A Summoner Awakens [A Card-Based GameLit Progression Fantasy] Chapter 32 Culprit

As I sipped from a cup of freshly brewed tea, I reached for the morning paper I’d snagged from the post box. Now that the manor and grounds were wholly energized, the post would materialize in the box around six hours to noon. For the first time since my arrival, I had a day to myself, with no major plans other than relaxing and maybe paying a visit to the shop.

David floated in the air beside me, imitating the sips I took while Rosie tried to shoo him away. The lad had taken the liberty of naming the other Summons for me. He gave the Beetle the name Francis and had taken to calling the Golem Larry for some unknown reason. As for Rosie, I’d given the Nature Pixie the same name I’d called her in my prior life.

Seeing as how none of my Summons acted negatively to their new monikers, I officially named them, which updated their Cards in my Deck Box. The Cards would keep their new labels until they were unequipped or I passed away.

"All right, you two. Knock it off." I chuckled at David and Rosie’s antics before unfurling the morning paper. Rosie huffed and flew over to the tea I’d sat down, where she proceeded to dunk her head and drain the contents. On the other hand, David changed targets and began to pester Larry.

My brow furrowed as I looked over the front page. The image of a partially burned corpse rotting in an alley sat in the front middle. A member of the Grandhardt Family was casting Spells and looking over the body with a worried countenance. After taking in the scene, I read the headline.

Corpse Found: Is the Grandhardt Family’s Iron Fist Growing Soft?

"Yesterday, around mid-afternoon, rumors of a body being found in one of the abandoned alleys started to spread around the city. Journalists rushed to the scene, arriving moments before Rodrick Grandhardt, who then herded back the growing crowd. Rodrick blocked the area from view while conducting his investigation.

After a brief statement from Rodrick, we found that the corpse belonged to Mister Dominick Marcus, a man who had lived in Grandhardt for almost a decade managing the prestigious Luxton Bank. There were no statements made about potential suspects. As one of the first on the scene, I can confirm that Mister Marcus’ Deck Box and all of his valuables were missing.

There hasn’t been a single violent crime in Grandhardt in over twenty years…since the beginning of Elder Wayne’s hiatus. Now, abruptly after his departure to resume his ascension, an elevated figure in the community is found dead? That’s not to mention the infestation of Rodents that have recently taken residence in the city’s unoccupied outskirts. Are Elder Wayne’s heirs so aloof that they would allow…"

The article went on to further slander the Grandhardts and induce fear amongst the populace. I wasn’t familiar with the author, but she was clearly pursuing her own agenda.

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Though I had to admit that she was right about the city’s state. The Grandhardts constantly built and expanded while disregarding the ageing structures closer to the Tower’s walls. Aside from the area surrounding Station 4, the old buildings between my home and the inner city were in a poor state and primarily unoccupied.

"What is it, lad?" A chill on my shoulder alerted me to the boy’s presence, and I glanced up to see him staring at the paper while picking his nose.

"Did you know him?" David asked, wiping his hand on his trousers before pointing at the corpse. "After you looked at the picture, you felt guilty for a second."

Did I?

It was strange to speak with one of my Summons so openly. They were able to feel what I felt, even when they weren’t active, something I’d learned through Rosie long ago. Though she could only ever communicate through hand gestures since I never risked Leveling her or my Foundations further to increase her cognition.

Sighing, I looked back at the young boy. "If I did, it was because I didn’t do anything about this."

"Why would that make you feel guilty?" David asked, confused. "It’s not like you knew it was going to happen."

"Hmm." I glanced back at the paper.

I did know that this was going to happen. It just slipped my mind with everything that’s been happening. There’s no reason I couldn’t have warned the man…and told him what, exactly?

It wasn’t like I could say who was after him since his killer was never found. At the time of the banker’s death in my past life, I’d been struggling just outside the city’s walls on the Second Floor. I hadn’t heard about it until it was time to make another payment on the estate, and by then, there had been three more murders in Grandhardt, but the details were kept from the journalists.

Maybe David was right, and I did feel a bit guilty. I had to remind myself that I couldn’t help everyone. The man had gone through the effort of ensuring I received one of the Luxton’s favored member Relics, but I still wasn’t ready to expose myself…at least not to people I didn’t know.

While I thought about talking to David about my situation, I noticed a flashing light in the corner of my vision. Turning, I found it to be one of the many bulbs spread throughout the home that would flash green when visitors were standing at the gate. The color would change to yellow if the guests waited long and red if they attempted to force themselves in.

