Ambiguous Relationship Chapter 82 - Checkmate

Chapter 82 - Checkmate

Translator: MiraiSaesang

Men are strange creatures. Sometimes they are impatient and in a rush and sometimes they will not move even if they are beaten with an eight-bamboo-pole rod.

Take Meng Gu for instance.

Earlier on, he had insisted their parents meet up soonest possible to confirm their status. Now they had met and the two families had successfully sat down together for a meeting. Although Meng Father’s expression was not very good and although Chen Mother still had her doubts about his family, but overall, the situation could be considered good as the two sides did not raise any objections. There was only some difference of opinion regarding the details and conditions of their marriage.

Normally, in such a case, according to the urgency level of Meng Gu, he would mediate and finalize the marriage plans.

However, suddenly he was not in a hurry.

He did not bring up the subject of their marriage with Chen Ruo Yu and neither did she want to put aside her pride to rush him. The two people were now living as a couple which was not much different from a normal husband and wife and he was slipping more and more into the state of a married man.

For example, in order to accompany Chen Ruo Yu, he seldom went out to socialize with his friends and if he has an appointment, he would drag Chen Ruo Yu along. He also gave up his occasional smoking habit when in a bad mood and reached an agreement with her that if he were to smoke a cigarette, he would be punished with eating a piece of durian candy. To him, this method was terrible and so he quit smoking successfully.

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Another thing, his cooking skill did not improve except for frying steak. Every time when he fried eggs, he would fail and talking about this, it sounded strange when cooking both involved the same skill...... frying. It was either he had burnt the egg or he would break the egg and finally, the egg became a scrambled egg. In short, Dr. Meng’s role in the kitchen was narrowed down to only washing dishes. After receiving criticisms several times, he finally adapted to the way of washing dishes without using too much dishwashing liquid.

He no longer littered his clothes and would throw them into the clothes basket designated by her. He also gave up correcting Chen Ruo Yu’s way of stacking clothes and followed her habitual way as a standard. He liked to throw away the things he felt were not needed so that the house would be clean and tidy. But she could not bear to part with them and felt that since they were still good, they should be kept away in case someday they could be of use. In the beginning, there were differences between both of them but in the end, Meng Gu compromised. He put a big cupboard in the guest room so that Chen Ruo Yu could keep all the things that he wanted to throw away but she could not bear to part with.

In this way, what he does not see, he does not feel bothered and she gets to protect her property, so everyone feels happy.

In short, their lives were on the right track, smooth and harmonious, blissful and happy.

Chen Ruo Yu it because that life is too stable and Mr. Tyrannosaurus feels that since she already belongs to him, that the marriage certificate is not important and he does not feel anxious?

The parents on both sides seemed to have the same thoughts as Chen Ruo Yu, in particular Chen Father and Chen Mother who was afraid her daughter was at the losing end. She often called Chen Ruo Yu to voice her concerns and asked about their marriage plans. What has Meng Gu planned?

Well, this matter of marriage obviously concerns two people. Her parents actually asked what had Meng Gu planned. This aside, Meng Mother also came to look for her and asked about this matter with concern. "What are Meng Gu’s thoughts on this matter? What are his plans?"Chen Ruo Yu’s mind was a bit complicated. At home, she was obviously the one who commands Meng Gu to wash dishes, sweep the floor and wipe the table. Why is it that when they asked about this matter, everyone had to ask for Meng Gu’s opinion? Is her opinion irrelevant?

Well, she does not have any opinion. She will also abide by Meng Gu’s arrangement. In order to test Meng Gu, she deliberately told him about their parents’ worries and said that their parents had asked about their marriage plans.

As a result, Meng Gu calmly said. "I will call them. If they ask you the next time, tell them to call me directly and not to harass you." So, does he mean that he does not have any plans? If he has plans, wouldn’t he tell me straight away?

Chen Ruo Yu was a bit disappointed. But when she thought of the time when she first decided to be with Meng Gu, she had thought a lot and maybe Meng Gu is now doing an assessment of some situation.

She should believe in him. Thinking of this, Chen Ruo Yu was able to accept this situation. The most important thing is that Meng Gu is really good to her and they are living very happily.

