A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 514: + TTLG Omake Part 4

Chapter 514: + TTLG Omake Part 4

I was in all honesty, unsure on how to react.

"Salem?" I turned to look at her after receiving the message that she clearly heard as well. "Any idea what this is about?"

Salem’s expression shifted slightly. "Where do you think Cinder got her magic from?"

"Waityou just ripped out another girl’s soul just to give Cinder Magic?" I was left speechless.

"I did nothing of the sort, it was Cinder’s prerogative, I merely gave her the tools." Salem replied.

"And that makes it okay!?" I forced myself to calm down. "Salem, this is not something I’m okay with." The frustration immediately set in. "How am I supposed to react to this? This is exactly something I’d kill people for without batting an eye."

Salem crossed her arms and scowled. "It was before."


"It was before, you fool" She huffed.


"What do you think I did before we met? You know about my past from the Spirit, you are well aware of what I’ve done." She turned away. "This is the kind of person I’ve been throughout the years. Does it disgust you? Seeing what I’ve had a hand in with your own eyes?"

"I never made it a secret that I don’t like what you used to do." I admitted.

".I have held to the promise I made." She said softly. "I have not engaged in such activities."

I let out a breath, forcibly calming myself down. "I shouldn’t have started with an accusatory tone, I’m sorry." At the very least, that was wrong of me.

"Hmph." She scowled deeper, refusing to look my way with a clear hint of displeasure on her face. "Your assumption was not without merit."

"Maybe we both could have handled that better."

"Perhaps." She accepted. "However, that does not negate what has occurred. Does it fill you with hatred for me? Due to my actions some random person had parts of their soul ripped away."

"Do you want me to hate you?" I questioned.

"It’s the default reaction to witnessing the acts of a monster." She snorted. "This is merely one act among an uncountable that I have had a hand in throughout my existence."

"I can’t do anything about what’s happened before. I can’t say that you suddenly ’turning good’ " I added air quotation marks around that last bit. " somehow makes it okay. I won’t lie and say that your past hasn’t weighed on me. But if you really are intent on this, then I’ll do everything I can to support you. If you caused some harm previously, then I’ll do what I can to correct it."

"Many would call you a hypocrite."

"I never said anything to the contrary." I admitted fully. "I’ll fix this."

".what do you need from me?"

The fact that she was willing to help, was enough for me for now. This was a shitty situation to navigate that cropped up between us, but I would do what I could.

"Is Cinder around? I need to get an idea of what I’m looking at."

"One of my Grimm calls for her." Salem stated.

Now, there was just an awkward silence between us. I think this is the first time I’ve ever had a fight with one of my girls.

I did not like this feeling.

Slowly, without even looking at me, Salem reached over and grabbed my hand. Without saying another word we simply waited until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Salem stated, slipping back to her previous cold demeanor and crossed her arms.

Cinder walked in. "You asked for me, Mistress."

Salem looked at me, then I stepped forward. "I asked for you, Cinder."

"Y-yes?" Cinder looked confused but quickly centered herself. "If I can be of assistance.."

"There’s no easy or simple way to ask this, but I want your permission to look at your soul. I’ll promise payment, and I’ll make a promise not to harm you in any way."

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"Ah?" Confusion was clear on her face.

"He desires to see how the Magic from the Maiden became yours." Salem explained it briefly. "You will experience no harm, and he offered you proper recompose."

"I.accept?" She seemed to reluctantly accept my probing.

I guess I couldn’t fault her, she was somewhat press ganged into it. And despite the sourness of how she received her Magic, well..I was trying my best to work with Salem to be better, as this technically came before, it wasn’t something I wanted to be overly aggressive on.

I put my hand on Cinder’s shoulder and let my perception push inward. She shook as she felt my probe, but she didn’t hinder me.

I got a good look at her soul and I nearly scoffed at what I saw. "Did you really just graft a piece of someone else’s soul onto hers?"

I looked at Salem and she merely shrugged. "It was the most simplistic solution."

God if she wasn’t right, this would have looked even worse.

"And why is there a Grimm in her arm?"

"That is how it was achieved." Salem replied.

