Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master Chapter 205 Joint Effort

Chapter 205 Joint Effort

Alex looked at Glen and showed a slight smile.

"However, even if I can’t tell you about my class yet, I can still talk about some other stuff that’s related to it."

Glen’s eyes lit up expectantly.

Just to confirm, Glen asked,


To which Alex just nodded.

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Alex pondered for a second about what he can talk about with Glen.

After a while, he looked at Glen and said, "To start, my class is actually an Epic-rank."


Glen’s eyes widened when he heard the first thing that came out of Alex’s mouth.

In the Alter Dimension, each class also has their own respective ranks.

Common jobs such as warrior, archer, magicians, assassin, etc. are all just of Normal-rank.

While Knight, Ranger, Beast Tamer, Sorcerer, etc. are skills that have already stepped into the Rare-rank.

Beside those two ranks, there’s still Epic-rank, which is the same as Alex’s Dungeon Master class’ rank.

And the other, Hero-rank, which is an inherently unique rank that only appears once every hundred years.

It’s something that can only be considered by others as a legend in Alter Dimension.

Because of that, more often than not, Epic-rank class is actually being viewed by others as the highest rank of class attainable by people.

That’s why Glen getting shocked by this is actually understandable.

You have to know that in their Raven Family, only Jonathan, his father, is the one who has an Epic-rank class!


This means that in their Raven family, only Jonathan is equal with Alex in terms of class!

Just knowing this fact is already shocking to Glen.

But Alex is not done yet.

With a cheeky smile, he asked, "Mr. Glen, I wonder if you know about Unique-rank skills?"

Glen was still immersed in his shock when Alex suddenly threw a question.

In a daze, he nodded, "Yeah, father has a Unique-rank skill."

Just as he said those words, Glen snapped out of his daze and hurriedly looked at Alex with an incredulous look in his eyes.

Pointing his finger at Alex, he said, "Y-you, don’t tell me you also have a Unique-rank skill?!"

To that, Alex just smiled and slowly nodded his head.

Glen froze on the spot, his eyes fixated at Alex with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Even though he already expected it from the way Alex suddenly asked about it.

Glen still can’t help but feel shocked with all this information that Alex is giving him.

’I don’t even have a Unique skill but a kid who only started going to Alter Dimension just about a month ago actually has one?!’

Glen took a deep breath and tried to calm down himself.

Then he turned his attention back to Alex.

"You’re really giving a lot of surprises today, Alex."

Glen stood up, grabbed a glass of water from the dispenser and drank it.

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Then he looked back at Alex and asked, "So, can you tell me your reason for suddenly telling me such important information?"

Hearing that, the smile on Alex’s face widened.

He said, "I know you’ll understand it."

Alex stood up from his seat and walked towards Glen.

"Mr. Glen, in the past few weeks, I’ve come to realize that in this world, money is really not everything."

Uhm.. Hello! Whoever you are that is reading this novel. If there is something you are bothered about my novel, you don’t have to point it out, Okay! You just need to chill and follow my lead to being the "Great Procrastinator!"


Philippines, Olongapo City. Year 2050. 7:01 AM

"Haa.. haa.. ha.."

A teenage boy is currently running while panting hard with some beads of sweat visible on his face. He was heading to the school that is within his field of view, where the gate is being close by the guard.

"Oh, my God! Faster, faster, faster!" he told himself, pushing himself to the limit just to be able to reach the school before the stupid guard close the gate.

Unfortunately, he was not able to run fast enough before the gate was close. Inside the guard that close the gate look at him and smile gloatingly.

He gnash his teeth,"That stupid Randy, he can’t even let me in when I’m just a few seconds late!" he said,while looking at the back of that guard hatefully.

The name of this man is Frey Trickster. He is teenager that is only average or sometimes above average in everything. And today is only his an average day of him, well except that he was sleeping too comfortably this morning and woke up late, which cause for him to also be late for school. Well unluckily, there is no such thing as late on his school.

You need to always arrive within the time or else, you won’t be able to enter the school. That is just how strict his school is.

Since were in the topic of his school, let me introduce it for you.(By the way, don’t tell anyone that I am spying on his life, okay?)

The school that he was attending is called,"Sky High School". It is a weird school, in a sense that it only accept students not based on their grades, but on their talents, skills, unique personality, or abilites.

By the way, abilities that we are talking about here is supernatural abilities. In other words, it is superpower!

This started when scientist discover some anomaly that is happening on Earth, and investigated the cause of it in 2030.

Since then, In this past twenty years, humanity discovered some changes that is occuring at our lovable planet. An example is the new energy that emerge from out of nowhere. A unique energy that scientist can’t discover any use for and was then deemed as useless energy, well at least, before the abilities emerge on some people all over the world.

Although not common, it is also not rare to see people that possess supernatural abilities when you take a stroll around. This ability users are now calles as "Players". This started because of a gamer that called them like that and it spread everywhere and became what they are called now.

Another change that occur on the world is, the change in geography. It is because, some land or islands emerge suddenly around the world without warning to the people. When it happen, it cause many casualties on those area that those occured. Also, the size of the Earth expand by more than double its original size.

Back to the story,

Frey look at the close gate with some frustration, after a second, he sigh dejectedly and started walking back to return home.

"I should have just stayed at home and coninue sleeping, If I had known that it will be like this. Sigh..." he said while walking slowly on the path to his home.


While he was walking, he saw a tree of mango fruit full of mangoes because it is currently season for mango.

His eyes lighted up,"I should get some for me to eat later after lunch, hehe!" then he saw that the tree is planted in a house with a fence. He don’t want to be known by the owner, so he did not enter or ask for permission.

He then thought how he can grab some mango, "Hmmm... will a stone be sufficient to take down mangoes?" he look up and saw that the mango is moderately high,"can a stone reach that high? Well I will just try it."

After he decided, he open up his palm in front of him facing up. Then he thought,’Create: Stone’, then lights come out of his body and gathered in his hands slowly. After a few seconds, the light slowly vanish. What replace it, is a smalle stone the size of two marble.

I think everyone have guess it, right? Yes, Frey is an ability user. What’s more, he is a special kind.

If you only look at what he did, he conjured a stone from nothing. You would have thought that his power is an Elemental class that control earth, right?

Well, his power is much more special than that. Because his power is.... he can create anything, Yes! ANYTHING LITERALLY! Isn’t that powerful!? I mean he can create stone, he can create gold, he can even create a planet! That is how special he is...

Sadly, he can’t do anything that I just said, well, except for the stone. And that is because...

"Sighh.. this really is stupid. I have an incredible power, but I can only create a, its just a pebble actually. Hehehe..." Frey said with a self-deprecating laught."This is all because of my stupid meager mana... Sigh"

Frey then just turn his attention to the mango tree. He throw the stone.... It just fall without hitting anything. It did not even hit the tree, Its so stupid.

"Argh! The hell, Forget it!" he said, then he started walking away.

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