A Villain’s Way of Taming Heroines Chapter 63: Witness Despair[3.1K]

Chapter 63: Witness Despair[3.1K]

The severe cold wave has arrived. Upon Ansel’s receiving the news, the Astronomical Observatory updated the warning once again. Precisely three days after Ansel’s speech, it officially swept across the Red Frost territory, without missing a beat.

Seraphina leaned against the window, sighing at the world outside that was nothing but a white blizzard: 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

"Every time I see it, it’s terrifying... Ansel, who do you think can withstand such a severe cold disaster?"

"In fact, the extraordinary beings at the third stage can endure it with the aid of etheric tools," Ansel, who was sitting by the stove reading a book, responded.

"Of course, the premise is that the cold wave they face is weakened by the Tower of Eternal Flames. If it’s a real cold current blowing from the etheric vortex in the far north, only those at the fifth stage can ensure their survival."


Seraphina opened her mouth in disbelief: "You mean, even I, after some time, could stand outside without freezing to death?"

"If it’s you, you might not necessarily freeze to death now," Ansel said with a smile.

"...Really?" Seraphina pinched her arm, "Am I that tough?"

"You underestimate the gap between extraordinary beings and ordinary people, Seraphina."

As Ansel flipped through the pages of his book, he said without lifting his head: "Go get the third book from the top on the coffee table, you have to finish the first three chapters today."

Although Seraphina was reluctant, she obediently did as she was told.

— The condition for her to be alone with Ansel in this cabin was that she had to study the most boring subjects under Ansel’s guidance.

"Turn to page five, read from beginning to end, ask me if you don’t understand anything, if there’s no problem, continue reading until page twenty-seven. I will test you afterwards, don’t think about muddling through."

Seraphina slumped onto the sofa, listlessly flipping through the pages.

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[Extraordinary beings are entities that break away from the limitations of ordinary life systems and transform into higher levels of life in a way that can only be explained by etheric studies.]

[Extraordinary systems, starting with the Heavenly Road created 86300 years ago, officially symbolize that humans and the empire are constantly moving towards...]

After reading only half a page, Seraphina was already drowsy and had no desire to continue reading.

What ether, what life level, what messy things... What’s the use of learning these, in the end, isn’t it just a matter of one punch, two punches, three punches.

If you really want to learn, it’s better to know some strange and curious spells, so you can quickly find a solution when the time comes, there’s no need to learn so much.

Thinking this, Miss Seraphina, who had no intention of studying, quietly glanced at Ansel covered with a blanket, and quietly sat across from Ansel.

She coughed lightly, her face slightly red as she took off her shoes and socks, her tender bare feet rubbed and wriggled, and crawled under Ansel’s blanket.

Ansel looked at her.

"I, I... my feet are a bit cold, what’s wrong with putting them in?"

Seraphina, holding her book, tried to make her tone sound tough: "Don’t touch it, absolutely don’t touch it!"

Ansel sighed, pulled out the pillow from behind him, put it under the blanket, placed Seraphina’s feet on the soft pillow, and whispered: "Study well."

He put the book in his hand aside, propped his head with one hand, and closed his eyes for a nap.

Seraphina couldn’t help but move her feet, but she was afraid of waking Ansel. She quietly looked at the sleeping face of the young man, whose face had subdued many beautiful ladies, looked even more heart-stirring under the light of the fire, making Seraphina completely lose her mind to study.

How can you just fall asleep like that, what should I do!

Seraphina, who was staring at Ansel, blushed more and more as she looked, and in the end, she had no choice but to open the book and prepare to find something she was interested in.

Although she flipped through it, basically all she found were things she didn’t understand and wasn’t interested in, but she did find some content about the "third stage".

Seraphina had no concept of the breakthrough of the extraordinary being’s stage, she just felt that she had been stuck here for long enough, and if she didn’t go up, she would drag Ansel down, so she should break through, and naturally, she wanted to understand it.

"Throne... um... soul, yeah... spirit? What is this?"