"All right. It’s time for you lot to take a break." I looked around at the despondent faces of my Summons. Even Larry the Golem’s shoulders had sagged. I chuckled and waved them down. "Don’t worry. I’ll call you back as soon as I feel it’s safe."

With a wave, my Summons vanished, and I swallowed down the last of my tea and grabbed my cane before venturing toward the door. I had no idea who it could be at this hour and felt I ought to be prepared, just in case.

I’ll need to invest in the ocular home security Relics in the future.

I opened the front door and peered across the planted fields toward the front gate. With my enhanced Perception, I could scarcely make out two massive boxes with a pair of legs underneath.

A parcel? I didn’t send for anything. Maybe it’s something from Crook?

The crates looked heavy, and not wishing to make the courier wait any longer, I used Dash to swiftly close the distance. My body flew through the air, eating up nearly eight yards in a single bound. Using the Ability another three times as the cooldowns ended, I quickly reached the front gate to find…

"Nathaniel?" I stopped almost a foot shy of the gate and looked at the young man for a moment. Two ludicrously sized chests were balanced precariously on one shoulder, but as odd as that was, they weren’t what I was looking at. What grabbed my attention was the pair of legs dangling from his other shoulder.

"Rowan." Nathaniel nodded in greeting and even offered a slight bow, which was impressive with all the weight he was carrying. "I packed up my things like you said. Thank you for your invitation to stay here."

"Ahh…" My mind worked quickly as I recalled our last conversation. I supposed I had invited him to live with me. "And…am I to assume that you’ll need a room for two?"

I gestured to the pair of legs dangling from his shoulder, finding it strange that the young man could hold such a seemingly normal conversation while carrying a person. Nathaniel turned slightly so that I could see the upper half and…

"Aurora?" Several cuts and bruises layered her arms and face, and I could see a nasty burn on one of her shoulders. Nathaniel nodded in confirmation while I set to open up the gate.

"She ran into me on my way here and lost consciousness almost immediately," Nathaniel said and waited patiently for the entrance to open fully. "It didn’t seem right to leave her there, so I brought her along. I hope I didn’t overstep my boundaries in doing so?"

He posed the last bit as a question, and I shook my head swiftly. "No, no. You did the right thing, boy. Quickly, let’s get her inside and see what we can do about those wounds."

I shut the gate behind him and looked briefly around the empty street. Something felt off about this, and the timing was…strange, to say the least. The burn on Aurora’s shoulder and the corpse in the paper…

Was this how she went missing the first time? The other corpses were burned so badly that they couldn’t be identified. But what is she doing in Grandhardt? And she just happened to bump into Nathaniel?

"I wonder what will change next…" Breathing out the words, I latched the gate and jogged up the walk, hardly beating Nathaniel to the front door.

His Foundations have to have reached Level 5.

"I’ll gather some warm towels and blankets if you’ll sit her somewhere comfortable. You’ll find the common room in the first entrance to the left." I opened the door and gestured for Nathaniel to go through. He knelt and casually placed his luggage on the ground before proceeding inside, and I couldn’t help but marvel at his Strength and Dexterity.

By the time I’d returned, Nathaniel’s trunks were already resting in the foyer, and the door was closed. I found him standing in the center of the common area, looking around with an appraising eye.

"This is a beautiful home, Rowan." He turned in my direction and raised an eyebrow. "You know…I asked around the Academy, and this wasn’t what I expected."

"People like to presume." I shrugged and gently lifted Aurora’s head, sliding a pillow beneath her. "Do you have any preferences on where you sleep? There are several rooms on the third floor, but if you prefer something on the larger side, there are a few at the end of the hall on the second floor."

"Thank you, I’ll have a look. Should I make a trip to the Church to secure a healer?" Nathaniel paused and gestured to Aurora before leaving the room.

"I think we’ll be okay." My hands glistened with a faint light as I lifted them over the girl’s body. Nathaniel nodded, and within seconds, I could hear his heavy steps as he ascended the stairs.

He seems satisfied. Now…

Greater Heal acted swiftly. Aurora’s more minor wounds closed up almost immediately, the bruises turning from deep blue to pale skin in seconds. The only injury that didn’t heal instantly was the burn on her shoulder, which revealed that it was indeed an attack made by another Wielder.

Using the damp towels, I sponged the blood and grime from her face and arms before casting Cleanse and leaving her to rest. It would take another cast of Greater Heal to completely heal the burn, and I could hear Nathaniel coming down the stairs.

