ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Chapter 76 Berserker mode activated??!!

Chapter 76 Berserker mode activated??!!

"You think you could just go? The whole brotherhood, it meant nothing to you, right?!!" A voice booming with anger said.

Out of the shadows, illuminated by their red glow bat, the figures came into view. About five of them, armed with the same type of weapon.

The central figure, the one Kan paid attention to the most, was the one who seemingly had a problem with Kane.

"Who are these people?!!" Kan asked, still unsure of what was happening. He knew for a fact, though, that all the signs pointed towards a fight about to happen.

He wasn’t the best at calculations, but he knew quite frankly well that five against the two of them was not an odd that could be easily overlooked. It was stacked against them. Moreover, they had weapons capable of scraping off concrete walls with minimal difficulty. No matter the state of the building affected, this feat was one Kan could not overlook. That alone was a warning sign that hanging around was a bad idea yet for some reason, he couldn’t leave.

"What the hell are you still doing here? I thought I asked you to leave?!" Kane barked at Kan, taking his eyes off the men approaching them for a split second. And just then, that was all it took as Kan saw a flash of red.

The next thing that happened was a warm red liquid staining the nearby walls.

"K..k.. Kane?!!" Kan stuttered, struggling to accept that he wasn’t seeing things as they were. His legs trembled beneath him, feeling like jelly.

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He could hear his heartbeat suddenly skyrocket. The scene was heart-stopping as Kane held onto something stuck to his chest.

"!!" Kane said to Kan, pushing Kan away from himself.

The urgency in Kane’s voice snapped Kan out of his shock-induced trance. Fear and adrenaline surged through him as he stumbled backward, away from the horrifying sight of Kane’s injury.

Kan’s heart pounded in his chest like a trapped animal as he stared at Kane’s gruesome wound. The realization that the weapon wasn’t in Kane’s grasp but on the ground some distance away sent a shock through him. The red glow bat had seemingly seared through Kane’s arm, leaving it mangled and useless.

"What the?...What the fuck?!!!" Kan blurted out, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief.

The man at the forefront of the attack casually walked over, his voice dripping with sadistic amusement, "Does it hurt?"

His grin flashed across his face as he approached where Kan and Kane knelt. The other four attackers behind him chuckled, their expressions cold and merciless. It was evident they relished the suffering they were about to inflict.

Kan’s instincts screamed at him to do something, to grab the glow bat and defend himself and Kane. Without thinking, he lunged toward the weapon lying on the ground.

But Kane’s voice sliced through the chaos, "Don’t do that!!"

"Huh?" Kan’s confusion was evident as he paused, mere inches from touching the weapon.

The leader of the attackers continued to taunt, "Awwn, look at both of them, aren’t they adorable?"

The others behind him chuckled, their grins widening as they savored every moment of Kane’s suffering, reveling in the sight of the blood that spewed from him.

"It’s bio-encoded!" the leader revealed with a cruel smirk. "If you had touched it, it would have sawed your hands off. What? Didn’t you see? Kane also caught it but I guess not everyone has the same reaction time!"

Kan’s mind raced as he processed this new information. He had almost made a grave mistake.

[Bioencoded weapons are designed as a lock and key, with the lock being the weapon itself and the key being the person it was bio-encoded to. Two things could happen when these weapons are used by people they aren’t coded to..The first one is what has happened to Kane now and the second one which is mildly is that it doesn’t work at all] Hela offered some information.

"Yeah thanks. Maybe you tell me this BEFORE I go and grab a death weapon next time!!" Kan yelled in his head.

[You are welcome,] Hela’s sarcastic tone returned.

Kan’s fear was palpable, but he couldn’t afford to show weakness in front of these sadistic attackers. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast. The situation was dire, and the odds were overwhelmingly against him and Kane.

"They are from my former gang, Gecko brotherhood! I left when I saw the way they were going wouldn’t lead anywhere. They did things that we didn’t agree on when we first brought the gang together!" Kane revealed, his voice ragged from pain and desperation.

" know them? What then do they want?!!" Kan’s voice trembled with urgency.

"Me," Kane answered in a hushed tone.

"Which is why you should run!" He continued, his eyes pleading with Kan.

"What? No, I can’t leave you!! If I go now, the chances of coming back with help and meeting you in one piece are thin!! Don’t you see what they have done and will do to you?" Kan’s voice wavered, his determination battling his fear.

[Save yourself, he’s a liability!!] Hela’s intrusive voice chimed in.

"Shut up!! There has to be a way out of this!" Kan forcefully shut down the system’s voice.

[Logically, you will be considered dumb to try. Your reaction time is too slow suggesting these people are leagues above you. Kane had caught the weapon before it sliced through him and you barely noticed!!]

