Advent of the Three Calamities Chapter 76 Advancing [1]

Chapter 76 Advancing [1]


I tossed the script on my desk and let out a long breath.

The situation had spiraled in a direction I hadn’t expected it to move towards. In a way, it was a pleasant situation.

Not only would it guarantee me extra credits, but it also wasn’t dangerous.

"I think I’m starting to get tired of all the danger."

I needed a little bit of a break from that.

However, there was a slight problem.

".....I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle the other parts."

The only reason I was able to do so well so far was because I resonated with the character, or to be precise, the scenario.

All the emotions he felt in the script. Scene. I could perfectly resonate with them as I had experienced them before.

It was also for that reason that I was able to put on such a performance.


"That’s the extent of it."

What would happen if I were to be put in a scenario I was completely unfamiliar with? How was I going to replicate the scenario?

I wasn’t very confident in my acting.

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My head throbbed the more I thought about the situation.

In the end, I decided to leave things be.

I was going to receive the script soon. When that happened, I’d be able to tell if I was screwed or not.

"For now, I should focus on training."

I checked my experience bar.

"Ten percent."

....That was about two days of training. Following that, I’d finally be able to advance to the next tier.

I couldn’t wait for that to happen.

To the point where I immediately sat down on the ground and started to practice the manual.

I made a vow then.

Tomorrow or the day after...

"I’m going to advance towards the next tier."


Late into the night.

Kiera stood in her usual spot, staring at the night sky from the window. Her gaze reflected the stars that shone brightly in the sky.

"....What a mess."

It had been a day since she had that strange vision, and for some reason, it had never left her mind.

It was as if it refused to leave her thoughts.

She tried to act like nothing had happened during class today, but the images and emotions continued to haunt her until now.

"The fuck is wrong with me?"

It was already 1 A.M. and she was still up. She had tried to sleep, but the images and emotions continued to flash in her mind preventing her from doing so.

Sitting by the window, her gaze continued to wander towards the outside.

It was quiet outside. The faint glow emitted by the lamps softly illuminated the pathway below, while the grass and foliage gently swayed in the night breeze.

As Kiera let herself sink into the sight beneath, her eyes caught a particular image reflected in the windowpane. It was a sight that made her brows furrow.

’How many times has it been Ki? Clean up after yourself!’

’Look at this mess!’

’Why do you never listen to me, Ki? Is it so hard to clean?’

’Wait until you grow old and have children in the future. I want to see how you tell them to clean.’

"Ugh, fine... fine..."

Taking her eyes away from the window, her gaze fell on a misplaced sock.

Clicking her tongue Kiera got out of her spot and tossed it in one of the baskets for dirty clothes.

Her eyes darted across the room, looking for anything that was out of place.

Only when she was certain that everything was in place that she let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank fuck."

There was nothing that irritated her more than disorderliness in her room.

It had to be perfect.

Scanning the room one more time, Kiera eventually plopped back on her bed. Her ruby-red eyes blankly stared at the ceiling above.

Her thoughts once again drifted towards the vision, and her expression couldn’t help but crumble.


For how long was this going to continue?

It was starting to get annoying. No, it was already annoying. To the extent that she contemplated doing something she typically avoided doing.

"....Should I?"

The memories and feelings resurfaced again.

It was memories like these that propelled her to do something she abhorred.

Closing her eyes, the world around her began to be engulfed in pitch darkness. It crept out from her body, enveloping the surrounding area.

In the darkness that started to take over her surroundings, Kiera’s eyes shook. So did her body.

"Haa... Haaa..."

Despite her best attempts at keeping her breath in check, Kiera was having a hard time keeping herself from keeping her breath even.

With each passing second in the dark world, Kiera found herself increasingly unable to conceal the lingering traces of panic and fear that were slowly starting to grip her mind.

Her palms started to feel sweaty, and her vision started to blur.

’Hold on... I need to hold on.’

Kiera fiercely bit onto her lips. A metallic tang clung to her lips as she bit down with force. A sharp pain invaded her mind, but she kept a firm mind.

’I have to hold on...’



"Haa... Haa..."

With each passing second, the rhythm of her breath grew more strained, laboring against her chest. Her vision blurred as beads of sweat multiplied upon her brow.

Drip...! Drip.

Despite that, Kiera continued to persist.

’More... Not now. Not yet....’

The darkness...

It was something that Kiera feared and despised. It brought terrible memories to her mind. Ones that she wanted nothing more than to forget.

However, darkness was also a part of her power.

Rejecting the dark was the same as rejecting half of her.

"F-for the sake of finding more, I need to..."

Her aunt was merely the start of her hunt. Even now, Kiera could vividly remember the past. An image conjured up in her mind. It was an image of a certain room. Her room.

