A Nascent Kaleidoscope. Chapter 6 - 6 Welcome to Skyrim.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Welcome to Skyrim.

Owwww, my fucking head. I wanted to reach up and rub it, but I found my hands bound.

"Careful there, friend." I looked up at the source of the voice, my eyes adjusting to the scene around me. "You took a nasty tumble and hit your head."

I heard the words, but they took a moment to register. Where was I, how did I even get here? Last thing I remember I went through a portal, and it felt like I hit something and next thing I know, here I am. Were my calculations wrong? Impossible, they weren’t....’complete’ but there’s no way they were so incorrect.

My instincts were telling me I was very far from home. This was so unfamiliar yet a pricking feeling in my mind felt somewhat reminiscent of this whole thing. If it wasn’t enough to notice the abundant magical energy in the air, the cat-person walking parallel to the cart I was in was a dead giveaway.

"Fuck me." I blurted out.

"Exactly how I feel." The owner of the voice gave a small snort in amusement.

There were a few other faces, on the opposite side next to the nice stranger, his clothes were rags, and he looked a bit on the poorer end. There was also someone bound and awake but with his mouth gagged to my right, and on the other side of a stranger was another normal looking man still passed out. Not to mention all the guards wearing identical armor walking alongside us.

And most of these guys were huge, like holy shit I wouldn’t want to get into a bar fight with any of them.

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"I don’t suppose you could tell me where we are?" I questioned.

"Helgen, I think. I wasn’t awake for the whole ride, but it looks like we’re a bit out from Helgen."

"That doesn’t help." I sighed. "So, you got a name?"

"Ralof." He gave a calm smile. Not something I expected from an apparent prisoner. "You some sort of mage?"

The question took me by surprise, I guess magic wasn’t uncommon here though I wonder how he knew. "Sure, but how did you know?"

"Your strange clothes, seems like something a mage without a lick of sense would wear around Skyrim." He gave a good-natured laugh. "Also, seeing you fall out of a magic portal into the mud was a bit of giveaway."

"Oof, no wonder my head hurts." Wish I packed some basic medicine with me. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. "Any particular reason I’m in being held as a prisoner?"

"Unlucky, I’d wager. Imperials caught us after we had you resting in a bed. I guess they assumed you were one of ours."

"Damn Stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine until you all came along." The man in rags spat out. "If it wasn’t for you lot, I would have stolen a horse and been far away from here."

"Quiet, horse thief." Ralof sneered. The apparent thief was too timid to reply, his eyes turned to the last little member of our cart. "You’re awake."

He looked just as confused as I was. "Where...?"

"You walked right into that Imperial ambush, trying to cross the border, eh?" Ralof asked. "Another unlucky friend to join with us on our journey."

"Do the.....’imperials’ make a habit of abducting uninvolved people?" I mutter. The guy with his mouth gagged mumbled something I was uncertain of, but it didn’t seem too polite towards them.

"Imperials, they would rather hang a hundred innocent men than allow one guilty to escape." Ralof grunted. "What’s your name, friend?" He turned towards the newcomer.

"Thorum." He gave a blunt reply.

"A fine Nord name." Ralof nodded. "What about you, horse thief?"

"Why do you care!?" The horse thief spat.

"We’re all brothers and sisters in binds, now, thief." He answered, but just shook his head when the thief looked away.

Ralof turned towards me. "Wilhelm, you can call me Will." I did like the way it rolled off the tongue, introducing myself with my new name for the first time.

Ralof was about to say something, but the thief cut him off. "You! Mage. You can get us out of here, we shouldn’t even be here. Use your magic or something!"

"Yes, why don’t you just keep shouting about my magic, it’s not like there are guards surrounding us." I rolled my eyes, but I did hear the driver of the cart chuckle. It wasn’t just me who noticed, I saw Ralof and Thorum both eye the guards who had their hands on their weapons. I guess they were ready if I did anything.

"Ahh, Helgen, this place brings back memories. I was sweet on a girl here, she used to make mead using juniper berries." Ralof looked oddly relaxed despite everything.

"I’ve never had juniper berries before." I mused; I think I was a bit of a glutton because that somehow took precedence over the fact that I was bound. "What do they taste like?"

"They’re nice and fruity with a little bit of a piney aftertaste. They’re best used to bake when a little underripe." It was Thorum who answered. He leaned back and looked up into the air. "My mother used to make pastries with them, I would help her when I was a lad."