The young girl frowned, her finger under the text, reading word by word, sentence by sentence:

"Spirit is... the essence of the soul, although it is called that, it does not mean that it is someone’s soul, it can only be said to have a lot to do with their character."

"In history, there are also spirits that are completely different from their personal style and character."

"Ah no, I skipped ahead, the explanation is in front—"

The curious girl scratched her cheek and read again: "In the process of achieving the Throne, the unity of spirit and flesh, very few special people will awaken the ’spirit’."

"That is a kind of power that has nothing to do with the extraordinary stage, more like a rule, with the highest level of priority... what is priority?"

"The reason for awakening is unknown, the conditions are unknown, the only thing that can be confirmed is that the inheritors of the divine species will inevitably awaken the spirit, that is, the dragon race, the Tidecallers, many descendants of the Flamefeast Royal, the only existence that reaches the sixth stage at birth, and every generation of Hydral, must have a spirit."

"Um... Hydral."


Seraphina’s eyes widened as she continued to read.

"Among them, Hydral is the most special, they are not born with the awakening of the spirit, but ▇▇▇▇"

The girl’s head hurt for a moment, and she found that she couldn’t read the following content at all.

At the same time, Ansel’s eyes suddenly opened.

"You seem to be reading something you shouldn’t, Seraphina."

The young Hydral squinted his eyes, making Miss Seraphina feel very guilty.

"I... I’m just reading a book, you told me to read it."

"Knowledge is a great treasure, but also a deadly poison."

Ansel leaned forward slightly, taking the book from Seraphina’s hands.

"You should be grateful that I approved of you, otherwise something terrible would have happened in the first instant."

"What... what does that mean?"

Ansel closed the book and casually put it aside, "Those who are unworthy cannot pry into our existence. There are some secrets that we don’t want others to know."

He stretched lazily and spoke nonchalantly:

"You can understand it as, ’No one can casually record, understand, or perceive the secrets of Hydral.’ This rule was engraved into the world by my ancestors—a simple trick that even emperors can do, and do even more absolutely."

"Then this book—"

"This book, of course, could only have been written by a Hydral."

Ansel raised an eyebrow: "Do you think that the books and documents I consider worthy of my collection are popular reading materials that can be found in libraries? I will only give you the best, Seraphina."

It was only natural, for the book Seraphina had just been reading was authored by Ansel’s father. If it were to be sold on the market, the old antiques of the Etheric Academy would have the young people take it down, everyone in the Alchemy Association would go crazy for it, and even the Tower of Babel, which now represents the cutting-edge etheric theory, would fight for it.

"Alright, alright, don’t say that about me, isn’t it enough that I know I was wrong..."

Seraphina whispered, her soft little feet gently stepping on Ansel’s side ribs: "Give me the book, I’ll read it properly."

"...No, let’s forget about it today."

After a moment of silence, Ansel shook his head and smiled: "You don’t have the mindset to study right now, so there’s no point in forcing it."

He looked out the window, where the endless white still prevailed: "The severe cold wave should last for three to four days, and then it will leave the Red Frost territory and blow towards the next place. I originally planned to have you study hard during these days, but now that I think about it... it won’t make much of a difference."

"Do something you want to do, Seraphina."

Ansel gently told her:

"I’ll be with you during these few days of leisure."

Seraphina slowly withdrew her feet, stepping on the soft carpet. She stood up and stared intently at Ansel:


"I never—"

"Ansel, you’re the best!"

Before Ansel could finish speaking, Miss Seraphina cheered and pounced into Ansel’s arms, rubbing and snuggling vigorously.

Ansel smiled and stroked Seraphina’s hair: "By the way, when did you start calling me by my name and become so close to me?"

"Um, um, this... this is just that kind of thing, what’s it called."

The young girl’s cheeks flushed with a charming blush: "When the time is right , the stars will...align?"

For Seraphina, everything was so natural.

From hatred to anger, from anger to embarrassment, from embarrassment to confusion, from confusion to being accepted and embraced, from being accepted and embraced, to now fully understanding.

