Advent of the Three Calamities Chapter 32: Progression Analysis [3]

Chapter 32: Progression Analysis [3]

"What do you think...? How are the results for this year?"

Professor Kelson’s voice echoed as she stood by the end of the training ground with her three other assistant professors.

The day was almost over, and so far each group had taken two of the three assessments they were supposed to take.

They were at the moment all taking a break. Be it professors or students.

"...From my group, several students stand out."

One of the Assistant Professors, a young woman with short black hair commented.

She went on to say,

"Evelyn from the Verlice family, and Luxon from the Ravenscroft family. They scored quite high on the Mana examination test, with 2.58 and 2.31 respectively. They’ve also scored quite highly on the Mental examination test, with a score of 2.01 and 2.11 respectively... Their results already surpass that of the top cadets of last year’s batch."


Professor Kelson quietly nodded while listening to the report. Indeed, the results were quite frightening.

For first-year cadets to reach a score above 2 was quite rare. That signified that the cadet was already in the Tier 2 range.

Such feat was extremely rare and only occasionally would the academy be blessed with such individuals.

For two to appear...

"I’d like to add to that."

A tall man with long black hair and a skinny frame displayed his clipboard.

"Actually... It’s about my group."

His expression was quite serious.

"My group took part in the Physical and Mental examination. Two students stood out in my group as well. It’s just that..."

He took a short pause while looking at the clipboard in his hand. Scratching the back of his head, his face scrunched up in what appeared to be disbelief.

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"I really can’t believe we had such monsters in our year... Leon Ellert. Physical examination score, 2.91. Mental examination score, 2.98. Aoife Megrail. Physical examination score, 2.87. Mental examination score, 3.01..."



A still silence shrouded the space as Professor Kelson and the other assistants gaped at the results.

It took a while before they could recollect themselves, and when they did, one of them asked again to make sure they hadn’t heard wrong.

"....I didn’t hear wrongly, right? Did you just..."

"Leon Ellert. Physical examination score, 2.91. Mental examination score, 2.98. Aoife Megrail. Physical examination score, 2.87. Mental examination score, 3.01..."

The assistant professor repeated.

Only when he repeated did it finally sink into the mind of those present as they looked at each other at a complete loss for words.


Breaking the silence was Professor Kelson who looked at the clipboard incredulously while repeating.

"...We’ve got monsters this year."

And then, her gaze finally fell on the last assistant professor.

"What about you Gilbert? Any notable figures from your group?"


His deep voice quietly echoed out in the group.

Taking out his clipboard, he frowned.

".....Only one though."

Whether he spoke out of disappointment or not, nobody could be sure. His expression was hard to read.

He began to announce,

"Kiera Mylne. Mana examination test, 2.504. Physical examination test, 2.281."

"Another monster..."


The other assistant professors seemed impressed by her performance. All but Professor Kelson who saw the crux of the problem.

"The Black Star..."

She began to speak,

"Wasn’t he in your group? What was his result?"

"That’s what I want to talk about..."

Finally, a shift occurred in Gilbert’s expression as it darkened.

"Julien Evenus. Mana examination test, 1.716. Physical examination test, 1.189."

Gilbert’s grip on the board tightened.

"....He’s currently ranked amongst the last in my group in terms of average. An embarrassment."

The utter disregard in his tone couldn’t be hidden. Although he tried his best to keep himself from displaying such emotion, it was starting to become hard when confronted with such results.

’He is not fit to be the Black Star.’

That was the only thought that ran through his mind.

"Those are indeed quite low scores."

The Professor couldn’t deny it. Her gaze turned toward the distance where a particular figure appeared. He easily stood out from the rest of the students. Just his appearance was enough to warrant that.

But there was also the fact that he stood alone, with the cadets actively avoiding him.

It was hard for her to not spot him under such circumstances.

She rubbed her forehead.

"For now, we can do nothing about this. Let’s proceed with the next examination. I’d like to go home early. Who knows, he might do a little better in the next examination."

"...I doubt that."

Gilbert went on to put his clipboard under his armpit and headed back for his group. The last examination was the mental test. Of all the other examinations, it was the hardest one to score a high grade on.

He doubted Julien could do well in such an examination given how miserably he had performed in the other examinations.

As he walked, he shook his head.



Word of Julien’s score started to spread amongst the first-year cadets. Many showed surprised looks while others didn’t seem as surprised.

"Did you hear about Julien’s score...?"

"I did."


"Nothing surprising."

Leon stretched his muscles while secretly channeling the mana in his body. His next test was up. The mana examination one. He planned on doing well in that one too.

"What’s up with your reaction? Why do you seem so unsurprised?"

"Because I’m not."

Taking a deep breath, Leon turned his head and looked at Evelyn. She was constantly alternating her head between him and Julien.

"At this rate won’t he get in trouble? As his knight, won’t that affect you?"


When she put it like that...

"I’ll be fine."

Thinking about it, there was no need for him to worry.

"He’ll also be fine."


"I wouldn’t be as relaxed as you are."

A voice suddenly interrupted. When Leon turned his head, he saw Aoife approaching their direction.

Her gaze similarly fell on Julien who was standing by himself in the distance.

"He managed to deter people from approaching him during the first lecture thanks to his performance. However, now that the results are out... How long do you think before someone challenges him?"

"....I’m not sure."

Leon truthfully answered.


Aoife blankly stared at Leon for a few seconds and shook her head while silently muttering in a low voice, ’Are you really his knight?’ before steading her expression again.