"Why are you all so calm!? The imperials are taking us to one of their dungeons, who knows what’s going to happen!?" The horse thief raised his voice, looking at the last member of our motely crew who hasn’t spoken. "And who are you supposed to be?"

He was just lashing out at anything right now. Well, everyone handles stressful situations differently.

"Watch your tongue, that’s Ulfric Stormcloak, true king of Skyrim." Ralof had a surprising growl in his voice, making the thief cower again.

"NO! Nononono. It can’t be you, that means.....oh divines, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh save me!" The man started to panic. "Where are they taking us!?"

"I don’t know where we’re going, but Sovngarde awaits."

I kind of just tuned out the rest of the ramblings. I didn’t want to hear the thief start crying to his gods. I found some interesting information though. Also, he was a decent distraction, I could see the guards just turning away or getting annoyed at the commotion. It was one of those things you cringed at, making it hard to keep watching.

I activated my circuits, using a small bit of alteration on my bindings. I gave Ralof a small wink when he noticed my circuits light up under my skin. I could just see him raise an eyebrow and a small nod. Thorum looked like he held back a small smile and looked away. Well, it looks like I could count on these two at least. Ulfric wasn’t really paying attention, he seemed like the kind of person who would have his head up his own ass.


"By the way, what happened to my hat?"

"Black, about yea big" Ralof used the cart bench and his hands to gesture the size, I just nodded at the description. "You were clutching it tight when we dragged you back to camp, it’s probably with the supplies that the Imperials ’confiscated’ a few carts ahead."

Hmm, I need to get closer. My circuits were still on, I pulsed mana into the cart to get me a mental image of the structure. I focused on the left wheels, in particular they looked to be a bit weathered. It wasn’t difficult to destroy them with a botched reinforcement, only a bit mana intensive. The further my magical energy was pushed away from my body, the harder it was to shape and control.

There were a few surprised shouts as the cart tipped over.

"Divines damn it." The person driving the cart cursed, flopping out of his seat. The sight was somewhat amusing, his armor was probably making his tumble a bit awkward. I took a step out, catching myself from falling.

"EVERYONE STOP." Another commanding voice shouted. "PRISONERS, DON’T MOVE"

There was a woman on a horse calmly trotting over, several guards began to draw their weapons, some more shouting and cursing. I tried to look as innocent as possible, Ralof took my que and just took a step back holding his hands up in surrender.

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Some guards stepped forward, but they seemed a bit calmed by our lack of desire to initiate conflict.

"Oi, can we just like...stand to the side, this kid next to me is making me nervous with his weapon drawn." He looked even younger than me, when did these imperials start recruiting? His hand was shaking as he held his sword. I doubt he’s ever been in a fight in his life.

A more senior looking man walked over, pushing me to the back, behind the now-downed cart. "Get over there and stay still."

I was next to Ralof now, I met his eyes and looked down. I started using my foot to etch out a rune in the dirt. I doubt he knew exactly what I was doing, but he knew a signal when he saw one.

He elbowed Ulfric, who also saw and also gave a grunt in confirmation. Good man Ralof, now I just need to make a few more preparations—

"NO, YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME AGAIN." The horse thief shouted as he turned and made a run for it.

"RUNNER" The woman on the horse yelled, kicking her steed as she flew after him.

God dammit you moron!!!

Fuck it. I ripped my bindings apart and slammed my hand onto the rune on the ground. The mystery actualized without issue and the bottom of the cart flipped up, smacking away several of the guards standing infront of us. The horse pulling the thing freaked out and bolted forward knocking past several more guards.

The nearest to me just looked at the scene, dumbfounded as I punched him in the face and stole his sword.

"MY BINDINGS, QUICK." Ralof shouted.

Don’t need to tell me twice, I cut through his bindings with ease. "Take it." I said, tossing him the stolen weapon.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thorum headbutt another guard before stealing his weapon.

As if on que, the other carts started to rebel as well, attacking guards even with their hands bound.

The guard I had punched a moment ago had gotten up, with a dagger drawn from his boot. He awkwardly tried to slash me with it, and I could only look at him incredulously, such a small blade was a stabbing weapon, dumbass.

I reinforced my body, this time giving a good knock to his noggin. I saw his eyes roll back and his dagger drop to the ground. "Rally with the others or scatter?" I questioned.

"Help our comrades, the more we have scattered the more chance we have to escape. Their base isn’t that far, reinforcements would be here soon." It was Ulfric who spoke.