On this day, Chen Ruo Yu went shopping and bought some clothes for Meng Gu.

During this time, Meng Gu was away on a business trip. He went abroad to attend a seminar with the Director. He said this was a good opportunity for him to learn and he felt very happy. But two days ago, he had called her to tell her that his favorite blue shirt was dirtied at the reception when he accidentally spilled some wine on it. Then that guy who always squandered money threw away the shirt without hesitation, with the excuse that wine stains could not be removed. He also said that the cost of washing the shirt was not cheap and a new shirt could be bought with laundry cost plus an additional small amount of money.

Chen Ruo Yu remembered that shirt was very expensive. She really wanted to make Meng Gu tell her how much was the cost of laundering the shirt so that she could compare the cost and find out how much she had to top up to buy him a new shirt. In actual fact, she knew her family’s Mr. Tyrannosaurus is lazy and he did not want to put the dirty shirt in his bag to bring it home. Sometimes his weird disorder of laziness and fetish for cleanliness really make her want to knock him on his head.

Well, anyway, she remembered the matter about his shirt. Tomorrow is the day Mr. Tyrannosaurus will be returning home and she wanted to give him a surprise. So she went shopping and bought him a new shirt that was exactly the same with the shirt he threw away to give him as a reunion gift.

When she bought the shirt, she saw a pair of pants. The style looked good and the size was also right for Mr. Tyrannosaurus, so she bought him a pair of pants as well. When she passed the shoe store, she saw a pair of men’s leather shoes on display. The shoes looked very smart and so she could not control herself and bought a pair. Later, she remembered that several of his underwear had been worn for a long time. It was time for him to change them, so she went to the store that he usually frequented to buy him a few pieces of branded underwear of his favorite styles and patterns.

After a round of shopping, all the shopping bags she carried in her hands were all for Mr. Tyrannosaurus. Chen Ruo Yu thought for a while and felt there should not be anything that she had left out and she was satisfied with the result. So she went to the café on the first floor of the mall for a rest. She planned to have a drink before leaving.

She sat down at a table near the floor-to-ceiling panel glass window and propped up her chin with her hands to look out at the street scene. People were walking and moving around on the streets. There were a few sweet couples and one of them seemed like an old couple. A pair of white-haired old folks was resting on a bench facing the street. The old man gave the old lady a bottle of water and the old lady handed a handkerchief to the old man to wipe his sweat.She watched the couple and felt really envious. If she and Meng Gu could be like them, become an old couple, how happy would it be? Suddenly she thought, Meng Gu that guy did not make any move recently.......could it be he is waiting for her to propose marriage first?

Then she seriously thought about this. According to the temper of her Mr. Tyrannosaurus, there is really such a possibility. She thought about his behavior and the more she thought about this, the more she felt that it was possible and it seemed he had hinted several times to her.

For example, he had said that he would not mind if she takes the initiative. Of course, that scene, at that time, she was a bit shy and she did not think much of it. Another example, he had said that if she did not like a bouquet made out of human bone models, then she had to personally find a solution to it. At that time, she had thought he was trying to stir up trouble with her. Well, in short, she did not pay much attention to several of this kind of conversation held in a joking manner but now thinking about this carefully, it is quite reasonable for him not to make any movement.

So in order to satisfy his male vanity, should she take the initiative to propose to him? She does not mind doing this and if she can make him happy, she will feel happy too. However, this kind of thing is a bit taxing on her brains. She is a bit stupid, so how should she propose to make it a grand and impressive proposal, so that it will make him happy and also allow her to keep her face? She feels a little lazy and does not want to use her brains. Therefore, this matter is best left to Meng Gu to do it.

Chen Ruo Yu seriously thought about this and decided to send Meng Gu a text message to test him.

~ I saw an old couple on the street. They were so loving.

Meng Gu quickly returned her text message.

~ Wait for me to come back and let me love you.

Pei! Saying indecent words again! Chen Ruo Yu my hint not clear enough for him to understand?

At this time, Meng Gu sent a text message to her and asked her where she was, on which street and what she was doing there. She replied to him and also hinted again, saying that she went shopping to buy underwear for him like they were an old couple.

Meng Gu replied.

~ Very good. Whoever bought it will have to be responsible for taking it off.