"It’s decaying her flesh slowly, her Magic is slowing it down, but the more she uses her Magic it’s going to accelerate the rate the Grimm consumes her." I pointed out and Cinder tried to unconsciously push me out due to her startlement.

Cinder looked up at her wanting an answer.

"I intended to remove it once she got her Magic under control." Salem frowned. "It would be difficult when her Magic is so disorderly."

"I wasn’t accusing you." I made sure to iterate.

Her expression softened slightly. "I am aware."

I looked down at Cinder. "Don’t panic about what I said, it’s within the realm of manageability. That’s more long term consequences. You’d probably be fine for a fewmonths without any intervention before any real damage occurred."

".thank you." Cinder forced out, still kind ofout of it from a few sudden revelations.

"She will master her control within the week at the rate she is going. She is surprisingly talented for only having just received Magic." Salem stated.

Cinder seemed to straighten up slightly and her mood lifted. "Thank you, mistress."

I let out a sigh, thinking about what I was going to do next. "The girl you stole it from, she’s still alive, correct?"

Cinder’s lips thinned, but she quickly shifted back to something resembling politeness. "The Maiden was saved before I could fully take her Magic. One of Ozpin’s pawns interfered at a crucial moment."

I couldn’t help but rub my temples. "I’m going to be healing the ’Maiden’."

Cinder blinked, her confusion reappeared quickly.

I searched through my ring and found a plethora of things that would be valuable to her. Beginner items, magic books, reagents, practice items, that sort of thing and I placed them all on the ground next to her. "It seems like you and Salem need to have a talk."

Salem didn’t look too happy, but there was a sort of understanding there. I don’t think she’s been entirely upfront about her new. perspective. "It seems that we do. Come along Cinder, collect your rewards and we will have a discussion while we tend to your lessons today."

Salem ushered the hands-full Cinder out of the room. She paused at the threshold of the door, turning around to look at me before giving me a faint smile and leaving.

This is not what I expected to be doing today.

Honestly, I really just wanted to hit something until it stopped breathing at this point.

With a thought, I opened a portal and walked through.


Beacon Academy was always a magnificent sight to see. Honestly, I wish I went to a school that looked this incredible.

But aesthetics aside, I was here on a particular mission. I even forwent seeking out Pyrrha because I wanted to quickly get this done and out of the way.

Also, I didn’t want to just.walk into a school in the middle of the day, especially if I was technically trespassing on campus at the moment.

It was one thing for me to be on the periphery, it was another for me to be wandering a hall with the students. Especially when I didn’t have the most stellar reputation among the population of Remnant

God, what a fucking mess this was.

Was it worth it? I would say yes without a shadow of a doubt. I cared about Salem, I wanted her to be better, I wanted us to work out. But God fucking damn it, this was some horrendous shit that I would honestly kill thousands for doing and have a clear conscious at the end.

She was getting better though.

I wasn’t..blinded by my own emotions. As much as it would hurt, I would cut it off if she didn’t change her ways.

I could justify it every which way. I could point out how others in my Harem had done pretty horrific shit in their lives. How many of them have rivers of blood left in their wake, but at the end of the day, I’m just a hypocrite.

It didn’t take long for my presence to get noticed, and the Deputy Head Mistress came pushing out the doors with a haste in her step. "Mr. Schweinorg, we were not expecting you."

She not so subtly hinted that my appearance was certainly not appreciated in this way "I’m sorry, but it’s sort of a pressing matter."

She pushed her glasses up. "And what matter presses you so, Mr. Schweinorg."

"I believe it involves a certain Maiden of yours missing a chunk of her soul."

She twitched slightly and settled on a frown. "I believe the Headmaster is more appropriate to continue this matter, follow along."

And she didn’t sound too happy either.

She didn’t say another word before turning on her heels and heading back inside. And I knew a cue to follow when I saw it. Just the way her heels hit the tiles of the school, anyone nearby made way.

Some curious glances were thrown my way, ones that obviously recognized me, but again, no one wanted to get in her way.

She took me straight to the elevator leading up to the Headmaster’s tower.