"Well, that’s true."

Ansel nodded: "If I didn’t know that you usually act like this with Marlina, I would have thought you had some other intentions."


Seraphina’s face stiffened, her emotions churning in her heart.

"You... don’t mention her." In the end, she could only mutter, "It’s so annoying."

"Have you not made up yet?"

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"If she doesn’t show me a good face for a day, I won’t make up with her for a day!"

In fact, this was already an incredible concession for Seraphina.

As long as Marlina showed even a little bit of tenderness, she would immediately pounce into her sister’s arms like a puppy—even though from an outsider’s perspective, Seraphina, who had been slapped, not given an explanation, and treated coldly, was undoubtedly the victim, and she thought so herself.

Seraphina, who was resting her head on Ansel’s lap, suddenly said as if trying to forget her annoying sister: "Ansel, you said to let me do what I want, right?"

"Don’t go too far."

"I know! I’m not some kind of destruction maniac!"

Seraphina giggled, stood up directly, grabbed Ansel’s hand, and ran out without saying a word.

"Then you don’t deal with any documents either, just play with me!"


## Big Cold Wave Diary, Day One

I don’t know how to write a diary, because writing is hard, troublesome, tiring, and my writing is ugly. But I’m so happy, so I’m writing anyway. (Note: This sentence has six corrections)

In the morning, I woke up alone and had breakfast with Ansel. It was a delicious meat dish, I don’t know what kind of meat it was, but I never had it before. Now, I eat it every day with Ansel.

We went to a small room to read books together. The books weren’t interesting, but Ansel was. Indeed, it’s hard to find a boy more handsome than him.

Ansel said I don’t have to read anymore and can do what I want. I was so happy! He’s the best to me, but it feels a bit strange.

I’m a girl, am I not pretty?

We cleared out a room for Ansel and me to practice archery. He’s so good at everything, but of course, I’m better at archery. (Note: Here, a small figure with hands on hips is drawn)

After playing archery, Ansel suggested he organize the games, and I agreed.

Then he cheated! He challenged me to create a fireball with magic, which I can’t do, and he made a big one.

Even though I lost, I was so happy.

In the evening, we had dinner, and Ansel took me to listen to Sister Eula play the piano. It was beautiful.

I fell asleep in the middle of it, and for some reason, Sister Eula changed her clothes. She seems to have a lot of free time.

I did my own training, ended the day, and now I’m writing this diary.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

## Big Cold Wave Diary, Day Two

I woke up early today and saw Marli carrying a lot of books in the hallway.

I don’t know when she started calling Ansel "Mr. Ansel" before me. I’m not happy, when did they become so close?

And I don’t know when she started liking black, it looks a bit uncomfortable.

I asked her if she had breakfast, but she ignored me. Annoying!

The room is very warm, there are heaters everywhere. Barrier? Spell? I don’t know, but it’s very warm. In some places, there are fireplaces. I don’t know why, but Ansel seems to like fireplaces more.

He always likes to sit by the fireplace and read, very quiet, unlike his usual self.

My heart beats very fast, am I... (Note: The rest is smudged)

I didn’t play with Ansel today, but the old butler found me two crickets. I don’t know where he got them from, but watching them fight all afternoon was fun.

In the evening, I went to take a bath and saw Ansel in the bath. I was startled, but his body is very good.

I took a bath with Meli, eating supper in the hot bath was so cool, but Meli said I have no manners. I told her she’s far behind me in figure, hehe.

Before going to bed, as usual, I exercised. I seem to have lost the feeling of that day, but there’s no need to rush, I’m a genius.

Ansel came to see me before I went to bed. He asked if I was happy, and I said I was very happy.

Super happy! (Note: The writing here is crooked and huge)

## Big Cold Wave Diary, Day Three

The snowstorm seems to have lessened. I can vaguely see the house and the frozen things on the street. It’s scary, but Ansel said I won’t freeze to death.

I’m so strong.

