncontested.

All avians bowed to me as the King of Birds.

And yet, here a lowly Mortal challenges me to a contest of speed.

I, who wielded the very Winds of the Nine Realms.

I would have been offended had I not sensed the genuineness behind his challenge. The prize of which.....it tempted me away from my inaction.

I required no weapon, for the Winds and the Sky were my domain. However....I was not without my own desire upon seeing the Shield he offered as a prize. It did not require one to be a Dwarf of Nidavellir to immediately understand the craftsmanship and power it held within.

It would be a worthy trophy for a King such as I.

"Be aware, this road I created will loop back onto itself, to win, you must return to this spot before I do." It would be proper etiquette to explain the rules even if they were self-explanatory.

"As long as you’re not a sore loser and mess with it, then that’s fine." He began stretching.

"Arrogant." I snorted.

As if I would have to resort to such means. And I would never do such a dishonorable action. My subjects raised their own objections to his words, but I merely raised my wing to hush them.

It was not their place to fight my battles.

I was the King of the Highest Branch, I would fight, and I would protect them instead.

Even if it was for something as mundane as a race.

"It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence." He took a running stance.

I felt something strange within my chest. Perhaps it was the desire to win that swelled up within me? I have not been properly challenged in many centuries, and now this.....this small mortal showed me such ’confidence’?

I waved my wings again, altering the road. "Then let us test that confidence! This Road now penetrates the Realms themselves!" The winds, I let them fly freely. "Not even I know to where the four winds shall lead us."

Ratatoskr may have absolute authority over the traveling of Yggdrasil itself, but the Winds were my domain, and there was no where that the Winds could not reach!

The Mortal, rather than being annoyed or surprised, laughed heartedly.


That is how it should be!

"Got a bell or something to start this?"

"No need, you may go when you are ready. I will simply catch up." I said dismissively.

I had my own Pride, mortal.

Struggle as you may, it would do nothing to –

The thought abruptly came to a halt as the Mortal shot off, leaving a hurricane in his wake as he turned into not but a streak of light and began down the Wind Road.

No, he called himself the child of a Goddess.

A Demi-God.

Perhaps that was even insufficient.

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A Hero then?

I flapped my wings and called upon the winds to catch after him.

He was fast. I was able to admit that much.

But it would be far from enough to match me!

Despite pushing myself, it took me far longer than I would have liked to catch up to him at an even pace.

The highest Branch was no longer in full view, and the Wind Road took us through the Starry Sky.

"Oh hey, didn’t think I’d see you again!" The Mortal cheekily waved at me while running.

"Hmph, a casual breeze is enough to keep pace with you."

"Oh, maybe I should kick it up a notch then?" He laughed, accelerating further.

I too went faster, matching his speed once again.

The Road ahead began to change. "Take heed, this will be my only warning. We are about to enter another Realm, if you slow down, you might fall off."

The Stars disappeared and I recognized the gorges and crags of Nidavellir. However, the pristine mountains and the sharp and beautiful peaks were nowhere to been seen.

The majority of the realm from what we could see had turned barren. The Realm of the Dwarfs had always been lacking life on the surface as they lived in the caverns below. However, it had its own majesty, the Winds sung between the cliffs uncontested by civilization.

Now, they were but molten slag upon the Semi-Frozen Tundra.

Parts were burned away, others were frozen solid.

Destruction wrought the surface.

My competitor noticed it too, and perhaps we both slowed down a notch to take it in.

".....there used to be a mountain here that I came to perch on in my youth." I said softly.

"Good thing it’s not your problem, right?" My competitor looked at me.

"The matters of the creatures of the earth are not our concern." I snorted, flying faster towards the next destination that was approaching.

The Winds guided us to our next destination, harsh winds swept through my wings.

The Fires of Muspelheim greeted us next.

The Temperatures enough that even my own eyes began to dry in the vicinity of this harsh environment.

"Do you give up, Mortal? The Fires of Muspelheim are not something the weak can endure."

"Then I’ll accept your surrender." He laughed despite the sweat pouring down his brow.

