All The Skills - A Deckbuilding LitRPG Book 3: Chapter 37: Two of a Kind

Book 3: Chapter 37: Two of a Kind

Arthur walked into the door made of light.

Despite Laird’s assurances that the dungeon’s trials were over, he still braced himself with a light thought on his Phase In, Phase Out card. He half-expected to come face to face with a never-ending horde of scourgelings, their pincers clacking.

Those scourgelings would be showing up in his nightmares.

But there was no final ‘gotcha’ from the dungeon. That had been in deciding who would claim the card library.

Instead, Arthur stepped into a cool, white marble room. Completely bare of furniture, it was large enough to easily fit Laird and Shadow, with much room to spare for the rest of them.

The only feature was at the furthest wall from the room: thin shelving meant to house cards.

Those shelves were half empty.

Considering they stretched from floor to ceiling, this wasn’t a disappointment.

Arthur longed to rush over there and start perusing the cards. But he had promises to keep.

He’d given his word up, down, and sideways that the first thing he would do would be to release the others so they could all approach the cards together.

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Arthur removed Brixaby from his Personal Space.

The little dragon erupted out into the air, claws already out. He’d been thinking along the same lines as Arthur.

He looped around in the air to take in the room in a flash. Then he looked back at Arthur.

“Naturally, this means we’re taking our picks of the cards first?”

“And cards for Cressida and Joy," Arthur confirmed. He felt only a twinge of guilt about breaking a word he’d just given. "If there’s anything especially suited for them.”

“Yes, as my retinue riders they should have the top choice.” Brixaby started to buzz to the far wall and then stopped. “I believe Joy’s cores are still too unstable to accept another card right away.”

“If that’s the case, we’ll have to be something to fit her as she grows.” With great dignity, Arthur walked to the wall. Unlike what he actually wanted to do, which was to sprint over there like a madman and tear into the cards. He’d worked hard for this moment, and he wanted to savor it.

Glancing at Brixaby he asked, “How is your core?”

An arrogant snort was his only response.

The two looked at each other, and then their patience snapped. Arthur ran flat out the rest of the way for the wall of cards. Brixaby, of course, got there first.

The dark dragon started examining the shelves from the top down. Arthur began from the bottom up.

If there was an order to the cards, he couldn’t find it. They weren’t sorted alphabetically but grouped together in a kind. Even if the ranks were mixed up. The vast majority were Common with a few Uncommon and a couple Rares mixed in.

But each and every one had combat applications which made them hugely valuable.

Arthur quickly scanned the titles.

Fog Veil, Water Vortex (which was an Uncommon but only worked when both parties were submerged in a large body of water), Ice Sword, Shocking Finale…

The next few cards in the row were earth elemental, which didn’t interest Arthur.

The next, however…

Ember Rain

Elemental Combat


The wielder of this card will be able to conjure a shower of hot embers from twenty feet above their heads. They will be immune to any heat or impact-based damage, though allies and enemies will not be. This is a skill-based effect.

“How is that a skill?” Arthur’s fingers itched to grab the card, stuff it in his card anchor, and see if his Master of Skills or Body Enhancements would pick it up.

But he knew it would be pointless. Master of Skills wouldn’t permanently add anything combat or magic-related, and Ember Rain was both.

That was the reason he hadn’t automatically scanned for weapon-based combat skill cards. While he would still consider them, he’d have to keep any card like that in his anchor. He wouldn’t be able to pull the same trick he had with the Stealth Class card.

Shame, really. But not enough of one to make him hesitate more than a moment.

“This one would be good for Cressida.” He reached for Ember Rain then hesitated, glancing to the side.

The next card read:

Supernova Unleashed



The wielder of this card will gain the ability to release a massive explosion of fire and kinetic energy in a 360-degree ring. This release will not damage allies or the wielder’s existing card effects. Cool down: 30 minutes.

“I think she’d like this even better,” he breathed.

On the face of it, Ember Rain was the stronger card. Especially if it was leveled up. But the last sentence about the Supernova not damaging existing card effects made it the winner. He could easily see Cressida unleashing it while safe inside her mana bubble. There was no warning that it used mana, either – only the cool-down effect to balance it out.

This was an excellent card to use in a dire situation, and he wanted Cressida to have it.

“Why not both?” Brixaby asked, clearly seeing Arthur’s dilemma. “We’ll pick one for them now, and then they’ll pick one for themselves later, remember?”

“Right.” Feeling foolish, Arthur grabbed up the Supernova card and stuck it in his Personal Space.

It was… mighty tight in there, but luckily a card was thin, and as it was a Common, the magical weight was nothing at all.

“Have you found anything for Joy?”

In answer, Brixaby casually flicked a card down to Arthur.

Sharp as Nails

Body Enhancement


This card grants the wielder the ability to lengthen finger and toenails to sharp knife points using mana. Higher mana costs will result in sharper nails. Advanced levels allow the user more control over this body enhancement.

Arthur stared. “I’ve seen this card before.”

Immediately Brixaby zipped down to hover behind his shoulder, looking over the card with more interest. “Oh?”

“Years ago. How in the world did it end up here?” Letting out a breathy chuckle, Arthur flipped the card back and forth. The basic image was exactly as he remembered it, as was the description. “I was just a kid. It came from—well, it doesn’t matter. He wasn’t a good man. He actually plucked it out of his heart like it was nothing. I didn’t even realize what that meant at the time.” He shook his head. “I guess he never got it back.”

“It will compliment Joy’s claws nicely when she’s ready for it,” Brixaby said.

Arthur agreed and added it into his Personal Space.

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Now came the big questions. Arthur grinned at his dragon. “Find anything for yourself yet?”