"Mr. Schweinorg, what an unexpected surprise." The Headmaster had a steaming mug of coffee or tea in his hand as he greeted me upon leaving the elevator.

"Headmaster Ozpin." I greeted.

The Deputy Headmistress walked up to Ozpin and whispered some things into his ear. His expression changed a few times before she finished and proceeded to silently stand at his side.

Ozpin put his mug down and interlocked his fingers, letting his elbows rest on his desk. "You seemed to have some desire to meet this supposed ’Maiden’ yes?"

I let out a sigh I was forcing back previously. "Qrow left me a message about ’returning the soul of Amber’ some weeks ago, I just got it recently."

Ozpin twitched slightly, and Miss Goodwitch slapped her palm against her face.

"Presumably speaking "

"I heard the details from the ones involved." I cut him off.

Ozpin frowned. "And you believe we would let you around a person who was almost murdered by people you admit are associates?"

"I’ll heal her." I said bluntly.

Ozpin blinked. "Forgive me if I’m skeptical, Mr. Schweinorg. Why would someone associates with my sworn enemy wish to heal the person they tried to kill and desire her death still? If you are aware of what transpired, I need not explain the full details of how the Maiden’s powers transfer."

"You’re worried I’m going to finish the job?"

"Would you be in my shoes?"

"That’s.fair." I could see it from his perspective. "What if I said I could find her myself and do it anyways?"

"Is that supposed to endear you to me, Mr. Schweinorg? Giving me a blatant threat?"

I winced and let out another sigh. "You’re right, I’m being combative when I don’t need to be. Would it help if I said please?" I tried to give my most charming and disarming smile.

"No." He took a sip out of his mug. "Perhaps I might be inclined if you could give me a proper reason."

"Goodness for the sake of goodness?"

"You are associated with the woman who controls the Black Tide of Remnant." He pointed out.

"Would you believe me if I said that Salem isn’t going to be evil anymore?" God it sounded fucking childish to even say that out loud in this sort of context.

’Well, she promised she wouldn’t be evil!’

"No." He didn’t even bat an eyelid. Right, I didn’t expect it. "However, I will believe you believe that. But I will never believe that Salem can turn over a new leaf." He got up from his seat. "Glynda, please hold any of my calls while I go down to the basement with Mr. Schweinorg."

"You can’t be serious" Her eyes widened. "You’re going to take her to see Amber after that?"

"I’m actually with her on this." I found myself agreeing with her despite it counter to my own interests.

Ozpin just took another sip, smiling lightly. "I am very old, Mr. Schweinorg. One thing you discover when you reach my age is how to read people. For selfish reasons or not, I feel you are being genuine. I can’t claim to read your mind, but if you can heal Amber without any negative consequences, then I am inclined to allow it."


"Come, I’ll show you where we’re keeping Amber while we try to figure out what to do." Ozpin beckoned me towards the Elevator with an annoyed Deputy Headmistress seething behind.

What I didn’t expect was for him to press a bunch of buttons in presumed intentional sequences,because they lit up and the Elevator began to drop much further than the ground floor I came up in.

Secret Elevator Entrance, neat.

"So.uh, it’s not awkward that I’m dating your Ex, is it?"

"It was not until you just mentioned it."

".my bad."

"Personally, I’m more concerned that she is the embodiment of all Evil on this planet." He hummed almost nonchalantly despite the topic. "Here we are." The elevator dinged and it opened up into a dark area.

Ozpin walked a few steps and flipped a switch, the lights around us coming on to reveal a rather intricate and high scale system on full display.

Front and foremost, there was a woman in a pod full of liquid with many different medical devices plugged in to monitor her.

She was not looking good and appeared to be on her last legs. Damage to the soul can have quite adverse effects to the physical body.

"Just like this?" I looked at Ozpin.

"Did you expect some sort of test?" Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "Well, this is a school. I suppose I can whip something up."

"No I meantYou’re being very trusting even after what you said."

"I am very old, Mr. Schweinorg -"

"I got that part." I interrupted him. "Sorry, just been a crappy day as of about an hour ago when I learned this happened."