"Your stubbornness is praiseworthy." I would admit that he has thus surprised me so far.

There were many monsters and creatures of Muspelheim that were reared by the Fire Giants native to this realm. My distant Kin that accepted the destructive forces meant to burn down the world.

Serpents that spewed fire and whose scales were made of molten lava. Gremlins and Trolls, Imps and all manner of Fire Demons. They were all coated in the destructive flames.

They looked up into the sky, roaring in fury, their desire to rip both us to shreds was noticeable even from this distance.

"Hr?svelgr." An Ancient voice called out, reverberating through the Realm of Muspelheim. Within the many towering infernos that blanketed this realm, two eyes opened, piercing the veil of destruction before closing again. "Leave here, Little Bird, your time has not yet come."

"Hmph, I can go where I wish, King of Muspelheim. Don’t forget that Wind fuels your Fires, but it can snuff them out just as easily!"

A dismissive snort was his only reply, but the Fires around us blazed, intensifying, however they did not target us but the Wind Road upon which my competitor ran.

Rather, it didn’t destroy it, but shifted it slightly, forcing it to exit the Realm quicker than it should.

I did nothing to counteract this as it would be unfair of my Competitor to come into conflict with the Giant King while our competition still held.

Very quickly, the intense heat was replaced by an intense Cold

Hurricane winds accompanied by thick snow and ice blanketed our sights.

"I appreciate the cool down, but this is getting ridiculous." My Competitor chuckled, the coldness becoming apparent on his body, for we had entered Jotunheim.

I too felt the cold between my feathers, however, I was beyond mere concepts such as hot and cold.

I could travel down the depths of Hel, and to the highest peaks. Mere cold would do nothing to bar my way.

"If you give up, I will take pity and allow you an escort back to my branch." I taunted him, and I found it odd myself. However, for some reason, I seemed to be enjoying myself.

I expected another arrogant retort, but instead, I felt a looming presence.

The shadows around us, believed to be mountains due to the whipping snow storms, quickly shifted. Glowing eyes opened up all around us and new shadows appeared overhead, large hands slamming down from above.

I furled my wings and rolled out of the way, flying between the slow attacks.

I eyed my competitor, expecting him to have trouble, but instead, he abandoned the Wind Road and ran up the large arm of one of the Giants that sieged us.

A spear appeared in his head, and he turned into a meteor, spear slamming into the Giant’s eye. The Giant wailed in pain and fury, stumbling over and falling to the ground.

The Mortal leapt from the fallen Giant to another, that Shield of his reappeared, and he used it to swing at an oncoming fist big enough to punch through a mountain.

The Frost Giant’s arm cracked and shattered at the force.

Expertly, my Competitor used the Giant’s large size as a springboard to leap back onto the Wind Road.

There were a few Giants of equal size and stature, however, most of them backed off upon seeing the Mortal fell two in quick succession.

They were not the strongest of my distant kin that inherited the harsh Colds of Jotunheim, and the wickedness that came with such power. But they were large and not something a mere Mortal should have been able to handle.

The ones that remained, it was because they were not intelligent enough to understand the situation, but rather than fight, he wove through their assaults with ease and grace, regaining the lost distance between us, leaving behind his foes.

"....an impressive showing." As a King, I should distribute praise where it is warranted.

"Hah, don’t go sucking up to me, I’m not going to let you win!" He laughed, despite the ice sticking to his skin.

"As if I would need such pity!"

"Just don’t cry when I win, Big Bird."

"The Audacity!"

"Hey, kinda curious about something, do you recognize flightless birds as your cousins?"

"Those are no kin of mine! If you can’t take to the sky, you are unworthy of my lordship!"

"Wow, really?"

I snorted. "Of course not, do you think I practice such Mortal trifles such as discrimination based on flight? All birds are my subjects, their circumstances of birth are irrelevant."

"Haha, Bird racism."

For some reason, I felt amusement swell up in my chest. "Haha." I found myself laughing at the incredulity of the situation.

However, I also noticed my Competitor was breathing rather heavily at this point.

