Chapter 170 Cool spot?

The incident left Kan disoriented, his senses slowly returning as he sat propped up with Emily’s assistance. The corridor remained hushed, whispers of concern circulating among the onlookers. Ellie’s gaze shifted between Kan and Emily, a mix of emotions playing on her face.

"He should see the healer," Emily asserted, glancing around for someone to take charge. A nearby student rushed off to fetch the school healer, their hurried footsteps breaking the silence.

As the news of Kan’s fall spread, Miss Katherine emerged from a nearby classroom. Her eyes widened at the scene, and with authoritative calm, she directed students to give space and allow the healer to approach.

Emily remained close to Kan, concern etched on her face. Ellie, although visibly relieved by Kan’s recovery, kept a watchful eye on the unfolding events.

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The school healer arrived, a composed woman with an air of experience. She swiftly took over the situation, checking Kan’s vitals and asking him a series of questions. Satisfied that he was stable, she recommended taking him to the infirmary for a more thorough examination.

As they helped Kan to his feet, the corridor’s whispers shifted to speculation. Miss Katherine, with a reassuring smile, dispersed the crowd, reminding everyone that accidents happen and it was essential to let the healer do her job.

Ellie walked alongside Kan, her earlier worry transforming into a quiet relief. Emily, with a subtle nod, assured Kan that she’d catch up later.

In the infirmary, Kan underwent a more detailed examination. The healer confirmed there were no serious injuries but advised him to rest and keep an eye out for any delayed symptoms. As the news of Kan’s well-being circulated, the initial tension melted into a collective sigh of relief.

Miss Katherine, demonstrating a blend of sternness and concern, reminded Kan about the importance of being careful. She emphasized that the school had resources in place to support students’ well-being and urged him to seek help if needed.

The incident became a topic of conversation among students, with versions of the story circulating. Some exaggerated the fall, while others focused on the quick response that potentially saved Kan from more significant harm.

Later that day, Kan found himself at the center of attention, surrounded by friends expressing relief and classmates offering words of encouragement. Ellie, still processing the events, approached him.

"I’m glad you’re okay," she said, her eyes revealing a mix of genuine concern and something more complex.

Kan nodded, appreciating the support. The incident had brought attention, but also a sense of unity among his peers.

As the day unfolded, Kan took Miss Katherine’s advice to heart. Reflecting on the incident, he recognized the importance of being mindful of his surroundings and seeking help when needed. The echoes of the fall lingered, a reminder that even in a world filled with magic, moments of vulnerability connected them all.

And so, the school day continued, marked by a sudden event that reminded everyone of the fragility and resilience woven into the tapestry of their magical lives.

Kan’s decision to attend football training on the same day he had a rather dramatic fall surprised many, considering the incident that took place earlier. The sun was setting, casting a warm hue across the training field as Kan approached. The coach, a stout man with a perpetually stern expression, and Emily, who was engaged in a conversation with another player, both turned to see Kan walking towards them.

"Kan, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be resting?" Coach Nami asked, a genuine concern in his gruff voice.

"I feel fine, Coach. Just needed to clear my head," Kan replied, his determination evident.

Emily, her eyes widening with surprise, joined the conversation. "You took a pretty hard hit today. Are you sure you’re up for training?"

Kan nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I need this, Emily. Let me play."

Coach Nami, after a brief pause, gestured toward the field. "Alright, put on your gear. Let’s see what you’ve got today."

The training session was already in full swing, players dribbling, passing, and engaging in mock drills. Kan quickly changed into his football gear and joined the team on the field.

The atmosphere was charged with the energy of the game. The rhythmic thud of soccer balls, the shouts of players coordinating, and the occasional whistle from Coach Nami blended into a symphony of football.

As Kan stepped onto the field, he felt a mix of anticipation and determination. The incident from earlier lingered in the back of his mind, but the football field had a way of grounding him. The familiar scent of the grass, the adrenaline in the air, it was like coming home.

Coach Nami divided the team into two groups for a practice match. Kan found himself on Emily’s team, a serendipitous alignment that promised an interesting bout.

"I’ll cover for you, you don’t have to work too hard," Emily promised.