Chen Ruo Yu looked at her phone and blushed. This man, will he die if he does not tease her for a day? Just as she was holding her phone and smiling, she saw an attractive figure outside the window coming from a distance walking towards her.

When that person came near Chen Ruo Yu, her footsteps faltered and a look of surprise showed on her face. She had also noticed Chen Ruo Yu.

It was Qi Yao.

The two women looked at each other for a moment through the floor-to-ceiling panel glass window.

Chen Ruo Yu blinked and felt her spirits dampened. A short while back, when this woman was drunk, she took the opportunity to pretend to be crazily drunk and called Meng Gu on the phone. She cried bitterly and begged for pity on the phone but Meng Gu ignored her. Later, she arranged for a class reunion and got other people to invite Meng Gu over. When Meng Gu saw her, he turned around and left. This matter made Chen Ruo Yu very unhappy.

Chen Ruo Yu could not fully understand. Since Qi Yao had abandoned Meng Gu that year, and now turning around, she is so infatuated with him, so what does this mean? And isn’t it true that Qi Yao is said to be very proud? If she is such a proud woman, why then did she degrade herself to do such a thing? Meng Gu explained to her. "Because she is too proud, so she can’t convince herself that she has been rejected."She will only allow herself to abandon others but does not accept she has been rejected by others? This kind of selfish pride makes people nauseous.

Chen Ruo Yu believes this woman still loves Meng Gu but her love is too distorted which is completely beyond Chen Ruo Yu’s scope of understanding. Chen Ruo Yu turned her head around and pretended not to see her.

She was concentrating on playing with her cell phone and thought about sending a message to Meng Gu to ask him the time of his flight tomorrow. She planned to pick him up but before she could even key in the text, suddenly someone sat down at her table. Chen Ruo Yu raised her head and saw Qi Yao.

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She frowned and felt a little unhappy. What does this woman mean by coming over?

"I want to talk to you." Qi Yao said and her tone sounded extremely rude.

Chen Ruo Yu put down her cell phone and stared at her. Qi Yao added. "Let’s talk." She really was overbearing with an imposing manner.

It was a pity that Chen Ruo Yu had been trained by Mr. Tyrannosaurus for such a long time and she had already adapted to face this kind of overbearing and imposing manner. She pursed her lips and said. "This right if you have good manners, you should have said..... ’Please, can I talk to you?’. After I had agreed, then you can sit down. But if I don’t agree to talk to you, you should say ’Sorry for disturbing you.’ and then leave quietly."

When Qi Yao heard those words, her face turned black and had an ugly expression. Gritting her teeth, she said. "I have already sat down." She displayed a grand posture as if to say ’What can you do?’.

Playing roguish? Chen Ruo Yu sneered in her heart. Unfortunately for Qi Yao, Chen Ruo Yu has a lot of experience handling rogues and she only accepts this type of behavior from her family’s Mr. Tyrannosaurus.

"So what if you had sat down? Your legs are not fractured, so you can still stand up and walk. No one is stopping you." Chen Ruo Yu also put on a grand posture that says ’No one cares about you.’

"Why are you putting on airs?" Qi Yao could not control her composure. She just wanted to come over and vent out her resentment but did not expect she would run into a hard nail.

"This is not called ’putting on airs’. This is called discourtesy." Chen Ruo Yu straightened her back. "As to why I can be discourteous to you, there is also a good explanation. First, you came uninvited, you don’t have manners. Second, you have a hateful personality, when I see you it annoys me. Third, you have bad motives, I don’t have anything to discuss with you. So, can you tell me why I should be courteous to you? In addition, I should ask you in return ~ Why are you putting on airs?"

The color on Qi Yao’s face turned pale and then green. She said coldly. "I did not expect you have the gift of gab, different from what they said."

