Accidental Ascendance Chapter 9 9: Little Sister?

Cedric sat by the tranquil lake, his fingers skimming the surface of the water as he expertly skipped rocks. The gentle ripples danced in the fading light of the sun. Megna approached, concern etched on her face. She hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Is it okay to be doing this on your first day back?"

Cedric’s eyes followed the trajectory of another rock he released, the smooth stone gliding effortlessly across the water. "It was number one on my to-do list when I came back," he replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Megna sighed softly, her gaze drifting toward the horizon painted in hues of gold and orange. "It just seems a little much," she murmured, her concern evident.

Undeterred, Cedric skillfully skipped another rock, his movements almost rhythmic. The cool breeze tousled his hair as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Nope. Compared to what I went through, this is quite kind," he explained, his tone resolute.

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Megna shook her head, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "If you say so," she said, her doubt laced with fondness.

With one last skip, Cedric decided to bring his stone-skipping session to a close. He cast a glance toward Megna and grinned, satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Well, number two on my to-do list is done," he declared.

Panting caught their attention, and they turned to find Lyla, Cedric’s loyal servant, gasping for breath. Her face was flushed, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead. "My lord, I’m so sorry. Please show mercy," she pleaded, her words rushed and desperate.

Cedric took a sip of water from a flask he had brought with him. "Nope....."

Lyla pleaded with him. "Please my lord I am deeply sorry."

His gaze steady as he considered Lyla’s plea. He remained silent for a moment, the weight of his decision apparent. Finally, he relented. "Fine, Lyla. I’ll forgive you."

A look of relief washed over Lyla’s face, and tears welled up in her eyes. "Thank you, my lord, I promise..." she began, her voice trailing off as Cedric interjected.

"On one condition," Cedric interrupted, his tone firm yet fair. Lyla’s eyes widened, anticipation mingled with trepidation. "Take one more lap around the lake."

Lyla’s shock was evident as she stuttered in protest. "B-but my lord I already ran five laps."

Cedric nodded, his expression unwavering. "Yes, and while you did that, I ran ten miles every day for six years. So, running six laps once is more than fair."

Lyla ran off, fueled by her determination to prove her loyalty once more. Cedric watched her go, a sense of forgiveness and growth blooming within him. "That should do it for number one on my to-do list." He then made his way back to the castle, hunger gnawing at his stomach.

As he entered the grand dining room, the aroma of a hearty meal filled the air, instantly enticing him. His parents stood at the head of the table, their smiles warm and welcoming. "Welcome back, my son," Lord Montclair greeted him, pride shining in his eyes.

Lady Isabela’s grin matched her husband’s. "We missed you at our table."

They engaged in conversation, catching up on Cedric’s time away. Curiosity sparked within him, and he couldn’t help but ask, "Did anything happen during my absence?"

The room fell silent as his parents exchanged uneasy glances. Lord Montclair stumbled over his words, searching for an appropriate response. "Well... uh, did anything happen?"

Suddenly, a little girl with long black hair appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. She sat next to Cedric, clutching a tiger doll tightly. Her innocent gaze met his as she began to eat, capturing Cedric’s attention.

Confusion washed over him, and he turned to the girl with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment. "Who are you?"

The girl glanced at him briefly, her eyes sparkling with innocence. "I’m Ara," she replied simply before returning her attention to her meal, unaffected by the tension in the room.

Utterly bewildered, Cedric looked at his parents, searching for answers. "You didn’t tell me we had a guest."

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His father stuttered, attempting to find an explanation. "Well, not quite, son..." he trailed off, his voice trailing into uncertainty.

Ara looked at Cedric’s mother, her gaze filled with trust and affection. With childlike innocence, she asked, "Mama, can I have dessert after dinner?"

Cedric froze, his eyes widening as he slowly turned towards Ara. "Mama?" he repeated, his voice filled with disbelief. He then turned to his parents, pointing at Ara. "Why did she call you ’mama’?"

Silence settled over the room as Cedric’s anger grew, an array of emotions swirling within him. He exploded with frustration and confusion, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I have a sister?! Why didn’t you tell me that I had a sister?" he demanded.

Megna couldn’t contain her laughter, a joyful outburst that escaped her small frame. Her mirth filled the room, snot flying from her nose as she tried to regain her composure. Cedric’s parents struggled to find an answer, their expressions a mix of guilt and surprise.

"We never found the right time, dear," Lady Isabela said meekly.

Cedric’s eyes widened in shock as he tried to comprehend the situation. "It’s been six years. How hard is it to write a letter? Something along the lines of ’Hey, how are you doing? Are you eating well?’ Oh, and ’Hey, you have a freaking sister!’" he exclaimed.

Lord Montclair cleared his throat, attempting to find an explanation. "Well, you see, it just seemed awkward to tell you over a letter.".

Cedric’s unraveling frustration reached its peak. "Are you serious? And this isn’t awkward?" he retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Lady Isabela tried to de-escalate the situation. "Now, dear, let’s all calm down."

Cedric quickly turned toward Ara. "How old are you?"

Ara looked up her mouth full of food putting up five fingers. "I’m five."

Cedric’s rage grew as he looked at his parents. Finally, he turned to Megna, his voice commanding. "Freeze them."

Megna burst into laughter, her magic swirling around Cedric, enhancing the illusion that he was summoning incredible powers. Cedric’s parents panicked, desperately pleading with him to reconsider his actions.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm "Okay, son, let’s not do anything rash." Lord Montclair exclaimed.

Cedric’s laughter filled the room, an eerie echo of his earlier anger. "Rash? Was it rash when you sent me to train in that horrible place for six years without so much as an explanation? Was it rash when you hid the fact that I have another sibling, my sister?"

Just as Megna was about to cast the spell, Ara, the little girl who unknowingly held the key to Cedric’s anger, grabbed his sleeve. Her innocent voice pleaded, "Big bro, please don’t hurt mama and dada."

Cedric’s anger quickly transformed into love as he looked at his sister. Tears welled up in his eyes as he hugged her tightly, his voice filled with emotion. "I’m sorry, Ara. Mama and dada made me really mad and put me through a horrible time."

Ara patted Cedric’s head lovingly, her small hand offering reassurance. "It’s okay, big bro. You’re home now."

Lord Montclair let out a sigh of relief, exchanging a knowing glance with Lady Isabela. "See, I told you he would overreact."

Lady Isabela nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with gratitude. "You did, however, little Ara was somehow able to calm him down."

In that moment, a new rumor began to circulate within the castle’s walls and beyond. The only one who could calm the rage of the ultimate mage was his kid sister. Unbeknownst to her, Ara gained a moniker that night — Ara the Saint.

Meanwhile, Lyla, drenched in sweat from her extra lap around the lake, arrived in the dining room, her body barely able to hold itself upright. She managed to utter, "I did it, my lord," before collapsing, utterly exhausted.

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