"So what? I have to at least try to help him! Give me ideas here and not berate me on some stupid reaction time!!!" Kan’s frustration surged.

[Hmmm...calculating chances of survival = 16%] Hela’s response was cold and analytical.

"Wait, sixteen percent? That’s how much faith you have in me?!!" Kan couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

[It’s quite the shock that you are worried about my faith in you at this juncture. What you need to know is that at your current strength, you’d get mauled!!] Hela’s words were sharp and unforgiving.

"Silo!! You want me, let him go!!" Kane’s voice cut through the tension.

"Oh, I’m not holding him. But I dare him to turn his back for a second!" Silo, the leader of the attackers, responded with venomous intentions dripping from his words.

Kan’s heart pounded in his chest as he faced the dire situation before him. The odds were stacked against him, and he had a daunting choice to make: stay and fight, risking everything for Kane, or flee and seek help.

"You should have run when you had the chance. Now here’s what we are going to do. I’m going to buy you some time while you run, okay?!!" Kane got up from his knee, his face twisted in pain, but determination burned in his eyes.

"Silo!!" Kane cried out, and suddenly, he released his dangling arm, causing it to swing grotesquely at his side. 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝔢𝖇𝖓𝔬𝖛𝔢𝔩.𝖈𝔬𝖒

"I’m going to break you into pieces!!" Kane threatened Silo with a menacing tone.

"Now that’s the Kane I know!!" Silo responded with a sadistic grin, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Run the moment I make my move!!" Kane whispered urgently to Kan, who stood there, still uncertain of the plan.

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"Run!" Kane shouted abruptly, and as if in a dream, he bolted forward like a rocket.

"Leave him to me. Get the one with the black hair!" Silo ordered the four behind him, and they swiftly deactivated the glow in their batons, sheathing them in preparation for a brawl.

The four men charged toward Kan, who was left behind by Kane’s sudden burst of speed. They dashed past Silo, their leader, and closed in on Kan.

Kane had observed the unfolding situation and recognized the classic tactics of the Gecko Brotherhood: split and annihilate. He knew Kan didn’t stand a chance unless he took drastic action.

"Classic Gecko Brotherhood tactics. Split and annihilate. Kan doesn’t stand a chance, not unless I do this!!" In a moment of madness, Kane disconnected his dangling arm, held by shreds of flesh and ligaments, away from his body.

"Arghhh!!" Kane’s agonizing yell filled the air before he hurled his severed arm toward one of the men running toward him. The arm struck the man in the eye, causing him to scream in pain. He clutched a spherical object in his hands, still connected by strings inside his head.

None of the attackers had expected Kane to go to such lengths, and that’s why it worked. However, the other three, seemingly unperturbed by their comrade’s agony, continued to pursue Kan, charging toward him like unleashed beasts.

"Hela, now would be a good time for that plan," Kan pleaded urgently.

[You have no offensive skills to match their onslaught at the moment. Their anger clouds their judgment, and at your current level of pheromone skill, I doubt it would do much to convince them to calm down. The only other option I see is...] Hela was about to explain further when Kan interrupted her.

"No, you’re wrong," Kan said softly, his gaze locked on the approaching figures. A strange smile played on his lips, as if he had just realized something profound. "You claimed that at my current level, I couldn’t see when Kane caught the bat. Well, that can be fixed. Let’s raise my level," Kan said with a mischievous grin, and then, with unwavering determination, he uttered the next words:

"Activate, Berserker."

[I was just going to say that!!] Hela said, hating the fact that Kan interrupted it to say similar thing.

"Well, I beat you to it now do as I have said" Kan ordered but just then, as his eyes narrowed down his attackers. He realized they were just two he could see when at first they were three in number.

"Where’s the..." Kan was unable to finish his statement as he was blindsided by a wicked punch to the face which rupt him straight to the ground.

[Berserker activated]

"Thank you," Kan said with every bit of him fighting not to curse Hela’s timing.

"Boss always gets the good one. Let’s kill this one and go have some real fun with that backstabber," the one who had suddenly blindsided Kan from the side said.

But what all three men were blissfully unware of was the fact that something had begun to change in Kan.

?All stats tripled

?Body enhancement complete

?Blood lust - 200

?Rage - 200

?Numbness to pain - 200

[Profile of the lust system]

[Name : Kanakan]

[Race: Elf]

[Alliance: Errose]



Strenght : 52 × 3

Stamina : 60 × 3

Agility : 55 × 3

Vitality : 60 × 3

Charm [lvl 2] : 46

Luck : 20

Mana : 5

Skills : Arousal [level 2 ??], Singing [Level 3], Pheromone [ Level 5]


?Berserker (active)

?Alpha presence.

*Author’s note*

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