Ozpin looked me over for a moment before turning to the women in the capsule. "I am assuming you need direct access?"

"That would be preferable, yes." I nodded.

"The time she can spend outside is limited, these machines are keeping her soul from collapsing onto itself." Ozpins stated.

"Normally, I would love to talk shop with you on how you rigged up these machines to facilitate the life support system of her soul, but priorities." I stood in front of the capsule as Ozpin hit a few buttons and with a waft of smoke, it drained then began to open. I quickly put my hand on her shoulder to get a better look at what was going on. "Fucking hell, she’s barely hanging on."

"Indeed." Ozpin just calmly sipped his drink he took from upstairs. "And you are sure you can heal her?"

"Nope, this is outside my pay grade." I denied without a second thought. I was confident in certain manipulations of the soul. Like removing a Sacred Gear without problems, that’s not too difficult. Healing a soul that had nearly collapsed? That was outside my area of expertise. "But thankfully, I know an expert in the area."

"You wish to bring someone else here?" Ozpin didn’t outright deny me, even sounding curious. "Very well, if you have confidence in this ’expert’, by all means."

"I’ll..be right back." I held up a finger and quickly opened a portal to a third world I was visiting today.

This was making me mentally exhausted from constantly running around.

Thankfully, I was on good terms with someone who was an expert in soul-based healing. The person who originally taught me Kid and the basics of Kaido in the first place.

Tessai seemed amicable enough to lend a hand, and I could pay properly for his services.

The rich air filled with Reishi hit me immediately and I couldn’t help but take a large and filling breath. The Hogyoku refilled my Reiatsu reserves, but there was just a difference between taking it in the ’normal’ way that was somewhat refreshing.

However, my brief respite on this shit day was cut short because an explosion rocked the surroundings, filled with a burst of Reiatsu and a red light that covered the city line.

Why were there humanoid Hollows flying in the sky above Karakura town?

You know what, I didn’t care for the reason. Because my day took another unexpected turn, but at least this time, I had something I could punch.


Non-Canon Omake: Through the Looking Glass Part 4

I kind of just rolled the roulette on who I grabbed.

And hey, I got a two-for-one.

Whether it was a good or bad thing, that had yet to be decided, but Scthach and my own Venelana joined me at my side. Truthfully, I was aiming for Venelana, mostly because I didn’t want to be the only one having to experience the awkwardness here. And secondly, no that was the only real reason.

Scthach probably followed along due to one whim or another. She does things because she’s bored fairly often.

It was funny, two Venelanas just sort of stared each other down, giving each a through visual inspection.

I admit, that the idea of two Venelanas within arms reach made my mind race.

"I half thought I was hallucinating this whole thing." My mom finally spoke up, breaking the awkward silence, staring at both my Venelana and hers.

"Student, an explanation is required." Scthach spoke up, eyeing the room sort of warily.

"Thisis my mom." I sort of half gestured to her.

Normally, I think Scthach would give me a little notice of annoyance with my suboptimal ’explanation’, but for some reason, her expression shifted considerably.

"I see."

"It’s a pleasure to meet you. Wilhelm speaks of you often and highly." Venelana took it gracefully.

Mom smiled brilliantly. "Does he?" She laughed lightly. "So yours is just as big a momma’s boy as mine is?"

"Of most definitely." Venelana covered her mouth and laughed politely. "By the looks around the room, I am to assume you were not expecting us?"

"No, it was rather..sudden." The other Venelana spoke up.

Both of mine looked towards me. "It was a kneejerk reaction."

"Well, I can’t say I dislike the company." My Venelana gave the other Venelana a little smirk. "I certainly do like how I look from the front."

"Oh, you." The other Venelana waved her hand cutely at her. "Though, you do bring up a good point." She straightened her dress sort of sizing herself up against her mirrored self. "It really is nice to see myself from this angle."

Was she flirting with herself?

God that makes me feel things I’m having trouble articulating.

"If you are done flirting with yourself." Scthach spoke up.

Oh good, I wasn’t the only one picking up on that.

"We can catch up later~"

Scthach rolled her eyes. "Greetings, I am this foolish man’s teacher. I am Scthach." She introduced herself to my mother.