This was not only a showing of speed, but endurance, and I could tell that he would be reaching his limit soon.

To last this long, it was worth acknowledging. Below myself, I would name him the fastest I have ever encountered.

My call upon the winds sensed that we were approaching our last leg of this race.

The Winds shifted and the Cold began to disappear as we entered the last Realm before reaching back to my Kingdom.

The Large Trees and the gentle breeze under the warm sunlight indicated where we were.

Alfheim greeted us on this last leg.

Many of my Kin enjoyed to perch upon the trees of Alfheim, this realm was known more to me than any other.

I was taken back, however, at seeing swathes of the expansive forests burned down.

Smoke rose in the distance, and the cries of battle carried upon all the winds of this Realm.

This one beautiful realm was now consumed by war and death.

"Disgusting" I didn’t hold back my condemnation upon seeing the source. The Elves of Alfheim and the Elves of Svartalfheim were always at odds, but to see what were basically brothers and sisters killing and slaughtering each other was utterly despicable.

The Dark Elves and Light Elves clashed both openly and discreetly.

Army of tens of thousands and small ambushes within the forest.

Cities and Forests burned in their wake.

I decided not to focus on it and instead turned back towards the road. "Be aware, we are approaching the end. Once we leave this realm, we were be moving towards my throne! If you have anything left to give – "

It took but a moment for me to realize, my competitor was gone.

I called upon my winds to find him, his unique presence was not hard to discover through everything happening below.

A female elf was being dragged out of her home, a Troll gripping her hair tightly, her clothes ripped and torn.

Many more in her village were dead, half eaten or worse.

My Competitor, without a second thought, abandoned the competition and rammed his spear through the Troll’s head.

My wings slowed down as I watched him defeat the creatures that plagued the village, single handedly slaying hundreds of monsters within the span of a few breaths.

Before I knew it, I stopped all together.

He took the time to help up the woman and sooth her crying. He pulled the rubble of a hut away, helping a father and his children escape. He put out the fires on their fields, and made sure that all the monsters around them were truly dead. He grabbed what supplies he could, mending wounds that needed attention.

His actions were quick, practiced, without a shred of anxiety to them.

He had truly given up our race just for.....this.

I wanted to be offended, but I could not bring myself to work up the anger. The cries of mourning, the exclamations of exhilaration, and the relief of escaping death, I heard them all whisper upon the Winds.

However, more creatures were running over the hill, thousands more like the ones he had slain.

The Villagers despaired, but the Mortal simply held his spear out, awaiting their approach.

"Don’t worry, I’m a Hero." I heard his words despite the distance.

I had no doubt in my mind that he would successfully slay every monster there and protect that village. I do not know where this confidence in him came from, but I was absolutely sure of it.

I closed my eyes and focused upon the Winds of Alfheim.

I called to them, and they answered.

They swept through the forest floors, and high above the forest canopies. Between each blade of grass, and among each leaf of the towering trees. Every wind upon these lands that craved retribution upon those who bled the children of the forests.

Upon my heed, they gathered around my wings, and I commanded them down to the Earth.

They hit the ground and spread far beyond what eyes could perceive.

The army of monsters that approached, they were swept up before they could come closer and they were sliced apart. The Winds continued outwards, finding any enemy to Alfheim and enacting their fury.

Beyond the horizons they traveled, and I stopped watching.

The Mortal stared at me, and I looked down below at him.

He whistled, and summoned forth a flying chariot pulled by three horses that stepped upon the winds as if they were its domain.

I once more wanted to be offended at the affront to my domain, but any rebukes died before they could be uttered.

He flew back up onto the Wind Road, dismissing his chariot into non-existence.

"Sorry about that, didn’t meant to keep you waiting." He stretched his arms again. "How about I give you a head start as thanks for the assist?" His cheekiness still ever present.

"Hmph, I merely did not wish for your continued distraction." I scoffed in annoyance. "Do not dare to look down upon me."

"Alright, fine" He held his hands up in surrender. "Thanks for the help though, appreciate it."

"....your thanks is unneeded."


"You may restart when you are ready."