"Works for me." Thorum grunted. He waved a mace in one hand, testing its weight.

Where did that even come from? I thought they were only using swords.... Whatever let’s do this.

I flicked my hand, igniting a few runes in the air, nothing more than a few cantrips that shot towards a couple guards.

Some other prisoners nodded at me as I ran past.

"FOR SKYRIM" A few of them shouted. I just ignored the cries and slipped by the more preoccupied guards. There were a couple that took a swing at me, but my magically increased reaction speed was easily able to overcome their clumsy attacks. A few hits in spots without armor and they went down hard. A lot of these guys seemed remarkably untrained.

The only immediate threat...I looked forward, there were a couple with bows, sniping away at the front. I saw a few ’allies’ fall with arrows pieced into their bellies. I twirled the dagger I had nicked from the downed guard a few moments ago and used my reinforced strength to throw it at one of the archers.

And contrary to my expectations.....throwing a dagger is not easy. The handle ended up slamming into his head, I could hear the ringing of metal where it hit his helmet from here. But at least it knocked him down for a moment.

Close enough, the dirt under my foot exploded as I bolted towards a both of them, sliding to the left to avoid an arrow passing over my shoulder. I stepped on the downed one as hard as I could before diving towards the other so he couldn’t knock another arrow. He tried to draw his melee weapon, but I was quick to start laying into his head with an elbow.

Reinforcement isn’t something a run of a mill guard could handle.

"Well done my friend!" A hand clasped me on the shoulder. I saw Ralof looking proud behind me.

"We’re these really the men who beat you?" I as skeptical on how they got captured in the first place.

"No, we fought the real soldiers, these are the ones they just parade around town. The sons and daughters of politicians and wealthy families."

"Ah, I see. Let them pretend to be soldiers and bask in the ’glory’ of capturing prisoners without the risk of real combat so their parents don’t get upset." Though I saw a few battle hardened warriors among them.

Ulfric walked up as well, giving a grunt of acknowledgement. A few of his men were limping over and a few more looked bloodied. Not many survived, but it was better than going to the gallows, or whatever was going to happen to them.

"We need to go." The supposed king stated. "Grab what you can without being weighed down."

I looked at the cart full of goods and found my hat. Was it lucky they didn’t toss It away? I guess its novelty made them curious, I doubt there’s another like it in this world.

"Where will you go, my friend?" Ralof asked.

"No idea, I didn’t exactly come here on purpose. Though, I wouldn’t mind any suggestions." He seemed a bit trustworthy.

"If you can, head to Riften." The man answered after a moment. "It’s full of scum and thieves, but it’s also a good place to hide for outsiders. The guards will take bribes without batting an eye, and you can buy almost anything you need." He flipped open a small chest full of coins on the cart.

"I’ve been there before." Thorum walked over. "Look for Brynjolf, he owes me a favor. Should be part of the Thief’s Guild if he hasn’t turned up in a ditch somewhere."

"We need to get moving." Ulfric urged.

"Aye, I don’t doubt that some imperial coward ran away during the fight and is getting help." Ralof nodded. "It’s a shame we have to leave so much of this here." He picked up an axe and tied it to his belt before grabbing a handful of potatoes from a box on the cart and putting them in his pocket.

"I’ll burn it before I leave." I waved him off, earning a nod of thanks. "I guess this is where we part, good luck."

"And you, my friend." Ralof gave me one last look before he and Ulfric took into the nearby forest. The other ’stormcloakes’ went in other directions as they scattered into the distance.

"What about you, Thorum?" I asked.

He scratched his head for a moment in thought. "I’ll head to Whiterun, I hear the Jarl there is neutral and I always wanted to join the companions."

I don’t know what the companions are but.... "I wish you luck." I held out my hand that he grabbed in acknowledgement, he gave one last smile before grabbing some supplies and heading out.

It would indeed be a shame to leave so much of this stuff here. There was a small chest filled with gold and jewels, a couple crates of weapons and even a few that looked magical in nature. Not to mention the food, I was curious what it tastes like in this world. I just shrugged and started emptying a lot of it into my hat. I didn’t take everything; the pocket dimension wasn’t particularly large.

I did withdraw a talisman and slap it on the cart, at the very least a lot of the food would burn up.

As I was about to pick a direction to run in, a thought crossed my mind.

Where the fuck is Riften?

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