"You’re..his girlfriend?" My other self hesitantly asked.

Scthach looked at my younger self and her lips slowly curled up. "My student, look how young and innocent you used to be. Where did that boy who first sought my tutelage go? Before the cocksure and shamelessness took over. How nostalgic." She looked at my other self with a reminiscent gaze. "To answer your question, it is an apt comparison. I am his woman for now and forever."

"Daughter!" Mom slammed her hands on the table. "I have a daughter!"

"Mom.." I covered my face.

"Call me mom!" She looked at Scthach.

"I am very old"


"Well over two-thousand.."


"I am "


Scthach turned to me in exasperation. "Is this where you learned such things from?" With a sigh, she seemed to know a losing battle when she fought one. ".mother."

Mom let out a happy scream.

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"Wait, did you say over two-thousand years old?" Alternate Takao looked confused.

Sona smacked him lightly on the head. "Don’t ask a lady about their age, it’s just as much a faux pass in the supernatural world as it is among humans."


"Yeah, she’s old." I nodded.

Scthach smacked me, not so lightly upside the head. "Learn from the mistakes of yourself."

"Do I call you mom too?" Venelana grinned, looking at my mom.

"You!" Mom leveled a finger pointing at her, then at the other Venelana. "I have so many things I want to say but I have no idea where to start! Sirzechs, tag in."

"Wah?" My alternate Biological Father looked around confused. "Mom?"

"Yes, Dear?" Both Venelanas answered simultaneously.


"I think he’s a bit confused." My Venelana pointed out.

Well, I suppose it was one thing to hear it and another to witness it. Compared to me and my younger self, there was a bit of a disconnect. But both Venelanas were literally mirrors of each other.

The Maid at his side let out a long sigh. "Mother, please don’t tell me you’re actually having sexual relations with your Grandson?"

"Do you want me to lie?" My Venelana offered.

The maid groaned, face palming. "How?"

"I would like to know too." The other Venelana spoke up. "Not that he isn’t a handsome young man, and hitting a lot of my buttons. But he’s my Grandson, I honestly couldn’t see him as anything but that. I changed his Diapers, helped him with his homework." She trailed off.

"Exactly!" Takao blurted out.

"She seduced me." I reiterated.

"That’s not an explanation!" He shot back.

"Well, that’s pretty accurate." My Venelana hummed.

"Mother!" Several voices all overlapped, among them were my alternate father, my own mom, the Maid, and even Venelana’s daughter.

Scthach turned to me. "Did you not tell them?"

"What? Do you expect me to just tell my life story to anyone willing to listen" I grumbled.

"Wilhelm." Venelana wrapped her arms around me, and her rather large bosom rested on top of my head. "It’s not the same thing and you know it. We’ve talked about this, don’t be obtuse because you’re uncomfortable with the topic. Either reject answering, or speak truthfully."

I grumbled again and relented. "It seems our paths diverged much earlier on. My mom died when I was about 7 years old."

"Oh." My other self looked like he sucked a lemon. "I’m.sorry?"

Honestly, it was appreciated because I know he was being genuine. "Anyways, she died when I was young, and I was moved here for until I left to do my own thing."

"How does that..turn into this." Sona gestured at Venelana. "Wouldn’t she "

"I met him for the first time some months ago when I was rescued after being kidnapped. Well, myself and Milicas."

"What?" My Alternate Father’s hand seared through the table as his Power of Destruction obliterated it on contact. It took him a moment before a sheepish look overcame the flicker of rage that appeared. "Mother, please explain that in detail."

The Maid at his side didn’t say anything, but the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

"Oh, the Old Satan faction thought it would be a good idea to hold both myself and Milicas over your heads and I assume an opportunity presented itself." She hummed. "Wilhelm rescued us. And he was so dashing, that I couldn’t help myself~. I may have offered him a proper reward."

"Oh my." The other Venelana covered her mouth with a peculiar look about her.

"Lucky bastard." Issei muttered.

"Issei, that’s my Grandma!" Takao squawked."

"I know!"