The room was destroyed and in chaos.

Shattered glass littered the floor as the furniture lay overturned, their contents spilled and scattered across the room.

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Drawers had hung open, their contents rifled through and discarded on the ground.

The once-cozy atmosphere she called her room was completely taken over by chaos and disorder.

"....They were definitely looking for something."

Of that, Kiera was sure.

But that wasn’t the only thing she was sure of. She was also sure of the fact her aunt didn’t do this by herself. Someone or an organization had helped her achieve this.

Kiera didn’t know anything about the organization. Regardless of how much research she put in and how deep she looked, her efforts brought her nothing.

The reason why she visited her aunt was because she wanted answers.

Answers to who the organization was and why they had done what they did. Of course, what would come after was their destruction.

Kiera’s mind was firm on that.

Her life goal was to take revenge. At any cost, she planned on eradicating all members of such an organization.


It was for this reason that she pushed her fear aside and endured the darkness that surrounded her.

It felt cold.

....And lonely.

But even when she was under such stress, Kiera’s mind remained firm.



At the same time, in an unknown location within the Mirror Dimension.

"You’re in luck. It looks like the higher-ups are quite happy with your performance."

A tall woman with long flowing blonde hair and red eyes, Rose, addressed Robert with a smile.

"You’re not half-bad for an ex-professor at one of the most prestigious academies in the Empire."

She patted him on the shoulder.

"Anyways, follow me, I’ve got a present for you."

"A present?"

Robert tilted his head in confusion.

He was still trying to get accustomed to the new environment. Everything felt new to him, and the scale of the place left him astounded.

Looking around, it felt as if he had entered a new world.

A large dome that covered the entire space.

Buildings that seemed to reach the tip of the dome.

Moving boxes of metals, and colorful lights.

The place appeared like a completely different world.

"You’ll get used to it."

Rose reassured him while continuing to walk forward.

"I too was like that the first time I came. Most probably, everyone was the same. None of us really know the origin of such technology and its place beside our leader. It isn’t even a very large space. However, it certainly leaves an impact, doesn’t it?"


Robert nodded absentmindedly.

Everything felt so new and fresh to him. But at the same time, it also felt rather convoluted. The noise was quite intense.

"The only one that probably knows the answer to all of this is our leader. He’s the one who created this space."



Rose nodded and didn’t say anything else.

Robert followed her quietly from behind until he was eventually led into one of the tall buildings. The door ’swooshed’ open, leaving the poor professor frightened as he moved back.


Rose laughed upon seeing his reaction.

"It won’t bite you. Come in."


Swallowing his saliva, Robert nodded his head and followed along. ’Swoosh’ The doors closed behind him, but unlike last time, he didn’t have time to worry about the doors as his attention shifted elsewhere.

With polished marble flooring and bright overhead lights, a multitude of people wearing various types of clothing lingered around the floor, engaging in conversation with each other.

Once again, Robert was left at a loss for words, but yet again, Rose’s voice forced him out of it.

"Follow along. The elevators are here."



The wall split open, and Robert’s eyes widened.

Rose stepped in and dragged him along.

"Don’t ask too many questions, and just follow along. You’ll get used to what you’re seeing eventually."

The doors to the elevator closed, and Robert felt a sinking sensation. The sensation frightened him, but he chose to remain quiet.

"Oh, right."

Recalling something, Rose rummaged through her pocket before taking out a small object and handing it to him.

"What’s this...?"

"It’s called a phone."

Rose started to explain as Robert fiddled with the device.

"It grants you communication within the headquarters. It won’t work outside. I’m not too sure about the details, but it is what it is. You can use the device to call me or anyone that you may be acquainted with."


Blinking, Robert filled with the ’phone’. He had a hard time understanding its functions. He was prepared to ask Rose, but before he could do that, the elevator doors opened to reveal a large room where several people wearing white robes appeared.

"Oy, Rick!"

Rose called someone’s name.

Eventually, one of the white-robed individuals appeared. Their features remained obscured by an unfamiliar cloth draped over their face, making it hard to tell what gender they were. Yet, based on the resonance and timbre of their voice, as well as the name Rose called them, they seemed to be male.

Robert felt Rose’s gaze as she turned to look at him.

"We’ve got a new one. Pass me a vial."

"....A vial?"



With a nod, Rick left. He came back shortly after holding onto a small tube that contained a strange red liquid.

Robert squinted his eyes to get a better look.

"This is?"

"For you."

Rose handed it to him, leaving Robert in a state of surprise.

"For me?"

"Yes. It’s your reward."


Looking at the liquid, Robert hesitantly asked,

"But what exactly is it?"

At this question, Rose flashed a smile. It was an eerie smile that sent shivers down his spine.

"....Would you believe me if I told you this was the blood of a god?"

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