After Returning, My Abilities are Infinite Chapter 130

Episode 130. Heroes Assemble (1)

“Si-woo, can you explain? Actually, I think you should.”


“If you don’t give me the details, I’m going back. You and everyone here have dealt with many enemies together. No matter how strong and big the opponent was, we always fought bravely and won by firmly depending on each other. But… What was that just now? I’m embarrassed to say, but I was scared. I wanted to run away immediately instead of fighting.”

As soon as we escaped with Sung Hyun-woo’s teleportation, Yoo Ji-yeon grabbed my shoulder and demanded an explanation. The others didn’t say anything, but it seemed like their thoughts were similar. They were confused and frightened at the appearance of the unknown creature.

“You saw the monsters swarming in, right?”


“Every single one of them can wipe out a team of hunters. They are ‘real invaders’, incomparable to minor monsters, and too powerful for humans to deal with on their own.”

“I know. And I know there are hordes of them beyond the Land of Death. But that’s not what I’m asking you to explain. You know what I want you to tell me.”

Yoo Ji-yeon’s tone was serious.

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I closed my mouth for a moment, and she continued without pausing.

“I don’t have many people to take care of. My parents are dead, and I only have my grandmother living back in my hometown. I have no friends, no lovers. The only people I’ve known for a long time are the people right here.”


“Si-woo, I was falling behind at the Academy. If it weren’t for you, I might have been an apprentice, going from one magic guild to another, living a life that no one recognized. I’m not afraid of losing my position or what I’ve built up. I was just afraid I’d die in vain. I was afraid I would die without being able to help and without knowing why.”

Her fast-paced words were sincere.

Yeah, I knew.

I still remembered how she sacrificed herself to save other people until the very end. There was no way I couldn’t know.

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“Mr. Si-woo.”

Han Yeon-soo spoke up next.

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“While other people might not know, everyone here knows that you have a frightening amount of information about events that haven’t happened yet and creatures that haven’t appeared.”


“It’s probably thanks to some sort of ability you have. Or maybe there’s some reason we don’t know about. I won’t ask you about that. I don’t doubt you, either. Just like Yoo Ji-yeon said, there’s only one thing we want to know.”

The look in her eyes was very sincere as well.

“Our enemy. That creature that could bring an end to humankind if things go wrong. The monster we just met that looked like a boy. What the hell is it?”


“Don’t hide anything, and don’t be evasive. Just tell us everything you know. No one here wonders how or why you know. The people here at least trust you more than they trust themselves.”

“…I know.”

Han Yeon-soo’s voice was full of trust in me.

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Perhaps an even deeper trust than what she showed me as one of the -Five Heroes- in my past life…….


I let out a deep sigh.

Yeah, I had to tell them. I could no longer just drop information.

I didn’t care how the way they looked at me would change. All I wanted was to eradicate monsters from this world and bring an end to the Disaster.

“He’s called the Great Overlord.”

I spoke with difficulty.

“He’s a monster that killed all of you when you were much stronger than you are right now. And he once destroyed this world when it was much more advanced and had more powerful hunters.”

* * *

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The Great Overlord.

In the past, his appearance was too sudden for humanity.

It was a time when the Returnee Situation had ended just a few years before, and people were happy. They said that peace was finally coming. And then, he appeared out of nowhere in the red sky.

-You should also feel the pain of losing your family.

-You should also feel the pain of being deprived of your land.

Legions of monsters that could single-handedly destroy cities poured in. The powerful United States collapsed overnight.

It was all because of what hunter Lee Young-ho did impulsively. Lee Young-ho ignored the Great Overlord begging him not to do it, and he trampled and killed a monster that the Great Overlord considered his family while toying with the boy. And, as a result, the boy’s hidden instinct as an invader was awakened.

-I’m going to kill you all.

-And I will fill this world with my family.

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-So that no one will get hurt again.

Humanity struggled to deal with monsters that were driven only by instinct. But what would happen if the monsters united and formed a group to invade at that moment?

-The front line has fallen.

It didn’t take long for humankind to fall. He was too strong. And by the time I managed to find a way to fight him, I died. And then, I returned to the past.

“Based on my analysis, there needs to be a


formed aberration that didn’t exist before. An individual that can put a dagger in his throat. But I also disrupted the flow of things. My plans completely fell apart, and the time sequence is all broken. To be honest, I’m confused. Very, very confused.”

I confessed that I had come back in time, that they had all died once, and that the world had ended. And yet, they did not shout ‘Liar!’ and deny it, nor did they show any fear. Rather, they looked more relieved than before.

