An Owl’s Rise Chapter 14 14 Rage

After watching the life of her father fade away, Evelyn felt like an ice-cold dagger had been thrust into her heart.

This was the second time she had to witness both of her parents die, and it was immensely painful as these new wounds reopened all of the old ones she had tried so hard to forget.

’Next, they will kill my new brother and then it will be complete. I will have had to watch my family die again.’

Losing herself, Evelyn’s thoughts and emotions were in so much turmoil she had practically gone catatonic.

However, this state did not last long, as once the researcher and his assistants had finished retrieving the item that had killed both of Evelyn’s parents, he walked right up to her.

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*"Oh it looks like your spirit has begun to break. Hm, but that is no good. Ah I know."*

Leaving Evelyn be for now, the researcher went over to his assistants and gave them some more orders, before heading out of the room.

Yet when he came back, Evelyn was forcefully pulled from her numb state that her body had entered to try and protect herself.


Being thrown down in front of her were the heads of both her parents, and the emotions she had bottled up for only a little while burst free again.

Despair, sadness, grief, they all came rushing back to her as her parents’ heads were thrust in front of her.

However, as she looked up from her parents’ severed heads and looked at the psychopath who had done this to them, a new set of emotion began to rise up.

Anger, rage, hatred. Ugly emotions that she had tried to keep down since they had only made her life harder.

The last time she had experienced emotions like these, she killed the man who had tormentor her for years. Her original father.

For all this man had done to her and her new family she wanted to kill him. No longer was fear what motivated her to want to escape. Now she wanted to get free and gouged this man’s throat out with her talons.

*"Yes, that is better. I can see the murder in your eyes, that you hate me. Of course, why would you not after I had you locked in a cage and killed your parents. Now make sure to remember how much you want to kill me. It might just be what you need to survive."*

After saying this, the researcher grabbed ahold of Evelyn and pulled her off of the platform she was on.

Immediately she felt her body regain its ability to move, and she began thrashing around trying to hurt this man.

Unfortunately, even though she was now far more motivated to kill him, it did not change the fact that she was powerless to do so.

Soon, the researcher had personally tied Evelyn up to the table where her parents had recently met their ends.

"Chief are you really sure that you want to go through with this. I think that this owl could make a good test subject for other experiments in the future. Do you really want to waste her on this when she has nearly a hundred percent chance of death?" One of the researcher’s assistants asked.

"Yes, I do. This is the pressing matter we have been tasked with right now, and I believe that this owl has what we have been lacking so far in all of our test subjects so far. Her soul is far stronger than it should be, and I believe that has been the underlying factor that has ended with every other subject being a failure."

Nodding his head, the assistant fell back in line and began preparing to record what data he could, once their next subject came in contact with the item they were studying.

With everything set up, the researcher once again brought out the clear box that contained the dark purple sphere with four rings spinning around it.

Placing it over Evelyn’s chest, he opened it up and waited for it to gravitate towards her.

All the while Evelyn stared hatefully at this man who had destroyed her new life, all in the pursuit of whatever twisted goals he had.

Certainly, she felt fear since she had seen this object kill her parents and knew it had killed many other beasts as well.

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Still, her terror could not seem to overpower her anger, and in fact fueled it.

She was fed up with the cruelty she was always forced to experience and wanted to lash out and strike back at those who hurt her.

However, her current situation gave her no chance to enact any sort of vengeance, and soon the object had floated right up to her.

It quickly began passing into her chest, and Evelyne felt a slight tinglingly situation as it did.

Then for a moment she felt nothing, before her body pulsed and the pain began.

Now she could feel the item inside her trying attach itself to her body and soul.

’What the hell is this thing.’ She thought before another wave of indescribable pain washed over her.

Just like her parents and all the beasts that had been exposed to this item, Evelyn’s body began to break apart as this sphere tried to make a connection.

Immediately blood began pouring out of her and her bones broke apart, as the power within the sphere spread out over her body.

She could tell that it was trying to remake her, but for what purpose she did not know.

Pain and more pain began to compile in her body as every second seemed like an eternity of agony.

At many points she almost wanted to give in and let the pain take her until she felt nothing, but her rage kept her going.

She could feel it now that there was some power in this object that was remaking her, and just as her father had, she realized that she may be able to use it.

’I have endured pain all my life. I can get through this. I have even died before, so this is nothing!’ Evelyn screamed within her own head

The images of those that she hated began flashing through her mind.

First was her father who had beaten her all through her childhood until she killed him.

Next was the psycho who murdered her and her brother after torturing them for weeks.

Finally, the face of the man who had killed her new parents and was currently using her in his savage experiment.

These were the people she could never forgive for what they had done to her, and she wanted them all to die.

Holding onto this desire, Evelyn fought through the pain even as she was ripped apart body and soul.

It was only due to her past trauma and her desire to avenge herself that she was able to stay alive through this process. Her soul that had been tempered through unimaginable pain and suffering, was just able to hold out against the overwhelming power held within the item that had been forced into her.

Eventually her body stopped breaking apart and her soul was no longer being ripped to shreds.

Her bones began to knit back together and the blood that had flowed out of her began to be sucked back in.

Quickly she was fully restored with not a single mark to indicate that she had just gone through hell.

Seeing this the researcher and his assistants practically began jumping with joy as they reveled in their first successes.

However, their celebrating did not last long, stopping the moment Evelyn opened her eyes.

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