ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Chapter 159 Search for change?

Chapter 159 Search for change?

The sun dipped below the horizon as Kan made his way to the hospital where Mendy and Keyla were recovering. The streets were almost empty as most people have left for their various houses since it’s already getting dark.

The unforgettable moments Kan had with Aunt Layla, Lilith and Elara at the spa yesterday were still lingering on his mind, he smiled as he approached the hospital.

He noticed a lone empty bottle on the ground—a perfect opportunity to test his free-kick skills.

Spotting an open trash can across the deserted street, Kan positioned himself perfectly, kicked the ground twice with his foot, and sprinted towards the bottle. His shot displayed power but lacked accuracy, hitting the can’s lid and bouncing back.

"Well that wasn’t bad! Never thought I could do that. With some series of training, I’m sure I’ll improve," Kan acknowledged the need for some more trainings.

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As he walked to the hospital, he saw another empty bottle identical to the one he just kicked, lying close to the hospital door. He walked to the bottle and pulled it with his feet and positioned it for another kick.

"Wait here, I will be back for you when I’m done with Mendy and Keyla," Kan said and left the bottle there for later and decided to enter the hospital.

Kan stepped into the hospital and found himself surrounded by a calming and well-designed interior. Soft, muted colors adorned the walls, creating a soothing atmosphere. The lighting was gentle, casting a warm glow that alleviated any sense of sterility. Comfortable chairs lined the waiting area, upholstered in inviting tones, and small potted plants added a touch of nature.

The reception desk stood with a polished elegance, and the receptionist welcomed visitors with a friendly demeanor. The air carried a faint scent of cleanliness, assuring visitors of a well-maintained environment.

Upon entering the hospital, the nostalgic scent enveloped Kan. "Damn man! I hate this smell, that’s why I don’t like coming to the hospital," Kan expressed his distaste for hospitals and rubbed his nose, a futile attempt to dispel the unwelcome odor.

As Kan made his way to the corridor, he noticed artwork on the walls, providing a pleasant distraction for those passing by. The rooms were neatly arranged, each equipped with modern amenities to ensure both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

As he walked past the counter, the receptionist, dressed in a plain black gown, acknowledged Kan.

"Can I help you, sir?" she inquired politely.

"I’m here to visit my friends in room xxx and yyy," Kan replied.

"Both rooms are down by your left at the extreme of that walkway," she directed.

Kan thanked her and muttered his appreciation as he proceeded. "It’s not as if I don’t know the room but still thanks," he said as he walked away.

As Kan passed the receptionist at the counter, he headed toward the corridor leading to the rooms where Mendy and Keyla were admitted. In his haste, he accidentally collided with a nurse walking out.

The impact wasn’t severe, and nothing fell as she wasn’t carrying anything. "Uhmmm, sorry, please!" Kan quickly apologized, hoping not to attract any attention.

The nurse, a strikingly beautiful young woman with brown hair, and an outrageous figure that caught Kan’s eye, responded graciously. "Why apologize? I didn’t say I was hurt or something," she said with a smile, moving closer to Kan and adding in a whisper, "In fact, I loved it."

Stunned, Kan watched as she walked away with a playful demeanor, leaving him standing there, perplexed. Despite the tempting invitation, he decided to refocus on his visit to Mendy and Keyla at the hospital.

Upon reaching the wards, he decided to check on Mendy first before Keyla, acknowledging Mendy’s severe wounds from a recent attack.

He walked to the room, boldly written on the door was xxx. Approaching the room, an old man by the door wearing an green old outfit questioned Kan’s presence. "Hey! Why are you here kid?" Annoyed, Kan explained, "I’m here to see my friends, as you can see."

"He’s yet to fully recover, so try not to disturb him. Don’t talk, even if he talks back at you," the old man warned.

"I will try," Kan replied, and with a strict time limit imposed. He wasn’t particularly familiar with any of these scrutiny. But perhaps things had changed and he could not exactly put a timeframe to when it did because to his regret, it had been a while since he visited.

However, he entered the room where the beeping of machines greeted him. Mendy lay on the bed, eyes closed almost lifeless, scars from the attack still visible although treated and cleaned.

Kan’s mood suddenly changed after seeing his friend laying helpless like that, he sighed and whispered some words of encouragement in Mendy’s ears:

"Hey there, Mendy, it’s Kan. I’m hoping these words find their way to you. Please, if you can hear me, summon that inner strenght to come back. Break free from the clutches of unconsciousness. I’ve seen you face challenges with a resilience that’s second to none. You’re not one to be caught off guard, I mean, you are essentially the smartest person in the room, right? And who’s gonna finish all your projects? Remember the M-Phone? Who’s gonna finish that and have it linked up to the tree so that other people can use it? It’s you man, it’s only you that can do these things," Kan stopped to take a breather.