“That isn’t so bad.”

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“Well, we actually had a conversation earlier. We wondered whether you were the final enemy. We thought that maybe you were just messing with us all this time. Honestly, you’ve shown us how evil you could be. And sometimes, you seemed like the mastermind…….”

“Wait, I was never like that.”

“Hehe. I’m kidding.”

Han Yeon-soo grinned broadly at my reaction. It was a naughty joke.

“Back to the past… Honestly, it’s hard to understand, but I think it’s the clearest way to explain who you are, Mr. Si-woo.”


“So that’s the answer. You made it that far in the past without any abilities. So why are you worried? You’ve become so strong now. And you know a lot more, and you have all these trustworthy people. Don’t make any more plans, and don’t be confused. Just by your account, I think it’ll be okay to fight him. If I were the Great Overlord, I would be so scared after hearing your story that I wouldn’t come out of the Land of Death.”


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“I mean, you know him better than he knows himself. And you know all the things he has yet to do. So, you’ll know how he will act and what strategies he’ll use. Isn’t that terrifying? How could he come out? To make things worse, you’re one of the strongest people alive.”

What was she talking about?

“I think she’s right.”

Said Sung Hyun-woo, as well.

“Remember what the Great Overlord said in your memory? He said that you would have changed history if you had even an E-level or F-level skill.”


“Sometimes, you worry too much. You’re much stronger than you think. And even if all of your powers disappear overnight, I think your presence alone will prevent humanity from being defeated. That’s what I think.”

Before I knew it, their worried faces had brightened up.

Everyone seemed to be having similar thoughts.

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[You only have good people by your side.]


[I once dreamed of a team like this. I feel so proud. Is this vicarious satisfaction? Hahaha. It looks like I’ll enjoy watching you for quite a while even after you save the world.]

The Traveler murmured quietly. He was right.

I only had good people around me.

“Jeong Si-woo.”

Seol Ah-rin opened her mouth.

“Don’t stay still and quiet. Do that thing where you go on like you’re the best, and like you know everything. That super confident briefing. Do it.”


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“You’re not just going to sit there, are you? If he’s that terrible, we need to attack him first as soon as possible. Let’s go mad before he does. Let’s wipe him off the face of the earth before people learn about that dangerous creature.”

Her straightforward words were rather comforting.

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“…It’s very unlike you, but thanks for comforting me.”

“Yeah, so do it.”

“Ha, okay. Let’s do it.”

Tap, tap.

I tapped my knee a couple of times. Okay.

If we make a single mistake and he goes berserk, we die. And if we stay still and he becomes strong beyond control, we die.

Then, the right move was to do something instead of sitting still and feeling frustrated.

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“I’ll start the briefing. I didn’t prepare anything, and I’m going to ramble based on the information in my head. So, listen with discretion, and interrupt me right away if there’s anything wrong.”

Taking care of the Great Overlord without making a single mistake?

It was high risk with a high return.

And that was my specialty.

“I’ll start with how to kill that monster that looks like a cute little boy.”

A short conversation. Simple words of comfort.

And with that, the first ‘Great Overlord briefing’ of my second life began.

* * *

“Yes, so we’ll provide you with everything. The Tower just needs one thing. If you could give us one of the magic devices you manufactured in the past…….”

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One of the top three guilds, ‘The Tower’.

The big-shot leader of that organization, the -Tower Master-, was bowing down. He looked flustered.

It was a very rare sight. A man who could sweep up astronomical amounts of money in a few seconds was bowing to an old man who looked as shabby as a homeless person.

“I don’t think so. Why should I give you the magic device that I toiled away to make? And why are you willing to put up with such a loss? Why does the great Tower need this old man’s stuff, anyway?”

“What do you mean old? Aren’t you one of the Great Sorcerers of the 1st generation? You even received more recognition than the -Flame Queen- in the ‘rear position’. I also remember that you were granted the title of ‘Archmage’ from the Magic Association.….”

“That was a long time ago. It’s just an honorific title. And….. don’t mention the dead by name. You’ll mess with my sleep.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

The Tower Master scratched his head and smiled bitterly.

‘What a goddam picky old man.’

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He swore and cursed to himself. This had been going on for a week. The old man was praised as an ‘Archmage’ during the first generation, and he was respected as the best wizard. If only his magic device weren’t the core keyword of the magic the Tower was studying, he wouldn’t be here. And he wouldn’t be undergoing this humiliation.