Today, Marli had breakfast with us. She talked a lot with Ansel, things I didn’t understand. In the end, she looked at me, I don’t know what she meant, but I felt bad.

After breakfast, Ansel took me to see something called an image crystal. It showed a long story, mostly fighting and killing. Ansel said it’s all acting, not real, but it was very exciting.

By the way, where did Ansel put the crystal I brought from the treasury?

At lunch, we had new ingredients. I don’t know how much food they have stored here, but I’m very happy, I can eat whatever I want.

During the last cold wave, I think I was hungry for two days because I can go without eating, but Marli can’t.

After eating, Ansel said he would change my clothes. The old ones were too thin, and it would be cold to wear them out after the cold wave.

Ansel is so amazing, he prepared so many clothes. It seems like he can take out anything.

I accidentally broke a lamp that was very warm, like a fireplace. It seemed to be for heating. Ansel said it’s okay, there are many more in the storage.

In the evening, Ansel watched me exercise. I sweated a lot, Ansel touched my leg, and I accidentally hit him. (Note: A crying face is drawn here)

Before going to bed, Ansel was in my room. He said I didn’t slack off, worked hard, and can take my time with learning. He’s not lying to me, he gives me everything.

Ansel is the best to me.

Suddenly, I thought of many people freezing in the cold wave, and I felt a bit sad. But then I thought, Ansel gave them coal, at least they can survive. The cold wave seems to be ending tomorrow, and I feel a bit better.

I will make their lives better. (Note: The most neatly written sentence in the diary)


On the morning of the fourth day of the cold wave, Seraphina reads her diary and can’t help but chuckle, holding it like a treasure.

These three days have been the most precious and memorable since she arrived in the Red Frost territory.

She has spent three days free of any intrigue, without having to deal with any troubles, in such tranquility, comfort, and happiness.

Without any responsibilities to bear, far from all worries and troubles, under Ansel’s gentle guidance and arrangements, everything is filled with an unending joy.

Today, the severe cold wave ends, the snowstorm subsides - in a somewhat irrational and malicious thought, Seraphina even wishes these days could last longer.

Of course, this thought is fleeting, and she quickly chastises herself.

These wonderful memories have been etched into her heart. Now, the early-rising Seraphina is off to enjoy another thing.

The young girl, dressed in fresh clothes, rushes downstairs, rubbing her hands together as she stands in front of the main door, her face full of excitement.

She wants to be the first to hear the praises and gratitude of the people who have survived this deep freeze, thanks to Ansel’s blessings.

She wants everyone to know, everyone to acknowledge, that Ansel of Hydral’s integrity and kindness are not hypocritical, they are as heavy as a thousand catties of reality.

"Come on, everyone in Red Frost."

Seraphina opens the door with great joy, "Let us welcome the new—"


The smile on the girl’s face seems to be frozen by the residual cold wind.

The moment she opens the door, an ice sculpture falls inward, and with a light sound, it shatters into pieces.

That’s not an ice sculpture.

Limbs, fragments, even covered with frost, the vivid human tissues tell Seraphina that this is not an ice sculpture.

This is a person, a corpse.

Seraphina’s pupils begin to tremble violently, not just because of this shattered corpse, but also because... the scene before her eyes.

"What is... this?"

She steps out tremblingly, unable to feel the slightest cold.

Because the chill emanating from her soul has frozen all her senses.

In front of Ansel’s mansion—

Standing, curled up, kneeling, fallen...


Seraphina screams, running out of Ansel’s mansion in a frenzy, standing on the deserted, snow-covered street.

Yes, deserted.

But one by one, scattered all around, in various postures, but without exception... at the last moment of life, reaching out to Ansel’s mansion, reaching out to that paradise that brought Seraphina unparalleled satisfaction and happiness... ice sculptures.

Seraphina Marlowe, Ansel’s follower, the future Sky Wolf Emperor, a capricious person who has never really grown up, a girl who has never really experienced pain, on the first day after the end of the big cold wave—

Witnesses hell with her own eyes.

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