He half expected Brixaby to produce a handful of cards. And he fully expected the argument to come – they had to be careful on their first picks not to take too many and tip Shadow and Laird off about what they’d done.

But Brixaby only said, “No, but I am still looking.”

Then he buzzed back to the shelves.

Arthur returned to the same. The next section he saw had some weapons-based cards.

Now that would be useful. Brixaby was nowhere near large enough to carry Arthur. Until he had the might of a dragon under him, he’d be defending himself.

Most of the cards were Common and focused on a single sword aspect or skill.

Quick Draw Sword: Instantly conjure a sword made of mana.

Cross Guard Punch: Strike out using the cross guard of one’s sword in a surprise strike up to 2X the wielder’s strength.

Insta-Stab With A Sword: Skill-based. Guaranteed pinpoint accurate thrust with a sword. Does not work with daggers or other bladed objects.

As the last was a skill-based card, and too good to pass up. Arthur plucked it out and briefly added it to his card anchor. He waited a moment for the notification that the skill had been added, starting at level 3. Then he removed it again and replaced it on the shelf.

Instantly, the skill went grayed out and dormant. Arthur couldn’t use it without the card, but if he were ever able to get something like Penn’s Master of Combat card… there was every chance he would have access to that skill.

“Aha!” Brixaby cried out, nearly startling Arthur into knocking against a shelf.

In the next instant, the little dragon flew down with a pair of cards clutched in his claws.

From the simple design on the back, Arthur knew their rank. “You’re… trying to choose between Uncommon cards?” he asked.

“Hardly! This one shall be mine. And this one, yours.” He pushed one of the cards to Arthur. “They are of the same set and complement each other nicely. I’m certain you’ll agree.”

Makeshift Weaponry



This card grants its wielder the intuitive ability to perceive ordinary objects as potential weapons, and to wield them effectively to attack and defend. This card does not grant the improvised weapons additional strength or durability.

Arthur was not excited about that last line, but it did explain why the card was only an Uncommon. Still… it had possibilities. Especially paired with his skills in various tool proficiencies.

“I’m surprised you want an Uncommon,” Arthur said, glancing up at Brixaby. “I never thought you’d settle for less than a Rare.”

“Pah, a Rare would likely add a mana requirement, and you have too many mana-hungry cards as it is.” Though Brixaby was hovering in the air, he still extended a pair of wings in the approximation of a shrug. “And you’re not seeing the full picture.”

“What do you—” Arthur trailed off as he realized he had indeed been focusing on the wrong thing. “These are from the same set, and you’re linked to all the cards in my heart deck. But wait, will I be able to link to your secondary core?”

Brixaby hesitated. “I don’t know.” Then, just as quickly, he regained his confidence. “But I don’t see why not! Think of how powerful we will be if our cards can be separate—but whole!” He let out a booming laugh that came out somewhat maniacal.

Arthur’s eyes narrowed. “You still haven’t shown me your card.”

“I am merely saving the best for last.” Brixaby turned his card around for Arthur to read.

Combat Weapons-Smith



The wielder of this card possesses an innate understanding of the physics and mechanics of weapons crafting. As a Weapon-Smith the wielder receives a 25% bonus in strength and durability while using any weapons they created while wielding this card.

There was no doubt they were of the same set. The wording was similar, and the simple Uncommon designs on the back of the cards looked as if drawn from the same artist. One was a forge crossed by a sword. The other, Arthur’s, were various tools like a hammer, scissors, and sewing needle also crossed by a martial-looking asword. Put the two together, however…

“So, if I improvise a weapon, will I get a bonus from the secondary card? Since, by using the first card I officially “made” it a weapon?” Arthur wondered.

Again, Brixaby shrugged. “Perhaps. Do you wish to find out?”

Obviously, the answer was yes.

Arthur added it to his heart deck. One advantage of using an Uncommon card was that the weight in his heart felt negligible.

He watched with anxiety as Brixaby added his to his newly formed secondary core.

Brixaby had said he was ready, but he couldn’t help but remember what Joy had gone through – and how it had changed her on a fundamental level.

But Brixaby’s secondary core was formed – newly so, but it counted. The little dragon shuttered from the tip of his nose to the point of his tail.

Alert: A card you have linked with shares a set synergy with your existing card.

Combat Weapons-Smith to Makeshift Weaponry

These two cards have been combined into a pair.

Alert: Due to this Uncommon find, your basic Luck stat has been temporarily increased by +1.

“Huh,” Arthur said. “That’s the second time I’ve gotten a temporary luck boost.”

“I received one as well,” Brixaby said. “Luckily.”

Arthur swatted at the dragon who easily buzzed away in a dodge.

“Also,” Brixaby added, buzzing to a lower shelf and plucking another card. “I wish to consume this Common Zephyr’s Fury card.”

Consuming a card was different than adding one to the core. For one, it was less risky and for another, it would allow Brixaby to grow.

… Some. It was only a Common.

“What does it do?” Arthur asked.

“It’s a combat movement enhancement used to allow the wielder a flying strike,” Brixaby said. “Consuming it will strip most of the power, but I feel like I will add swiftness to my flying. Also, there is an Earth card—”

“Choose one,” Arthur said firmly. “And don’t eat it yet. Everyone will figure out what happened if you’re suddenly larger.”

Brixaby grumbled under his breath but tucked the Zephyr’s fury card into his Personal Space.

Arthur spent a few moments tidying up the shelves and arranging the cards to cover any perceived gaps.

Then he nodded to Brixaby to walk with him back to the front of the room, where they’d first entered.

Arthur took in a breath. “Okay. We just got here, remember?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Brixaby answered, “I certainly haven’t added any new cards to my secondary core.”

Arthur flashed him a grin. Then he reached into his Personal Space and mentally un-stored Laird.

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