He did not wait for my confirmation any longer, and he shot off once more, reaching his previous top speed very quickly.

I called upon the winds under my wings and accelerated to match him as we left Alfheim and appeared back upon the starry sky. In the distance, the highest branches of Yggdrasil appeared as we approached our destination.

His breathing was ragged, but his legs carried him still at speeds I could only admire in a being such as him.

"You will lose if you continue like this, I can go faster and I have more energy to give" I don’t know why I told him this rather than push past him and win this contest.

He still laughed. Despite being winded, tired, exhausted, he slowly went faster. Each step, increased his speed, I had to push myself to keep pace, but still, he continued to accelerate.

It was then I noticed something strange. I felt like he was....leaking, for lack of a better word. It was like his aura was a fire that someone poured more fuel on. It would burn brighter and hotter, but it would quickly burn out if continued.

"What did you do!?"

The Hero’s power burst out and he smiled as blood trickled out of his nose.

His speed doubled, and my eyes widened.

I had to call upon nearly all of my power to reach back to his side. His eyes turned red and they became bloodshot, his muscled tensed and threatened to tear at the strain he put himself under.

Within another blink, he double his speed again.

I could see the Highest Branch, I could see the thousands of my kin awaiting for my glorious return.

I had enough to match him still.....but my wings did not beat faster. My Winds did not come for I did not command them to.

I closed my eyes and sighed in my heart.

The roars of my kin erupted, and my competitor fell to his knees, victorious.

"You idiot, did you burn your Spirit Origin!?" The Hero’s companion began to chastise him.

I did not understand what he did, but whatever it was, he harmed himself substantially to win.

"You let him win." Duneyrr’s voice reached upon me, hidden to all but myself.

"He earned his victory." My response equally hidden.

"Are you really going to do as he asked?"

"My word is beyond reproach. As the loser, I will fulfill my obligation."

"Your people will die for those who are undeserving."

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"Perhaps it is time we remind them that we are not to be trifled with." I cast my gaze beyond the Highest Branch.

"The mighty and arrogant Hr?svelgr was truly swayed by that small creature?" Duneyrr’s voice was full of mockery.

"As a king, I will acknowledge his will."

"His arrogance you mean?" The old Deer snorted. ".....his words still echo in my head."

"We have known each other for a long time. Ever since you fused with the World Tree to become a safe haven for your children, we have been neighbors."

"Are you going to convince me to join you?"

"Do I need to convince you?"

"....no." He admitted. "That annoying brat said what needed to be said. I don’t like him, but he’s not wrong. I would rather die on my feet, fighting for a chance for my children rather than waiting for death."

I threw my wings up, silencing all the voices around me. "My Subjects, prepare yourselves, we fly to war!"

Asgard called for Aid, then they will remember why I am the King of the highest Branch.


Wilhelm POV

"Hey, Odin, I had a question." The trek to the village was filled with silence. It wasn’t far away from what they said, but Odin and myself weren’t in the best condition even if we hurried. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

Particularly Odin, he had several holes in him from getting chomped on by Fenrir.

Despite being a God, and his spite holding him together, he honestly shouldn’t be in any position to do any sort of combat, but he was a stubborn ass.


"I was thinking about what I’ve learned since coming here. And decided, I didn’t want to run into any surprises that I should have anticipated, so I figured I would ask for clarification. You spoke about Baldur before, but in the myths wasn’t the death of Baldur one of the major triggers for Ragnar?k?"

Odin let out a sigh. "Baldur should have died, but instead, his wife – Nanna, the Goddess of Joy and Peace died in his place."

"That can happen?" I knew he was talking in a more fate-defying sense. Baldur was destined to die, the fact that Ragnar?k had kicked off and he’s still alive was a big red flag.

"There are very few things more powerful in this world than the willing and unconditional sacrifice of another." Odin spoke softly. "It was deemed enough to save my son from his fated death."

I felt like I shouldn’t ask for more details, that was enough to understand the current situation.

"You drag him to this place and he doesn’t even know this much?" The Old Elf grumbled. "What did you even tell him?"