"I believe in your strength. In the face of mortality, every man possesses the power to defy it. It sometimes catches us off guard, and some succumb to its call. But not you, Mendy. Not now, not ever. You have an indomitable spirit, a fighting force that can overcome this. So, I’m asking you, wake up. We need you here, and I know you’ve got it in you to make it through. Please, Mendy, come back to us."

Before he could finish, the old man interrupted, "All right, boy, time’s up. The healers will be here soon, so you better make way for them."

"Okay, sir," Kan replied, gently touching Mendy’s head before leaving.

Moving on to Keyla’s room, Kan faced the same old man’s scrutiny, "where do you think you’re going to? The exit is the other way round kid!" The old said.

"I want to visit my other friend, she’s in that room." Kan explained pointing at the room where Keyla was receiving medical attention. The old man sighed, granting permission with a terse "make it snappy."

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Kan lowered his head and quietly entered Keyla’s room. She lay there, eyes open, in a moment of rest. The instant she spotted Kan, a radiant smile illuminated her face.

"Well, if it isn’t Kan," she greeted with palpable happiness.

"Hey, Keyla. Looks like you’ve wrapped up the mending process. Feeling better?" Kan inquired as he strolled over and settled at the edge of her bed.

"I’m practically radiating health compared to you!" she teased, still smiling.

"Whoa, I can see that. You’re positively glowing," Kan replied, noticing her slightly lighter complexion, a result of her indoor respite.

"Isn’t she? She’s fiercer than I thought!!" A voice from behind said causing Kan to turn around and immediately, a smile played on his face as he saw who was behind him.

"Ell..." He was going to call out to her but straight away, he was cut off as Ellie rushed over to him, embracing him.

"I’m sorry. Haven’t visited in days," Kan whispered to her ears.

"It’s fine, I mean, I hate this place too," Ellie responded, releasing her hold over Kan.

She pulled from herself from him and turned her attention back to Keyla who laid in the bed, watching them both.

Keyla chuckled and unearthed an round object that looked particularly like a fruit from the drawer beside her bed. "Have some, please. Ellie has been kind enough to get these whenever she returns home," she offered, extending the orange to Kan.

"No thanks, I’m good. And thank you, Ellie" Kan declined with a smile.

"How’s school? Everything going smoothly?" Keyla inquired, slicing the orange with a knife.

"School’s fine, all systems good. I for one genuinely miss having you guys around," Kan shared.

Keyla smiled subtly, her desire to leave the hospital evident. Deep down, she longed to be by Kan’s side once more, but before she could express herself, the familiar old man swung the door open, announcing, "Hey kid, time to go. The healers are here. You chose the wrong time for visitation; you could have done that earlier in the day," he suggested.

Kan rose, acknowledging the interruption. "I have to go, Keyla. I’ll come back again."

"Okay, bye, Kan," she replied with a softened tone, anticipation of his return evident in her eyes.


Standing outside the hospital, Kan and Ellie were in the middle of a conversation.

Ellie appeared to be in a lot of stress as her hair was disheveled and her clothes smelled like they had been overused for too long without a wash.

But Kan wasn’t going to tell her that, that was insensitive and practically useless at a time like this.

"Kane is almost back to full recovery. He has returned home earlier today," Ellie shared some goodnews.

"That’s great, can’t wait to meet up with him. But you sounded worried, is this what you wanted to tell me inside?" Kan asked, realizing the news he got didn’t match her facial expression till this time.

"You are right. Well, the thing is, I hate to do this but I was wondering if you had some money I could borrow," Ellie said.

"We both know the condition Mendy’s in. He’s eaten deep into my pocket and I’m afraid if things continue this way, there won’t be money left to even afford his treatment. I ..." Ellie was about to dive into a rabbit hole explaining but Kan had placed a finger on her lips, silencing her.

"I understand. I’ll see what I can do. At the mean time, I really think you should go home, have a rest and take care of yourself. You don’t want to breakdown yourself," Kan said, concern etched on his face. 𝑓𝘳ℯℯ𝔀ℯ𝓫𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓵.𝘤𝘰𝓶

"Thanks, I’ll check home today. I did go home yesterday but couldn’t get a hold of you, I was too tired and slept off," Ellie said.

"Oh, I wish I knew, would have been there, right away!!" Kan said to her but at that moment knew he was telling a lie because he was no where near home the previous day.

"So will I see you when I get home today?" Ellie asked.

"Sure, if you miss me that bad," Kan said, teasing her.

She pretended to be upset by the joke but then switched around to draw him for yet another hug.

"I’ll see you around, Kanakan," she said, pulling herself away with a wink.

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