"You’re forgetting that we currently need him. I won’t be able to take his title away until the Mid-terms. In that case, he needs to make sure he retains his image."


Leon quietly listened to Aoife speak as he kept his gaze locked on her. She seemed rather adamant about taking his spot when the mid-terms came.

He couldn’t exactly put that against her.

The title of the ’Black Star’ carried a lot of significance. Be it within the institute, and politically.

".....He’s still fine because of what he pulled during the first day and the fact that the institute wouldn’t grant someone the title without merit. However, at this rate, people will start forgetting this."

Aoife frowned while gently brushing her red locks behind her ears.

"There’s a high chance he won’t be able to perform well in his last test. I suggest you prepare yourself for the after-effects. It won’t be big, but you’ll need to be ready for it."

She paused and turned to look at Leon.

".....Because you’ll also be at the center of it. As his knight."


After a short break, we were led toward a strange device that sat in the middle of the training grounds. From where I was, I could still see the other groups readying themselves for the upcoming examinations.

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In the end, my results ended up being subpar.

The way some of the cadets looked at me changed as my results spread. While none of them still seemed keen on targeting me, I could feel some of the bolder cadets entertaining the idea.

’How troublesome.’

It was indeed getting troublesome, but it was still manageable.

I wasn’t afraid of getting challenged. In fact, I more than entertained the idea.


’I wonder if my current self is capable of even putting up a performance...?’

The only thing I had was Emotive Magic and a single spell that I could hardly use. It was quite obvious to me that I would end up losing pathetically.

Even so...

A part of me really wanted to fight. Not because I didn’t care about losing, but because I knew it was the fastest way to grow.

"The Mental Examination can be said to be the hardest test yet. It won’t be testing your mana or your physical abilities, but the firmness of your mind. To be able to withstand pain under critical situations, to be able to remain composed under serious situations..."

The assistant professor began to introduce us to the examination.

"This is one of the most important assessments you will face so make sure you try your best."

He then proceeded to point at the device that stood behind him. At a glance, it seemed to be a regular chair.

No, maybe it was...

"The test is simple."

The assistant professor took out a small metallic black bracelet from his pocket.

"This is the device that we will use for the examination. It overloads your sensory systems with all sorts of feelings. But primarily, it will give you pain. Your main job is to withstand the pain for as long as you can without screaming or passing out. The more time passes, the greater the pain."

Searching around with his eyes, his gaze eventually fell on a particular figure. One with long white hair and red eyes.

"Kiera, you will be the one to try it first."

’Haa... This...’

I wanted to laugh at the situation. The order until now had always been the same. Me first, then Kiera, and so on...

The reason why he hadn’t called my name was fairly obvious.

I wasn’t the only one who noticed. The other cadets noticed too as they threw second glances my way.

I kept my expression firm while staring ahead.


Kiera walked up to the chair and sat down.

"Put this one."

Taking the bracelet, she put it on her wrist as it latched itself onto it. She didn’t seem at all nervous and leaned back on the chair.

On the other hand, the assistant professor took out a small device from his pocket. A stopwatch of some sort, and pressed on the top end.

"Let’s begin."


Her body jolted immediately after the assistant professor’s voice fell. Her eyes shot open while the bracelet in her hand trembled.

"Akh... ukh...!"

Her struggle wasn’t as pronounced at first. However, with the passing of the seconds, her body started to tremble with more intensity.

"Don’t scream. If you scream, you fail."

The assistant professor’s cold voice served to remind her to keep herself composed.




As well as recounting her score.





The moment the count hit 1.0, the pain seemed to escalate to a different level as Kiera’s body spasmed with even more force.

Even so, she kept herself from screaming.

The surroundings were quiet as all eyes were fixed on her.


"1.8" 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮




Her body jolted and her head smacked back. Her entire body spasmed, and for the briefest moment, she almost screamed.


With some absurd level of willpower, she was able to keep herself from screaming.

Kata! Kata! Kata!

The chair rattled with force asnd her body continued to trash around.



The count continued.

Her legs flayed in random directions.

"Akh...! Ukh...!"

Saliva spit out from her mouth as she clenched her teeth tightly and glared ahead.





The count continued.

Everyone stood in silence, staring at her with heavy expressions as she continued to trash around.

She looked like she had lost her mind by this point, but the fact that she had yet to scream proved she had lost anything but her mind...

She was still there.

Hanging there.

Withholding the pain. It was almost impressive.

But that eventually came to an end...


Her scream ended up piercing through her silence as her body started to spasm uncontrollably.


A gentle click sounded that moment and her body finally relaxed.

Only when she fully calmed down and was capable of moving her body again did the assistant professor announce her result.

"Kiera Mylne. Mental Examination score... 2.93."


The expression of many of the students changed after hearing the score with many looking at her with traces of awe.

I too was impressed by her score.

Although I wasn’t sure how much it hurt, the way she was trashing about and her expression, it must’ve hurt a lot.

"Next cadet."

But things moved on rather quickly.

Another cadet was called.

"Jaylen Roshtelia."

Yet again my name wasn’t called.

A tall man with short black hair moved forward and sat down on the chair.

"You’ve seen the steps. Please put it on the device. I’ll start you shortly."

He went on to score 1.81.

Another name was called up next.

Yet again it wasn’t mine.

I stood patiently at the back, waiting for my name to be eventually called up.

But that never happened.

Not until...

I was the last cadet standing.

"Julien Evenus."

Only then was my name called.

"You’re up next."

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