"We were preoccupied! I didn’t expect Loki – "

"You didn’t expect Loki to pull some underhanded shit that flipped your plans on their head?"

"Alright, that’s fair." Odin quickly acknowledged. "We’ve been on the back foot since coming here, I didn’t think about the smaller details."


"Don’t hmph, me."



"...you guys sure are good friends." I strained a smile.

"Hel no!"

"I would rather die."

They both quickly disagreed.

"Right, I’m just imagining things." I rolled my eyes.

"He’s just mad that I slept with his wife." Odin pursed his lips.

"You did not! Don’t you dare tell him that, he might believe you." The Former Elf King glared. "He tried, and my wife rebuked him harshly. He’s been annoyed ever since."

"Someone pissed in your cheerios." Odin huffed.

"If it wasn’t a matter of survival, I wouldn’t be helping you." The Elf King glared. "You’re lucky I healed you at all."

".....what did he do?" I hesitantly asked.

"I did nothing wrong." Odin defended himself.

"He helped my son depose me off my throne." The Elf’s nostrils flared.

"Odin, what the fuck?"

Odin was silent. "It was important at the time." He was....more serious than a moment before and it didn’t sound like he was taking the piss out of the Elf when he said this.

The Elf king let out a sigh. "Don’t misunderstand, we buried the hatchet years ago. I don’t hold a grudge. I would have eventually stepped down for my son anyways." He waved it off.

"Not holding a grudge, my ass, you shot me in the balls with your arrows."

"Good times." The Elf smiled. "But you owe me big for this, I missed my shows to take care of your wrinkly ass."

"Pardon, did you say shows?" I looked at him skeptically.

"What, did you think I’m uncivilized?"

"Your home..."

"That’s just where I go to take a break from everything and tend to a few patients. Do you think we don’t have access to the outside world? How do you think I knew who you were? I do have a phone and access to the Devil Net."

....alrighty then.

"Well, In all honesty, can’t really blame you for assuming. Not many people in these parts care about that sort of thing." He shrugged. "But my payment for saving you guys is that you’re going to help me here."

The rising smoke became much clearer as we got closer, even through the large trees that blanketed the landscape.

It was enough that we stopped the chit chat and went faster despite the unpleasantness we were experiencing.

As soon as the trees were cleared and the village opened up, we could see the fire raging on the roofs, and the corpses that littered the streets.

The Old Elf was fast, he wasted no time and pulled back the string of his mundane looking bow. I almost wanted to compare it to my Bow of Auriel in how it produced Light arrows even if it was substantially different in power.

His arrows were let loose and several figures fell out of the shadows, arrows through their hearts.

They looked similar to the Old Elf, but with darker skin and red eyes.

A rather picture perfect depiction if someone described Dark Elves to me.

"These bastards!" The Old Elf Hissed. "This village was supposed to be off limits!"

I shared a look with Odin and we both shot off quickly.

Mirage was in my hand before I knew it and I came upon a Dark Elf holding a cleaver-like knife above the head of a cowering woman.

It really didn’t take any consideration on my part to lop his head off.

If the situation weren’t dire, I would have taken more effort not to make a messy scene on the otherwise traumatized woman, but I couldn’t really dwell on it for the moment.

I quickly moved up my sword to block a thrown knife coming for my head, deflecting it along with several others to the side.

My appearance obviously did not go unnoticed. I drew a quick Runic Sequence to shield the woman next to me, then called upon my other swords, having them shoot towards my attackers.

They were a bit better I would assume than the idiot I beheaded, because they dodged my initial attack, but even without burdening myself, they were not much for me to overcome with my basic speed.

A quick movement, and I stabbed Mirage into the leg of one and cut off the arm of another.

Ignoring the pained shouts, I called upon my Wings as I shot up two stories, catching a child that was hanging from the roof of the house nearby.

It was high enough to give me a good view, and my swords followed my mental commands, sweeping down the streets, finding any Dark Elves causing wanton slaughter and destruction.

There weren’t solely Dark Elves either, there appeared to be other creatures. I recognized the Trolls, but the others, they were new.