"Is she all right?" he asked, stepping into the room.

"She’ll be fine." I nodded and stood, bringing the bowl and dirty towels with me. "How about I make us some tea? She should wake up soon."

"That sounds delightful."



Aurora groaned and placed her arm over her eyes. Her thoughts were sluggish, and the nightmare she had was fresh in her mind. It was cold and dark out. A black-clad figure chased her through countless alleys. When it came close, she could see the crimson red of…a handkerchief?

When she recalled that, the memories began flooding back. She remembered her body attacking her, forcing her to turn this way and that as she reached the end of every passage. Precognition had truly treated her as a puppet, causing immense discomfort at times when she tried to cast a Spell and then again when she didn’t cast fast enough.

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The one time she tried to fight the demands of Precognition to run toward a crowded part of town, a searing pain tore through her shoulder, and she stopped questioning its decisions when she saw the flame whip past her head. Thinking up to this point…Aurora frowned.

She hadn’t noticed it at first, but none of the Card’s discomfort was currently affecting her. Instead, she felt…warm. The immense sense of relief she’d felt from the Card after finding the corpse enveloped her, but on an entirely different level. For the first time in days, she felt safe.

Taking a deep breath, Aurora opened her eyes and found a gorgeous silver-haired man sitting across from her, looking around the room with interest. She recognized the man almost instantly.

"N-Nathaniel Syward?"

"Oh? You’re awake." The young man turned toward her, his expression stern. "How are you feeling?"

Aurora sat up slowly, surprised that her only pain was a dull ache in her shoulder. She looked over her body to find that, though her clothes were torn and ragged, she was spotless. There wasn’t a speck of dirt to be found, and almost all of her injuries were healed.

She scrunched her face and began to look around the room curiously. It was a large sitting room with ornate trim and complex Circuits scaling the walls and fireplace. A home deserving of one of the great Families, she guessed. Though it was odd that there were no portraits.

Had Nathaniel brought her to his home and…called a Deacon? No, even her muscles weren’t sore from all the running she’d done. It would have taken a Priest to have done such a thorough job. And they were expensive…

"I’m sorry for all the trouble!" She pushed the blanket away and knelt beside Nathaniel’s armchair. "Whatever the cost of the Priest, I’ll pay over time if you allow it. Just don’t place the burden on my parents or their business."

"Ah…" Nathaniel looked at the girl with a slight frown. "I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood…"

"Tea’s ready." Aurora turned toward the new voice and was shocked to see another young man stepping through the smaller entrance to the room. "Oh? It seems our patient has woken up. Any particular reason you’re down on your knees?"

"Rowan?" Aurora stood up and looked at her former classmate. "What are you doing here?"

Rowan slightly lifted the tray he was toting. "Carrying tea. I find that’s the proper way to treat guests, and who doesn’t love a fresh brew?"

"Guests?" Aurora turned to Nathaniel. "This isn’t your house?"

Nathaniel shook his head.

"Nonsense." Rowan sat the tray on the small table between them. "As long as you’re staying here, you may treat my manor as your own. Of course, I don’t expect we will be spending an abundance of time on the Origin Floor once we begin our ascent."

"Your ascent?" Aurora couldn’t believe what she was hearing. "You two? You’re going to…?"

"Why yes, Miss Price, we will be ascending the Tower together in…" Rowan pulled a timepiece from the pocket of his jacket. "Three days or so. Now, why don’t you let me have a look at your shoulder? The cooldown on my heal ended just a moment ago."

Aurora slowly walked back to the couch and plopped down, accepting the cup that Rowan offered her as she did. With everything that happened over the last few days, she was almost embarrassed that it was this that sent her over the edge.

"So, do you mind telling us what happened?" Nathaniel asked as a dull light began to spread from Rowan’s fingertips. She gasped as the pain swiftly receded and completely vanished in seconds.

"Sorry that I couldn’t handle that in one shot." Rowan poured himself another cup of tea and took a sip. "Whoever caused that injury must have had Foundations equal to or slightly higher than mine. Now, if you don’t mind, I would also like to hear the answer to Nathaniel’s query."

"Ahh…" Aurora glanced between the two young men, unsure how to proceed. Since when could Rowan cast a healing Spell? Had he been training under a Priest during his time at the Academy? And Nathaniel, why would he bring her there? More surprisingly, why would he be living there?

"May I have a moment?" she asked softly.

Rowan nodded. "Nathaniel, let’s leave Miss Price to her thoughts for a moment. I’m sure she’s had a rough go of it."