"It’s my family’s Meng Gu who had taught me well." Chen Ruo Yu deliberately angered her. "In addition, you are already old enough and not young anymore, so don’t always listen to other people. Don’t you have eyes and brains to judge for yourself? Or is it, if there is a situation you would put the blame on others and say it has nothing to do with you? It was like this when you made discreet enquiries about Meng Gu. The same happened when you wanted to see Meng Gu. Now you come looking for me purposely to cause me trouble and you are also behaving like this. If they tell you that you should die, will you do it? Also, you said ’They said’......who are ’They’? What did they say about me? If you want to hint that I am a fool in the eyes of other people, then you can stop hinting. Just say it to me directly. I am very stupid. If you want to belittle me, don’t go around in circles, I won’t be able to understand. If I don’t understand, you won’t have a sense of accomplishment and once you don’t have that feeling, you will make yourself angry. So why bother doing it?"After Chen Ruo Yu had finished speaking, she felt very angry and unable to control herself, she added. "I seemed to have said quite a lot. Usually, I am really stupid but today I have far exceeded my level of expression. It seems being angry can also stimulate a person’s potential."

She picked up her cell phone that was lying on the table and sent a text message to Meng Gu to ask him the time of his flight home tomorrow. This time, she really needed the good news of her Mr. Tyrannosaurus homecoming to comfort herself.

Qi Yao was livid as she sat opposite Chen Ruo Yu without speaking. Chen Ruo Yu did not even want to look directly at her and planned to leave after she had sent the text message. She was too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman.

As a result, Meng Gu replied as soon as her message was sent out. At the same time, Qi Yao also started to talk.

The text message was.

~ Not telling you.

Really hateful! Chen Ruo Yu felt that her Mr. Tyrannosaurus is getting naughtier.

And the words Qi Yao said was. "I love Meng Gu."

This is even more annoying.

Chen Ruo Yu felt that Qi Yao must be sent here by a shameless planet to attack the earth and her duty was to teach the people on earth her shameless skills.

Chen Ruo Yu threw back a sentence at her flatly. "Meng Gu loves me." She put her cell phone into her bag, gathered her shopping bags that were beside her and prepared to leave.

In the end, Qi Yao felt it was still not enough and said to Chen Ruo Yu nauseatingly. "So what if he loves you? I will forever be in his heart."

Suddenly Chen Ruo Yu stopped her hand movements and raised her head to look at Qi Yao.

Qi Yao looked pale and her hands were twisted together. Her words were squeezed out one by one from her mouth. "You don’t understand the feelings we had for each other at that time. You will not know how much we love each other. He will never love another woman as he loves me just as I will never love another man as I love him."

Chen Ruo Yu stared at her and studied her for a while. Then she dropped her shopping bags and sat up straight. She said. "Miss Qi, with your state of mind, are you sure you can really be a doctor? What if you give the wrong diagnosis to a patient? Are there any regulations in your medical system that will make sure a person who is mentally sick cannot be a doctor? Do you go for yearly check-ups?"

"No matter what you say, you can never deny the fact that I and Meng Gu’s have deep feelings for each other, so deep that he will never forget me. Even though we can’t be together, somewhere in his heart there will always be a place for me."

Chen Ruo Yu suppressed the impulse to pick up the glass of water on the table to splash it on her. She gritted her teeth. Now she knows Qi Yao’s real purpose for coming in. She did not come to snatch away Meng Gu because she could not do it. Qi Yao came just to make her suffer in pain, make her angry and make her vent her temper on Meng Gu. Even if she could not be together with Meng Gu, she did not want his current girlfriend to have it easy.

For the first time, Chen Ruo Yu understood the true meaning of ’Anger turning into Laughter’ because she smiled. She was very angry, her lungs were almost going to explode but she still smiled and said. "Miss Qi, do you know? When I was a child, I loved to eat dates very much but once I ate a bug in a date. Immediately I became so sick that I vomited all the contents in my stomach. Thereafter, I never ate dates anymore because I have a psychological shadow. I will always remember the disgusting feeling I had when I bit into the bug. Miss Qi, Meng Gu will also feel the same. Of course, he will never forget you since he does not have amnesia. So what is so surprising if he still remembers you in his heart? Are you so lonely at present that even this can make you feel so immeasurably self-satisfied? You had plunged a knife into Meng Gu’s heart. Do you think you should feel proud because a man remembered you for the hurt you caused him? You are wrong. Have you heard of the saying ’The wound is healed, the scar is forgotten’? Now I am taking care of Meng Gu’s heart."Chen Ruo Yu stood up and picked her up shopping bags. She said. "Miss Qi, you are not young anymore. I remembered in a movie there was a line that said......once a woman had aged, the possibility of marrying compared to the possibility of getting killed by a terrorist is very much lower. The relationship of my family’s Meng Gu and you had already ended. So you should do your best."

