ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Chapter 210 Attack to commence!

Chapter 210 Attack to commence!

210 Attack to commence!

Perched atop the urban throne of a rooftop, Ellie and Kane existed in a moment suspended between city lights and the vast expanse of night sky. The night breeze, gentle yet carrying the weight of unspoken tales, played with Ellie’s hair. She sat, hands wrapped around her chest, not so much a reaction to the chill as a contemplative gesture. Her eyes, reflective like the moon, surveyed the city sprawled below, caught between the mundane and the supernatural.

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In a stark contrast, Kane lingered in the shadows of silence, his form outlined by sporadic glows from the city lights. The ember of a cigarette danced at the corner of his lips, a glowing punctuation mark in the quiet conversation between moon and city.

Ellie wore casual attire, a subtle pattern adorned her jeans, and her sneakers, the unsung heroes of countless nocturnal explorations, rested against the rough surface of the rooftop. Kane, clad in the simplicity of casuals, was a silhouette shaped by moonlight and the orange hue of the cigarette tip.

Kane found it strange that she had her hands wrapped around her chest, the night breeze looking like it affected her even though that wasn’t the case since she was a werewolf.

Ellie sighed, her gaze fixed on the city’s labyrinth of lights. "I know it’s too early to talk about making big moves, Kane. But we’re not in a position to wait. The Blood Wolves took a swing at us, and we can’t afford to stagger. Quick action is the only way we’ll come out of this on top."

Kane exhaled a plume of smoke, the embers glowing like miniature stars in the night. "I get it, Ellie. They hit hard, but we hit back harder. What’s the plan?"

She leaned forward, the moonlight outlining her determined expression. "First, we gather our surviving members. We need to know who we’ve got left in the game. Then, we spread our feelers across the city. Find out who’s itching to take a shot at the Blood Wolves. We need allies, Kane."

Kane nodded, flicking the cigarette butt into the darkness below. "And what about our lost territory? We can’t let them think we’re licking our wounds."

A sly grin crept across Ellie’s face. "That’s where you come in, Kane. I need you to stir up trouble for the Blood Wolves. Hit their operations, disrupt their shipments. Make them bleed resources. We might have lost the battle, but the war is far from over."

Kane grinned back. "Sounds like my kind of job. What’s next?"

Ellie’s eyes gleamed with a wolfish glint. "Contacts. We reach out to anyone who’s got a grudge against the Blood Wolves. Old rivals, bitter enemies, anyone looking to settle a score. We make alliances and turn this city into a pressure cooker for them."

As they sat on that rooftop, the outlines of their plan took shape against the urban canvas below. The city’s pulse, the ebb, and flow of its life seemed oblivious to the storm brewing in the shadows.

"But Ellie," Kane said, his tone more serious now, "we need something more. Something unexpected. The Blood Wolves won’t crumble just because we disrupt a few deals."

Ellie’s eyes sparkled with mischief. "I’m thinking we expose some of their dirty laundry. Give the city a reason to turn against them. Shake the foundations of their power."

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Kane grinned, recognizing the brilliance in her strategy. "A scandal, huh? That’s one way to make enemies within their own ranks. Let’s do it, Ellie."

Ellie’s eyes softened as she turned her gaze from the city to Kane. "There’s another reason, Kane. We can’t forget about Sully and Suzzy, the riot twins. I can’t imagine what they’re going through right now, trapped and at the mercy of the Blood Wolves. We owe it to them to strike back."

Kane nodded, his expression growing serious. "True. But it bugs me, Ellie. Why didn’t the Blood Wolves go after the riot twins with the same ferocity? They aimed to kill everyone else but left them alive. It’s not sitting right with me."

Ellie frowned in thought. "They’re not the type to show mercy. There’s a reason they spared the twins. We need to find out why. Are Sully and Suzzy more valuable to them alive for some reason?"

Kane took a moment to ponder. "Maybe they see them as leverage. Something to use against us. We can’t underestimate the Blood Wolves’ cunning."

Ellie’s jaw clenched, her resolve deepening. "We’re not letting them use the twins against us. We rescue them and make the Blood Wolves regret the day they crossed our path. No one messes with our family and gets away with it."

Ellie plucked the cigarette from Kane’s lips, examining it with a quirked eyebrow. "I never understood why you take this damn thing," she remarked, holding it between her fingers as if inspecting an odd artifact.

Kane chuckled, "It’s a little something that helps me forget the worries, even if just for a moment. Besides, it gives me an excuse to stare into the night and pretend I’m contemplating deep philosophical stuff."

She smirked, taking a mock-dramatic tone, "Ah, the brooding anti-hero persona. Classic."

Kane shrugged, "Works for me."

Changing the subject, Ellie leaned back, looking out over the city lights. "Speaking of disappearing acts, have you seen Kan around lately?,"

"Told me he was going to a school football competition," Kane replied, exhaling a puff of smoke. "He’s determined to win it,"

" Yeah, told me himself he wants to use the prize money to pay off the remaining hospital bills for Mendy."

A genuine smile touched kane’s lis. "That’s Kan for you—always finding a way to do right by the people he cares about. I hope he kicks some serious ass in that competition."

Ellie nodded, "He’s got the skills. Plus, a little victory would be a welcome thing in the midst of all this chaos."

’I really hope you do Kan. I don’t know how long I can do this without you,’

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