"I’ll be fine. Just play your game. I need the sweat anyways," Kan responded.

The match began, and Kan immediately felt the rush of the game. He weaved through opponents, his dribbling skills sharp and precise. The ball seemed almost an extension of his feet as he showcased a newfound agility. The spectators, initially wary, started to cheer as Kan’s movements dazzled them.

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Emily, playing as a midfielder, was equally impressive. She intercepted passes, coordinated plays, and occasionally locked eyes with Kan, a silent acknowledgment of their shared love for the game.

During a brief break, Emily approached Kan with a teasing grin. "You weren’t kidding about clearing your head. You’re on fire out there."

Kan chuckled, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Maybe I should take a hit to the head more often."

As the match progressed, Kan’s presence became more pronounced. He scored a couple of goals with a finesse that surprised even himself. The spectators, including a few who had witnessed his earlier mishap, erupted into cheers.

Coach Nami, arms crossed, observed with a mix of surprise and approval. "Looks like you’re back in the game, Kan."

The training session continued, each minute reinforcing Kan’s conviction that being on the field was the best remedy. The worries and doubts that lingered from the earlier incident gradually faded as he immersed himself in the game.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the field. The training session concluded with a sense of accomplishment. Kan, tired but content, approached Emily.

"Thanks for letting me play," Kan said, breathing heavily.

Emily grinned. "You didn’t just play, you dominated. Maybe that hit to the head unlocked some hidden football prowess."

Kan laughed. "Who knows? Maybe I’ve been holding back all this time."

As the players dispersed, Kan lingered on the field, absorbing the camaraderie and the thrill of the beautiful game. The incident that marked the beginning of the day felt like a distant memory. The football field, with its cheers and challenges, offered a sanctuary where Kan could lose himself and find himself all over again.

Kan and Emily walked through the quiet evening streets, the air carrying a gentle breeze that hinted at the approaching night. Their conversation flowed seamlessly between discussions about football, strategies, and the shared passion they had for sports. It was a pleasant diversion from the intensity of the training session.

As they strolled, Emily, with a mischievous smile, said, "I’ve got a surprise for you. There’s a place I want to take you."

Kan, intrigued, raised an eyebrow. "A surprise? I’m curious now."

They continued through the labyrinthine streets until they reached a part of town Kan wasn’t familiar with. The architecture shifted, and the atmosphere became more vibrant. A soft hum of distant music and laughter signaled they were approaching a lively spot.

The surprise destination turned out to be a quaint café tucked away in a corner. It had an inviting charm with warm lights, cozy tables, and the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As they entered, the gentle chime of a bell announced their arrival.

"Welcome to my favorite spot," Emily declared, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Kan, pleasantly surprised, looked around the café. "This place is fantastic. How did you find it?"

"It’s my little secret," Emily replied with a wink. "I come here to unwind, especially after intense training sessions."

They settled into a corner table, the ambient light creating a comfortable atmosphere. The menu offered a delightful array of beverages and pastries. As they ordered, the conversation shifted from football to more personal topics.

Emily shared stories from her childhood, her journey into sports, and the challenges she faced. Kan, in turn, opened up about his experiences, the struggles he encountered, and the role football played in shaping his life.

Amidst the warm glow of the café, their connection deepened. They discovered common interests beyond football—books, music, and even a shared fondness for a classic film that Kan had mentioned earlier. Laughter echoed between them, creating a bubble of shared moments.

The evening unfolded with a rhythm of its own, a melody composed of shared stories and newfound connections. The initial surprise turned into a delightful discovery, a hidden gem in the heart of the town.

As they walked back through the now dimly lit streets, Kan couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected turn of events. The surprise café had become a symbol of the unexpected joys that could emerge from a simple stroll through life’s pathways.

Under the moonlit sky, they reached the familiar part of town where their journey began. The football field, now quiet and serene, stood as a silent witness to the evening’s adventures.

"Thanks for the surprise, Emily. This was a great evening," Kan said, genuinely appreciative.

Emily smiled, her eyes reflecting the shared joy of the night. "Anytime, Kan. Sometimes, it’s the unexpected detours that lead to the most beautiful places."

[Grab her and do it now!!]

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