Regardless, they were the lowest of cannon fodder and were cut into pieces by my swords.

I could see the flash of Gae Bolg from Odin a few streets over, and the arrows that miraculously turned 90 degree corners and seemed to seek out the surrounding enemies regardless of where they hid.

Floating to the ground, I let the girl out of my arms, and two elderly Elves ran out of the building behind me and quickly snatched her up, giving me a silent thanks before hiding somewhere else.

It was more of the same, find a Dark Elf, kill a Dark Elf.

Particularly, I had no mercy for one I saw on the ground, gasping for breath.

I flipped mirage upside down, and was about to stab him in a particularly painful place to let him bleed out in the worst way, but a firm hand grabbed my arm, stopping me.

The Old Elf King stopped me from killing him, and instead, helped the Dark Elf up.

"This village isn’t just for us Light Elves. The Old, the Young, those who wanted to retire. It was an unspoken agreement that it wouldn’t be touched by either side in the conflicts that erupted every few years." The Old King spoke solemnly. "There were many Dark Elves that lived here peacefully as well, but I saw their corpses were particularly desecrated by their kin." He spat out.

"Those old agreements won’t hold anymore." Odin came trotting over, a group of people following behind him.

Very quickly, heads peeked out from behind closed doors and their hiding places.

Two dark shadows flashed across the sky, and instantly, two Ravens perched on Odin’s shoulders.

I had forgotten about them. They were nearly as iconic as his Divine Spear.

Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory, the familiars of the All-Father. They were his eyes and ears throughout the Nine Realms.

He looked at them, and it wasn’t hard to guess he was silently communicating with them.

If they weren’t worried, then it seems like all the enemies were dealt with.

I walked over to the nearest person and began casting the Healing Spells I knew. They weren’t much for both Odin and myself anymore, but it was still significant for these people.

I saw the Old Elf take out a few leaves of something, crush them in his hand, and put it against the stump of another Elf’s arm, and then push the severed arm onto it, binding them together.

Very quickly, the fingers moved again.


"We’re not far from the front Lines." Odin walked over. "If you want to move them, it’s better we do it sooner rather than later. They can take refuge in Asgard."

The Old Elf King looked at Odin. "Thank you."

Odin smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We should be quick, it’s best not to involve more fighting around them."

Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if more raiding parties came after them after realizing that their allies had disappeared and aren’t reporting back through whatever means.

"I know a safe path, we’re not far from the border of Asgard." Odin tapped his spear against the ground, and everyone around us lit up. I realized instantly that he was copying my healing spell and casting it on everyone.

Show off.


When he said we were close to the border, I didn’t realize how close we were.

The Realms, while separate ’Continents’ that sat upon the branches of Yggdrasil, they were also linked onto one another through less than physical means. It wasn’t quite as literal as walking to the edge of one and appearing to the other, but there were actual bridges that conjoined them.

The Elves, they followed behind Odin and myself. They kept their distance a little bit, a little more than would be considered polite, but I couldn’t blame them. They were frightened and then they saw us come in and slaughter the people who hurt them, and it was probably traumatizing.

Not to mention that they were aware they were before The All-Father.

"Odin, why didn’t they leave here earlier themselves?" We were far enough away for them not to hear.

The Old Elf king as well was staying with them in their group to provide them with some comfort.

"Why do people not simply walk up Olympus into Zeus’s house?" Odin responded back.

"oh..." The rather obvious hit me.

"It’s understandable in your situation, you’re not used to respecting Gods the same way most Mortals are." He didn’t mean it as an insult either, I just didn’t have the same perceptions. "Mortals don’t lightly tread upon the Realm of Asgard."

I understood.

They had to be invited, regardless of the situation.

Gods were Gods.

We crossed the threshold without issue.

Odin only mentioned it passing, but we were lucky that both the nearby front lines were sort of on opposite sides of us, so we didn’t have to run into the fiercer battles and retreated ’backwards’ into Asgard.

Both of Odin’s Ravens were now gone, presumably, they went off to warn Asgard that they were coming.

The sprawling city of Asgard came into view.