‘Just hang in there; just a little bit longer.’

The Tower Master bowed down, forcing a smile.

And, at that moment…

A cheerful ringtone rang in his pocket.

“Oh, I’m… I’m sorry. I made sure it was on vibrate, but why?”

“Don’t bother. Just take it. I’m not giving you my magic device, anyway.”

“No, I’ll hang up. It’s….”

He couldn’t believe he made such a mistake. Biting his lower lip, the Tower Master took out his cell phone.

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“Oh, I’m sorry. I have to take this call. Please excuse me for a moment.”

The name on the screen was ‘Prick’.

It used to be ‘Damn You Prick’, but he simplified it because it was too long.

The Tower Master cleared his throat and then received the call.

“Yes, Mr. Jeong Si-woo. This is the Tower Master. What are you calling about?”

The Prick was Jeong Si-woo.

-You’re with that old man right now, aren’t you? The guy who never gives up his stuff even though he’s broke.

“Wait, Mr. Jeong Si-woo. Please, you’re being a bit loud… he’s right in front of me.”

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-Whatever. I mean, why doesn’t that old man have a cell phone in this time and age? And why doesn’t he read his letters? I asked around, and they said you were meeting him. Do as I say. Repeat what I’m saying, word for word, to the old man.


-Don’t ask and just repeat after me. Then he’ll give you the device right away.

The Tower Master’s eyes shook. There was no way this stubborn old man would give it to him right away.

-And in return, you have to help me. Send all of the best Tower wizards to the place I texted you. Big Rifts are going to appear there soon.

“What? If you keep saying things like that… My head hurts.”

-Whatever. Remember that, and just recite what I say. Here I go.

“What? Oh, okay!”

The Tower Master fumbled his reply. The old man frowned at the sight. What kind of person was making the publicly respected Tower Master so nervous?

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“Umm. Archmage, sir?”


“Your son, who went missing a long time ago, is alive.”

What the old man heard the next moment shattered everything he was thinking about.

“What? What did you just…!”

“And they say he’s in bad condition… right now. He’s in a vegetative state, and the hospital is thinking of euthanizing him. If you give me the device, I’ll tell you where your son is… And if you buy a cell phone, give me the number, and do everything I tell you to, I will give you medicine that will make him much healthier than before.”

“What are you talking about─!”


The old man’s shout turned the office completely upside down. The table broke down into dust, and the mugs rose into the air and were smashed to pieces. Hot coffee spilled down, and the light bulbs and windows were shattered.

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The Tower Master trembled for a moment. For a split second, the ‘mana shield’ he always instinctively cast around him almost broke. He was a legend of the 1st generation. Although old, his power was no less than that of any currently active wizards.

“Um… You… you’d better get going.”

“Explain. Do you think I’m going to do as you wish before you give me an explanation? What did you just….”

“Your son’s name is Son… Tae-sung, right? Do as I say. It will be good for both of us…….”

The old man’s face turned pale.

The Tower Master’s face also hardened. The voice over the phone was giving him goosebumps.

‘What kind of person knows these things? How…How…’

Just by looking at the old man’s reaction, he could tell that it was true.

“Device, the device. I’ll hand it over. Quick….”

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The old man’s desperate voice made the Tower Master feel a little guilty. But before he could do anything, Jeong Si-woo repeated the hospital’s location, and the Tower Master repeated it. As soon as he heard the location, the old man practically threw something he took from his inner pocket and disappeared.

-He rushed out, didn’t he? The device will probably be what you need. He goes crazy when it comes to things related to his son.

The Tower Master looked dumbfounded. A week’s hard work had just ended in a minute.

-Don’t feel too bad about it. His son isn’t actually that sick. The hospital just thinks it’s serious because it’s an unknown illness. Normally, I wouldn’t have gone to such extremes, but……. I can’t help it right now. I need all the help I can get.


-And do as I say. Like you just saw, there’s nothing I don’t know. Do your best at what I tell you to do before I do anything about it.

“Yes, yes! Of course! Have I ever let you down?”

The Tower Master exaggeratingly replied. He was now even more afraid of Jeong Si-woo.

-Yeah, keep up the good work.


And with that, he hung up. At the same time, the Tower Master slumped to the floor. He was exhausted.

“Hugh… what just happened?”

The Tower Master tried to calm himself.

He had no idea.

That very day, due to several phone calls and letters, not only 1st generation hunters that used to be praised as heroes but also hunters currently considered legends would gather at one spot in the ‘front line’.

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