She carried her shopping bags, picked up the bill and was about to walk to the check-out counter to pay when Qi Yao stared at her and suddenly said. "Meng Gu’s first time was mine. Our first time was given to each other."

Chen Ruo Yu did not turn her head and replied. "In the future, his every time will be mine."

Angrily she rushed to the counter to pay her bill and then decided to leave. But suddenly Chen Ruo Yu turned around and strode back to Qi Yao and said to her. "Miss Qi, in the past you hurt Meng Gu because your family’s condition was not good and felt everyone looked down on you. You don’t want other people to think that you and Meng Gu were together because you harbored intentions. But you have to understand that a family’s condition that is not good and poor, are not the reasons people look down on you. Only people who belittle themselves will allow other people to look down on them. Miss Qi, don’t blame others for looking down on you and don’t resent Meng Gu for not looking back. Let me tell you, there are reasons for this. You should go back and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You are really too cheap!"

After saying all those words in one breath, she saw Qi Yao clenched her fists and her face had turned livid. Chen Ruo Yu was unable to describe Qi Yao’s expression and the look in her eyes. Anger? Embarrassment? Grief?

Does Qi Yao feel regretful? Does she feel foolish for coming over to pick on her? But a normal person should know that such inferior and retarded actions were not good, so did she do this on an impulse because she was unable to control herself?

Chen Ruo Yu looked at the beautiful face of Qi Yao again. Reap what you sow! You deserve it! She really did not feel even a little sympathy for her.

With a belly full of anger, Chen Ruo Yu came out and hailed a taxi home. Along the way, the more she thought, the angrier she became. In this world, why are there this kind of women? One who had destroyed her own happiness and also wanted to destroy the happiness of others.

Chen Ruo Yu was thinking, if at that time her pursuit of Meng Gu was successful, then now being provoked by Qi Yao, perhaps she will really be unable to control herself and quarrel with Meng Gu. Or maybe not quarrel since she is so useless, maybe she will feel sad, then Meng Gu will be unhappy and impatient then it will still lead to quarreling. Then will there be a possibility they will develop into an unhappy couple?

Fortunately, Meng Gu had rejected her at the beginning. When he rejected her, it gave her a chance to slowly get along with him, it gave her a chance to think a lot, it gave her a chance to mold herself mentally and spiritually, it gave her a chance to really understand him and fall in love with him.

So now she is strong, rational and tolerant. She felt very angry, very angry with Qi Yao and at the same time she felt her heart ache......her heart ached for her Mr. Tyrannosaurus who had once been hurt by this kind of a woman.

Chen Ruo Yu sniffed and came to the decision that she would take the initiative to propose to Meng Gu. He is a good man and he is worthy of a woman who does not care about other issues, one who will only give him love and make him happy. And she......she wants to be this woman.

Once she had decided, immediately she thought of how to propose to him. Well, the proposal will be set for tomorrow so that Meng Gu will get a surprise when he comes back.

What are the items generally used for a proposal? Ring, fresh flowers, balloons...... What else?

First, it is the ring, which is an obstacle for her. She did not know how thick is Meng Gu’s finger and she did not even know the way the size of a ring is determined. She is not as sharp as Meng Gu in deciding the style of the rings and in case he does not like the style of the ring she had picked, it would look bad. It seems like the ring is not easy to get ready.

She thought about this. She decided to use a pen to draw a ring round his finger first and later when the proposal is successful, then only they will go hand-in-hand to buy a real ring.

Then there are the flowers and the balloons. She sent a text message to Meng Gu again and asked him for the time of his flight tomorrow. That guy Meng Gu still gave her the same reply.

~ Not telling you.

Really hateful! How could there be such a hateful man? If he did not tell her the time, how would she be able to decorate the house to give him a surprise? She thought about this and decided to buy the things first. She knew where she could find a flower shop which also sells balloons and small decorative festive items. So she quickly instructed the driver to turn around and take her there.

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