"Mother, please." The other Lucifer let out a strained sigh. "Important parts, kidnapping, please. I can have nightmares about my mom and son having sex later!"

"I swear, no matter the world, my children are such prudes." My Venelana shrugged helplessly.

"Yours too?" The Other Venelana looked at mine.

"It seems to be a constant." She nodded. "But I digress. I’m not quite sure what else I can say, I don’t even know the date here."

"It might not even matter, a butterfly flaps its wings, and on the other side of the world, a storm is created." I tapped the table. "With a divergence wide enough, things could be completely different."

"Are you suggesting that you would cause such a large ’divergence’?" Sona asked, skeptically.

I shrugged. "Who knows."

"Okay, let’s set a time line." Mom raised her hands up. "Wilhelm, go back to...where I died and your Father and Grayfia raised you." She paused and I guess she noticed the look all of us on my side had. "What?"

I could feel Venelana’s hand sneak down and grab mine. "I lived by myself."

"What?" Mom furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

"I did not have a Father. I did not have a family." I said very pointedly. "Up until I was just about an adult, I was by myself."

"What." Mom’s tone changed quickly.

"What do you mean you didn’t have a family. I’m here, she was there, right?" Rias spoke up again for the first time in awhile. "Brother.and "

"Rias, dear." My Venelana had a calm smile as she gently guided her daughter to stop speaking. "Listen fully."

I let out a breath and the fact that I had to explain this infront of their happy family, it made me feel things I thought I had forgotten a long time ago. "I was unwanted and just put here to make sure I wouldn’t die in a ditch somewhere. I was checked up on every few months or so to make sure I was still alive. It wasn’t the shortest end of the stick I could have gotten. I had all my needs taken care of, admittedly, Kuoh Academy is a very prestigious school, and even "

Mom slapped the table again. "Sirzechs Lucifer." She forced out.

"It wasn’t me, Meiko!" My alternate Father defended himself. "You know I would never abandon my kid like that, right?"

And if that wasn’t one of the biggest spears into my heart that I’ve ever felt. It’s times like this that I think I’m over something and then I realize that I’m just an idiot. It took an incredible amount of self-control to keep a straight face at what he said.

"I know, I know." Mom grit her teeth, rubbing her temples. "I’m just exceedingly pissed off right now and I have no outlet." She turned back at me. "You were 7! I just died, and you were..shoved in a corner and ignored!?" She sounded almost like she was going to scream. "Venelana, what the hell!?" She obviously directed that last bit to my Venelana.

"Believe me, I am also thoroughly upset with my own son in how he handled things. To give a bit of perspective, we were under the impression that Wilhelm was living a ’normal’ human life. He had given a rather convincing argument that since Wilhelm had no knowledge of Devil culture in addition to being.wellnot so talented in our aspects, that it would be best for him to live a normal human life."

Mom took a deep breath. "That sounds rather convincing when put that way. But I’m going to rip his balls off!"

"Meiko." The Lucifer coughed awkwardly.

"Actually, you know what? You have my blessing!" She looked at Venelana. "Make lots of babies with my boy, Venelana."

"Ara?" Venelana blinked.

Oh wow, I didn’t know mom could make her speechless like that. Frankly, I was unsure of how to verbally address her blessing either. I mean, It’s not like I’m oblivious to the taboo nature of our relationship, I just never thought my mom would give me the go ahead.

"It makes him uncomfortable, I assume?"

"Quite a bit."

"Lots of babies." Mom stated.

I think there’s a hidden agenda there.

"Mom!?" Takao squawked again.

"Miss Shimoda!?"

"Dear.please don’t give mom permission to bear her own great grandchildren." My Alternate father groaned.

"Takao is still off limits." She pointed to her own Venelana. "He’s much too young, Venelana. If you must, wait until he’s an adult and has some experience so he can make a proper decision."

"Oh?" The other Venelana just seemed humored by the whole thing.

"Mom, I’m not going to make a harem with Grandma!"

"Miss Shimoda, we’re dating." Sona pushed up her glasses.

"Oh please, like I don’t know that Serafall is trying to get between you both. Literally, I mean, not figuratively trying to break you up." Mom just snorted.