Aurora watched the two as they stepped into the next room, surprised that Nathaniel would so willingly do as Rowan suggested. She waited until their voices faded to nothing more than a whisper before standing and walking toward the nearest window.

Whatever Spell Rowan had used, she felt refreshed, and until she knew where she was, it wouldn’t be wise to make a decision. She moved to open the drapes…and the moment she did, a familiar discomfort started creeping up her arm.

She stepped back quickly. That person…the one who’d been chasing her…he was out there. Aurora’s body experienced numerous changes in quick succession as she considered what to do, but Precognition only seemed satisfied by one thought.

She had to tell them.

Unwilling to suffer anymore, she quickly found them in the next room and began conveying her story. The warmth she felt upon doing so gave her the resolve to tell it without holding back…even going so far as to show the pair the Deck Box and Relics she pulled from the corpse.


I studied the young woman for some time after she’d finished speaking. Her story was very eventful…yet obscenely unhelpful. Learning the circumstances of her arrival and how she found the corpse didn’t assist in uncovering the identity of the would-be mass murderer.

"I’m assuming this was the body that you found?" I asked, showing her the morning’s paper.

"That’s him!" she gasped and stopped pulling items from her pockets. "What will happen next? Do you think they’ll track me down and blame me? I did…you know…"

"No." I shook my head, responding almost instantly as she gestured to the table. Though time had been altered, I suspected that nothing between the murder and Aurora’s bumping into Nathaniel had varied from before. That being the case, they wouldn’t find the killer, and if my suspicions were correct, they wouldn’t find Aurora’s charred and unrecognizable body in another alley two days from now.

Nathaniel sat in the armchair beside mine with his chin on his hands, listening calmly. I used Appraisal to carefully look over the Relics displayed on the center table, my eyes catching one in particular, aside from the elaborately carved Deck Box.

"May I?" I gestured to a golden cufflink lying in the center of the growing pile. Aurora nodded and pulled another object from her pocket.

[Name: Ledger]

[Class: Bound Relic]

[Rank: 2]

[Effect 1: The Wielder can use this Relic to store notes and view them at will. The information contained decays after one month. Currently Unbound]

I scoured through the notes, looking for anything that may have been useful. The banker was bright, not using a single name in the Ledger, though there were enough details to find what I was looking for in the last few entries.

"Youngsters these days sure know how to woo an old man. To think I’m venturing to the Shurbery for such a young man to make a business proposal. It’s hard to believe I’ve given out two of our Favored Emblems in such a short time, and to children, nonetheless. I’m eager to see how far this generation will go."

It seemed the banker had only used the Relic every half hour to take notes, but he was consistent. It didn’t take long to reach the section where I’d been present.

"Another young man from the Academy has caught my attention today. Turning down such a large sum of Essence just before his ascent and even earning enough to pay off his debt while graduating in the top ten of his class… It’s remarkable. It’s a shame that the other student will be here shortly, or I’d request him for a chat. I’ll work with him directly if he uses the Favored Emblem on his next visit."

After finding nothing else of interest in the following few notes, I sat the pin down and shook my head. I knew who the killer was. There were too many coincidences.

It makes sense. He experienced explosive growth and multiple fortunate encounters shortly after graduating from the Academy, making several headlines for how swiftly he climbed the lower Floors.

The man even became a hero for a short time. A flaming beacon of hope, they called him. At least those who didn’t have to work beneath him. After his early demise, the truth came out about how he used his followers for strange and sometimes deadly experiments.

Maybe it’s only speculation, but if he stole the Precognition Enhancement from Aurora, it likely led him to the other two victims if they carried something that would be useful to him. I can take care of the problem, but…he’s so young.

I frowned and mulled it over. The boy had already killed and would have killed again if it weren’t for Aurora running into Nathaniel. Killing for one’s needs was commonplace in the Tower, but based on Aurora’s experience when she tried to open the drapes, this murderer had been brought to my doorstep.

The Ledger didn’t paint the banker negatively, and Aurora certainly didn’t wrong the boy in any meaningful way. In short, he isn’t innocent. I’ll…have to play it by ear.

I sighed and looked at Aurora. "I know who killed you."

Aurora and Nathaniel both snapped their heads in my direction. Nathaniel showed a surprising amount of interest for someone usually so stoic.

"You…what…?" Aurora asked quietly.

"The man in the alley." I traced my thumb along the edge of my cane. "You know him as well. Zachary Gray is the culprit."

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