The Walls out front were littered with cracks and holes, the fields were stained by the signs of battle, but even so, the Golden City couldn’t hide its opulence and majesty.

There was a thunderous boom, the sky thundered as a figure flew out from behind the walls.

With a thunderclap, they landed into a newly formed crater, Hammer in hand that crackled with lightning.

"Father, you’ve returned!" Thor Odinson appeared, laughing happily at Odin’s return.

He was a large man, perhaps a head taller than Thorum. Mostly of muscle and, well, he had a bit of a belly, a beer gut if I’m honest. But it didn’t really detract much from his overall presence.

I’m fairly sure he could punch Giants into submission.

"Shouldn’t you be holding the line?" Odin looked at his son emotionlessly.

"Aye, but it has quieted down. If there is a problem, I will return immediately."

Odin just nodded. "See to our guests."

Thor nodded, gesturing for the Elves. "Come this way, friends from Alfheim. We have room and food prepared after your journey." He put on a good natured smile as the gates of Asgard opened up.

Thor spared me a glance, but he didn’t say anything. Whatever it is he was holding back, it would probably be said at a later time.

Regardless, I had an initial good impression of the Thunder God. He honestly reminded me a lot of Thorum at first thought.

But we’d see.

Odin nudged my shoulder to follow him.

While the Elves went towards the....lower districts? I don’t know how to label it. Asgard was separated into layers it seemed.

The ones around us, they seemed like....peasants? The Godly equivalent?

A random person walking down the road, he immediately made way for us and bowed his head. Odin didn’t pay him a single mind, but I noticed a very faint Divinity inside of him.

I remember what Odin said, Gods without a Domain.

The lowest threshold, similar to the Millions of supposed Gods populating Japan.

Strength wise, probably High Class at least.

Not all of the people here were ’Gods’, but there were a noticeable amount.

"Brat, do you remember what I told you initially, about making an entrance?" Odin asked.

I nodded, and mentally touched upon the Hogyoku.

Everything shifted into Spiritual Power.

And my Reiatsu exploded outward.

Odin as well, his Godly Power rose up and became unrestrained, announcing his presence for everyone to feel.

We walked to the ’edge’ of the district, another large gate separating them.

Odin didn’t stop, he walked up to it, and kicked it as hard as he could, the Gates flew open.

Did he need to do that? No.

But it certainly left an impression.

We were completely unimpeded as we pressed further.

The upper District that led to the Palace looming over everything else.

Many Godly eyes were upon us at this point, and the ones guarding the doors to the Palace very quickly opened them up on our arrival without saying a word.

I recognized the one sitting on the Throne straight away.

Vidar, Odin’s youngest Son was there along with a plethora of Gods.

Most particularly, a tall man with gray hair and white clothes stood nearby.

"If it isn’t the All-Father." Loki clapped his hands with a mocking smile. "And I see you brought company. Well, better late than never I suppose. While you were gone, I was leading the defenses of Asgard."

I have to admit, it took a substantial amount of self-control not to act out. Seemingly, it was the same on Odin’s part.

Vidar, the King of Asgard, had a sour look on his face, because I’m fairly sure he couldn’t dispute the words that Loki spoke.

The Valkyrie we initially met already told us about how Loki was basically playing both sides.

The God of Mischief had his hands behind his back, and confidently strode forward. He looked at me with that cocky grin of his. "This should be our first meeting." He held his hand out to me.

I forced my most natural smile, grabbing his hand tightly. "That’s right, it’s our ’first’ meeting. I’m Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." Despite putting ample strength into it, he just seemed to take inordinate pleasure in my anger. "But I’ve certainly heard much about you!"

"Oh, do tell?" His lips curled up.

"The Norse God of mischief. The God of Magic, of Fire and Frost. The Lie-Smith. The Sly-God, The Shape-Changer, The Wizard of Lies." With each title, for some reason, he became more gleeful. He was practically begging me to do something and cause an incident. "And Loki, The Horse Fucker."

You could hear a pin drop.



Part 3 of the Looking Glass omake is up on P.a.t.r.e.o.n.

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