"Ah!?" Sona let out her own weird noise as her face went bright red and she oddly went quiet.

Okay other me, maybe I was too quick to dismiss you.

Sisters? Well, that’s something I could acknowledge.

"Meiko, perhaps you should calm yourself." The Maid stepped in. "This kind of relationship would "

"She was the one who checked on me." I decided to blurt out then and there.

Mom’s fury was then directed at the Maid, and she quickly shrunk back under the intense glare. "Grayfia."

Did I take inordinate pleasure in this? Yes, yes I did.

"Stop fanning the flames." Scthach pulled on my cheek. "This will take longer because you are knowingly causing problems. Speak properly, student."

Mom just stared for a moment and cracked a smile. "I see, you’re the one who keeps him in line then?"

"I try, but it is a difficult task." Scthach sighed. "I am lucky to have others assist in this endeavor."

"Thank you for taking care of my son." Mom bowed her head politely.

"It is most certainly my pleasure." Scthach smiled.

"What about me?" Venelana asked.

"I know you probably take care of him, but I’m still coming to terms with my mother-in-law seducing my son." Mom pursed her lips.

"She does..she helps me a lot." I felt protective of Venelana, even if it was mom being dismissive. "She’s helped me work through a lot of my.problems." I somehow forced myself to admit.

Mom blinked and went silent for a moment, perhaps understanding fully what I meant by that.

"But why our Grandma!" My other self seemed to have yet to learn the ability to read the room.

"Sorry for not liking plain girls." I said dryly.

"Don’t turn it around on me!"

"You’re not denying it then?"

"Don’t put words in my mouth!"



Both of our minders seemed to interrupt our little spat at the same time.

"Fine, to make matters short. I grew up alone, left when I could and fucked off to other places so things went much different." I crossed my arms.

"That still doesn’t explain any large divergences." Sona stated.

"Has Youkai Kyoto been attacked yet?" I asked.

"No, I do not believe so." Sona answered. And without a confirmation elsewhere, it was safe to believe her.

"Any news on the Khaos Brigade?"

"The what?"

"Has Kokabiel attacked you all yet?"


"Perhaps it is best to line up events that have occurred?" Scthach offered. "What has happened in recent times that is noteworthy?"

"I mean.not much?" Takao looked around. "It’s been sort of quiet. Unless you want to count Rias’s marriage thing"

"Marriage thing?" My Venelana tilted her head. "Did she get married already?"

Rias scoffed crossing her own arms. "He wishes. No, I got out of it, thankfully."

"Oh did you win your rating game?" Venelana smiled happily. "I’m happy you were able to resolve it to your liking, Rias."

"She did not." The other Venelana said simply. "Though, it somehow resolved, however, the Phenex family are not too pleased with certain people’s actions." She looked at her son.

"Oh, let me guess, you lost the Rating Game but still got out of it due to nepotism?" I raised my hand.

The fact that I was not admonished by anyone pretty much meant my words stuck true.

"Hey, I was the one who beat that Chicken bastard!" Issei spoke up.

"How’d you do that?"

"Well, I just challenged him during the wedding." Issei said. "I beat him up pretty good."

"After the Rating Game?" I asked.

"Yeah." Issei nodded.

"So, let me get this straight. The Rating game, for which the stakes were marriageyou lost, meaning you had to fulfill your end of the bargain." I looked at Rias.


"And then this idiot" I pointed to Issei.


"Justbarges in during the ceremony, and fights with your husband-to-be and somehow beats him, which somehow settles everything?"

"Yes!" Rias said firmly.

"Sonepotism." I deadpanned.

"But I won!" Issei countered.

"Then what was the fucking point of the Rating Game?" I asked.

"Well.um." Issei didn’t have an answer for that.

"Ara Ara, Wilhelm-kun, it sounds like you might be a bit jealous." The stripper put a hand on her hips.

".of what?"

"Our Issei is strong enough to beat Riser. Both of you are wielders of the Boosted Gear, but it seems like Issei here is a step ahead of you."

I opened my mouth and closed it again.

"Yeah, what she said!" Issei nodded happily.

"Maybe she has a point." Sona said with a slight smile.

"Oh God, what has my life come to that the fuck ups that are this peerage are trying to take the high ground from?" I looked at myself and seriously considered my life choices.

"Hey, don’t talk about my peerage like that!" Rias was quick to defend them. "My peerage is amazing, I’m lucky to have them."

"Your peerage needs therapy. Like, all the therapy." I raised a hand, pointing at Issei. "The kid who literally shouts about how much he loves boobs and watches underaged girls undress is the most well-rounded individual in your peerage. Please, consider that for a moment."

"That’s not "

I cut off Rias’s Stripper Queen. "How’s your Fallen Half doing?" She clammed up immediately. "Or should we talk about Holy Swords infront of your knight." I looked at Rias. "Maybe Senjutsu infront of your Rook? Or maybe we should ask your Bishop to come out and play?"

Rias was pretty much silent at that.

"And what about your peerage?" Takao asked. "You should have one, right?"

"Why the hell would I have one?"

"You mean you aren’t even high-class at this point?" Myother self grunted.

"No, I mean what makes you think I’m part of the Devil Faction?"


"I fucked off from this place years ago, I live over in Youkai territory. I don’t need to enslave people to have friends and family."

"They’re not slaves!"

"Rias, dear. You should understand, that as your parents, we’re not supposed to interfere with your running of your peerage as your spot as ’king’ is very literal in that sense. But since I’m not technically your mother here,but please take this with all the love I intend for it to have, he’s very much correct." My Venelana seemed to back me up. "And this is with my very own and willing Queen."

In fact the other Venelana looked like she was thankful that someone was being very blunt with her.

"You have a Queen?" The Other Venelana’s eyes shined. "Who?"

"Mozart." My Venelana looked rather smug as she said that.

"The real one?"

She nodded.

"I’m jealous~"

"You can thank my wonderful lover for that~" She looked at me.

"Ah?" Rias seemed to ignore the last back and forth between her mirrored mothers and was still stuck on Venelana backing me as I maybe tore into her a bit too hard.

Well, it could be considered a kindness in some perspective.

Honestly, I don’t know why she sets me off so easily. Maybe because I’m annoyed with how she seemingly had everything handed to her, fucked up bad, and still came out in her favor.

"Hey, don’t put Rias down like that!" Issei shot up to his feet, the Boosted gear pointed at me. "Let’s fight, if I win, you have to apologize to her!"

Slowly, I turned to Scthach, and she must have noticed my widening smile because she merely sighed and visibly relented.

"No fighting!" Mom quickly interjected.

Surprisingly, it was my alternate Father who stopped her. "Come dear, it’s common in our culture to fight to settle our differences. I promise you that no one will be overly hurt." He calmed her down. "Besides, I want to see how much my son grew in a few years, I’m sure he’s become a powerful Devil."

.the fact that he sounded proud just made things even more difficult for me.

"I accept!" I focused on the ’fight’ rather than the strange emotions I was feeling.

"I can’t wait to punch your face, handsome bastard! Taking all the oppai and leaving none for the rest of us! My Harem dreams aren’t going to lose to yours!"

What the fuck are you talking about?

"Well, I look forward to someone getting their just deserts." Sona harumphed.

I felt a little twitch and my pettiness was rearing its head. "What do you think, honey?’ I looked up at Scthach. "Do you think I’m going to get my just deserts."

Scthach raised an eyebrow. "If you lose, my effort in training you would have been wasted."

"Oh sorry, I forgot to properly introduce her to you all. This is Scthach, perhaps you don’t know her all too well. She’s more prolific in Celtic Legends. She’s the one who trained the Irish Hercules, the Queen of the Land of Shadows, the God Slayer. And most important, my Teacher."

I stood up, casually stretching while they mulled over that little tidbit of information. Honestly, I’m not surprised if they didn’t immediately jump up in recognition of her name. Compared to Artoria, she’s much less renown outside of her home country.

"Now then, where do you want to fight?" I was going to take far too much pleasure in this.



Part 6 of the omake is up on the p.a.t.r.e.o.n.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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